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10 Bachata Basic Steps - How To Dance For Beginners

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Hey guys , welcome to our 10 Basic Figures of Maatta .

Uh My name is K and this is my lovely assistant June .

June , say hi .

Alright .

So we're going to try to help explain the 10 basic steps .

But before we do , I just want to give a few disclaimer quick ones and then we'll get along with the video .

So the first thing is that this is a fundamental video .

We're not going to cover a lot of lady styling , a lot of weight shifts , complex um footwork and all the kind of other things involved .

So it's very basic and I'll explain the steps when you watch the video as you go on .

Ok .

And the other thing that I just mentioned , we will cover that in future videos for intermediate and advanced videos .

That's where you see all the fancy handwork , the styling , the footwork shift and changing legs or the weights and timings of the lady steps and your steps as well .

So another disclaimer as well is that every school has its uh school or teacher has its different ways of teaching a particular move .

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So we have a way we share with our students So if you have your style , it's fine to stick with it .

If you like your style , you can learn to adapt to it , whichever way it's fine in school .

OK .

So naming of the moves can be quite different as well .

So there is never a , you know , general rule for that .

So one tip to avoid is to not learn from too many sources .

If you're beginner , try to stick to one source .

because if you're learning from five different teachers , they're gonna tell you five different things .

It's just going to confuse the heck out of you .

So don't do that .

Stick with easy stuff .

Stick with one or two Macs and then learn from there and progress .

Ok ?

Uh The last few things I want to say is that these , these , these classes that we're doing online is not meant to replace an actual dance class .

Ok ?

You guys need to go out there and find a local nearest studios and , and teachers are our favorite ones and go learn from them .

These are just online and complimentary to what you may already know or you're curious to get again to start learning some basic steps .

OK ?

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So remember it's a complimentary , it's not meant to replace .

Ok .

So last but not least , most importantly , you have to go out there and social dance because this is a social dance that you're learning .

There's no point in just learning lessons at home and you know , 3 to 6 months or taking just group classes and never going out there for actual dance party and ever applying step up there in , in real life .

So you need to go out there and do that .

So I usually encourage people first class .

It doesn't matter .

You have your friends , you have your classmates , take them , encourage them to go out there and social already , right ?

That experience is yours to keep and you know , it just builds every single time you go out .

So with all that having said , I hope you guys enjoyed the video coming up .

So let's get started .

All right guys , we're here to share with you how to begin with the Bachata Basic Span .

So guys gonna begin with the left foot ladies to the right foot and we're going to go to the left ladies to the right .

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So following my count , this is how it's gonna look , we're gonna go 5678 and left , right , drawing in left and tap .

Ladies can do a hip movement .

And on the five , I'm going to the right 1567 and 10 .

So again , we go 567 go 12 , three and 10 , 567 in 10 .

1 more .

123 and four 567 and 10 and N OK .

So that was the basic step .

Now we're gonna pair and show you how it's done in the side view .

So on the side view you will see that I have my hand with her on the midsection , palm to palm and not too high midsection around here .

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Arms a little bad guys .

You don't have to be too far away to stay around this range .

OK ?

And the same with the basic , you're gonna guide with a little bit of a tuck in this way with the tension 10 and I will leave with my left foot going 123 and tap right 67 and tap again , 123 and tap and 567 and tap .

So coming across the other side so you can see the different view just right here .

So starting again .

Now I'm going to my left 5678 and 123 and tap 567 and tap one 23 and tap 567 and finish .

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Ok , guys , there's also a closed position .

Embrace what we call the close embrace .

So here my right hand is on her left shoulder blade , not too low just about here where there's a muscle area you can feel for ladies , your elbow will press a little bit down not too much .

So you have a nice frame , you kind of lean back to find the eye and our left hand up here in the midsection .

So same thing , we're going to lead her doing a basic step going 123 and tap 567 , tap 123 , tap 56 seven and finish .

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So turning around , I'm gonna show you guys from my point of view , you can see from here I go 123 and tap 567 and tap n 123 , tap 567 and finish .

Ok , guys , we're going to show you how to do the left and right turns .

So we're do it separately by going off in different directions .

They will come back and do a , a part of work and show you how to lead the group .

So guys are going to start turning immediately onto our one .

So on one quarter , turn the same thing for the ladies and she's going to go that way , June and for me here .

So 567 , we're going to go one turning feet together to weight shift for me on the right , turning into a three , placing my weight here and drawing in with the tap four and five .

