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2023-07-27 17:56:50

Breathe _ Provocative Yoga _ Beginners Yoga Video #1

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Welcome to video one beginner's yoga .

We're going to start today with a breathing exercise and this basic exercise is designed so that you can just start to get in touch with your breath .

Sometimes we're going about our life .

We're running around a million different things , thinking about our to do list um what we're gonna have for dinner or whatever and we actually aren't even breathing , we could be holding our breath .

So just learning through this exercise to get in touch with your breath and so that it can start to serve you , basically , what we're gonna do for to begin is bring our right hand onto our belly with our left hand on the rib cage .

What we want to do is breathe in through the nose , we're gonna feel the belly draw in the breath will move into the ribs and then lastly into the chest .

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So breathing into the belly , into the ribs and then into the chest on our exhale breath , we're gonna breathe first , um from the chest , then the ribs and then the belly .

So basically , we're gonna learn to isolate these different um , aspects of our , of our lungs .

So one hand on the ribs , left hand , right hand on your belly breathing in .

So the breath moves in through the nose , belly draws in ribs , expand , chest expands , exhale from the chest .

Exhale from the ribs .

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Exhale to the belly again , you're gonna inhale , pause and hold the breath at the top of the inhale and then exhale slowly all the way down .

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Lastly , emptying the belly in him again , three more times , last one .

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And as you work with this , basically , you want to start to lengthen the inhales and lengthen the exhales .

This is really oxygenating for your brain .

It's really oxygenating for your entire body .

In fact , really , really good for energy .

Um You actually kind of feel like you're floating .

Um After you do it , I would recommend doing this .

Um at the beginning of your day , it's an awesome way to send to yourself and ground yourself before you start your day .

So let's get into the practice .

Now , um the physical practice that was our , so our first introduction to breathing to begin the practice come to your feet .

We're gonna start with a very basic pose .

In fact , the most basic posture in yoga other than Chivas lying on your back .

Basically , what we're gonna be doing here is a standing Shiva .

So we want to bring our feet together , draw the ankles together .

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And even though we're , we are essentially just standing , what you want be aware of is the tendency may be for your head to jet forward or your body to lean back or for your spine to kind of curve like this .

We want to keep um everything in line .

So head and um hips and ankles all in one line .

So just taking a second to find that alignment of the spine , bringing the hands down .

And this is essentially just a way that you can start to correct your posture , you can do this in your day to day life , just notice what your body is doing .

Try to find that alignment , perfect extension , um maximum extension of the spine , so good for posture and for correcting your posture .

So starting there really ground down through all four corners of your feet .

This is obviously just a very grounding posture .

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Very centering to begin our first or second as bring your arms up over your head on the inhale , squeeze the palms across the thumbs , push your hips a little bit forward , take another inhale , stretch up and just bend a little bit to the right inhale to the center , inhale again to lengthen the next hill as you bend left inhale to the center , looking up at your hands stretch up , inhale and then a gentle exhale , arch back slightly .

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You can just go a little bit , getting used to that sensation of going backwards in how to come up on the next exhale with a flat back , come all the way down towards the floor , you can bend your knees .

If you need to hands , touch the floor , drop your head , you can have a big bend in the knees or as little as you need to keeping the knees bent .

If you need to , coming back up on the inhale and I arms come all the way down .

We're gonna do that two more times .

Inhale to stretch up .

Exhale a little bit different .

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Bending to the right inhale to come up , left hand on your left thigh in how an exhale in how to come up , looking up at your hands in hell , stretcher and bending back slightly and how to come up and exhale as you come all the way down , bending the knees , no problem .

Drop your head .

Now that you been held to come up , exhale , lowering down last time , perhaps a little bit quicker .

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Left arm up in here , then to the right on the exhale in the lift up right hand up , exhale to bend the laps , the inhale , lifting up , exhale to bend up , maybe slightly deeper and they come up , exhale flat back all the way down .

Drop your head in hell , looking up , exhale , coming up , relax the arms for our next posture , separate your feet about six inches apart .

So hip width , if you're not quite sure exactly what that is about two fists between your feet is the perfect amount that you want to have .

What we're gonna be doing is a posture called awkward pose .

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Arms lift up on the next breath , take uh on the next inhale breath , lift your chest and on the exhale , what you wanna do is stick your butt out and sit down as low as you can eventually .

Ideally , the thighs are perils of the floor .

The stomach is in .

So there's a depression of the abdominal wall and we're actually in a little bit of a back bed here .

So I'm just gonna do it to the side to show you .

So when you sit down , you're not rounding in your lower back , you're sticking your butt out so that you have a bit of a back bend happening and you can even just go this far if that's where you need to be right now , that's fine .

Eventually getting the thighs right down , parallel , hold it here for both five breaths .

So inhales and exhales in how to slowly stand up from here .

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Bring your arms up in here , right arm under your left arm .

If your shoulders are really , really tight , you only may be able to do this much with your arms .

That's fine .

Pull the elbows down from here .

If you can interlace your fingers or palms flat elbows , come down to open the shoulders again .

Stick your butter as you sit deep and here , bring your right leg over your left one .

Hold here .

You might have to be somewhere up here that's fine .

Eventually we're gonna start to sit down a little bit deeper in this posture too .

Again , you're sticking your butt out , you're lifting your chest up , little bit of a back bend , release , inhale arms up , left arm under the right again , crossing twisting , doing what you can , dropping the elbows down , left leg over the right cross and twist .

This posture actually drains the lower limb system .

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So it's very good for our lymphatic um system for reproductive systems as well .

So sticking your butt out , sitting down , release , inhale arms float up and exhale arms float down for our last posture of this particular video .

We're going to do a balancing posture .

So this might be your first taste of standing and balancing on one leg .

So give this a try , we're going to bring your right foot to your inner left thigh .

We want to level the hips and just basically try to bring the right knee to the side as much as we can and then just hold in here .

So this is tree posture .

So learning to be still and grounded like a tree .

So your foot is the roots .

So you want to really focus on grounding down through all four corners of the foot .

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You wanna make sure that you're not like rolling the body weight to one side of your foot or favoring one side .

This way , you're gonna really start to strengthen all of the muscles that surround your foot and your ankle moving lastly onto the other side , left foot or inner on our inner right thigh .

Same thing , opening the knee to the side , hands can come to the heart center balance to make this a tiny bit more challenging .

You could bring your arms over your head .

And if you really want to challenge yourself , you could close your eyes .

You feel that you have to focus more on the muscles to stay balanced .

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Bring your knee back to the center , lower your foot down , slowly , exhale , bring your arms down and just moving on to your back for a moment just to take in the benefits of your efforts into plasma , done to .

So stay in as long as it feels right for you .

If you have the luxury , you could stay for 10 minutes and have a little bit of a uh a conscious power nap .

So you want to try not to drift off completely , necessarily , basically , you can um you can keep your eyes open or closed , but you want to stay really aware of what's happening in your body .

So basically , just take um advantage of the to feel the changes that you've made , you might feel a little tingly , you might feel a little bit more relaxed , you might feel more open .

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So basically , in this posture , you're staying for a minute , um It's good to stay for at least um at least a minute if you want to stay longer by all means , gosh , do it .

It's very restorative rejuvenating posture .


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