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2023-07-18 12:45:49

Ashtanga Yoga For Beginners (30-min)

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Welcome to Ishana Yoga for beginners .

Hi , I'm Leslie .

We're going to start lying on our backs and we'll go for the foundation of a strong yoga practice .

We'll begin with our breath some safety for our back and then a little work on the bund before we get into our poses .

So just lie on your back comfortably , let your feet flop open or turn in whatever is comfortable and normal for you arms a little way away from the sides of your body and breathe as you're breathing .

Just notice how your hips , the low part of your back , touch the floor , your lower back just above the hips , lifts gently , the mid to upper back touches the earth and then your neck back of your neck lifts from the earth .

So we're going to try and keep those natural curves of your spine to keep your body safe .

Continue breathing in and out through your nose if that's not possible .

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Breathe through your mouth on the next exhale , take an exhale with your mouth open as if you're fogging a mirror and then once again , inhale through the nose act how like you're foggy in the mirror .

Now continue to breathe in and out through your nose , wherever possible .

Keeping that slight constriction in the back of your throat as you breathe , this is called ranma helps to warm your body from the inside and it means a victorious breath .

So as you deepen your breath here , see if you can start to practice it as you inhale , point your toes up toward the sky , flexing your ankles and then notice again that low back lifts a little bit from the floor .

However , and so does the neck .

However , we don't want it to lift more than it is .

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So , take your arms by your side with your thumbs , facing up , palms in and inhale , start to sweep your arms up alongside your ears if they will .

But if your rib cage puffs up toward the sky , then don't take the arms all the way up by the ears .

Or if it does see if you can draw those ribs down and lengthen your low back , take the arms by your sides again , once again , inhale , begin to reach your arms up and over as much as you comfortably can while maintaining the length and the low back and the rib cage drawing down , exhale arms alongside your body .

Last time I inhale , take the arms up and they might not go up by the ears , which is completely fine and exhale arms alongside your body .

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Now bend your knees and line up your heels underneath the the knees with your toes pointing in a little as you inhale , just tilt your pelvis up toward the sky .

It's a little tiny tilt and then exhale , pull the belly in hold and then release and again , we'll inhale to tilt the pelvis up toward the sky as you exhale , keep the breath out , but pull your belly in a lot .

And now start to squeeze your outer hips , inner thighs and lift all the muscles in your pelvic floor and then release and rest .

These are your bandas low belly .

So roll to your side and press up and is your root lock , roll yourself forward and then tuck your toes to come onto your feet and slowly come to standing .

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So during your practice today , do your best to breathe in and out through the nose , constricting the back of the throat and then start playing with lifting your low belly and lengthening your tailbone and lifting all the muscles in your pelvic floor as you move , this is practice and it's not going to be easy .

Day one .

Do your best in hell .

Reach your arms up , keep your ribs in .

Try not to do what I'm doing .

Arching and then as you exhale , just bring your hands together and to your heart center .

Once again , inhale , reach your arms forward and up , arrow straight arms .

If your shoulders are tight , take your arms wide and then excel palms , touch hands to heart that's called inhale .

Reaching the arms up , maybe look up gently if it's ok on your neck .

This time we exhale , hinging from your hip .

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Creases , fold forward and bend your knees as much as you need to .

Let me just pause here a moment .

Then inhale , bring hands to shins or above knees and length and look forward .

Then exhale , folding again , bending the knees as needed .

Inhale , rise up , take your arms , look up length and remember ribs and belly in .

He'll bring him to hearts standing at the front of the mat again in hell .

Reach up as you exhale , hinge from your hip , creases and fold over your legs .

Bend the knees as much as you need to inhale .

Halfway , lift , lengthen out your spine , chest forward and fold again .

Exhale at your head , hang hips over heels , press down through your feet and rise up on your inhale .

Look up lengthen , exhale hands to the heart .

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Make sure your feet are parallel the outer edges together or hips sock a distance apart .

Reach up as you inhale again and hinge from the hip hires as you fold forward .

Tongue tied today as you inhale , come halfway up lengthen .

Now bend the knees and plant your palms , step your left foot to way back or your right and then the other one to plank post top of a push up , then drop your knees down to the floor , shift forward about an inch and slowly lower your belly and body down to the earth and take your hands by your low ribs , elbows up , press all 10 toenails down .

Inhale , peel the chest up for cobra exhale , lower tuck your toes under , press up onto the knees and then start to lift the knees for downward facing dog knees can be bent or straight .

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You can also just bicycle the legs , bending one knee and then the other , make sure the arms are shoulders , distance and feed our hips with and then stretch back , straightening the legs any amounts .