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I'm going to start turning again , wanna turn six , turning seven , placing my weight on my right and tapped one more time .

We're going to turn out immediately going 12 , three and 10 and five six seven .

Ok .

So now I'm going to do an partner work .

Now , partner work , you will see what I do with the hands as to signal the growth , how we will lead to left and right .

So same with the basic frame that you have from the open hole .

I'm going to start with a 123 and four .

So I'll raise my hand here by four and will release my right hand here .

I'm going to let her start turning into a five into a five .

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She starts turning , keep walking with her six seven and reconnect with her eight .

So one more time from here , basically , we're going half 12 , raise the hand and 567 and connect .

So one last time , go 12 , raise the hand and , and turn 67 and finish .

So the next one is I'm going to make my turn that way instead .

So we'll start with the basic going 123 and 456 .

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I'll raise the other hand and turn 123 and 4567 again and 12345 , raise the hand , turning her 1234567 and eight .

So we're gonna show you from the back view .

I'm turning the 12 , raise hand , turn 678123 .

The other side 56 78 , 12345 67 eight .

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All right guys , we are back to show you how to execute the cross step and the cross step revolves uh using the frame that the girl gives you and the basic frame that you provide here as well .

So there's going to be push , pull with the frame like this .

So you guys got to get tension in the middle to be able to send the girl this way .

So it's not about this , it's about having this frame fixed and you moving yourself with it .

OK ?

So the , the first part that we're going to do is we're immediately going to start turning ourselves and using the right a little bit more to turn the growth in this way .

And we're gonna push it back to using a left .

I'm gonna , you get afraid turning your back three , then you tap form .

So let's redo that part again .

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So using your whole frame , you're already gonna start by pushing with the right , so that she starts tapping back on the one , then go back .

Two left arm starts to push , but your whole frame stays together , bring her back three as you pivot in changing weight and tapping on your form , then you go back to basic 5678 .

So one more time as I turn and go 12 , bring back and set , then you can repeat it on the other side .

But this time , the left arm needs to already turn into five and you turn in the 67 , your right arm turns back seven , changing weight and tap eight .

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So again from here , five , you need to start turning with here with your frame with five in the back six , turning to seven changing weight and tapping back to basic step .

So the whole thing will look like this if you do it .

Uh back to back 56 .

You go basic , we go 12 three and 456 .

Me into a one to bring her back three and 10 .

No 56 .

Bring her back again and 10 , 1 more time .

12345678 and 1234567 and 10 .

Right now it was four ladies going backwards .

So now we're gonna do how the guys will actually go backwards instead .

So she's gonna be stepping forward instead .

So I'll do one basic step .

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I go 12345 67 .

I prepare myself and I will turn , but this time my left starts pushing first and I start back at one and I need two , bring her back on three , turning myself tapping four and then going back on five six , bringing them back seven and tap eight .

So again , I repeat the steps .

I'm going back one to bring her in form .

I turn five six , bring her in seven and finish .

So key point to note guys is that my hands have always been in this position this way .

I've never been doing like this .

This will be wrong .

So let's see it from the back side of the view .

Ok .

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So we're going basic going 12345 and do the first one that we did and 1234567 eight .

Now , so I'm going to go back now , I'm going back 56 , seven and 12 , turning , tap , turning back , turning and seven .

Ok , guys , we're here to show you how to do the Hemlock turn .

Hemlock turn basically looks just like the basic turn that you did except that both hands are connected at all times .

So we're gonna do for the ladies only , not for the guys .

So I'm starting with the basic , I go 123 and four .

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I'm gonna raise this hand to turn her while I lower my left arm and she goes five , six and seven and 10 .

Ok .

So one more time , I'm going to go 123 and four .

Raising the right lowering the left , this right hand does not turn left hand just keeps it down and relaxed because it naturally will curl into a hand .

So from here , she's turning into a five 67 and finish .

So from here , we will continue into a one , but I'm going to turn out with this hand turning into 123 and four back to basic 67 and eight for repeating it again .

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I got 123 and four turning 56 seven .

Tap back onto 123 and four , finish six and seven and 10 .

So from this other view , you can see start again .

Basic number one , 23 and four , turn 67 10 , return 23 and four , finish six and seven eight .

Now from the back view , which is easier for you to see the lock .

We're going to go 1234 , turn towards hand 678 .

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So you can see from here our hands are in this position , then you're gonna unwind her back with your right hand turning 123 and four back to basic 667 a again , 123 and four .

