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2023-07-18 12:32:42

15 min Yoga for Complete Beginners Class with Sean Vigue

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All right , my friends beginner , yoga for flexibility .

This is for the total beginner .

You've never done yoga in your life .

You're gonna like this one .

I recommend taking your shoes off .

It's just that I'm out here in the sun in central Florida and I don't want to burn the hell out of my feet .

Plus it's really hot on the ground .

So let's do a very , very basic routine .

Of course , you can modify if this is too much .

Sometimes yoga can be a little shock to the system .

But I guarantee my friends you're gonna love this and you're gonna sleep well , you're gonna have a better day and you're gonna want to keep advancing and my other yoga workouts on this page .

So , make sure you subscribe right now to get all those workouts every week .

All right , let's start cross legging position .

If this doesn't work , you could bring the legs out here .

We have some people that take the legs out here .

You'll , we'll loosen up those hips .

They'll get better .

It will only get better take it here or cross the legs .

Let's see , a little cheat sheet right here .

This is a big one .

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We got some good stuff here .

Right .

Seated .

Let's start with some shoulder rolls .

You wanna take the arms to the side , lift them up and drop them back .

Got the cap on a lot of sunlight out here .

But I find that filming in the sun with a lot of sunscreen is the best inhale as you lift them up , exhale , slide them down your back .

So you're opening up the chest , you're dropping the shoulder blades down to correct that posture .

Keep the chin tucked just a little bit .

Imagine having a delicious Florida orange between the chin and the chest .

Alright .

Take your right arm , bring it across .

Nice stretch right here .

Relax it cradling it here .

It's my little baby and drop the head to your left .

So you get that nice stretch in the neck as you do these stretches too .

My friends make sure you're breathing .

So as you exhale , you gonna relax those shoulders a little bit more the the secret .

I mean , it's not really a secret , but it seems like it , the secret to good stretching is in the breath .

Drop those shoulders .

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All right , then bring the arm up and you can hold these stretches longer if you like depending on how you feel .

Tricep stretch , bring the hand with the forearm , the elbow or the tricep , tricep , takes up two thirds of your arm .

It's right back here , itch the nose and bring it across .

So relax the shoulders .

You're getting the stretch in the tricep in the back , tuck the chin just a little bit .

So you're not down here .

I wanna keep the back of the neck nice and long .

Very good .

Now , other side , bring the arm across , drop the head away from the shoulder , relax the shoulders and enjoy that delicious breath .

Got the dog right over there in the shade with her water waiting patiently and then the tricep stretch .

Oh , good .

I mean , you could do this sitting right in bed or if you prefer , you could stand while you do this , draw that arm across , relax the shoulder .

So every stretch it will start somewhere and as you breathe , it's gonna move into it more .

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So it's never static with a nice long stretch across .

All right .

Take those arms behind you .

Let's lace the fingers .

If you can't do that , just cross the arms on your lower back , gonna drop the shoulders down , we're gonna tuck the chin a little bit more and slowly roll the head side to side .

So you're looking from shoulder to shoulder , a great posture reinforcer .

If your legs get really tight here to shake them out , you can always just shake them out .

There's no weights , no machines .

You do what you must do so that anybody , 100% of the population can enjoy these stretches and get something great from them , namely a better life .

All right .

So let's take it one more time .

Each side .

Good .

No rush .

Relax the jaw .

The tongue is on the bottom of the mouth .

Not mine .

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I'm talking , I'm yanking .

OK .

OK .

All right .

Let's take those legs in front , folding leaf stretch .

So shake out the leg .

Getting a little tight there .

We bring together , we're gonna reach forward , grab where he can , toes , feet , ankles , perhaps up here , the knees are gonna bend .

If you're tight back here , that's fine .

That's your starting point .

So you know that wherever you start from , it's only gonna get better .

Every exhale , sink the backs of the knees closer or down onto the mat .

So in the stretch , you're angling , you're , you're hinging forward , you're tucking the chin so you can feel it all the way up and down the back leaves .

Love this one .

The folding leap .

Oh , the sun came out .

I'm nice and warm .

I can really stretch .

Remember you want to keep pressing the backs down and one more .

All right , bring it up .

Let's come back to that cross legged position .

Switch the legs this time .

Did I do that ?

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Well , you can always rewind it and find out , twist , take the arms out to the side , twist side to side .

This may not seem like much but think back on your days wherever you work , you get a chance to really stretch the side .

We're all usually just standing and sitting a lot facing straight ahead .

So we want to really twist and once we get a little looser , we take the hand behind nice big stretch .

Relaxing the shoulders .

Inhale , center and exhale other side .

Hi , Eddie .

Oh , it's a poor busted sprinkler over there .

All right .

Let's twist this direction and hold , relax the shoulders , inhale , lift the top of the head .

Exhale , rotate .

You want to clean out , hose out , clean out , wash out the sides .

All right on the side .

I think .

So .

Beautiful .

Do these anywhere .

You're on the road a lot .

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I just flew home to Wisconsin this last week .

Airports are always packed .

People flying everywhere .

I see a lot of the cell phone posture .

I mean , everywhere .

No one actually talks anymore .

They just , they're just like this , talking with someone who's not even there .

It's really sick actually .

So let these exercises open you back up because it's a whole generation that's just headed for this by the time they're 2030 .

So these stretches are needed now more than ever .

All right back to the center .

Shake out the arms and side bend .

One of my favorites .

Take the hand down , stretch to your right .

If you're a little more flexible , you can bring the forearms down .

But you want to keep your tush your butt on the map extending , relaxing the shoulder , feel your spine opening up , pressing your opposite hip away right here .

No , no , no , no , no , no , no , no .