And now take your knees back down to the floor for a child's po you can rest your head on your hands .

If your hips don't go onto the heels , it's fine .

Just keep your hips up , reach your arms forward , straightening the elbows , spread your fingers , come up onto the knees again , tuck your toes once again , downward facing dog or a start to stretch back .

So take the weight back to the hips and down toward the heels and inhale onto the balls of your feet .

Look past your fingers , bend your knees and walk your feet toward your hands .

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Try to get as much length through your spine as you can .

So if that means to bend the knees , if you're tighten your hamstrings , then do that .

And now focus on your breath .

Inhales and exhales equal in length and inhale to the balls of the feet .

Exhale everything out , lift your belly and pelvic floor and inhale .

Walk your feet to your hands lengthen your spine halfway lift , fold forward as you exhale , root down for the feet .

Inhale , reach up nice and tall .

Keep the ribs and belly in a exhale .

Hands to heart .

This is called scar a inhale .

Reach up means saluting the sun , exhale , fold forward .

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Crow of the head lengthening down in hell come halfway lengthen , exhale , stepping back into plank 1 ft at a time , knees can be lowered or you might try the knees up , shift forward , slowly , lower all the way , touching everything at once onto your belly , hands by low ribs in hew , peel the chest up for cobra or can try upward facing dog with thighs and knees off the floor , shoulders above wrists , take the knees down , tuck the toes downward , facing dog breathe here .

So every time you exhale , see if you can draw the belly in for a moment , firming those muscles every time you inhale , see if you can engage your pelvic floor muscles , including outer hips , pinning in and inner thighs .

Inhale onto the balls of the feet .

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Exhale everything out as you inhale , step forward and lengthen your spine .

Look up on your exhale , fold in as you inhale , reach up , look up lengthen on your exhale hands to hearts as you inhale this next time , gonna bend our knees and sit back into chair pose .

So sit back like there's an imaginary chair , then exhale belly to thighs and straighten up the knees as much as they will inhale halfway lift , bend your knees , take your hands down , step your right foot way back , but keep your left foot forward .

And then in hell , come on up for warrior one , pulling your left hip back and sending your right hip forward as you exhale , bring your hands back down .

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Come on to step back into downward facing dock and breathe here .

Remember your breathing little constriction in the back of the throat as you inhale onto the pulse of your feet .

Exhale , keep your hips high and inhale , step forward , lengthen the spine halfway , lift and fold as you exhale .

Now , inhale will bend the knees and drop your hips again .

Wade into the heels for chair post and then to standing exhale or to the other leg on your inhale , sit back into share posts on your exhale , belly to thighs and then folds on the inhale lengthen halfway , then bend your knees , plant your palms , step your left foot way back .

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Take the heel down .

Right foot is forward , lining up , heel to heel or wider reach through the arms .

If it's uncomfortable on your back knee , then you can always pick up your back heel and stand the ball of your foot .

Instead a he return your hands down , come on to the ball , the back foot and step to down doc arms , shoulders , distance and feet , hips width , firm your arm muscles and leg muscles .

As much as you can engage your low belly muscles and your pelvic floor and breathe inhale onto the pulse of your feet .

Exhale everything out and step your feet forward on your inhale , lengthen long spine , half , lift , exhale and fold forward .

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Crown of the head , reaching down , bend your knees , drop your hips , inhale , reach through the arms , look up and exhale back to take your feet , hip socket , distance apart , hands on hips on your inhale , look up , lengthen , exhale hinge from the hip creases and fold forward .

If you can reach the big toes , wrap your first two fingers around them , bend the knees as needed .

Look up inhale and then fold forward again .

Exhale .

If you've got your toes , give them a little squeeze .

And if you can straighten the legs do so , but soften the knee joints , firm the leg muscles draw in through the low belly and breathe just a soft gaze .

Inhale , halfway , lift , exhale , return your hands to hips and all the way up .

Inhaling .

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Now , turn to the long side of your mat and step your feet out nice and wide arms at shoulder height , your wrist would be underneath or sorry , above the ankles , turn your right leg all the way out , back toes , then line up your front heel and back arch , inhale arms at shoulder height .

Now hinge from your hip crease and lengthen out over your straight front leg , take your right hand down wherever it lands and stretch up through the left fingertips and now breathe lengthen through your torso .

Your hand can be anywhere along that right leg .

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It doesn't matter how deep you get into the pose , really just breathe if you can look up and look at your top hand do that , otherwise you can look forward or down inhale , come on up feet to parallel and left leg out back toes in , lining up front heel with back arch , take a breath in exhale , hinge from the hip crease .

