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How To Make a Free Resume Template In Google Docs (2023)

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It's a , it goes by many names .

Uh I call it a career profile .

You can call it a profile , you can call it a career summary .

You can call it a summary , you can call it whatever you want .

You don't even have to even have to name it , but it is who and what you are about .

So overall , what have you done collectively in your job search ?

And you're trying to just create a very high level view of who you are .

Now , we're gonna go into the psychology behind it .

The what's in the where for and exactly what this looks like but just , it's just a summary .

Let's not overly complicate it .

It's a summary at the top .

The most important thing that I want you to realize about the career profile is where it is , which is at the top of your resume .

So when somebody , if they printed it out fine , they look at it , they're gonna look at the top first .

If they're looking at it on the computer screen and they put up , they're gonna look at it on the top first .

So I want you to realize that it's so important because it is the first thing they see .

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And then we include our email address , phone number and linkedin URL .

Let me remove the link right mouse and click on .

Remove .

Here we go .

I would also like to increase my name's F size to let's say 18 and use bold to make it stand out a bit more .

Next up .

I want to add the resume sections .

Now make sure you place the cursor right there and add education , skills , experience interests and references in caps lock .

Also press enter twice after each keyword .

After that , we want to adjust the line spacing , go to the line spacing icon and add some space before and after the paragraph .

Now to make each section stand out more , you want to add some borders , go to format paragraph , styles , borders and shading .

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Uh I always like to use the analogy that your career profile is like is like your smile .

It's like your smile .

When they see it from across the room , are you smiling ?

Are you beaming ?

Are you warm and welcoming ?

Are they getting excited and thinking ?

I am absolutely gonna love reading this person's resume .

It's kind of a first impression .

So it's your spot to set the tone for how somebody receives you initially .

It's very important .

It is the most prime piece of real estate .

It is like your billboard .

It's like your billboard .

So what does the billboard do ?

Think in terms of the book cover ?

Think in terms of the billboard , this is your chance to grab somebody's attention .

So it's not just about making them feel good about you , but it's also about grabbing their attention and then holding it because if , if they get excited about what they're about to read , they're going , they're going to pay more attention to your resume .

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So you're , you're setting , you're setting the tongue , the other thing that it does that I don't think a lot of people recognize , but it's a summary and a summary .

When you start to give me an executive summary of who you are , it helps me with my memory of you .

People think in terms of uh a couple of adjectives about you .

Uh He's a , a seller at large companies .

She's tall with red hair , whatever it might be , whatever it might be .

But people kind of they , they drop bread crumbs in their head about who you are so that they can recollect them later if they wanna , if they want to recall who you are .

And if you're , you're interested in more on how memory works and how memory works in interviews .

Uh Make sure you check out interview intervention , communication that gets you hired my first book .

I go into how all this works but what you are doing is you are planting the bread crumbs and you are making it easier for the person because we remember we always want to think long game .

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So you are leading with , here's what I want you to know about me instead of here's where I currently work .

Here's where I currently go to school , here's where I most recently went to school , whatever that is , that doesn't , that doesn't control the narrative .

You get to say whatever you want to say up top .

And most people who are looking at the career profile are spending more time on the career profile than they are looking through the rest of it because they're getting spoon fed the story .

So I want you to make sure that you recognize that you get to put in there whatever it is you want .

So you get to control the story .

The other thing that that does is it sets the biases that I'm gonna start to formulate right away before I read the rest of the resume .

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So think about this , if you can position me to think optimistically about you , everything in the resume is going to look better and read better to me and I'm gonna start giving you the benefit of the doubt instead of the detriment of my doubt where I'm looking for things and not finding them .

If I started to draw inferences up at the top because I assumed you had certain skills or you done certain things which is natural because people are not spending a ton of time with , with your resume .

They're actually trying to formulate an opinion of you .

Uh If you give me all that positivity up front , the rest of the stuff tastes better when the plate looks better , the food tastes better when I go sit out in the back on my balcony and it's a nice warm , 75 and sunny degree day , although it's about 43 degrees right now where I live .

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Uh When I start recollecting and thinking back on my past , all of a sudden , my memories are a lot more fond , but if it's , if it's freezing cold out there and it's snowing and I'm sitting there and trying to remember it .

I don't have the same recollections and everything doesn't , doesn't , I don't remember it as well and I don't remember it as fondly .

So , you were setting biases , you're setting them early , you wanna make sure that you're giving yourself the benefit of the doubt .

All right .

This is the other thing it does and I'm gonna say that this one is , this is my only difference I will ever make to an objective statement .

Uh You know , those objective statements that I absolutely absolutely cannot stand on a resume .

They have no place on a resume because it talks about what you want and I instead of what you offer , and I'm always stressing that you wanna show what you offer up top , right ?

We're talking about your billboard and the value you can contribute to the company .

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Well , those inferences I was talking about those biases and those assumptions , I'm gonna start formulating what it is that you want to be , not who it is that you are .

So I'm thinking about if I see a career profile at the top of the page and it has a lot of information about how you're a seller and so forth , I'm gonna assume that you want to continue down that career trajectory and that you're not , you don't wanna make a change to marketing .

So you get to slant uh your profile based on where you want to go , not solely where you've been , although it is , it is about your history , but the way that we articulate it and what it is that we say about ourselves can shape the way people think about us in the future .

So this is my only deference to that .

It's , it's , it's , it's kind of getting the point of the objective statement into the fact that they're gonna make an assumption about who you want to be .

So you are controlling all this stuff , you're controlling all this stuff .

All right .

So that's why it's important .

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Now , when I have conversations with people and we talk about their resume , I get a lot of questions about , well , you know , I've been told , I shouldn't have a career profile .

I should put my education up top .

I should put , uh just where I start , recruiters don't want to take the time .

I would like to run through some of these myths and give you some lessons from them .

Just a completely different perspective in , in ways that you may never think about this stuff .

All right .

So number one I get is , hey , Annie , won't I be repeating myself ?

Won't I be repeating myself ?

If I say this up top , then they go down into the body of the resume .

They start looking at it , won't it ?

Won't it be repetition ?

Well , the one thing that I would say about repetition is number one , if you package the career profile properly , you won't actually be repeating yourself .

Remember , the career profile is a summary and we'll go through an example .

But the career profile is a summary .


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