Dancing Bachata .
This is how to do the Bachata Square .
So we're gonna start first by going to the left on the number one .
We're gonna go one and fourth , two , three and tap .
Now we're gonna go to the right , right back , middle and tap .
Let's do it a little bit faster .
We're gonna go side forward , middle , tap , side , back , middle , tap , side , forward , middle , tap , side , back , middle tap .
Now , this step is very interactive .
We're gonna show it to you first .
From this angle , diagonal , we can do it in close and open .
We're gonna start in close .
We're gonna go 567 and 123567 .
Gentlemen , notice how I'm off to the lady's side to avoid stepping on her feet and so she can have her own path when she goes forward .
So , always make sure we're protecting the ladies , especially their feet .
567 .
Now we're gonna try it an open position .
Three tap 567 .
Tap 123 , tap 567 .
Gentlemen , there is a little resistance that I give her to guide her forward and back to kind of lead her into the step .
And ladies , you keep a nice little resistance that helps us to kind of push and pull as well .
Ladies , it's very important for you to collect your feet when you're going back , there's no tap there , but you collect your feet , you collect to go forward , tap , collect to go back , even if there is no tap , make sure you keep it sexy and clean .
We don't want to have open legs when you're wearing a sexy dress .
And gentlemen just make sure that you're really marking the steps as you're going along .
The ladies always show off their legs , but we're always there to mark for her just in case at the end when we're ready to dance again , she knows where we are because I'm marking the timing for her , but I'm also guiding her with my posture .
So now let's demonstrate it with some music .
56721232 , side , forward , side back .
Now in an open position , remember ladies don't forget about the resistance .
And gentlemen , this is an interactive step .
So again , make sure you're interacting with your partner .
Be playful , smile at each other .
And that is your Bachata Square .