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2023-07-18 12:30:10

Get a Flat Stomach in 14 days! Beginner Sitting Yoga and Magic Shiatsu Massage

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He'll extend out , hold clean it up , bring the right knee down , reach your left arm up , inhale for a twist to the left nasty breathing excel thread that left arm underneath the right arm pit , all the way through , perhaps all the way to the ground with your head , with your left shoulder and relax , breathe into it on your inner release with your left arm up and exhale down back to table top .

Beautiful job .

Come onto your toes , send the hips up and back for downward facing dog .

Keep the knee bend , walk the hands move forward .

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What we're looking for is really this length and opening in the shoulders and in your back .

And you might have seen downward dogs before where the heels are on the ground , the legs are straight , but that's really not what we're looking for in this post .

If you need to bend your knees , that's perfectly fine .

What we're looking for is to open your shoulders .

So if you start to round your back , but bring the heels on the ground like this , then that's not really a good functional downward facing dog .

Instead , you bend your knees , move the chest towards the thighs , push the ground away , keep the breath going nice and slow , use your fingertips to grip into the mat .

And if you want , you can start to straighten your legs a little bit , but keep that length in your back and the openness in your shoulders .

So I've been doing this for quite a while .

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So we're gonna , I'm gonna bring the heels down to the ground and still keep that length in the shoulders , but feel free to keep the knees bent for now , if you need to pushed the ground away , externally , rotate the arms more .

Pull the lower belly in and breathe .

It's really all about the breath .

See what's coming up while you're holding this post .

If it's easy , breathe through it , if it's challenging , breathe through it , start to lift your heels , bend your knees , walk the feet forward between the hands , inhale , lift up halfway , either hands to the shins or fingertips on the ground length out to the spine .

Exhale , fold forward and down .

Let's just hang out here for a couple of breaths .

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And now backwards arms like this and open as you inhale and close out your X A began yoga .

Always start with breathing exercise .

You know why it is because conditioning of the lungs can promote blood flow throughout the body using fingers like this and pinch your stomach .

You know why your stomach gets more and more fat year by year .

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So relax into this , perhaps grab opposite elbows , let the head hang heavy .

You hold so much tension in the neck and in the traps , you just want to relax at the same time .

Give the hamstring some time to open up .

If you practice this in the morning , then you give them some time to wake up .

Good morning , hamstrings , good morning back .

Just relax .

I release the hands down to the ground or hands to the shins inhale .

Lift up halfway , exhale forward , fold , bend your knees roll all the way up to standing through the spine .

Take a deep breath and the arms reach up .

Excel forward forward in here .

Lift up halfway el step the right foot back for pyramid post .

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So both legs are straight , both heels on the ground .

If you cannot bring especially the back heel down to the ground and it , if it's lifted oftentimes it's like this , then your stance is too wide and you want to step that foot forward so that both heels are on the ground .

Keep both legs nice and straight .

Maybe use blocks here or books underneath your hands .

On your inhale , you lengthen out through the spine .

Exhale , fold forward and down in Hill to Langton her fault .

Let's do two more .

Just like this .

As you can see , we're again moving with the breath .

Have four in here to Leng Hill .

Fold beautiful bed .

The left knee , place the hands down , step the left foot back for plank posts .

Push the ground away .

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If you want , you can set the knees down but keep pushing the ground away .

Keep pressing into the inside part of your hands .

So the thumb side part and also use those fingertips to grip into the mat , tuck your tab and engage the core .

Lift your hips up a little bit higher .

Keep the breath going .

Let's take two more nice and slow breaths .

Send the hips up and back downward facing doc again with the knees bend .

If you want to on your inhale , lift your right leg up and back .

Three legged dog , keep pressing into the palms .

The chest is moving towards the left thigh , reach up and back through the right heel .

Now on your inhale , come high into your left toes .

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Exhale right knee to the chest , shift your shoulders forward around your back , push the ground away , start to flex the right foot .

Now , step that foot between the hands .

Pyramid pulls on the other side , shorten the stand , step the left foot forward , make sure both heels are on the ground .

Then you inhale length .

No , to the spine .

He fall forward and down .

Let's take three more .

Just like this with the breath .

Gently pull the right here back a little more .

Be mindful of the right knee .

So you keep a , a micro bed in your right knee .

So we're not hyper extending four .

Let's do one more because it's so nice in here lengthen her fault , rebind the right knee .

Step the left foot forward to meet the right now .

