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2023-07-18 12:45:09

Yoga For Beginners At Home (20 minute Weight Loss class)

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Practice in gray , both are used and it is very important first to understand what is the right way of moving so that we can focus on three areas clearly the tora and how when the chest expands , the tora region expands , it brings the right from little down which pushes the abdomen out .

Can we focus on both the movements very clearly , both are coming out when we breathe in and both are going back inside when we breathe out , especially when we say chest , the chest will expand from all the sides during inhalation and the chest will also collapse from all the sides during inhalation .

So friendly breathing , you know , friends , why it is called is friendly breathing .

If the breath is moved in this fashion properly , it allows synchronization happen to all the various systems of the body .

We say that we are made up of different systems .

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If you haven't begun already , remember to engage your breathing , they'll now open up the knees , either holding the ankles or the little toe sides of the feet into happy baby po remember breathing slight constriction in the back of the throat as you breathe in and out through the nose .

If you're not sure , start at the earlier yoga for beginners and classes , hold on to the right leg .

Extend the left into half , half , happy , excuse me .

Half , happy baby .

Easy for you to say right .

So you're gonna hold on to that right leg , the right knee toward the armpit , the left leg extended .

If that's too intense , you can always bend the left knee , placing the foot on the floor , we'll stretch out the right hip and then everybody bend the left knee and take your right ankle .

Just pass the left knee for thread .

The needle , you can stay right like that or draw the left knee toward the chest .

Holding on behind the thigh .

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It can be digestive , circulatory , respiratory nervous system , endo system and so on .

So when we breathe rightly , there is a fine tuning , fine coordination between various systems .

Also , if you see if you can connect with the bread , rightly , the ability to keep both the body and the mind in a balanced state can also happen .

So this friendly breeding has a greater benefit and also with friendly breeding , we can go towards practice also .

So the base is friendly breeding .

If we can do this , well , we can slowly slowly enter into parana practices easily .

So let's do this friendly briefing .

If you want , you can keep one palm on the chest other on the abdomen .

If you know the movement , if you can feel the movement from inside , then you can keep both the palm on the knees that is all to find .

So let's watch the movement when you inhale , the chest expands and the abdomen comes out .

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When you exhale , the chest collapses and the abdomen goes back inside .

Both are constricting , both are falling both are contracted .

Inhale chest expands , abdomen comes out .

Exhale , chest collapses .

Abdomen goes in especially when you breath in .

Let the chest be the starting point , chest expands which slowly merges into the abdomen .

Abdomen also expands and during exhalation , both can go inside together or anyone can go is fine .

Last two breaths , inhale , feel how the chest expands , bringing the abdomen also out and exhale how the abdomen goes in .

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And the chest collapses for the last time , breathing just expands our gums po lay down , the abdomen goes in and the chest collapses and release .

If we can breathe in this fashion for some time , slowly , slowly , this starts becoming habit .

If you can incorporate this breathing in our day to day life , maybe when you get time , maybe just about 10 breaths .

And as you keep on practicing , this can start becoming automatized or automatic , this can then become very easier for us .

And if this breeding happens nicely , then moving into becomes also easy friends .

Breeding is very important .

Most of the time we are not aware of it , I want you to become aware of it and also to breed right here .

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A right breeding a right approach to breeding can fix a lot of other things , not only physically but also mentally and emotionally and also , it can guide us in future towards the spiritual aspect , which is the final goal of yoga holds .

Thank you friends for watching the video .

If you like the video , hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe our channel so that you can get updates of new videos .

Also , if you have any feedback , any suggestions , please write to us .

Thank you .

Never stay .

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So we stretch out the hamstrings on the left side again , warming up the body preparing for some deeper work and then rebinding the left knee and make your way back into your table .

And then you can move your blocks off to the side and walk your hands in front of your shoulders , turn your inner elbows gently forward and then begin to tuck your toes downward , dog , but keep the knees bent .

So stretch out your spine here and don't worry about straightening both legs , but then straightens just the right leg , keep the left knee bends and switch .

So bicycling the legs back and forth and then bend both knees and will stretch way back the bicycle a couple of times .

And both of these bends , stick your hips way up in the air , stretch back , straighten the legs as much as they will .