Reach out , get some length and then take the left hand down wherever it lands , right , I'm reaching up , this is called or triangle pose .

So I'm looking toward my top hand but it's OK on my neck .

If it's not with yours , look forward or down .

But another part of our Stanga yoga practice is dr focal point .

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So keep a steady gazing point wherever it is and he'll come up and now exhale back to the top of your mat , taking a breath here and then turn again to the long side .

Step out a little longer this time , right leg turns all the way out .

Back toes in line up heel to arch , take the arms out to shoulder height .

Exhale , bend the knee over the ankle , lean forward , bring your right form on your right thigh , reach your left arm in line with the ear with the pinky side of the hand facing down , not breathing here .

If it's ok with your neck , the dry is looking toward the inside of the arm , firm the back leg and press into the front heel , making sure your knee is over the ankle and pointed over the middle toes .

Steady breathing inhale .

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Come on up , straighten the leg feet to parallel toes in .

Then the left leg turns out back toes in still lined up heel to arch , inhale , exhale , bend the knee over the ankle , take a breath in exhale , left form to thigh , swoop the right arm forward in line with your ear , the pinky side of the hand facing down , double check that the left knee is above your ankle .

And in line with the middle toes that keeps your knee safer , soften around your neck .

Keep your breath nice and steady and engage your low belly and your pelvic floor muscles .

Maybe just a little bit in hell .

Come on up feet to parallel and then back to the top of your mat .

Exhale , turn again to the long side .

This time , toes pointing in a little toward each other .

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Hands on hips , legs , they're wide , inhale , look up , lengthen , exhale , hinging from the hip creases , fold , take your hands down or fingertips , inhale , lengthen nice flat back .

Stay there or fold in any amount on your exhale .

Crown of the head is lengthening toward the earth .

Press through the little toe sides of your feet a bit , but then firm the outer ankles in .

Engage your low belly , your pelvic floor .

Those are your bund steady gaze just off the tip of the nose .

Inhale .

Come halfway up .

Exhale , bring hands to hips all the way up as you inhale and then back to the top of your mats , exhale , inhale and reach your arms up .

Keep your ribs and belly in .

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Exhale , hinging forward from the hip creases , fold inhale and a half lift , exhale .

Step back into plank post , top foot , push up , knees can be up or down , shift forward and lower chair belly onto 10 toenails as you inhale , peel the chest up , lengthen , sitting bones to heels , exhale , tuck the toes , press up to the knees and then walk your knees forward .

So you can take one hip down to sit , extending the legs in front of you .

And this is called DNA sitting nice and tall .

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So instead of around in the back , gonna lift up , press the heels down , pull the toes back , walk your hands forward , inhale and exhale to fold any amount you can hold the sides of the mat , your legs or if you have a yoga strap , you can take that around the balls of the feet and hold that or hold your feet .

But instead of thinking head to knees , think belly to thighs and lengthen through your spine and breathe .

Gazing toward your toes , inhale halfway lift and exhale release , bring your hands behind you with fingertips facing front .

Or if you have wrist tissues , face your fingertips out to the side , bend your knees and lift yourself up into a reverse table , heels under knees , let your head go back .

If your neck feels ok with it , steady breathing .

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If your shoulders are tight , you won't get up as high , which is fine .

These things open and soften in time as you get stronger , bring your chin in towards your chest and lower down , cross , touch your ankles , bring your hands just in front of your hips and pick your buns up .

If you can then set yourself back down , extend the legs .

Now bend your right knee right foot onto the floor , bring your right hand behind your back , left arm up , inhale .

As you exhale , hugging the right arm for a twist , set up nice and tall inhaling .

Make sure the left toes point up toward the ceiling .

An option to take that arm to the outside of the right leg .

As you twist a little bit deeper here , your choice , keep your breath steady and inhale .

Had to center a exhale and release and bend your left left foots flat on the floor .

Left hand behind , reach up through the right arm .

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Inhale , exhale , hug it around the leg and twist .

Also an option to take your right elbow toward the outside of the leg for a little deeper twist , inhale , create length through your spine .

Exhale , twisting in a little deeper if you can .

And now back to center extending both legs , bending both knees now set up nice and tall , bring hands behind the thighs and shift your way back .

So your feet come up .

This is called boat pose or nana .

You can hold on behind the legs or if you're steady , extend your arms alongside your legs , pull your belly in , lift your pelvic floor as you breathe and then release your feet back down .

So a little core work strengthening .

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Hey guys , my name is Shay from dream home based work dot com .

