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2023-07-16 15:37:03

How to Create a Free Website in 2023

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Hi guys .

Today we are going to see how you can make a free website using a free hosting provider .

So after watching this video , you will be able to make any kind of website just like this using drag and drop .

Your website can have any design you want and you can add your own pages and your content like this and everything is going to be completely free .

Now , before we start creating a site , first , let's see the two types of websites , we are going to build a static website or a dynamic website .

A static website is where you provide information or content to your visitors and your visitors need not log in to your website or create an account on your site .

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Examples of a static website are blogs and company websites which simply have a lot of static pages which provides information to your visitors and users need not interact with the website like logging in purchasing products or creating accounts , etcetera .

On a dynamic website .

Users can create their accounts log into it and make purchases .

Examples of dynamic websites are e commerce sites , online course websites and membership websites where users can interact more closely with your website .

In this video , we're going to create a static website using a free hosting .

You can build a company website or a blog for free of cost .

If you're looking to create a dynamic website with e-commerce features , you can watch this video .

OK .

So let's get started .

I'm brand from website learners and let's start making our website .

So to make a website , we are going to do three parts .

The first part is to launch a website .

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So to launch a website , we are going to do two steps .

The first step is to download a software called Bit NAMI Wordless .

This is the software which is going to allow us to run words on our computer .

So to download it , let's go to our browser and then search for Benami wordpress .

Now click the first link and it'll take you to this page .

No , and scroll down .

And here you can download Viet NAMI wordpress based on the OS you have , I'm going to select windows .

So let's click , download for windows and you will get this box .

Now , if we queue up , you can see that the software is downloaded to a computer .

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Once you have downloaded Vietnam wordpress , we can now go to step two , which is to install this software .

Once we install the software wordpress will be installed on a computer .

So let's open the file we have downloaded .

Click , ok .

Now click next and again , click next , then I can click next here and you will reach this page .

Ok .

So this is the page where we are going to enter our log in details of our local worker site .

So here enter your name and your email address , then enter the user name and password for wordpress .

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No , this will be used to log in to your website once you have entered these details , keep clicking next and workers will be installed .

Now let's click finish and it will take you to this page .

So now Wordpress is installed on a computer .

Once you have installed , Wordpress , your website will be launched .

So if we click access , Wordpress , you can see that we have got a new website .

So now we have successfully launched our website and this is how the default site looks like .

Now , if you want to make any changes to your site , you need to log in to your site .

So next , let's see how you can log in to your worker's website to log in to your site .

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All you have to do is just type slash log in after your site's address .

And now if you press enter , you can see that we have got the log in page of wordpress .

Now here enter the log in details which you have created for your workers website and click log in .

So now we have successfully logged into our Wordpress site and this is the Wordpress dashboard .

So this is the place where you can control your website .

Now , let's go to our site .

Just go here and like was it said here , you can see that we have launched a site locally on a computer , which means it can be seen only by you and cannot be accessed by anyone .

So now to allow everyone to access your site , you need to make your site live on the internet .

So let's go to part two of this tutorial where we see how you can make your local site into a live site .

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Now to make this into a live site , we are going to do two steps .

The first step is to create an account on L five .

So this is the site which is going to help us make our website live on the internet .

So to create the account , just click the link below this video and it will take you to net five , get started and then select email to sign up with notified .

So here enter your email address , then give a password and click sign up .

Now it will ask you to verify your email to create an account .

So let's go to our inbox .

As you can see , we have got an email .

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So let's open it , click , verify email and you will get this page .

Now , click here .

Ok .

So now we have verified our email and successfully created an account on L five once you have created your account .

So to make your local site into a live site .

We need to export our local site and import it on L So every time when you make the changes on your side , you need to export a file and upload it or notify only then your changes will be displayed on the live website .

So to export the file , we can now go to step two which is to install a plug in called simply static .

Now , this is the plug in which will help us export the file .

So to install the plug in , let's go to our wordpress dashboard .

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Now go to plugins and click add new .

Now here search for a plug-in called simply static and you will get this plug in now to install the plug in .