If they don't straighten all the way , then keep them bends , but keep some length throughout your spine .

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So we will get those legs straight eventually , but we don't have to worry about that right away .

So let's take the knees back down , take the hips to the heels into child's pose and this is your resting pose .

Any time you want to rest , you may do that , your head could rest on the mat or you could rest your head on your hands .

Inhale back up into table , we'll tuck the toes once again , lift up and back into down dog again , keep that length through the spine .

So if that means bending the knees for now , then just do that .

We will stretch our hamstrings and we'll get them nice and flexible .

Make your way to plank pose .

Top of a push up , your knees can be down or lifting them up .

Now , keep your shoulders and your hips in the same line .

If the legs are off the mat , keep lifting the backs of the knees toward the ceiling , chest , forward , heels back , lengthen your sitting bones toward your heels , shoulders are right above your wrists .

Don't let your head drop , keep the crown of the head lengthening forward .

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Then he can drop down to your knees or keep him off .

But hug your elbows , energy lower slowly to the floor .

Everything touching at once .

Then inhale , peel your chest up for little cobra .

Press all 10 toenails down into the floor and pull your belly away from the floor .

Lower down , tuck your toes , take an inhale , exhale , press up to plank .

Knees can be up or down and then lift back into downward facing dock .

So now we're starting to create some heat .

So we use the big muscle groups in our body to hold us up .

Look forward , step your feet to your hands , then inhale , bring hands to shins , pull the belly in lengthen the spine , fold over the legs , bend the knees as much as you need to as you fold , press through the feet with a really long spine .

Sweep the arms out around and up .

Make sure your ribs stay in and exhale .

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Bring your hands to your heart to come to the top of the mountain , feed together or hip socket , distance apart and do firm your legs pull in through your belly .

Lift your chest , chin is parallel with the floor and inhale , sweep your arms out around and up , keep the ribs in exhale hinge forward from your hip creases .

So your spine stays as straight as you can as you fed forward , then inhale hands to shins or up higher to lengthen the spine , bend the knees , plant the palms , step your left foot back and now step your right foot back to plank knees up or down here again .

Pull your belly away from the floor .

Hug your elbows in as you lower slowly all the way to the ground .

Slide hands by low ribs and help peel up into cobra .

Use your back muscles to hold you press all 10 toenails down and then lower back down .

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Tuck your toes , press up to blank knees can be up or down for that and then lift back again into down dog is how it's pronounced in Sankt arms or shoulders , distance apart , feet or hips with a part , make sure the outer edges of your feet are parallel .

Look forward , bend your knees to step your feet to your hands , hands to shins lengthen the spine fold as you exhale into forward fold , then press for the feet .

Inhale , sweep the arms up , keep the ribs and belly in exhale , bring your hands to heart center and then let them drop , inhale again .

Sweep your arms up , lengthen sitting bones toward the backs of the knees .

Exhale hinge forward and fold into forward , fold , inhale halfway up , lengthen , exhale right foot back and then step your left foot back into plank post .

Again , knees can be up or down .

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If the knees are up , lift them toward the ceiling pull your belly away from the floor chest forward , hug elbows in , slowly exhale to the ground hands by low ribs , inhale again , cobra pose .

And this time , see if you can stay up high and lift your hands away from the mat .

You're really using your back muscles , then lower back down , tuck the toes under knees , up or down as you press to plank and then lift back into downward facing dog .

A lot of core strengthening is happening in this sequence today and the core muscles are keep what ?

Keep your back nice and healthy .

Look forward and step your feet to your hands .

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Then inhale , lengthen halfway up , fold forward as you exhale , press through your feet , rise up on your inhale , ribs and belly in , exhale , bring the hands down , then feet again , hips with a part or together and help bend the knees , drop the hips , this chair post .

So instead of sticking your butt out , drop your tail bone down , pull your belly in and up and sink back as much as you can keeping your spine long , spin your inner thighs down , press your thigh or press your shins back , excuse me and move the weight toward the heels , then belly to thighs and straighten the legs as much as you can in how come halfway up , lengthening your spine , bring hands to hips and all the way up with a long spine back to .

And we're gonna do that again .

Bend the knees and he sit back , remember , drop your sitting bones down .

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So we don't want to over ach in the lower back .

