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2023-07-16 15:46:02

How to Make Ecommerce Website for FREE in India _ Dukaan App Review _ 2021

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So photos , my photos limited to let's say nine , maybe a border like that .

What I prefer to do everything the same boxed .

No .

So this one my profile boxed like that's publish close it .

So now it starts to look a little bit better already .

So what we will do , we'll take a look at a lot of these additions .

But before I do that , I want to configure a few more things , I want to get rid of this bar because here we have the home page here .

We see the members .

We also see them here .

My profile is also seen over here just as this and this .

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चार दोस्तों मैं लक्षित सेठिया और आप देख रहे हैं सोशल साॅस विडियो में मैं आपको ऐसे टूल्स बताऊंगा जिससे आप फ्री में अपनी ईकॉमर्स वेबसाइट अपनी सोशल कॉमर्स वेबसाइट् बना सकते हो जिससे आप अपने कस्टमर से तेजी से ऑर्डर ले पाओ और कस्टमर का डेटाबेस उस वेबसाइट पे सेव कर पाओ तो जैसा की आप सभी को पता है जब बिजनिस ग्रो होता है ना तो अकेला एक पर्सन पूरे बिजनिस को कंट्रोल नहीं कर पाता क्योंकि बहुत ये सारी चीजें होती है , सेल होती है , मार्किटिंग होती है , कस्टमर डेटाबेस सेव करना होता है , नए नए प्रोडक्ट्स लोगों को अपडेट करना पडता है और ऐसी सिचुएशन में आपको एक ऐसा टूल चाहिए , एक ऐसी वेबसाइट्स चाहिए जो आपके लिए ये सारा चीज का काम करें और सिर्फ आप एक ही चीज में फोकस करो वो है ट्रैफिक लाने में कस्टमर को लाने में ।

इस विडियो में मैं ये भी बताऊंगा की अपनी वेबसाइट पे कस्टमर कैसे लाते हैं तो तो ऐसे सोशल कॉमर्स वेबसाइट् बनाने के लिए चार पांच बहुत अच्छे टूल्स है ।

एक तो साँप िफाइड है जहाँ पे आप फॅमिली कॉमर्स वेबसाइट् बना सकते हो , शुरू मॅन नहीं करूँगा क्योंकि उसमें भी आपको पैसा देना पडेगा , पेट सब्स्क्रिप्शन लेना पडेगा ।

फिर वो कॉमर्स है जहाँ से आप बहुत अच्छी कॉमर्स वेबसाइट बना सकते हो ।

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So how can I get rid of this area ?

I go to the back end to peep configurations .

I can close this , then I go to appearance and then here a general disabled piso navigation bar .

I scroll down and click and save the settings , open the website in the new dep and now it is gone .

So if I click over here , I see stream about photos and we see photos because we have the photo add-ons .

So the more add-ons you add over here , the more options you get and what you can do if you don't use this , but you rather use this bar over here .

You can add this overview over here .

How can we do that ?

Configurations ?

Scroll down here still at appearance below , disabled pizza , navigation bar , replace wordpress , admin , navigation bar .

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Yes , I save it and we refresh the page and we hover over here .

We see photos , preferences just like here .

But what I rather have when somebody is a visitor , I rather have that they never see this bar that they can adjust everything over here .

How can we fix that ?

We scroll down to gecko .

I click on it and then here at General Show press bar never .

So if I save this and I refreshed the speech , the bar is gone , but I need it because I want to go to the now and then .

So what will I say ?

I changed never to only two administrators .

So I'm an administrator but everybody that signs up is not an administrator .

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So I will always see this bar over here , but the visitors and new registered people will not see that bar , which looks much better in my opinion if I will bring this back .

So over here at configurations appearance , I turn this off , I save it .

So what does it mean over here , I will see the normal menu and not this one .

I refresh the page like this .

What I see now is this image I can replace this image by the avatar from my profile and it will happen with all the members .

So nobody has to get a grave account .

In order to get their image over there , I go to configurations appearance .

I scroll down too avatar and colors .

And here I say use pio avatar everywhere .

So I save the settings .

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And now over here you'll see an image of myself with the wide backgrounds like that .

So let's take a look at hashtags if I go to my first post , I click over here , I click on edit post .

And after that , I say hashtag amazing , you see it becomes a blue area post .

And now this is officially a hashtag so everybody on this website that uses the hashtag amazing when you click on it , you will see an overview of everybody that is using that .

And now you should see it also over here .

So if I go to the home page and also over here edit boast , I do a hashtag vacation and I click on post .

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Now this is a hashtag so if I will refresh this , it should show the latest hashtags .

So we see the hashtag over here , I refreshed the page and it can be that you do not see the hashtags immediately .

And that's because here at configuration when you go to stream posts here at hashtags , it says it is enabled , but it takes around 60 minutes before they get updated .

But in this case , it only took four minutes .

So that's great .

