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2023-07-18 12:30:57

How To Do Headstand For Beginners _ Core Drills For Headstand

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Hi , hello , welcome back to my youtube channel today .

We are finally going to be doing headstands .

I know all of y'all wanted this video .

Um We're going to be working on coal before uh and then work and progress into it .

This is going to be like how we did the push up variations , there are going to be maybe three or four parts to this because there are a lot of variations of headstand , but I want him to engage the co um So when you thing you need to understand when you're uh doing handstand is that you want your alignment .

So that means your weight , we're going to work on everything .

OK .

So for now , we are actually going to start with the core and then we're gonna go into things .

Um I've already done this version of a push up uh this version of the plan and I've already done this version of the plan for now we're going to interlock our hands with here .

So if you want to measure your distance , you're gonna get elbow , your fingertips to your elbow , open up and engage and close .

OK .

That's as simple as that .

So from here .

You wanna come .

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Now , you can measure your distance as you measure the distance , you're gonna interlock your hands as you interlock your hands , push , protract the shoulders as you push , protract the shoulders .

Try not get your elbows out , ok ?

Because if you , you're gonna get your elbows out , it's just gonna be more difficult .

Ok ?

More chances of slipping and you're not gonna balance basically .

So you're gonna come inside as you come inside , push protract the shoulders as you push , protract the shoulders , you're gonna take it back up as you do this .

You do not want the butt to be up and we're gonna see the , I think the day going in 10 good night .

Eight .

Push protract your shoulder seven B number six , I keep three to what you're gonna drop your knees .

Now as you drop your knees , we're gonna come and sit .

Now as you sit , what I want you to understand and do is I want you to take your legs , bend your legs as your legs are bend .

You're gonna hug .

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Now as you hug your legs , you want to keep this solid and tight .

Ok ?

Now as you do this , take the weight back , cross your legs as you cross your legs , you're gonna stay , you're gonna try and get your th squeezed in together to your chest and stomach blade stay be back .

The poor should be on fire .

It keep moving .

Seven or more .

Six very very far away .

Five four , keep pushing it .

So tendency this might tend to happen .

You want to keep squeezing it into one from here .

We gonna light it up and all these things .

Why do I make you lighter as we lighter ?

We're gonna do the same .

We gonna hug cross the leg and all you gonna do is you're gonna pull in now as you pull in kettle , what is this called chi chi up in here ?

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So I just like everything out .

So also like can you see this ?

I am shedding nine .

So I'll make your way to A I like she into this seven s five four .

Almost .

It really , really dark .

Yeah .

Yeah , almost 21 .

We're gonna get the leg up as we get the leg up .

It will say 10 .

Now as much as you can , if you can't strap your legs , you can bend your legs but you wanna try to get this up over here if 760 my God .

Five .

Wait , wait , it's three two .

What you gonna get like up to 10 shoulders off the line eight ?

If your head stop letting you can place your hand under .

OK .

Seven sixth to me to what you're gonna talk about .

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Whoop and you're gonna say 10 nine A P seven so close yet so far five chest are 43 almost is the body the body , the body two .

What you should feel like stuff can you see your heart just sweating like everything's sweating .

Now , I want you to take your legs out as you can like take another , I guess you OK as you went for you like where you are still to stretch up , stay you eight .

That if you find it comfortable , you can drop the shoulder .

I don't want you to hand check it like this .

I want you to take a lift it forward .

Six , almost five .

He breath in full three to one .

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They gonna come up now that you feel your core is activated , we will actually go into your handstand things .

I want you all to remember the same thing as we went into your blind position .

You're gonna need to lock your hands , stretch your arm over here is not going to be on top , ok ?

It's not going to be where , you know where your child , where a child is born and the soft part , your hand is not going to be there whereas your weight is going to be there .

Ok ?

So your weight is not going to be in the forehead because , ok , see if I'm still , it moves .

If I go back , it still moves .

But if I press my hand into it doesn't move all it's going to move is into the floor .

It's not going to move sideways .

