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2023-07-18 12:37:27

Yoga For Beginners At Home 30 Day Challenge (15 Minute) Day 11

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Hello , it's Leslie Fightmaster and welcome to Day 11 .

Hi .

I hope you're doing great today .

Let's bring our hands together in front of the heart and take a moment here to set an intention for our practice and you set any intention you like .

And then let's roll on forward and make our way out on two hands and knees , wrists on our shoulders , knees and her hips , take an inhale , bring the chest forward , lift the chin and tail bone exhale , press away from the floor and round the back in hell again , chest forward , lift the chin and tail bone exhale around in the back in hell .

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I'm gonna bring the front of the body longer , exhale and stretch out the back of the body and once more inhale and exhale to round the back .

Now , walk your hands forward about a hand print , spread out the fingers nice and wide , tuck your toes under , lift up and back into downward dog .

And for this one , go ahead and bicycle , your legs bend to one knee and the other stove start to warm up .

Now , be sure your arms or shoulders distance apart and your feet or hips distance and now it will inhale to plank post top of a push up , knees down , shift forward about an inch .

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You on the lower to the belly all the way down on the belly and tuck the toes , you're on the tops of your feet and tail bone is gonna reach the heels and he'll peel the chest up and reach the fingertips toward the back of your map .

Keep the belly drawing in and then release .

I'm gonna take a little rest for a moment .

So we'll press the pubic bone down just lightly into the floor and pick up the belly , bring your arms by your ears , lift your left , I'm sorry , right arm , left leg , right arm , left leg lifts and keep the belly lifted and then release it and same thing on the other side .

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So in his left arm and right leg , left arm , right leg and again , pick up the belly and press the pubic bone down into the floor a little that'll lengthen the tail bone toward the heels , release it and inhale right arm , left leg .

So now press a little more on the left arm , right leg to lift up the one that's on the floor release and the left arm , right leg .

And again , if you press what's on the floor , you can lift up maybe a little bit higher and then we'll release that .

Mm It release your fingers behind your back or hook your thumbs in he'll lift up this time .

We'll add the legs , lift the legs from the inner thighs , keep the back of the neck long and release them lower .

So then we'll unhook the hands and then re hook with the other pinker thumb on top .

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Lift up and tail onto heels , pubic bone down back of the neck long and release hands by low ribs , inhale cobra or come into up dog or high cobra and then roll over the toes or tuck .

The toes , lift the hips downward , facing dog , draw the belly in and up , pull up on the kneecaps , firm .

The quadri muscles keep stretching the weight back , look up , step the feet forward , take an inhale , come halfway up , exhale , fold as much as you can .

Now hands to hips , inhale , come all the way up to standing .

Let's find our at the front of the map and I'm gonna grab my blocks and I've got two of them .

So if you have blocks , get it handy , you just need one today .

So I'm gonna turn the right leg all the way out the back toes in a little and line up front heel and back arch .

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Now , arms to a tee , shift the hips back , lean as far forward as you can bring the right hand down to the block and stretch up through the left arm .

If you don't have a block , it's fine .

You can always put your right hand on the shin .

Press into the base of the big toe of the right foot .

As you draw your right sitting bone under you as if you're leaning gently against a wall behind your back , stretch out the torso , especially from the right hip through the right arm pits and then inhale to come up and take the block over to the other side , left leg all the way out back to his in , still lined up , heel to arch , inhale arms to a tee and shift the hips back , leaning forward forward .

Get the length there , your left hand down , right arm up .

It's gonna reach the crown of the head forward and then turn the head to look up .

If it bothers your neck , then look forward or down .

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Pull up on the knee caps firm in the quadri , but be sure that you're not locking out your knee joints .

So we want to keep the legs active and press the calf toward the shin .

Went into the base of the big toe of the left foot and help to come up and then block to center if you have it hands to hips , toes in a little so feet are parallel , inhale , lengthen , exhale to fold .

And once again lengthen on the inhale and hands to block her floor .

It's gonna keep uh the right hand down , reach the left arm up and twist .

If you want to go deeper , you can take the right hand over toward the left foot for a deeper twist , not only if that feels appropriate and then back to center length and inhale , keep your left hand in the center of the mat and right arm up and again , inhale to create some length .

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And if you want to go deeper , left hand over toward right foot , so stretching out the spine here and then back to center inhale to lengthen as you exhale hands to hips , inhale , come all the way back up and now toes out heels in and we'll start to bend the knees .

I want to apologize for the noise in the background .

That's our little Elmer kitty , a little kitten and he found a plastic bag to play with .

So tailbones , lengthening down , hip bones are lifting and gently rock side to side .

We want our knees and middle toes lined up and reach up through the arms , spin the triceps forward , palms will face each other .

This will be a little more challenging , maybe lower a little more and then slowly straighten the legs and then step or hop the feet together and come back to the front of the map .

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Back to inhale , bend the knees deep boots , sit in your imaginary chair , exhale and fold forward kind of the head , reaching down , inhale length and look up and exhale back plank pose , knees can be up or down and will lower all the way actually halfway shoulders , no lower than elbows .

