Hello , my name is Cesar .
We are uh this is , we are from step into Salsa and now we're gonna teach you how to dance salsa style .
This is the basic step for me salsa style .
So our basic step in salsa is going to consist of eight counts .
12345678 .
However , we're only stepping on six of those counts 123 and 567 .
So what's happening happening on our four and our eight , we're not stepping but we're still traveling .
So we're gonna step on 12 , three .
There's no step on four , but my foot is gonna travel back and six , our foot is gonna travel forward four .
Now we're gonna step 567 .
Same with eight traveling 8123456781 34567812345678 .
So we only count the numbers that we're actually stepping on which is 123567 .
Ok , guys , we're gonna break down .
Now the basic step , we're gonna do the guy the , the main timing .
So we're gonna start with the left and stepping back like this one , we're gonna step again .
Two .
They're gonna stay in place three .
They will going forward five .
They're gonna go forward against six and in place seven .
So that's gonna do it from this angle .
Now we go like this when you start , you start one 23 .
There we go forward 567 .
So we're gonna get one two in place 56 in place one 3567123567 123567 56712356712356 .
So ladies , we're gonna break down our basic step on two .
So I'm gonna do it first from a side angle .
So ladies , we're gonna start with our right leg going forward .
We're gonna step forward forward , replace back with our left back back , replace again we're gonna go forward forward back back back forward again .
123567123567123567123 and 567 .
I'm gonna do it facing you now .
So again , starting with my right leg , I'm gonna go forward forward , back , back , back forward , forward , forward , back , back back forward .
Count 123567123567123 567 and 123567 .