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2023-07-17 08:30:41

30min Hip-Hop Fit Cardio Dance Workout 'Round 1' _ Mike Peele

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Try to keep that back flat so flat you can place your core water bottle on top of your bag .

Nice work .

Give me two more like that last one in out lift and let it go .

Great job guys .

And now we're at our next core hydration water break .

So go ahead and take a sip of your water and take a moment for yourself .

I , so I want to take this water right to have each of us think about what it means to stay true to your core .

What does that mean to you sina to me ?

It means finding authenticity in everything I do .

I love that and how that you , to me , it means fueling my true beliefs and following my passions every single day .

That's beautiful for me .

It just means checking in with myself daily and listening to my gut .

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We're gonna get into our last interval of work , our hard core section of our workout .

So let's go ahead and lay down on our backs , palms flat on the ground , shoulders touching .

So we take a little rock back and we tap the toes down , just a little rock and tap those toes down .

Try to keep that lower back glued to the ground .

Here , we're already in this set of work .

30 seconds left .

Let's go .

Keep breathing here .

That's it .

15 seconds left .

Keep pushing .

Remember you're going at your own pace here .

Last 432 and one .

Let it go .

15 seconds of rest , but stay laying down on your back .

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You're gonna extend one leg , one leg to the sky and those shoulders are gonna come off the ground .

We have alternating leg grabs in 432 and one .

Here we go for that modification .

Keep those knees bent and those shoulders on the ground .

Try to keep those toes pointed if you can and those legs completely straight , you're more than halfway there .

Keep going nice work guys .

Last five seconds .

Push all the way to the end , finish strong and let it go .

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Last exercise on our backs here , our feet are gonna go up and out try to get those feet as low to the ground .

So mine are gonna be about six inches off the ground after they go up straight to the sky , here we go .

Start our work now up and out .

Try to keep that back glued to the ground .

That's it .

Check in on yourself .

Are you breathing ?

Is that core super tight ?

And are those legs reaching out as low to the ground ?

As possible .

Only 10 more seconds .

Last 32 and one .

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Let it go .

Come up to that seated position .

You're gonna lean back just slightly , place your hand on the knees , your feet are gonna go out out in , in and then you have two rock ups with your arms in the sky .

Here we go .

32 and one out out in , in rock and rock .

There we go .

Starting a little party on the floor right here .

If you can lean back a little lower , just go for it .

Remember , this is your workout .

So you push yourself as hard as you can .

10 more seconds and then we're coming back up to our feet .

Oh You want it ?

Oh Yeah .

Nice job .

Nice job .

And you're done .

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Shake it out and come back up to a standing position .

You'll be just behind your mat here .

So we're gonna criss cross with a little jump and clap in the middle , then roll it down twice .

Are you guys ready ?

Yeah , let's get this party started .

Hit it .

Cris cross roll , roll .

Criss cross roll and roll and you can go a little lower at the rule if you want again , you can just add your own player because this is your workout .

So you get to do you 20 seconds left .

Last bit of work here .

Keep grooving and moving .

That's it .

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Last one and two rolls .

Shake it out .

So next we're pushing to the side then we have three heel taps and opening up our arms for the modification .

Just keep our hands on our hips .

Great job .

Here we go .

67 push , reach , reach , reach , push .

So the foot that slides across the floor is the first foot that goes into attitude .

Attitude just means a bent .

There we go .

Keep that chest lifted and that core super tight .

You're almost there .

I want you guys to check in with your core here is everybody feeling strong .

Oh Yeah , good .

Let's use that strength to push through this last bit of work here .

It's a challenging set .

So keep pushing yourself .

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Last one .

Push , reach , reach and reach .

Shake it out .

All right guys , we got another dance move .

You ready ?

It's a little dance with a little bit of core .

We roll our ribs twice , then we roll our hips because those hips are part of the core action too .

So let's roll , roll , roll , roll .

Just focus on isolating the ribs and the hips here and then we'll add a little spice a little flavor in a second .

That's it at top and down below one more like that .

And now the arms are gonna go out and in here it goes out , out , in and that's it out , out , in and out , out and that's it .

Keep that energy up .

Last one .

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Just shimmying those shoulders all the way to the end .

Can you make it a little bigger ?