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We are spending you , you feel don't stop while airs are on just like this and closer and expand .

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So you really engage the right hand spring quad also on the left side , reach out to the arms , then pull the lower belly in .

Imagine you're holding something up and over your head and it's kind of heavy .

So you want to keep the fingertips nice and engaged and active .

Let's take one more last deep breath in .

Release the hands down , playing pose .

Stepped the right foot back .

Beautiful job .

Now , on your inhale , first you decide if you want to keep the knees lifted or set them down to the ground .

Keep pushing the ground away in her shift forward .

Come high onto your toes , bend your arms all the way down to the ground .

Untuck , the toes , bring your arms close to your shoulders .

The arms are bent , the hands close to the shoulders , the arms are bent .

Now on your inhale , keep your feet on the ground .

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You lift the chest up the hands , the arms , the upper body lifts up and gauge your glutes your back .

Exhale , lower down in her lift , squeeze the shoulder blades together .

Exhale lower .

Let's go for three more .

Inhale lift .

Hello , in hand lift , exhale , lower .

Last one .

Lift up and lower down .

Bring your full arms on the ground for sings pose , the elbows are underneath the shoulders and the forearms are parallel to another .

So the hands are not together or interlacing , keep them apart .

Now , engage your glutes , press into your forearms , move the chest forward , pull the shoulders back .

If this is uncomfortable for the lower back , then you bring your feet wide apart , there's really no reason to keep the feet together .

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You can actually back bend more .

So this is a backend , you can actually backend more .

If they feed a while .

The part , if you feel almost nothing here and you feel good in this pose , you can press into your palm straight in your arms for seal pose .

But really only if this feels good for you externally , rotate the arms wherever you are .

Keep the glutes engaged , relax your shoulders down away from the ears .

Let's take two more nice and slow breaths .

Nasty breathing is everything down .

Beautiful job .

Shake out the hips left and right and then send the hips back towards the heels for a child's posts and we will then move into downward facing dog again .

Send the hips up and back .

Beautiful job .

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Keep the breath nice and slow on your in her .

Reach your left leg up and back .

Three legged dog .

Present your palms , move the chest towards the right thigh on your inhale .

Come high into your right toes .

Exhale left knee to the chest , shift forward around your back , push the ground away .

Start to flex your left foot .

Nice and slow step that foot between the hands low lunch , set the right knee down .

You decide what you do with your right toes , either untuck or stay on the toes and hurry your arms up , reach out through the fingertips , pull the lower belly in , pull the left heel back , push the right knee forward and breathe .

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Last , deep breathing level is the hands down .

Now , we step the right foot forward to meet the left inhale .

To lift up halfway XL forward , folding down , bend your knees , roll up through the spine to standing on your exhale .

Chair , pose , bend your knees , send the hips back , keep the arms lifted .

There's two options here .

You can either keep the feet together and the knees together or you keep the feet and the knees apart .

Just not a combination of the two , send the hips back .

Keep the core engaged .

Pull the lower belly in , let's take one more last deep breath in .

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Exhale , lift your heel squat all the way down to the ground , set the hips down and come onto your back , bring the heels close to your hips and then press into the heels .

Lift your hips up high .

Really engage those glutes , keep the breath going .

And if you want , you can come more onto the shoulder blades .

At the same time , you interlace your hands behind the back for bridge posts .

Let's stay here for about three more breaths .

Nasty breathing , slowly , release the hips back down .

Take a moment here , bring the knees together .

Just keep the feet where they're at .

Relax on your back .

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Start to hug both knees into the chest .

Give yourself a nice hug .

Be proud of yourself for showing up today , for doing the work for investing in yourself .

Take a deep breath and through the nose , open mouth , extend the legs forward , exhale , just lay on your back .

Take all the space you want , bring the arms wide away from the body , the legs wide , the part let the body relax , melt into the ground .

Give yourself permission to lay here to relax .

Know that this pose is just as important as everything else we have done so far .

Finished as practice , nice and easy by giving your body time to go through everything it needs to go through , relax your breath .

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So we stop controlling the breath , let it come back to its natural rhythm .

Instead start to observe the breath , feel the air coming in through the nose and I put in us , feel free to stay as long as you want in this final resting post , the video will just end you to stay and relax before you continue with your day .

I hope you check out all the other videos I have on this channel and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon on the mat .

Thank you so much for practicing with me today .

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Now I recommend these videos for you .

See you next video .


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