Your neck is sick things you want to remember .

You want to make sure that your neck is not hurting .

Ok ?

If you feel your neck is hurting .

You go back a step and you keep doing your plan position , ok ?

We're gonna work through .

Now , this is what we're gonna do .

You wanna get your hands , interlock your hands .

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Now as you interlock your hands , push , protract your shoulders as you push , retract your shoulders .

Remember head come off the base , the crown of the head onto the floor .

Now , as the crown is there your thumb , you can either relax and place it on your head .

OK ?

From here , I want you to push the shoulders .

If you're going to sink into the floor , this is going to be a very weird heads and all the pressures again , going to come out of your neck .

We do not want that .

We want to elongate it , ok ?

So if it's one inch of the floor and it's not gonna happen .

But if that's possible , great from here in here , exhaling , I just want you to come into a and you gonna stay , stay walk as close as you can to uh your face .

OK ?

With your legs again , do not sink your shoulders in .

Push the shoulder , stay 10 .

Keep you in mind eight .

You are engaging the shoulder seven .

You're not sinking in six .

Keep breathing five , four again .

Now don't look up .

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You want to look down , your chin is very close to your chest .

Three , almost 210 down .

See relaxing chest posture every time you go in water you want to relax back , counter po po so that all uh the rush of the blood onto the head is relaxed because you're not gonna get a head brush when you come up .

Four , just keep three .

So one back .

This is your first variation .

OK ?

If you find it's very intense for your neck , you're not gonna do anything else .

You're gonna keep practicing your plant and then you come into your downward and you're going to keep doing this one .

OK ?

If you find this is relatively comfortable , once you get comfortable , only , we're going to go to the next one .

Again , I don't want you to use momentum to go up .

I don't want to lose flexibility to go up .

OK ?

If you're not using that , we're gonna use the core and our shoulder strength to go into this .

Ok .

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So even if you're only going to be there for like half a second , it's better than you using the momentum or um your flexibility in here .

What I mean by flexibility and momentum is this , if you're moving to a , this is me using my flexibility .

See I'm using my flexibility to get to the opposite leg .

I do not want to do that momentum .

What I mean by momentum is I am going to be doing from here .

I'm gonna be kicking up .

Can you see I'm kicking up now , if I am all I be my knees and if I kick up like this , I'm still using momentum .

Chances are when I do this .

Now , I understand balance .

OK ?

Chances are when you are doing this and you don't know balance , you will talk it over some way and we don't want , we want to try and make it a safe practice .

Ok ?

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So we're gonna use our po now , the same thing we did in the beginning , we're gonna do that thing here again into lock your hands , push , protract your shoulders , get the head onto the push protract inhale as it come forward .

Now as you come forward , you wanna take your right leg .

Squeeze , I'm sorry to the left and you squeeze that left leg into your body .

OK ?

Stay 10 .

Squeeze .

Nice , sweet .

So that means it's not up .

Your thigh is next to not next to into your stomach .

Almost full .

Push to track your shoulders .

Do not drop the shoulders down .

Stream 21 , come back down the other side left .

Say 10 , goodbye .

You feel student in come by that .

No problem .

Seven .

If you understand this is a process , you want to be comfortable in it .

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Three , two .

When you're gonna come back down now as you come back down , you don't pull , please stay to like the night .

If you feel like your neck is looking , you can gently give it a massage also , but it's fine .

You can just C as in three .

So what from here we're gonna get both legs up now we are not going into full hands and that means the legs are not gonna work , ok ?

All we're gonna be doing is getting your leg up to your chest .

This is all what we going to do .

What I mean by this the same way we got our legs here , the same way we got our legs here , the same thing that we did here .

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And the second one , we're going to be doing that in that means you are not doing this variation nor are you doing this variation ?

OK .

Now , something I want you to know is you can do this um without the wall .

And the next one that I will show you is we're going to be doing it on the wall .

Keep the same thing in here I exist .

So don't be afraid we going to conquer our fears in here and say enough push like the shoulder , take your hand , drop it , OK ?

