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2023-07-19 14:27:47

Yoga Aerial Swing - Lesson 1 for Beginners

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So today we are recording our very first beginner aerial video .

It's gonna be lots of fun .

It's gonna help you strengthen your core and your arms to get used to doing some flips and tricks in the silks .

So the first thing I like to do with super beginner classes is start standing up and you just wrap your arms .

So this is a double wrap , I'm wrapping one way and then the other way my elbows are in the silk .

So you can even fluff it out a little bit more for comfort and make a little pocket .

And the reason for this is because we're gonna warm up our spine and our bodies by doing what it is called pulling taffy .

So it literally just looks like your piece of taffy or the silks are wrapped around your arms like taffy and you're pulling it and you're going around in circles .

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Notice how my abdominals are opening up or crunching back in , opening up and crunching back in .

This is also really good for your waistline too .

Keep those shoulders drawing down and away from the ears , just relax everything and just pull , then you can reverse your circle .

A little hard to stop there .

That's ok .

Pull them right on .

This also gets you used to the motion of the silks because sometimes they can't sway a little bit whenever we're doing stuff that's ok .

Totally normal .

This is lots of fun to do .

I think it's probably my two year old's favorite .

Let's come on up to sil , or take a bend in the knees and just stand right back up .

So now we're going to unwrap , but you're gonna keep the silks right to your shoulder blade area .

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So , yeah , I like to put all my head on my hand and just hanging out rock and side to side .

That's really , really good for your core , what we just did and it's gonna help you a lot throughout your aerial practice .

Take a bend in the knees , move back through that chair pose and we'll take you to an airplane plank .

Breathe through it .

Here in area .

We use the same breathing technique as we use in yoga , breathing in doing this .

We the tummy with air , a draw that really got into the spine .

Move through chair , send it back again .

Exhale , open the knees , inhale to your airplane .

Blank .

Mhm Slide through four .

Who gets a little bit more natural just moving with your breath flow in here .

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Be in those knees to bring you back up and around .

Hold it here , grab all of the silks , bring yourself up to standing .

Now you're just going to take the slips in front of you for them , close it back up to that single band .

We'll start with our left leg , take your left leg in and we're gonna stretch because stretch is really important for all the things that we did .

So now you're gonna pull over , exhale , stretching forward .

Keep those twos nice and pointed or you can flex it just as long as you keep the foot active .

If you want a little bit more , you can drop the arms down by the side .

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I know is that the hands so both poles and brought forward half splits pointless .

Tens , bring it up , slide this up down to your knee .

Hip opener stretch .

Come on down .

If you are feeling extra open and it's available to you , you can lower the acne gap .

You could even take it further by straightening the front leg , reading through it or you're welcome to .

Just always stay here .

Listen to your body .

Do what's available to you .

Squeeze the legs together .

Let's pop back up the sanding pivot on the back foot .

Show the way forward .

Warrior one .

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So if you were on the floor , this would be exactly the same as your warrior one .

Let's squeeze the lid back together .

Open up your left arms against the back pole , slide forward where your too .

So now you're really gonna feel this in your inner thigh , opening a bad hip , getting us ready to flow and do some flips and tricks in the socks .

Open up that one .

It's just the way over .

Mhm Lock your hands back up to standing , slide the silk back down to your ankle , staying turned toward the side wall and how to reach your arms up A I fold over .

So we're here in this Ford fold , stretching out our right hamstring .

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But this is also one of my most favorite things to do to warm up .

You're gonna walk your hands in towards the center and warm up that middle split .

Bring do it .

If this is too much for you , you can always go back , you can walk it back and forth if you want or you can just hold it .

I take it back over , we're gonna turn coming down into a lunch , twisted out , reaching the right arm up , left hand stays down , unwind it to get back down .

Can you still see me ?

So , from here it's really important that we warm up the core a lot because it helps us get ourselves up .

So we are going to work on some planks .

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We can start with just a one leg down , bottom stretch , stretch your back , breathing through it .

We breathing shoulder , blood sliding down the ears .

Then I'm gonna shut the right forward and come into a one legged plank .

This is where it gets tough y'all .

We're gonna lift that right leg up to meet the left and hold it for 54321 , lower it down down dog or single leg .

Child's pose your choice .

Pop back into your plank .

Send that like I pull it for 87654321 .

Lower down tiles pose or down .

Do stretch it out this time .

We're gonna hold it for 10 seconds .

Shift the weight forward .

Pop that leg up .

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Pull 10 , 987654321 .

Take that right foot in with the left foot and the silks and we're gonna work on our pikes eight pikes bringing it in and out .

Three four , five , six 78 .

Lower that right foot down right .

So catch the silks behind you .

So vanilla again , grab all of silks , single barnet and then we're gonna come forward , coming into a dancer .

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Come on now , flip your grip on your socks and now your thumb is upward before it was down and you just gonna fly back into a split , shift your weight through , turn back to the front .

I like to switch my legs in the silk .

So this is a lot of fun .

You're gonna slide the slip down to your knee .

Do a single leg , swing , take the right leg in , keep on doing it .

Left leg comes out and lower opio take it down to your ankle .

Same thing on the other side , ridge stones up , all pulled over .

Mhm Stretching it out .

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It is a little difficult to balance in the socks .

I'll be completely honest with you guys and take some time to get used to balancing and inside something that's suspended .

But once you get used to it , I promise you'll love it .

Where is that ?

Let's structure it out .

Have a slip in one of my classes one day .

I was like , that's not a half split .

That's a full split .

You know , you make it your own Tamala .