And first of all , I do want to welcome all of my new um visitors that are just now tuning into my videos for those that um you know , pretty much keep up with a lot of the videos that I make .

I had recently mentioned about um what I do from home .

I am a blogger .

I started a blog um on my work at home journey after , you know , not finding a work at home job that would um you know , fit my situation .

So I wanted to actually share with you guys .

There were a few people that did want me to actually um do a video explaining how to start a blog .

So I just want to actually in this video show you how to easily set up a blog on blogger dot com and you can actually start blogging today .

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You can interlace your fingers or keep your palms flat or keep holding the sides of the mat and pulling lower down and rest a moment and then one more time , heels under the knees as you inhale , pull the belly in , lift up low back , mid back , maybe upper back , roll the shoulders under .

If you can lengthen your sitting bones toward the backs of your knees , spinning your inner thighs down toward the earth .

Keep your neck long , breathe the soft gaze off the tip of your nose and then release and lower back down .

Hug your knees into your chest , gently , rock yourself from side to side , gives the low back a little massage .

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Roll on to your right side , use your left hand to press yourself up to seat it and then extend your legs in front of you again .

Nice long spine .

Inhale , lengthen .

And as you exhale , hinging from the hip creases come forward any amount holding to your legs , holding a strap , hold the sides of the mats or reach for your toes .

Keep a steady gaze just on your feet as you breathe here it to lengthen out your inhales and exhales , keeping them equal inhale , head up and exhale to release , bend your knees and slowly carefully lower yourself onto your mat on your back .

Inhale with your knees .

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So I'm sitting right here on google dot com and I'm just gonna go ahead and type in blogger blogger dot com is basically a free platform um that you can use as a blogging platform that um anyone can use if you especially , it is great for those that do not have any type of web design experience , do not have any experience in html or coding and just , just doesn't have any idea , you know what they're doing as far as you know , trying to design their own blog .

So , so to get started , you will need a gmail account um to actually even be able to um before you even get started on blogger dot com .

So you have a Gmail address , you can use that um gmail address to go ahead and get set up or if you need to create um a new gmail account just for your blog only .

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So you can get notifications about updates and anything that is going on with your blog , you can create a new one .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and click here on blogger dot com .

And since I am already logged in um to my Gmail account , it's just going to um take me to the main dashboard .

Now , what I'm going to do is just go ahead and create , I wanna create a blog now .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and click the new blog button and here you would need to write a title for your blog .

Um This can uh this needs to be something that is related to what you're going to blog about .

So you want to make sure that you put something that is , you know , put a lot of thought into your title , um the title of your blog .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and just type in uh something .

I'm just gonna do a demo blog here and I'm , I'm just gonna use the title Freebies for Mom .

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Then you would need to go ahead and create a blogging address or a custom uh a domain name .

Basically , this is the address that people um will look you up , that this is , this is how people will find you on the internet .

So it would be um say for instance , I'm using freebies for moms .

So I would type in probably freebies for moms dot blogspot dot com .

That is basically go basically going to be your domain .

OK ?

And so now it's saying sorry , this blog address is not available and it will let you know , so you want to actually uh you know , do something of a little bit similar um to what ?

So it won't be too far from what you the title of your blog is .

So I'm just going to do here uh freebies for stay at home moms dot blogspot dot com and see that one is available .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and choose that one .

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So this is your blog , this is my blog actually now live on the internet .

This is exactly what other people would see and you can see , you know , my profile is kind of already set up right here and then you have the title right here .

I have no posts because I haven't um you know , posted anything , of course .

And you know , I have my domain name here , freebies for stay at home moms dot blogspot dot com .

Now , one thing that I do want to recommend you guys getting a custom uh domain .

Um It , it really helps um to make your blog looks more professional .

It helps you um you know , look better on Google or Yahoo , any of the search major search engines .

And I'm going to tell , you know , more people will click through on your blog if you have a custom domain .

And when I say custom domain , I mean , something like www dot your blog name dot com .

Um you know , or you know , www dot freebies for stay at home moms dot com .

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That is how um a professional um domain , a custom domain um would look like .

And I recommend you guys actually uh you know , getting a custom domain from go daddy dot com or either blue host dot com .

Those are two excellent sites that um you could be able to get a custom domain uh for less and um you know , under $30 really , to be honest , under $20 per year , um you know , for the whole year .

So I would definitely recommend you guys and I will put , put the links to both of those sites um below in my description box .

So I have returned back to the main dashboard here on your blogger dot com's account .

And you would actually um there is a button right here that says start blogging or it would say , you know , right , start posting .


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