I know you can a little bigger .

That's it , guys .

Stay here and shake it out .

All right guys , we're moving into our core burner .

You ready for that ?

Are you ready for that ?

Oh Yeah .

So here I'm gonna allow you guys to pick your favorite core moves .

We're gonna start with a standing bike fingertips behind the head .

We go for 45 seconds strong .

Here we go .

You gotta keep pushing all the way opposite , need to opposite elbow .

If you can pick up the pace here , go ahead and pick up the pace .

Just keep engaging the core .

That music is ramping up .

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We're almost there and let it go .

All right , guys .

15 seconds rest .

Let's pop down to the floor .

Our next core burners gonna be our bicycle and again , you guys can choose your favorite core workout .

Just go for 45 seconds strong .

As soon as that music comes in here , we go deep breath in and let's go remember guys , this is a burnout .

So keep going at your quickest pace .

Remember to keep that torso rotation in there .

If you're doing bicycles with us , keep pushing yourself nice and strong .

We're almost there .

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Keep fighting for it .

Let it go .

All right , guys , you ready for one more core burner ?

This is the last one .

Let's drive it home .

Let's finish strong together .

I'm gonna go into mountain climbers .

How about you guys ?

You gonna climb that mountain ?

Yeah .

See , I know you got us on the modification .

Let's go for it .

See , down into that plank .

Let's start running up the side of that mountain .

We're in this together , guys , knees into the chest .

Of course , super tight .

Run it up .

Keep breathing .

You can do it .

Keep climbing .

That's it .

That's it .

We're almost there .

Fight for these last 15 seconds .

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4321 .

Let it go .

Wow .

That was amazing .

You guys did so great .

Go ahead and stand back up to your feet .

We're gonna cool it down .

Yeah .

Nice work .

Take a deep breath .

Take those feet , nice and wide .

We're gonna reach all the way to the top of the ceiling and then bend our knees at the bottom .

Arms all the way up .

Let it all go all the way up and let it go .

Two more like that .

Gather up all that amazing energy that you created for yourself today .

Last one , arms all the way up .

We're gonna bend one knee , keep the other side straight in a warrior lunch .

Take that elbow , plant it on your thigh and reach up and over .

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You did great and you're still standing , let it all go straighten both legs , shake it out .

Go ahead and reach down for your toes , step your feet back into a plank and lower down into up dog .

So remember , continue to strengthen your inside .

So your outside shines the brightest and go ahead and push back into a child's post and those hips straight back , stretch those arms out right in front of you .

4321 .

Go ahead and push up into a down dog .

Start to walk those legs out .

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And whenever you're ready , start to walk those feet into the hands , I want you to just hang out here , take a tiny sway side to side and we're gonna roll up one vertebrae at a time until our fingertips touch the sky in 321 , roll it up , fingertips all the way to the sky .

Stretch it all the way out .

Interlace those fingers , press it all the way up .

Two more side bends here and up and over to the other side .

Good little baby back .

Ben , take it back and curve the core forward .

Drop the arms , bring the head up and shake it all out .

Go ahead and give some love to your core .

It worked so hard for you today .

You guys worked so hard way to go ladies .

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Thank you guys for working out with us .

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Yeah gma yeah put your yeah let's come on get out .

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Yes ma'am water three day the hell we are right here again now this time breaking in on half you ready ?

Seven and one do it six six so yeah .

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Yeah that goes right right and switch it out .

All right whole boxes around .

Yeah ladies and gentlemen I hope you had a good time at home .

Switch it out .

I hope you have a fun experience .

It amazing .

Sit down , we love you here , we appreciate you and we get out and come up , everybody at home and come on and hold it up right here .

Ladies , look up to the sky , close your eyes .

I wanna thank you so much .

I wanna take you , take this time to let you know .

You're so dope .

You're so great .

There's no reason for you to try to be like anybody else .

There's only one you in the universe .

OK .

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Always remember it before you start complaining before you start saying what you don't have .

Look around and notice what you do have , be thankful and be grateful .

It takes the same amount of energy to complain just like it takes the same amount of energy to be thankful .

So even if it's one little thing each day , find something to be thankful and grateful for ladies and everybody at home , read it down and we appreciate that you for hip hop job .


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