I think they're a little bit and if you want to make them smaller , click on , customize and go to widgets , they're probably so big because they are the only two and it is a cloud .

If you take a look at cyber , right ?

Hashtags it is a cloud .

So if I would say list , they will be smaller .

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So I grabbed my affiliate link , add widgets , add two widgets and there it is and I want to make it boxed .

I also can remove the title and then look like that .

Publish .

Close its so you see it starts to look better and better .

We have a profile area , we have the news feed , we have the latest members , the community , hashtags the latest photos and an advertisement .

So at this moment , we can do so much things .

Uh I can take a look at the logo at the layout .

I can add more add ons over here .

So what I want to do now , I want to add more add ons and then I want to take a look at the layout .

So what else do I want to add ?

Audio video is a possibility .

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इन फॅस का जो फ्रंट स्टोर है वो भी मेरे को बहुत अच्छा लगा तो इसीलिए मैंने दुकान का ऍम पाल लिया है क्योंकि फ्री ऑफ कॉस्ट है और बहुत अच्छी सर्विस उं अब आता है सबसे बडा सवाल की अपनी इस वेब साइट को मार्किटिंग कैसे करें , जितने अच्छे से मार्किटिंग करोगे ।

जाहिर सी बात है उतने अच्छे ऑर्डर आएंगे तो मार्किटिंग का दो तरीका होता है ।

एक होता है इनबाउंड ।

मार्किटिंग एक होता है आउटबाउंड मार्किटिंग , ये दोनों चीज को बहुत अच्छे से समझना ।

अगर कोई कस्टमर आपके पास , आपके सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट से आपको देख के , आपको समझ के , आपके बिजनिस को समझ के आप के पास आ रहे हैं और आप उसको वेबसाइट् दे रहे हो तो वो वही इनबाउंड मार्किटिंग तो बेसिकली इनबाउंड मार्केटिंग करने के लिए जो वेब साइट कीलिंग है , ये अपने इंस्टग्राम अकाउंट की जो बाइक ऍम है वहाँ पे लगा दो ।

इसी वेबसाइट् को अपने जो बिजनिस का प्रोफाइल सेक्शन है वहाँ पे लगा दो और इनफैक्ट लोकल लिस्टिंग करो ताकि कोई भी अगर सर्च करें जैसे सपोर्ट आप सूरत में बिजनिस कर रहे हैं ।

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But keep in mind that when you have this on your website , that it can take a lot of space because this is not about embedding a youtube video .

It's really about uploading your own videos to your own website to your own server .

So I rather do not use this .

We can also add more editions but a lot of editions are related to multiple members and I only have one member .

So before we continue with this , let's take a look on how people can become a member in your community .

So what I want to do now , I want to open this page as an incognito person .

So I go to the dashboard , I go to visit site , right ?

Mouse , click open in incognito .

So it removes all the cookies .

So it doesn't see I'm log in .

This is the page .

People will see and if you want to change this page , let me show you you can go to peep .

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So getting started , go to customize , scroll down and here you can say come and join our or a community , save it , join us .

Now it's free .

I can change the image but I will leave it as it is .

I click on next .

So now I go back to the page , refresh , come and join our word press community .

So I want to join for free .

I click on it and I say my user name is Anna .

My email address , I need to verify it and my password twice and I click on register .

I will skip this part .

What I will do now , I will register for new members at some posts and then I will be back with you .

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So I added a few profiles over here .

You can see them when you hover them , you see their full name , you can click on them and go to the profile and here you see what she has posted her own profile picture .

If I click on home or on the logo , then I go to the news feed .

So what I see over here is a green dot That means that Deborah Johnson is currently online and that this because here at Safari , I'm logged in with her name .

I don't know , I hope I do not make it too confusing .

But let me go to my own profile .

In chrome and here it says hi guys .

How can I transfer a wordpress website to a new domain ?

What I can do now , I can go to youtube and I can search for 30 WPT right mouse , click copy the link address , close it .

And then I can see .

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Hi , Deborah , here is the solution wink base the code boasted or do you see the video is embedded like that ?

I can also like it or love it or whatever .

Celebrate it .

I like it .

I can also say I report it .

The reason is I don't like this question .

I don't know .

And since I'm an administrator , I can pin this to the top so I can say , you know what this should be seen by everybody .

So now it's pinned and has a beautiful border around it .

And if somebody else uploads something or post something new , this will still be pinned .

Let me show you I right now this is the most recent message .

If I've been this , it is not on top .

So that's how it works .

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I been what you also see that there is a new deck over here .

I love my life and since it's used twice , it is bigger than amazing and vacation .

So what we can do now here at Pio Ultimate , I can add new add-ons and if I want to know what something means , I can click on it and then I see a clear explanation over here I see chat messages .

I bring it back .

I can download it .

But what I want to do first I want to go to G and if I click on it , I can reply with animations .

So if I want to edit , since we have the ultimate bundle , I just download it .


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