Inhaling upward dog or cobra exhaling down dog , right , like up as you inhale .

Now , exhale , step it all the way up .

If it doesn't make it there , pick it up and put it .

I'm gonna stay on the ball .

The back foot , right knee over ankle crescent pose , drop the tailbone and lift the hip points up .

So I usually bend the back knee a little to do it .

Release down plank pose .

You can stay and plank or drop the knees .

The lower halfway shoulders , no lower than elbows .

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Inhale cobra or up dog and then exhale to the knees .

Lift the hips down , do left leg , up , inhale from the inner thigh level .

Hips step it all the way up by your left hand , stand the ball of your back foot for high lunch .

You can bend the back knee a little bit til the pelvis forward , pull the left hip back and now you're lengthening through the lower back as you stretch up through all four sides of your waist , arrow straight arms looking up , maybe just a little and then exhale the hands back down , step back to plan and go right to down dog or chatter on the knees can be up or down shoulders no lower than elbows up dog on the inhale , down dog , on the exhale .

And let's breathe here , gazing between the knees or the feet , spin the inner thighs back like you're holding a block between the inner thighs and then look forward come all the way through and sit .

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Now on to the back heels are right underneath the knees .

Now , feed your hips , distance apart , arms are by your sides .

Inhale , lift into bridge posts , roll the shoulders under , interlace the fingers .

If you can , you can also the thumbs or keep the arms straight on to the floor .

Breathe here reaching tailbone towards backs of knees , lifting the belly and keep the outer edges of the feet parallel and then come on down .

Rest a moment , take the soles of the feet together and drop your knees apart .

For the soup is the name of this one .

It's a nice resting pose to do in between back bends .

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It's set up again for bridge pose , feed our parallel heels underneath , press into the heels , lift up in interlace other pinky or thumb rolling the shoulders under , keep the chin lengthening away from the chest , but keep the chest moving toward the chin .

Spiral the thighs in toward each other and breathe released to lower and again , souls that feet together , knees apart in .

So just a little rest here .

Let's take the feet again .

Setting up for one more bridge .

Come on up , feed our hips with and lifting up , spiral the thighs and toward each other .

Like you're holding a block and breathe here .

Make sure the feet stay parallel .

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The toes will point in just a tiny bit toward each other and then release this time , we will hug the knees into the chest and gently rock side to side , giving the lower back a little massage and now roll yourself off to your right side and with your left hand , press on up to se it , extending the legs in fronts .

This is called DNA .

Now , if your back is a little bit rounded or it's hard to sit up tall , you want to sit up on the edge of a block or even better , a blanket , a pillow , a towel .

And that way you won't be rounding the back .

You'll be lengthening , nice and tall .

Ok ?

Pull the toes back and that will keep the legs firm done .

Do enough .

And this one is , looks easy , but it's not .

So if you stay in here for a few breaths with active legs and you're working your back muscles , you'll start to feel it .

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Now we'll bend the right knee right .

So the foot onto the floor , bring the right hand behind you inhale left arm up , get nice and tall and exhale .

Take it across and twist or if you can't reach quite , you can hug your right leg instead on an inhale length and tall on an exhale or roll the right shoulder back and twist , keep the left leg active inhale , head to center , exhale , release .

Now , bend the left knee , left hand behind right arm up on the inhale to lengthen exhale , bring it across and twist or hug that left leg .

Instead , every inhale see if you can grow a little bit taller and every exhale , see if you can twist maybe a little bit deeper , keeping every breath steady in hell .

The had to center exhale to unwind both legs and fronts .

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Now , if you have a strap handy , you can get that strap handy for inhale , reach tall with the arms lengthen hinge from the hip .

So get as long as you can reach for the feet or grab your strap , then lengthen with the inhale as you exhale .

So instead of rounding and trying to get forward , we're gonna lead with the chest .

So belly toward thighs and then a strap is really helpful .

So instead of rounding the back , we want to lengthen the spine .

I'm breathing here .

Nice , steady gaze at the feet helps to keep the mind busy with that .

Instead of jumping around another breath and he'll head up two release and then come on to the back .

Let's roll down on your back and we're making our way into .

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So let the feet flop , open arms by your side , palms , face up , close your eyes and rest .

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Remember , happiness is always in your hands .

Start to take some deeper breaths .

Hopefully , your happiness is in your hands .

When you do your practice , yoga is like a medicine every day , every day .

We take our medicine .

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So to make movements for the hands and the feet to stretch out through the arms and the legs and then bend the knees , roll yourself off to the right and with your left hand , you'll gently press yourself up to seat it and find a nice comfortable seat , bringing the hands together and hands to the forehead to remind us to have clear and loving thoughts , hands to heart , reminding us to have clear and loving intentions and hands to the mouth , to remind us to have clear and loving communication .

Thank you so much for joining today .

Have a wonderful day .

I must stay .

I hope you enjoyed today's practice .

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Please uh push the like button if you did and don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you would like to be part of our community .

And I hope you do and check out fightmaster yoga dot com to join our mailing list so that you can keep abreast of all the things that we are doing .

If you can support us .

There is a donation button at the website or a link below and most importantly , have a great day .

Bye bye .


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