Keep your belly pulling in to support it and sink back toward the heels .

Inner thighs spinning down shin's back as you reach the arms by the ear , soft and around your shoulder blades .

Keep breathing .

Sit back a little bit deeper if you can and then exhale belly to thighs and straighten the knees as much as you can .

Then inhale , come halfway up , hands to shins , exhale hands to hips .

Inhale all the way up .

Inhale .

Once again , sit back in your imaginary chair , drop your tailbone down , pull your belly in , then come halfway up .

Aha .

Sit deep or drop your tailbone .

Inhale , come halfway up .

Keep the knees bent though .

Exhale , sit a little deeper .

If you can't remember .

We in the heel shins pressing back , inhale halfway up .

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Exhale , sitting nice and deep as deeply as you can without hurting yourself .

Of course , then fold forward .

We never want to hurt ourselves .

Inhale .

Come halfway up .

Exhale hands to hips , inhale all the way up with the long spine .

We worked our legs , got them nice and strong .

We're really working on those muscles .

Then step your feet nice and wide .

Turning toward the long side of the map , turn your right leg all the way out and your back toes in line up your front heel and your back arch , inhale bring your arms up to a tee hinge from your hip crease , reach , reach , reach out and then down this triangle pose , put the block behind the front ankle , the little toe side , take your left hand , pull your bottom ribs forward , spinning top ribs back and then stretch that left arm up .

If you can look up at your left hand , then do .

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But if it bothers your neck , look forward or look down toward the floor , keep pressing into the big toe mound of your right foot as you press your calf toward your shin , firming the legs now lengthen through all four sides of your waist from the back leg as well as it presses back .

So we get into the shape of the pose and then we hug the muscles to the bone so that we can create strength .

And when we create strength , all of that energy building muscles will help with the weight loss process .

Try your shoulder blades toward the waist , look down toward the front foot .

Inhale , come up your feet to parallel to the other leg , left leg all the way out back to us and make sure you've lined up front heel and back , arch , inhale , arms to shoulder height , hinge from your left hip crease , reach , reach , reach as far as you can when you can possibly not reach anymore , then take the hand down to the block , reach up through the right arm lengthen from your left hip .

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Crease through your left arm pit , then take your right hand to the bottom of the rib cage , draw it up and back .

So bottom ribs move forward , top ribs back and then reach that arm up again .

Looking forward or down if it bothers your neck to look up toward the hand .

Otherwise , if it's ok , look at your hand firming the leg muscles without locking out the knee joints .

So press firmly into the big big toe mound of that left foot to dry your left sitting bone under you firming muscles to bones on those legs , getting them nice and strong and then lengthen length and lengthen through your torso .

Let your shoulder blades draw gently toward the waist as you breathe comfortably .

Look down at the front foot and he make your way back up .

You can grab your block and put it off to the side again .

And now take your feet to parallel , bring your arms out to shoulder height .

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Inhale , step or hop together and turn to the front of the mat back into feet parallel .

Now keep your right foot forward , step your left foot back , but point your left toes forward and then slowly start to bend your right knee over your ankle , pull your right hip back .

So we want the hips and shoulders as best we can squaring to the front , then straighten that right leg , pull the hip back , slowly bend the knee over the ankle , inhale again .

Straight in the leg , pull the right hip back , a exhale , bend it over the knee , reach up through arrow straight arms , pull your ribs and belly in , press your back thigh back and firm those muscles in the back leg , press into the front heel , gently , draw it back to engage the hamstring muscles and stretching up nice and tall through all four sides of your waist .

As you reach up through the arms , you're working all of these muscles .

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And I'm telling you this energy is going to firm your body .

We're going to straighten the front leg and step back to the front feet about hips with a part here , then step your right foot back .

So make sure it's far enough back .

So that when you bend your left knee over the ankle , you have it right above knee and ankle is important .

Bend the left knee reach up , then inhale , straighten it square up hips and shoulders to the front of the mat , bend the knee .

If you can't square up your hips and shoulders , take a wider stance in hell , straightening the front leg ax , he'll bend the left knee over the ankle , point it straight over the middle toes , pull your belly in lengthen through your low back and then stretch up through arrow straight arms , palms facing each other , but then soften around either side of your neck .