Turn 67812 three and four , finish 67 .

And then , all right guys , we're going to show you how we do the round the world move .

Uh also , uh commonly known as the ads .

So I'll interchange the words ads and around the world .

So this is how it looks .

You can either do it in a close position or open hole .

So it ho I will do a basic half , basic step .

I'm going 123 and four or five because of our frame and our tension .

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What's up ?

My name is Matt Stina .

And today I'm gonna teach you guys how to dance .

Like Neo .

Neo really doesn't dance a whole lot , but what he does , he does really well .

Neo is known for his smooth glides , his walks his points .

He's a very subtle dancer , but he comes across really strong in his movement .

So I'm going to teach you guys a short combination today that will help you learn to dance better like me .

Now we're going to start by stepping on our left foot as you do this , you're going to drop your left shoulder down from here .

You're going to step your right foot behind to pick this knee up to step it out to the side .

We're going to repeat the same step on the other side , stepping down with the right foot and dropping the right shoulder to pick this up again .

This time when you put your right foot down , you're going to put it behind your left to turn around to face the side .

Let's try that again .

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56781 and that's how you dance like Neil .

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Now guys , um the around the world you can do it either in a corner turn or full turn or half turn .

Ladies , you just need to follow the guy whenever he does .

Um You can feel from how much force he is putting into the turn .

So if I want to do it , I can do four corner turns to end up with a full one .

Can go 123 , the first quarter five six seven 8123 four .

Another quantum turn 6781 22 .

Quorum turn no turning 678 .

Last 1234 , finish six seven .

Back to the original position .

All you guys , we're going to show you how we do the and true first step which basically exchanges positions and happens right after form .

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So we have to give a bit of a prep at three which goes 12 , pushing back , three and 10 .

So you notice our positions have opened up .

So let's try that again from here , same open position undergoing 12 , pushing forward and pull one more time .

From here we go 12 , push and pull .

So I'm getting ready to step forward on the five with my right foot while I pull it in and releasing my right hand , this is just gonna step forward with your left foot .

So here we have our four as I release I pull in and I release five , turning her six , she finishes her turn seven .

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I'm coming in to face her eight back to tap back to basic one , 23 and 4567 and eight .

So one more time from this angle , we're going one , two , push three and four , gonna pull it in with my left arm , right arm , pull in , let go six .

Stepping in .

Finishing here and tap eight back to basic 12345 678 .

So one more time .

But this time from this angle , you can see us switch positions .

We're doing a 12 push and ready .

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Bring in turn finish and connect right two basic 234 again , repeat 78 , 12 , push and hold , pulling an N five turn 67 .

And now we've changed positions .

All right guys , we're going to explain how we do what is also known as the cross body lead in , in macha dance .

So right here in your open frame , let's do a basic , I go 123 and 45 step away seven and 10 .

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So I basically clear this space for her where I'm going to be the cross and we'll see then again , ready , we go 1234567 .

Get ready to lead her across .

So when I need her across , she's going to start with the right foot and I'm going to bring this side across going 12 , turning her three and 10 .

So let's go back to this position guys .

You just continue with your footwork .

Some guys like to stay there .

But for beginners , I would suggest to do your steps as well .

So from here leading a forward , we go one turn uh three and 10 and from here you need back to the position guys .

We're gonna turn back as well or five 678 .

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So again , one turn 345678 .

So I'm gonna try to maintain my uh position facing the side , the camera .

She's just going to go straight from the line one more time from here from the basic .

I'm leading her to a 123 and 45 step away .

Seven tap and forward .

Turn 34 .

Bring in six seven .

Tap again , 234 .

Not to end the move just a basic ending .

I'm going to lead her to my regular the right basic step going 567 and finish .

All right .

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So let's see that again from this point of view saying one doing a basic 12345 , staffing away N 81223456 seven and tap back 123 and come into joining her back here and back to 567 and eight .

Let's see it from here .

Instead , you can see my back view as I'm doing the move .

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I do basic 12 , 23456 stepping seven away in one , turn 234 , bringing them back 67 , eight and again , 12 , stepping in to finish and back to basic 567 and eight .

You guys can do this also with a close position .

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The hope that race will look like this going 12 and 456 , stepping away forward with the back hand to turn three and four , bring forward forward , turn and step again 1234567812 , stepping in four and finishing back to basic 67 and eight .

