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2023-07-18 12:29:38

10-Minute Bedtime Yoga

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So this is just the gist of it , but this is something that you really would need to understand is that if you're writing your job descriptions , you're writing your uh , job duties on your resume .

You want to ask yourself , is it dry ?

Is it boring ?

Is it bland ?

How can I spice it up a little bit more ?

How can I make the messaging feel a little bit more compelling ?

How can I make it more well written more uh well rounded ?

That is and then start to incorporate that .

Ok .

So hopefully that , that makes a little bit more sense .

And like I said , in my top notch resume course , which is gonna come out in a few weeks .

This is exactly what we do .

We talk about it , line by line .

I'm gonna be walking through exactly how to write a phrase that is compelling .

That's well rounded , that really incorporates everything that you need .

Um to make sure that see the thing is , is that you can make it really compelling and spicy and crazy .

But then that's what it ends up becoming .

It's kind of crazy .

It's a little bit too overwhelming and it may not make sense .

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So you have to be able to do it in a really concise way and it's really about the communication of it .

So we'll talk about that .

Um , in a few weeks when I launch the course and you'll learn more about that there .

So let's look at one final thing on this particular resume .

I have several more to show you .

So somebody had already said it before .

Somebody had already said it before .

Oh , let me see .

Is it ok ?

If the bullet point runs two lines long says Christopher , yes , it's ok .

If the bullet point runs two lines long , it just has to be , there has to be good reason for it .

But yes , absolutely .

Um Should we put a number ?

I'm not really sure what you mean by that in terms of number .

Um Yes , we should totally , we should always be selling ourselves .

Excellent stan .

Uh Yeah , that's right .

Ok .

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Just I did this , I did this , I did this but she doesn't talk about her achievements and that is something that is key .

Um I find that a lot of people don't put achievements down .

And when they do that again , they're doing themselves a disservice because if you really wanna stand apart from the other candidates in your job search , when your resume is being compared to the other candidates , achievements is what's gonna help you to stand apart from everyone else ?

So achievements , what is an achievement ?

Who can tell me what an achievement is ?

Should we put a number to make it quantitative ?

OK , so that's what you're saying .

Um Should we put a number to make it quantitative ?

Well , in achievements , it's actually achievement is something that you're able to do that was above and beyond .

It resulted in some sort of improvement for the company .

So um it could have been that you save the company money .

So that is quantitative .

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If you can remember how much money you save them or a percentage or time , if you can remember how much time you save them for something that you were able to do .

So you have to think really creatively and ask yourself , what did I do in this job that allowed me to create a quantifiable result that those are the best achievements .

Now , of course , there's all kinds of different achievements .

You know , if you're recognized for being a top performer , that's an achievement or something along those lines .

But um always thinking about what did I do ?

That was a little bit outside of the box and resulted in something you definitely want to include that .

So someone said , um Lisa says , can you do one either than other than accounting ?

Yeah , I have other examples .

So don't worry , don't freak out .

See this is the issue .

A lot of people are and this is what you're going to have to understand in the course as well is that the examples that I'm going to share with you , it doesn't matter what job they are like .

I've helped people in engineering and I know nothing about engineering .

One of my clients , she was a corrosion engineer .

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She couldn't find a job for eight months and she came to me , we worked together , we revamped her resume using this approach , the top notch resume approach .

And within a couple of months she landed two job offers and I knew nothing about engineering , but it didn't matter .

It was all about the strategy .

So you guys have to remember this .

OK ?

Don't look at the details from that perspective .

Look at what is , what is Linda actually telling me about the process , understand the process and then you will know how to apply it for yourself .

OK ?

And in the , in the course , it's a lot clearer right now .

It's just because I'm using an example and I know you guys want something that's perfectly suited for you .

But unfortunately , that's just not going to be the case for everybody .

All right .

So that is resume number one .

OK .

So let's recap .

What are some of the things we notice ?

We notice number one , no profile needs to have a profile , good solid , well written , compelling profile that gives them insight , gives the hiring manager , insight on who this person is , what their professional background is , their technical experience , all that stuff .

Um but not too long winded .

You don't want a full paragraph .

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Uh experience wise , the bullet points are too short , too bland , need to spice them up a bit .

Need to be more , well , need to be fully well rounded , incorporate key words .

OK ?

And then the final thing we talked about was the achievements and that there aren't any .

So the 11 thing that they could be setting themselves apart um would be through writing achievements , including them on their resume .

So give me a thumbs up or say yes or say he hallelujah , whatever if , uh , if this may all make sense to you guys .

Ok .

Ask , um , let me know if this all makes sense .

How many pages long should a resume be a resume ?

I would say , can be as short as one page , as long as two , anything longer than that is way too long .

Ok .

You want to be concise because if you are going over two pages , the hiring manager , you know what they're thinking , they're thinking this person doesn't know how to be concise .

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And that is the key to writing an effective resume is not only knowing how to word it properly and word it in a compelling way , but being concise as you word it that way .

So she says good stuff .

All right .

OK .

Some of your um some of your youtube ID si don't know what they are .

I can't even read them , but thank you .

Yes .

Yes .

OK .

Awesome .

All right .

On .

Which part should we include ?

Achievements ?

Says Mr OK , you should be including your achievements underneath the job responsibilities .

So you see how um like r analysis identify , maintain underneath maintain , put the word achievements underneath that , put a couple of bullet points and those are gonna be your achievements that so you want achievements related to each position .