Let's click install and then click activate .

So now we have successfully installed the plug in .

Once you have installed the plug in now to export the file , go to simply static and click generate .

Now click generate static files .

And as you can see the file has been generated .

Once you have exported the file now to make your local site into a live site , you need to download that file and upload it on net file .

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So let's click here and the file will be downloaded to your computer now to upload this file .

Let's go to net then drag this file and drop it here and the file will be uploaded .

Once you've uploaded the file , your website will be live on the internet and you will get a link like this .

Now , if we click on this link , you can see that it takes us to our website .

Now anyone can access the site by going to this address .

And also you can see that we have got SSL on our site .

Ok .

This is how you can make your site live on the internet .

Now , once your site is live here , you can see that this is the default site address .

Next , let's see how you can change the site name , sort of change it .

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Let's go to net click side settings .

Now click chain site name and you will get this box .

Now , here you can enter the site name which you want .

So let's remove this and then enter the site name which you want .

I'm going to enter magical builder .

And as you can see this will be a sites URL .

So let's click save .

Now , if we click this link , you can see that the site name has been changed .

Now , this is just a temporary link to your site .

You can easily change this to your own dot com domain .

We'll see how you can do that later in this video .

Ok .

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Once you have changed the default site name , next , let's go to part three of this tutorial , which is to start building your website .

So this is how the default site looks like now to build your website we are going to do three steps .

The first step is to install a theme in wordpress .

So we are going to install a theme called Astro .

Now , this is the theme which is going to help us build our site .

So to install the team , let's go to our dashboard , not go to appearance and click themes , then click add new .

Now here , search for a team called Astra and you will get this team now to install the team , let's click install and then click activate .

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So now we have successfully installed the Astra theme .

Once you have installed the team , next , let's go to step two , which is to choose a design for your website .

So to choose the design , let's get started and it will take you to this page now , scroll down , click build your website now and it will ask you to choose the page builder .

These are the tools which will help you to edit your design .

Now , we recommend you to choose element or which makes it easy to edit your website pages in the future .

So let's select that .

And now you can see all the designs which can be applied to your site .

So have a look at these designs and select the one you like .

I'm going to choose this one .

Now , here you can see a preview of how the design looks like .

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And here you can see that we have an option to change our logo .

Now if you want to change this logo , just click here and then drag your logo and drop it here .

As you can see the logo has been changed .

Now you can adjust the size of this logo just by dragging the slider like this and the logo size will be changed once you have changed the logo , click continue .

Now , here you can see that we have different options to change the color and the font of our side .

You can choose the one you want .

I'm going to keep this default color in font , then click continue and you will get this box .

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Now , click submit and as is getting ready now and it's done .

So if we go back to a local site , you can see that this is our , our site was before .

And now if we click refresh , you can see that we have got the exact design which we selected and the changes have been applied to our design , which we made .

And you can also see our website pages which has the sample content in it .

OK ?

Once you've got the design into your site , now , how do you change the content of these pages ?

So next , let's go to the final step of building your website which is to edit the content of your website .

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So to edit any page of your site , just go to that page and click edit with the element or so let's say you want to edit the home page , just simply click home , then click , edit with element or and it will take you to this editing section .

Now , let's say you want to change this text .

All you have to do is just select the text and then enter your own text .

I'm going to enter building for a better tomorrow .

Next , if you want to change the text on this button , just select it and then enter your own text .

Now , in the same way you can edit any text you want on this page , just select the text and then start typing .

So this works throughout the site .

Next , let's say you want to change this image .

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So to change the image , just click on the image , no , then drag and drop your image from your computer .

And as you can see the image has been changed .

Once you're done with all the changes , just click update .

And now if we go to a local site and the first you can see that all the changes have been applied .

So this is how you can edit any page of your website .

So now you know how you can edit any page of your website .

Next , we're going to see how you can change the header area of your website .

Now , by using element to , you will be able to change this part of your site .

But if you want to change this area , which is the header , you can do it by going to the customized option .

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So let's go to customize and here you can see that we have these pencil icons .