Take it down with the knee slide for hip opener feels so good .

So you're really gonna feel it through your hip flexor on your suspended leg as well as your standing leg .

Really opening up that quad stuff up to the hip flexor .

If you want to drop the knee , you can .

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And if you want to straighten that leg , go for it , listening to your body , letting your own body be your teacher .

It will tell you what you can do today .

We're gonna pop on it .

Hit at the back foot of warrior stands .

Come on a warrior one .

Squeeze the guys back together , take your right arm against the back hole , open up and over your too .

So now all the weight is coming into the back side of the left foot here .

This gets easier to balance the more you practice .

Let's bring it in .

So I just look back to the ankle .

Stay facing that back wall , inhale , raise your hands up .

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Let's stretch over to start round up and then stretch it over the standing leg , walk your hands out for that center split .

You can hold it or you can walk back and forth .

Either way it feels quite good .

I like to of it .

I like to test my flexibility .

Sometimes I'm taking my elbows down , take it back to the center and then let's do it all the way around for a lunge .

And the best thing about this is that it really improves your normal yoga practice as well .

Bring that arm up to the sky for your twisted lunge .

So many benefits for doing a yoga , lower that hand down .

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So take it right down to your lips down into it .

Flu the silk back behind you , scoop your feet forward , cover them up .

So we go ahead and I'll take a moment to relax .

This is your time to melt into the ss .

Thank yourself for your hard work that you did and just so you can stay here and relax where you can go ahead and end the video with me to come out of this .

You kick your feet through , come up to city and I'm just like you would any other year , the light in me honors the lightening you .

Thank you so much for letting me lead you through this aerial practice today .

My last day .

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We're gonna prepare for our plant series .

Take that left foot back into your one wicked do reading through it .

Just do it for and send that foot up to wolf for Plank .

Go 54321 .

Lower it down and send it back stretch breathing through it .

Shift your way forward back to that Plank .

Lift it up .

87654321 .

Lower down .

Stretch it out .

Oh my gosh .

It feels so good .

And if you want to try that one , like a dell dog on this or child's pose on this side , give it a shot .

It feels so nice .

It really opens up the hips , pop back back into down dog .

If you wear a child's pose , send it back to plant .

Hold for 10 this time .

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10 , 987654321 .

Who don't lower it , you're gonna place it in the silk with the right foot and then send it up to a pipe this time , eight times hips come over the shoulders .

We'll lower back down .

Really testing our core .

Last one .

Hold it .

Don't be scared .

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The silks have you and release , try to rock her down elbows , brush the side body and help up up lower , right leg down and then the left feet come right behind you hips on top of the heels , rocket side to side and then pop it up , lock your hands in .

So now we're gonna start to invert , you can circle off your wrist .

What is it ?

Ok .

I'm gonna start to invert .

Now , take this looks right to your lips .

So we're back and we're gonna work on our first inversion .

So here sitting back , some people are really afraid of this .

Don't be , this looks so catchy .

It's awesome .

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You're gonna just roll that open the leg out wide and you can just hang out here .

I like to pop my hands down , rocket forward .

Come into a inverted down dog .

You can strip your hip side to side .

You can always wrap your legs too if you want , if you don't want to keep them straddled .

So now let's keep one leg wrapped and at least one leg down , come into an inverted dancer by just taking a bend in that knee , kicking it behind you , you can have your arms behind you .

You can have your arms above you or you can reach back and grab for that foot .

So this is your inverted dancer .

Your foot's wrapped , your foot is holding onto the silks , you're completely supported .

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You're not going anywhere .

It feels really nice .

Go ahead and switch sides .

So you're gonna wrap the other foot around .

You might swing a little , that's ok .

I'm wind the other foot and reach back for it .

Another way , I really like to do a grab in this pose is to reach my elbow around and then just my hands .

Whenever you're ready , you might need to come on up and that's ok .

So you can come up open like that one and then right back down the standing .

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The next thing that we're going to do that's fairly basic and helps us with a lot of other poses moving forward is same in version , but we're gonna come up into our diaper wrap and that's where we're gonna stop today at the diaper wrap .

So hold this .

So look at your lower back , invert backwards , spread in the lows out Y heads all the way down , wrap the fit .

I like to wrap them all the way up at the top just to make sure that they're secure that I lower them down toward my pelvis using the core wrap yourself up .

Grab all of the silks , keep on walking all the way up , push the legs through , walk , walk , walk , walk and then all the way up .

Now , a lot of the time you'll see people hanging out sitting down .

I like to stop the diaper wrap right here .

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Hold my legs up , come into a straddle stretch and hold it , breathe into it from here .

There are many other things that you could go into starting with the bow .

I can take the feet back behind you .

I'm flipping the grip of my hands , my thumbs are pointing down , my keys are up , my elbows are out in front of me and I can come to this and that's where you would start to transition into other groups , but we're gonna stop here at the diaper up , lower down to come out of it , come out to that wrap , unwind the legs , grab blue socks .

I just come up to standing .

Then you fluff your silk all the way out and get inside of it for your .

I like to end the repro within at least a couple of minutes of shabo .

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So take it right down to your lips down into it .

Flu the silk back behind you , scoop your feet forward , cover them up .

So we go ahead and I'll take a moment to relax .

This is your time to melt into the ss .

Thank yourself for your hard work that you did and just so you can stay here and relax where you can go ahead and end the video with me to come out of this .

You kick your feet through , come up to city and I'm just like you would any other year , the light in me honors the lightening you .

Thank you so much for letting me lead you through this aerial practice today .

My last day .


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