Good morning .
My darling friends .
Welcome to yoga with Adrian .
I'm Adrian Benji's over here and we have a super sweet swift morning yoga for you .
This is a quickie .
So hop into something comfy and let's get started .
All right , let's start in a seat .
You can come on down to the ground nice and slow .
You can start kneeling if that feels good in your body or you can start seated cross legged on a block or a blanket .
We're just on the floor .
We won't be here long just taking a moment to tune in to the sound of your breath .
So as you get settled in , relax your shoulders , close your eyes .
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Anything at all .
I'm choosing the word love and then take a deep breath in .
Carry that word with you as you exhale , open the eyes and come forward onto all fours .
Spread the fingertips , press under the tops of the feet .
Drop the belly inhale , look forward big stretch in the front body as you open and then exhale round through big stretch in the back body as you open could inhale , drop the belly open stretch the front body .
Exhale round through , open the back body .
Feel that stretch inhale , drop the belly , let your heart energy just open forward , good and then exhale round through chin to chest .
Naval draws up , put inhale to a nice neutral spine .
Now walk the hands a little bit forward , curl the toes under , take a deep breath in claw through the fingertips .
As you exhale slowly , slowly peel the hips up high , send them back downward facing dog , close your eyes here or soften your gaze as you begin to bend one knee and then the other stretching through the feet , the ankles breathing deep as you feel that stretch through the cows up through the back of the knee , the hamstrings and the hips , your hand to earth connection here is strong , reinforce it .
Now good .
Take one more deep breath in and as you exhale come to stillness now , tuck the chin slightly hug the low ribs in and up , feel your core connection .
Nice .
Keep breathing here , slowly allow the knees to descend .
They kiss the earth .
We walk them out as wide as the yoga mat and then send the hips back , extended child's pose .
You can take different arm variations here .
If you're ready for it , start to activate the arms maybe by lifting the palms .
Nice , active arms .
And if you're feeling softer and want to ease into the day , a little more , maybe taking the palms together and up behind the head , standing at the elbows , soften through your jaw .
Continue to gently deepen your breath , connecting to your breath , connecting to your source , connecting to yourself one last cycle of breath here .
Maybe you soften through the jaw .
Maybe you rock the forehead gently massaging it on the mat .
If that's available to you sweet and then slow and steady , let's come back up to all fours .
Walk the knees underneath the hips , curl the toes under when you're ready , peel the hips up high and back again , downward facing dog this time , anchor through the left heel and slowly on your next inhale , lift the right leg up high , three legged dog , press into both palms evenly , hug the low ribs in feel that core connection let the left heel get heavy , make sure you're not holding or gripping in the neck .
Think of this long line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone .
Lots of integrity in the spine in your posture .
Dial the right toes down here , lift the right heel up just a little more inhale and deeply .
Then exhale , bend the right knee and start to open up through the hip , stacking the right hip over the left , breathing deep here .
Now , try to draw your right shoulder back in line with your left .
So we're just opening up through the hips , getting a beautiful twist in the spine .
Take one more breath here .
You got this and then exhale , slow and steady , lower back down all the way to the knees , walk the hands .
Now , all the way back to the tops of the thighs and come to sit on the heels .
Big stretch for the feet here , preparing you for the day .
Inhale in , sit up nice and tall , exhale , relax the shoulders , great interlace the fingertips .
Now here in a little prayer and we're just gonna draw circles one way and then the other and now a little wave and just leave this maybe invites you to lift the corners of the mouth a little bit .
Let it if not , don't worry .
All right now , press the palms out , keep the shoulders relaxed .
Inhale in that sailor .
Release the bind to come back to all fours .
Let's send the hips up high and back .
So balancing the left and the right side of the body here , tuck the chin , hug the low ribs in feel that core connection anchor through the right heel .
This time as you inhale , lift the left leg up , high , press into both palms evenly .
Keep that low rib cage hugging in dial , the left toes down , engaging the muscles , strong arms , strong legs , strong glutes , strong core .
Remember the neck here , paying attention to your posture .
Take a deep breath in , you know , on the exhale , we start to bend the knee and open it up , stacking the hips again , right heel heavy .
You got this , keep breathing , dropping the left shoulder in line with the right here for one final breath cycle .
Waking up the whole body , waking up the spirit good and then slow and steady release .
It come all the way back down to the knees , walk the knees up close to the , the uh wrists and then cross one ankle over the other .
As you come through to a seat , the palms come to the knees and right away , we find head over heart , heart over pelvis , shoulders relaxed .
You can soften your gaze here or close your eyes in this meditation posture .
Find a gentle lift in your chest , take a deep breath in , had a long breath out .
Notice how you feel circle back to the word that you chose and notice how it makes you feel , set up a little taller and have lots of love in and as you exhale , lots of love out palms come together , sternum , lifting to thumbs .
If you have a little time .
Maybe you sit here for a couple of quiet moments of meditation and if not take this mindfulness , this awareness of your breath and maybe the word you chose with you on into the rest of your day .
Have a beautiful one .
Thank you .
I must stay .