Now , if you want to change this logo , just click this pencil icon next to it and you can change the logo here .

Now , in the same way , you can change the menu section by clicking this icon .

Once you're done with all the changes , click publish and the changes will be made to your website .

Now , let's close this .

OK .

So this is how you can change the header area of your website .

Now , if you go to a live site and click refresh , you can see that we still have the default site and the site which we created does not appear on our live site .

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This is because as we said before , whenever we make changes to the site , we need to export our local site and upload it on net FI only then the changes will be applied to our site .

So to export the file , let's go to a dashboard .

Now go simply static and click generate .

Now , if we click , generate static files , as you can see the file has been generated .

Now , click here and download the file , then upload this file on L file .

So let's go with that and click deploys then scroll down and then drag this file and drop it here .

Once the file is uploaded , now the site which we built will appear on our live site .

So reject that .

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Let's go to our live site and click the first , you can see that we have got a site which we built before .

Ok .

So now you know how you can create a website and edit the contents .

Now , what if you want to add a new page to your website ?

It's very easy .

So next , we're going to see how you can add a new page to your website .

So to add a new page , just go to our local site good and you and click page .

Now , let's say you want to create a service page for your website .

You need to first enter a title and now to start creating a page , just click , edit to the element or and it will take you to this blank section .

Now , you have two options to create your page .

First , you can either use these elements which are all here and then drag and drop them into this area .

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So for example , if you want to add a heading , you can drag and drop this element here and then enter your own text .

Now to add an image , you can drag and drop this element .

So drag and drop here and start creating your page .

Now , the other way to create a page is by using templates .

Now , templates are already made pages which you can import into your site .

So to create a page using templates , let's click here and you will find a lot of designs here .

Now , if you want to use any design , simply click it and see how it looks like if you like it , just click import template .

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And as you can see , we have got the entire design on our page .

Now again , like we did before , you can change anything on this page just by selecting it and typing anything you want .

So this is how it works .

Once you're done with the changes , click update , and you can view the page by clicking here .

So you can see that we have published a brand new page on our website .

So this is how you can add a new page to your workers website .

Now , here you can see that this page which is called our services is not on our menu yet .

So let's see how you can add this page to your menu .

So to add this page to your menu , let's go back to customize and click menus , then click here and here you can see all the pages which we have here .

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Now to add this page to your menu , just click , add items .

And here you can see the new page which we just created .

Now , if we click on this page , you can see that this page has been added to our menu .

Now to move this menu item here , just drag this item and then drop it where you want .

And as you can see this page now appears here now to save this .

Let's click publish .

And now if we go back to our local site and click the first , you can see that we have got this page in our menu .

And if we click services , we can now see our service page .

OK .

This is how you can add a new page to your menu .

Once you've added a new page to your menu .

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Now , to make this page appear on our live site , we need to export the file and upload it on L file .

So to do that , let's go back to our dashboard .

Click , generate static files and the file will be generated .

Then click here and download the file now to upload the file .

Let's go to NATL FI and click deploys , then drag this file and drop it here .

Now our service page will be applied on a live site .

So to check that let's go to our live site and click the first , you can see that we have got a service page on our live site .

So this is how you can add a new page to your website .

OK .

So now we have successfully created our website for free .

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And here you can see that we have a default domain name .

Now , instead of this , what if you want to have a domain name like this ?

So next , let's see how you can get a dot com domain name for your site .

So to get the domain name , let's go to the video you're watching right now , then click the link in the description and this will take you to webspace kit dot com where you can buy your own domain name .

Now , here , enter the name you want for your website .

I'm going to enter magical builder dot com .

Now , if you click search , you can see that this domain name is available .

So once you find a name which is available to get this name for your website , just click add to cart , then click continue here .

It will ask you to choose a hosting plan as we are going to get only a domain name .

Let's click skip and now it will take you to this card page .

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Now , here you can see that we're getting our domain for one year and after one year , you need to renew your domain to keep using it .

So to get this domain , let's fill up these details and then enter our payment details .