Ideally , if you don't have it for every position , then at least have it for the most recent roles .

All right .

So let's move on to the next one because we're already going over time .

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Um , if you guys can hold on a sec , my computer is running out of battery and I didn't realize that I didn't have it plugged in .

So one second , bear with me here .

Oh , gosh .

Ok .

Yeah , things are just falling over now .

One second .

Ok .

Good .

I hope you guys can still see me .

Yes , everything's good .

Ok .

So let's move on to the next resume .

I know you guys are probably curious .

Let's see .

Resume number two .

So like I said , if you guys want to take a closer look at these resumes , feel free to just download them at the Linda Rayner dot com slash samples and you'll have your own PDF copy version .

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But truthfully if you don't follow along in this training , you're not gonna really know what to do with those resume samples like you , it's just that's all it is .

So let's move on to this one .

So when you guys read this resume , you see that they actually have a summary which is great .

But by looking at this summary , do you guys feel that you have a clear picture of this person's skill sets , abilities , experiences and technical skills ?

Tell me if you feel that you know who they are and what they're capable of and what they can do .

Tell me if um this like tell me if it sounds vague and that if it or if it sounds specific enough for you because if it's vague , which I believe it is .

Then it gets you on the iffy list for these hiring managers .

They're gonna feel that , you know , he's just fluffy .

You guys feel that it's fluffy too .

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POA says doing great .

This is awesome .

Um Rose says fab advice .

Awesome says summary is vague .

It's vague , right ?

You guys agree .

So it says here , I'll read it out loud professional business development , associate with 10 years of successful business development experience and a demonstrated track record of achievements and results excellent at fostering client relationships .

So I can see that they're trying to sell themselves .

I can see that , you know , they're making an attempt to say I've had some achievements and results and I have business development experience .

So you know that much , you know that they're in business development , but you don't know what industry you don't know what their technical skills are are related to that .

And you know , what kinds of achievements of results are you talking about ?

So that's the thing here is that we really want to get specific when we're doing our summary and what this person has done is not specific enough .

So I think you guys can see that .

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So if he wanted to fix this , he would need to describe it in more detail .

He would need to describe his specific experiences , technical abilities and background and it needs to be written in a way that's not a full on paragraph either .

So he only has about a couple of sentences here , um , which is fine .

You only need two or three bullet points for the profile , but you need it to be really clear .

You need this person , you need the hiring manager to be able to read it and go , ok .

I know exactly what this person is capable of and , and that they can do the job .

And so like I described in my top notch resume course , this is what I'm going to be working through because just working through the profile alone takes quite a bit of time .

You have to really know what do I put in there that's going to stand out for this hiring manager .

And um the thing there is that it's gonna change depending on the job that you apply to , it's gonna change depending on um the uh company that you wanna work for .

Like it all changes .

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Now tell me this , I'm curious to ask you guys who here has a targeted job title or objective in their resume , who's , who's currently , who can say that they're still doing that .

And I don't wanna , you know , I don't want to , um , make you stand out and , and , uh make you feel bad or anything .

But the truth here is that if you still have it , I would say get rid of it because the reason why is because if you can write a profile that is so compelling and effective , then they'll know what job you're applicable for .

They'll know what job you're meant to do .

You don't have to tell them .

It's , to be honest , I personally feel that the targeted , the , the objective or the targeted job title is a little bit juvenile because that's the , that's the kind of thing that we learned when we were back in high school on how to write resumes .

And , um with , with the , with that , you know , back then we had no experience in high school and maybe you were looking for like a retail job .

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Nice , then squeeze both knees in towards the chest .

Inhale in as you exhale , take them to the right side for a twist , let your hands rest gently on your left rib cage .

As you breathe into the ribs , the belly , the diaphragm and then you use your exhale to soften and relax everything and then slowly melt it to center and take it to the other side .

Nice and easy twisting to the left breathing that nice wide breath into the ribs , filling the lungs and using the exhale to soften and surrender .

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So maybe you'd put objective retail job .

That makes sense because you have no experience .

But in this case , I'm assuming you guys are professionals and you have some experience , even if you think that it's not enough .

Definitely you want to get rid of the job targeted job title .

OK ?

Um titles are different in every job .

Exactly .

Stan titles are different in every job .

So you don't really want to be including them qualifications as well .

One thing , what , what can you tell me that you're noticing about these qualifications ?

Um I want to know , you know , you , so you see here work well under pressure in various environments .

OK ?

Excellent oral written communication skills .

OK ?

You want to know why ?

I don't really like this .

I'm curious if anybody knows , but I'll just outright tell you the reason why I don't like this is I always say in your resume , avoid soft skills .

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I'm not so sure what you mean by , does it help to go check on your application in person ?

But if you're saying to go to go into the office and say , hey , did you guys see my application then ?

No , it's not a good thing .

Don't do that .

Um That's not an OK thing to do .

Wait for them to call you .

And if they haven't called you , it's probably because they either didn't find your resume in the system because you plus 500 other people have applied or , um , it didn't stand out enough to them .

Ok .

And by the way , talking about how to stand out in front of hiring managers , getting them to get you , um , getting them to invite you to interviews is also something that I'm gonna be talking about in my top notch resume .

Course , that's a bonus .

Um I'll explain that all later on in the next few weeks .

But it's really important that you realize that applying online is not enough , it is not enough to just send your resume and pray and hope that online is the only way it could work and it has worked for people .


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