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And I wanna have tension press the back thigh back , the inner back thigh lifts up toward the ceiling , grounding into the front heel and through the outer edge of the back foot , steady breathing , sink in lower if you can and then straighten the left leg and step your feet back to the front of your mats , feet together or hips with a part .

Inhale , bend your knees back to chair pose , exhale , fold forward , belly to thighs , then straighten the legs come halfway up , look up , inhale , bend the knees , plant the palms , step to plank top of a push up , pull belly in length in your sitting bones .

Now , step your feet together this time and then we're gonna roll to the pinky toe side of the right foot .

You can put your right knee down , stretch your left arm , up , hips are stacked or you can step your right foot in front of the left .

It's a little bit harder .

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You can also do left foot on top of the right , even more difficult .

Do what works for you , but bring your top hip forward .

So your hips are stacked and pull your belly in , make your way back to plank and then lift your hips into downward facing dog , then take your knees down and child's pose for a little break .

We're doing a lot of strengthening today .

So a little break in child's pose is great to do any time we make our way back up , tuck the toes come back into down dock , spread your fingers , press into the base of the fingers , then make your way into plank , top of a push up , make sure your shoulders and your hips are in the same line .

Step your feet together , roll to the pinky toe side of the left foot , reach the right arm up and take the left knee down for more support .

Or you can walk your left foot in front of the right .

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You can also do right foot on top of left stretch up through the top arm , bring your top hip a little bit forward and pull your belly in like crazy and lengthen your sitting bones towards your heels .

So you're one long line here .

I remember the first time being able to hold this pose without shaking like crazy .

It felt like a big accomplishment .

Come back to plank pose , knees up or down and lower slowly to your belly .

Exhaling , come onto the tops of the feet and lengthen your arms alongside your body .

Pull your belly in and lift everything up .

Roll the shoulder heads away from the mat , lengthen your sitting bones towards your heels .

Keep the back of your neck .

Long inner thighs , lift up toward the ceiling and then lower down .

This is great for strengthening the back muscles .

It's called locust pose or Shabana .

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Same thing , arms by your sides , lengthen sitting bones toward heels , lift up , roll your shoulder heads away from the mat , widen across your collar bones , press your pubic bone .

Into the floor , gently , pull your belly up and then release and rest good work .

Slide your hands by your low back , low RP .

Sorry , press up onto your knees and then back into child's pose .

Take a long breath here and then slide yourself up .

Take your hips off to your right .

Swing your legs in front of you , take your feet flat with your knees bent , pull your belly and you can take your hands to the mat if you have any issues with the back .

Otherwise you gonna roll down very slowly using those strong belly muscles to come onto your back and then rest , walk your heels in , shift your hips over to the right .

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A little drop your knees to the left .

Look over your right shoulder , unless it bothers your neck , turn your belly up toward the ceiling as you take this twist , then head to center , knees to center , shift your hips to the left , gently , knees to the right .

Look over your left shoulder and breathe .

Here , belly is turning up toward the ceiling as you twist , twisting is great for keeping the spine nice and healthy .

It's also really great for digestion .

Bring your knees to center , hug them into your chest once more , gently rock from side to side .

Now lengthen your sitting bones towards your heels and take your feet to the floor .

Feet flop open hips with a part or wider arms by your sides , palms up close your eyes and this is where we'll rest .

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This one's called as you're settling in .

I have a quote for us today from Tony Robbins who said the only impossible journey is the one you never begin .

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Move your fingers and your toes circle your wrists and your ankles take a long breath as you stretch your arms over head .

It's long , almost like a good morning stretch and then bend the knees , roll to your right side .

Take a very important moment to thank yourself for taking your practice and then make your way up to seed it comfortable seat with the shins cross set up as tall as you can .

Hands in front of the heart , hands to the forehead .

Reminding us to have clear and loving thoughts , hands to the heart center , reminding us to have clear and loving intentions , hands to the mouth , to remind us to have clear and loving communication , sending positive energy out to all beings everywhere .

Great job you worked hard today .

Now , keep it going every day at fightmaster yoga dot com .

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Click today's yoga class and then click the beginner section .

You'll be amazed at your transformation before long and not just your body but your attitude too .

Practice yoga every day .

Feel better .


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