Ok , guys , I'm going to show you how we do what I call the cradle .

So different uh schools or teachers may call it differently .

So our version here , it looks like this .

We're gonna make her do a turn but with two hands and still connected .

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So we start up the basic 23 , raise the hand , turning her by keeping my right hand , it connected with her .

I'm turning her 567 and maintaining to the side just slightly behind her by the side .

So let's see that again .

So it's a half turn 4123 and 4567 and connecting position here seven and 10 .

So LA is free to go on the right foot .

One guys is free to go on your left foot .

So one more time again , 567 and 1234 , turn 67 and 10 from this position , guys , I'm going to use our right wrist area at the lower back to gently guide her forward on the right foot while we take a forward step .

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So we go 123 and 10 and right foot goes back for guys , left foot goes back the same as for ladies , but keeping a lightly sandwich lightly with both hands , bringing them back five 67 , 10 .

And we repeat pushing from the back going one , 23 and four and 567 and 10 .

So that is doing a walk with her .

You can also do a half turn from here from here .

What I'm going to do is doing the same uh wrist area from the back .

I will turn her on one , but I will raise this to her shoulder level , but without disconnecting .

So I will turn with her as well .

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I'll turn to go 123 and four So her back is facing the camera right , and she turns out again , using my left arm on the shoulder like me to turn her back 567 and 10 .

Then turner again , 1234567 and eight .

So from here , what I would like to do to exit usually is to use this hand and I'm gonna let go this hand as I turn her in a what we call a spinning her out , but keeping the right hand connected .

So same step she's going to do .

But as I turn her out , I'm going to step backwards , I step back 12 , go in a line three and four .

So we're now kind of in line with each other .

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And if you notice from this point of view , if I'm here going to spin it out , you will see how our hands are connected .

So I will send her out with this hand going out , one , 234 .

So important thing guys here and ladies as well is to keep your arms bent shoulders back and having a , a nice anchor and lock .

You don't want to have it this way of slouching forward .

You want to hear right here so you can have a nice anchor .

So again , from the cradle , when we're on the side , as I am setting her out right hand going one , 23 and anchor .

So once you're in this position , the next step is leading her 567 to come into you .

So I will use my connection with her here .

Ladies , she's going to keep your tension .

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Don't straighten the up and step forward on a fire while I step back , guys , six , start to turn her seven .

Release and whole position .

Usually guys will come back into a close embrace .

So the the idea here ladies is for you to come forward to find a guy .

So let's get back into that position from here as I lean forward , she comes straight turning in and I connect this way .

So ladies , once you feel the guy's hand is behind you , your job is to quickly get the elbow up and across so that you don't end up this way with the guy , ok ?

You wanna end up with a cloth and brace .

So let's see that again from this lean forward doing 567 and close and when you close up , you can actually guys go back into a close and raise position .

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So um one more time from here leading a forward coming in 56 connect seven and hold and you can go back to basic 1 to 34567 and eight .

So let's start again .

Um This time we'll do it from this point of view .

So you can see the cradle from the back .

Um I'm gonna add , include the walk the half term and then the spin out and come back again .

So we do a basic , we go 123 turning her half in the cradle 5678 .

No , we use the 10 .

So not walking with us 1235 six .

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I'm gonna do a half turn leading her shoulder up to three four back 67 sending her out with this hand with 123 and four .

Bring her in five six seven .

Connect eight by two basic 234567 and eight .

Ok , guys , we're going to show you what I call the Superman .

Uh Basically Superman is for this basic tutorial .

This 10 basic figures .

We're not going to change the lady's steps , the more intermediate and advanced dancers , they actually do actually change the lady steps to suit the man's timing instead .

But for this video , we stick strictly to the lady's time .

Guys , you have to get used to changing the whole timing footwork instead .

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So this is a different version and uh many teachers or schools may teach different versions .

So this is the way I will do it .

So basically we do 123 and 45678 .

I'm going to start turning in and I'm gonna switch my timing to hers .

I go one to hold it there .

Three , holding my weight here and tap four .

So my left foot starts to tap instead of my right foot .

So now I'm on the same timing , then I'm going to connect my other hand with her .

She's , she's gonna keep her hand around the waist level .

She sees the hand coming and then we start five with her timing instead .

567 and 10 .

So notice now I'm now on the lady's timing .

Yeah , I will complete this with another basic with the lady going one , 23 and four .

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Now five , I'm gonna start letting go .