Lift you want to lend them the head .

Do not come this , I'm gonna say that 50,000 come forward as you come forward , you will bend the left leg .

Now , if you find this comfortable when and if you want to keep tilting the weight forward , so I am gonna be going to the back of the wall .

That's how you want to do it .

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Now , once you do this , if you feel comfortable , lift one or slip 345 , drop one , 345 , relax .

We now gonna try with that .

Ok ?

With that lifting up lift say 12345 .

Come back up change if your student stop the video here take a break and do it again .

Lift up one 34 from my now one last one .

We're gonna go all the way .

Ok ?

Again just chest no legs into your chest in here I go can now push it so you see my legs are not going upward , my legs are in the body .

It's really two .

Yeah .

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One left to drop and then the left the child for open my shoulders .

So I am we can like , so if you feel like a fan , if a little jam you the full three to what did you try it ?

How did it feel if you'll do it ?

If you were not able to do it ?

Try and gradually come up to these steps and it will happen .

OK ?

We're gonna do the same thing .

So we this one , can you ever see this ?

This is disgusting .

This is not disgusting , it's like sweat .

But er so this is um an easier , this is the more difficult version , the easier version is gonna do the same thing again on the wall .

OK .

Now , if you get a head stand , period , OK .

That's lovely .

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If you don't get it , there's no problem .

You work yourself up to this and eventually gradually come .

If you realize by now it's not your flexibility , it's not how you can balance on your head .

No , it's your core strength and your what is it ?

Shorter strength ?

OK .

It's these two things which make you stronger to take you up , easily into a headstand .

OK ?

So if I'm not using co momentum , I'm showing up right now because this is me showing up .

OK ?

And if you want to only use um what is this only use your co OK .

Exit could come forward , ok ?

Eventually later in life , you're going to be the same day .

Two stable .

OK ?

You're gonna see uh you're not gonna say this is what I'm going to be doing just OK .

Turn back , we come back and I don't know why they do that .

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But underneath again , every time you stand and said whatever it was you're doing , you're gonna relax open my just full on button and try posture .

Let the blood come back down .

I'm gonna roll out .

Now you're gonna do the same thing .

So we're gonna go to the , ok ?

So for the same thing , you're gonna to interlock your hands .

Now your hands are gonna come to the wall .

Ok ?

Now you like read the wall is here .

The wall is everyone's best friend , ok ?

My love you gonna come forward .

Since you have the guidance and the assistance of the wall , it will be a little bit easier .

Ok ?

Ok .

Bye bye .

As you come back on , you will see automatically as you're moving forward .

If you have .

So if you have flexibility , I forgot .

If you don't have flexibility , you can do the same thing .

Bend your knees .

OK ?

Ben ?

Can you see ?

I'm bending my knee .

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If my hamstrings are not open , bend the knee and you want to get , can you see eventually , gradually my body is going to come onto the wall .

Ok .

Again , do not compressing for the love of everyone .

I wanna push to drive the shoulder .

Now as you doing this lift one leg up , same thing .

54321 .

I'm gonna fast forward this one .

OK .

54321 left .

12345 left on the different way from there .

I went on a long board left .

Yeah .

Stay 10 98765321 .

If you've got this , get the links here , that's it .

Stay 10 push contract the sugar .

98 seven six .

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Bye 32 and coming back the same way you go down on the floor , you come up the same way you go down the same drop hands .

You stay home probably 8000 of 765 three .

To what ?

From the ?

And we are done ?

Oh my God .

So uh let me know if you have any questions about this .

Are there gonna be other variations of a headstand as well ?

It's not only one variation .

OK ?

But this is engaging your core .

So if you want to activate your core and go into this , you can do the drills that I've done many , couple of times .

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Um A lot of other core and handstand and other deals are also done is gonna come up somewhere now and uh if you have any questions , please ask them so that I can also make videos to answer them .

So yeah , let me know .

Yeah .

OK , like they say see goodbye .

You can't stop me .


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