Now , if we click order now , you can see that we have successfully made our payment .

Now , if we click here , you can see that we have got a domain .

OK .

So once you've got your domain , now , how do you connect this domain with your website ?

So next , let's see how you can connect this domain with your website .

So to connect this domain , we are going to do two steps .

The first step is to add a domain to L five .

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So to add the domain let's go to net click domain settings , then click add custom domain and then you will get this page now here , enter domain name which you have purchased .

So I'm going to enter magical builder dot com .

Once you've entered your domain name , click , verify now click add domin and the domain will be added here .

Once you've added the domain , we can now go to the next step , which is to get the DNS details and then add it to our own domain DNS page .

Once you do this , your website will be connected to your domain name .

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So to get that , just click here and select notify DNS , then it will take you to this page .

Now click verify , then click , add them in and then click continue .

And as you can see , we have got these details .

Once you have got these details , you need to add these details to your domain .

So to add them , let's go to this tab , click on domains locally here , then click manage name service and you will get this page .

Now you need to copy these details and paste them on your domain DNS page .

First , let's remove these old name servers and then add these details one by one .

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So first let's copy this one and based it here in the same way , let's copy the other details and paste them here .

Once you have added the details , click change name servers .

So now we have successfully added the details to our domain DNS page .

Now , if you go to and click done here , you can see that the DNS has been added , which means we have not successfully connected our domain with our website .

Now , if you open a new tab and enter our domain name , which is magical builder dot com , then press enter .

You can see that we've got a website which we updated .

OK .

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Now , if we go to our service page , you can see the page which we have created .

And if you go to our contact page , you can see that we have a default contact form .

Now , let's say a Vita tries to contact you , fills up this form and click , send message .

You can see that we have got an error message which says page not found .

This is because we are creating a static website which cannot collect the data of the visitors from our site .

Now , if you want to collect data from your visitors , you need to add a new contact form to your site .

So next , let's see how you can add a new contact form to your site .

So to add the new contact form , just go to your local site and go to the contact page .

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Now to add a new contact form to your site , first , you need to remove this default contact form on your side .

So to remove the form , let's click , edit to the element or now scroll down right , click on the blue pencil and then click delete .

Now , as you can see , the default contact form has been deleted .

Once you have deleted the form , just go here , search for HTML and then drag this element and drop it here .

Now to add a new contact form , we need to enter a code here .

So to get the code , just go to the video you're watching right now and click this link and it will take you to this page here .

You can see that we have given a code .

Now this is the code which will help us to add a new contact form .

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So let's copy this code , then go back to this tab and paste the code here .

As you can see , the new contact form has been added here .

Now , if we click update and click here up , you can see the new contact form which we just added .

OK ?

So now we have successfully added the new contact form to our site .

Now to make our contact form to appear on our live site just like we did before , we need to export the file and upload it on file .

So to do that , let's go to our dashboard .

Then click generate static files and the file will be generated .

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Now , click here and download the file , then let's upload the file on net file .

So let's go there and click deploys , then drag this file and drop it here and it will be uploaded .

Ok .

Once you have done that , now , a new contact form will appear on our live site .

So to check that let's go to our live website here .

You can see the default contact form .

Now , if you click refresh , you can see that we have got a new contact form which we just added .

Ok .

Now let's check how it works .

So just like a vista would do , let's fill up this form and click submit .

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As you can see the form has been submitted once the form is submitted , how can you see the details which have been submitted ?

Now , if you go to net and go to farms and click here here , you can see the details of the visor and their message .

Ok .

So that's it guys .

This is how you can make a website for free .

Now instead of exporting and importing the changes every time .

If you want to see the changes immediately on the live site , you can use a professional workers hosting like webspace kit .

When using webspace kit , you can also build dynamic sites like e-commerce store website where you can receive payments online with shopping cart feature .

So check out our work hosting by clicking here .

Now , if you want to learn more about making websites easily without coding , you can check out our premium courses by clicking the link below this video .

Subscribe for more videos .

Thanks for watching .

I'll see you in the next video .

Take care bye bye .


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