Her left hand , let it go and I'm stepping away from her 56 raising seven and 10 .

So at this point , she knows something is coming up .

So I'm gonna start turning her towards a one and from here I turn her into a one , two , three and four .

So guys , you need to know how to shift your weight three and four because we want to go back to our timing so that we can go back to basic into 567 and eight .

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So here again when I do my basic with her , it's a basic with her going that way we do one , 23 and 45 stepping away letting go 67 ready , turning her one two , three and four .

So guys , by doing that , you switch your own timing back to good timing , then you can leave it back to basic 567 and eight .

So you're gonna see it from this angle where you will see the footwork clearer .

We do basic 123 and 456 .

I'm turning in 12 , two fold it three and four .

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So I have changed my timing to hers going for the other hand and stepping Basic go five with her 67 tap basic with her 234 .

Stepping away 56 raising the hand prep 78 turning her 12 three and four .

Then back to my basic 15 67 and eight .

So let's see that again .

We go 1234567812345 67 81234 .

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Stepping away letting go 67 prep turn right and left by two basic 23 and four 5678 .

Ok , guys , we are here to show you how we do what I call the Titanic again , uh different schools and teachers may call it differently , but this is just a version that I like to do and for beginners usually I don't suggest having too much of a close embrace , so we'll do it in an open home position .

So what it looks like if I , I do it for the basic , I go 12345678 .

Here minus left hand is getting ready to throw a hand back .

So ladies , instead of stepping to the side , you're gonna feel a throw and stepping back instead .

Ok .

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So as as guys , if you throw from here down , you're also going to take a forward step .

So we do a forward letting go coming to the waist 23 and stopping her by her both waist because my uh both my hands are gonna be on the waist already .

Well , let's check that out again .

So basic , 1234567 .

I'm going to throw the hand as a step forward and releasing this hand .

I go 123 10 .

Ok .

So one more time you look at this 12345678123 and 10 .

So for this step , guys , we're not going to change her movements .

A basic step remains the same and for us to make it simple , we stay the same as well .

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We're gonna keep our men's basic steps 567 on the right foot .

And ladies are gonna just stay on the steps as well .

So let's see that again .

I'll be doing a 1234567 .

Throw the hand up two turner three and tap .

She goes a basic 56 rocking her in place 78 .

Now I'm just gonna continue 12 , taking a hand and four , another basic 5678 .

This way , I'm gonna prepare to do a half turn out to make her face me .

I'll do a comb over as well .

So I do a 1234 getting ready to turn her out and connecting the hands from the wrist to the hand .

56 come over myself coming into a close embrace .

Seven .

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Back , two guys .

Basic , no change and back two basic 2345678 .

So we wanna show you guys from this position so you can see how the girl comes in and how we do the alternate of guys and ladies .

Uh basic steps are in place .

So we do basic one two 345 six .

I'm gonna show the hand lady stepping back , turning her into three .

So notice how my two hands are here .

Ladies , I just put your hand on the guy's hand as well .

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Then guys will step a 567 tap and the six to go for the hand 45 56 seven getting ready to turn her one to raise the hand and turning her back five combing over myself seven back to basic of 12345678 .

So again , one more time , the fastest speed we basic of one two 3456 .

So the hand up turning to her , turn my 5678 and one to go for the hand 456 78 .

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Getting ready to turn 1234 turning in 670 my head and basic 2345 678 .

So I'm gonna show you guys from my back point of view .

So basic we go 123456 throw in the hand then you suck in the back , turning it in 34567 .

So basic go for hand 34567 getting ready .

Turn around 1234 turning with her have 56 combing over connecting eight and basic 234567 eight .

Alright guys .

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So that's it for the 10 basic figures on the charter .

I hope you guys have enjoyed it .

If you like what we have done , please subscribe to our channel and follow our future videos because in the future videos , like we said in the beginning is going to include more intermediate stuff with lady styling , my men's charismatic flares , weight shifts and all the different patterns and all that and variations of the basic stuff that we've done .

OK .

So I encourage you guys to practice along this video .

Watch it again and get used to the basic stuff and then if you are so inclined , run out and go take a dance class or tonight right now or wherever you are , go to a club that's playing Bachata and all that go get inspired by the awesome dancers already starting their stuff , get inspired and become better , right ?

So with that , like I said , again , subscribe to us , follow us like us , whatever it is .

I hope you guys have enjoyed this video .

Hope to see you guys in the next one .

Have a good one .

Peace .


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