And I love sprinklers .

Very soothing .

Except for that dirty reclaimed water .

That's not soothing .

All right .

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And then we done bringing up the inhale , exhale side , by the way , you're breathing through this .

So you exhale , extend the inhale , gives you a little lift here , drawing the shoulder back and then reach , keeping the shoulder relaxed .

That's the toughest part , shoulder away from the ear that this energizes your body energizes and relaxes at the same time .

It's a marvelous combination .

Yes , it is indeed .

OK .

While we're here , take the hands forward , walk them forward , you could switch the legs or you could take the bottoms of the feet together in the butterfly and walk forward , heading on your flexibility level , opening the hips , stretching the spine , keep the neck nice and long from here too .

For further reference , you can walk out on the diagonal , getting a twist and also opening the hip a little more .

You can reach out , take this hand and gently .

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Oh , so gently press down on that hip .

Boy .

Is this concrete hot ?

If I could , I'd share it with you how hot that is .

Alright .

Then other side reach , press down gently .

Be careful of this knee tight hips lead to tight everything else .

We got all this area connected .

So if your hips get tight , you better believe your , your ass , it's gonna reach every other part of your body and these stretches .

I said they're for beginners , they're for everybody .

If you're a triathlete , do this routine .

If you do Iron Mans , if you're a professional swimmer , football player , I mean , these are universal .

These help everybody .

All right , bring it up .

We got the butterfly hands so the feet use the elbows , open , the hips hinging forward .

Now we got both the hips .

We're lengthening the spine , use those elbows to open up .

Don't be discouraged .

Never be discouraged with your stretching .

As I said , it's only going to get better .

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Few people are born with flexibility .

You have to earn it .

You have to work for it .

Something that might not be valued anymore .

You got to work for it so much more rewarding when you put in the effort and then reap the benefits and then share it with everybody else .

You pay it forward .

All right .

Oh my .

That's just marvelous .

Ok .

Shake out those legs , shake them out , shake them out .

Everything's nice and loose .

Um We're gonna come down onto our backs , bring your right knee in , left leg out .

Nice big stretch right here .

Bring the head down .

I'm going to keep my head up because of the sun .

Rotate the ankle , the toes , the fingers , good , good jolly , good stretch right there , all directions and now bring the leg up .

This is what is always a flood like keep the head down if you like your head and shoulders off , now reach as high as you can .

There's the bend in the knee , that's the inhale as you exhale lengthy .

Called the Spider stretch .

You're not .

All right .

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Spider , you're not .

All right .

Well , I thought you said that .

No , you're not .

All right .

Hey , Tommy , why don't you go poop yourself ?

Ho ho that of course is from good fellas .

Check it out .

Good movie .

If you don't watch it on TV , they beep out everything or replace every word with thick or frick , good flex the foot as you stretch .

this should really be shaking this leg .

That's what you want .

Now , when you're done , bring the knee in drop across , we have the beautiful spinal twists .

Put all the weight in this opposite shoulder , you could extend the leg or keep it bending the knees always protects .

So remember always bend the knees .

If it feels really extreme , you'll know you become an expert of what your body is feeling and that's good because really you're the only one who can do that .

I can't look at you and tell how you're feeling .

I have clients who make the , the scariest faces and it freaked me out at first .

But then it's just , that's just their normal stretching face .

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They're like , and they're fine and then other people are , have a poker face and they're in tremendous pain .

So go figure these are the things you learn after teaching over 5000 group fitness classes who , who wears short shorts .

Ok .

All right , we're down , bring the leg out , bring the knee in .

Rotate the ankle .

I show him some good junk .

That's just inappropriate , good all directions .

Don't want the shorts to get in the way .

Alright .

Nice stretch .

I'll bring this leg up as you exhale , lengthen .

Hit the spot where it's shake it .

If it's not shaken , it's not baking , it's not working .

You want it to really work to hit that threshold .

That was charming .

I've seen a lot of Yogi people spit , so it's OK .

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All right .

One more time .

Big stretch up now , bend the knee , bring it over , twist .

Now , if you don't like this twist , we'll have , we'll have to have a discussion because this is the best .

Relax .

Put the weight in your opposite shoulder too good for the Mussels extend if you like .

All right back to the center , bring the knees in , hug them in tight , rocking side to side , bring the head down .

I'll keep it up .

So I could see , wiggle the toes and the fingers breathe into your lower back and congratulations .

My friends .

Wait , one more thing .

Circle and one direction .

Nice big circle .

I do master classes in Montana when I visit up there every year .

I love Montana .

I think it's my favorite state .

And the , these knee circles we , I taught these and , uh , they went nuts .

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They had never done knee circles before another direction because you get this massage in the back , you get that nice stretch in the abdominals all the way around .

Using the floor to massage .

Right .

And that my friends , if you're going to sleep , just go to sleep right here or get up and enjoy your day .

Great little beginner stretching , yoga routine or put something in my eye or for , you know , for anybody , it's really for anybody .

These are hip stretches or hamstring stretches the most quote in shape .

People a lot have the tightest bodies .

I have a lot of clients who are total athletes are in amazing shape .

We get in the class and they're in such pain because they never stretch .

They let it just fall behind .

They built up calluses .

But after just a few weeks of my classes , they have stretched out so much , they feel so much better and they're doing their athletics better .

They're running their , whatever your sport is , they're doing it better because they're stretching .

Right .

Subscribe , thumbs up .

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Uh , I got sweat in my eye and head out .

Head over sean dot com .

Sign up for my free e newsletter .

Leave me a comment on this page on my youtube page .

Share it .

I just love what I do and I want to share it .

I want to keep paying it forward .

God bless .


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