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2023-07-27 17:56:42

Yoga for Complete Beginners - 30 min Sunset Yoga Class #beginneryoga

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Uh sunset yoga .

Number one , perfect way to wind down from your day .

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We shall start in a standing position , heals underneath the hips and bring the fingertips to the outsides of your stomach and feel the breath as you breathe in expanding the ribs and as you exhale , squeezing all the breath out , breathing in the nose and out the nose , or if you're more comfortable exhaling through the mouth .

The point of this entire workout is to undo to destress and prepare yourself for the best night's sleep of your week .

Drawing the breath in feeling the lift in your body , feeling the expansion in your ribs in your sides .

Exhaling all the breath out .

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Very aware of your breathing , soaking the cells in the oxygen and the arms coming to the side .

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Shake out the arms , fingers are loose shoulders , back and down chest , open mountain pose , close your eyes and really focus in on the breath and adding some movement , swaying the head over to the right , keeping the neck nice and long , very gentle movements , inhale , center , exhale to the other side .

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Everything in this workout is controlled , it is smooth , it is flowing , never forcing it , it'll be very natural as you sway back and forth a little bit more , getting the spine involved and then rolling the head cross chin towards the chest exhale across feel that release , soften your face , letting go , letting go of tension of the block and neck rolls all the way around .

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Natural grace in your movements .

As we gently begin to stretch your body , the arms coming up , exhale , tuck the chin , slowly sinking down into forward fold .

Let the gravity gently tug you down .

The weight goes into the toes a little bit of softness in the knees , relax your neck with the exhale sinking down into that beautiful , beautiful stretch .

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The spine is lengthening as the blood moves into the head , bring the fingers to the shins into flat back , draw the shoulders back , head up , slightly pressing into the glutes , exhale , releasing down , grabbing the opposite arm of each hand , focus on the breath , let every exhale lengthen your spine and activating the abdominal flat back .

Once again , shoulders back .

You can also keep your fingertips on the floor for a little more challenge .

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Breathing down the spine , exhale , release the spine already much looser as we roll up using the abdominals to lift the shoulders , come back , fixing the shirt and the arms coming up tall shoulders down again , sliding down and then coming to the knee , shoulders , going back , shake out the arms once again , feet and knees a couple inches apart .

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Hands coming to your lower back or a slight back bent , releasing your lower back as you open the chest , hands are there for support , drop the head back and relax the face and coming up , bringing the hands down , coming into a seated crosslegged position , either leg on top , sitting tall at the shoulders , come down , open the chest , close the eyes softly and focus on the breath lifting with the inhale , shoulders , sinking down with the xy clean out the lungs .

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The face is loose .

Breath is flowing in cells .

Grabbing that beautiful oxygen fingers are loose .

Always have time for a little shake , getting the tension out , avoiding any cramps , hands and knees , position , palms under the shoulders , knees under the hips , inhale , tucking your tailbone underneath and rounding the upper back to the sky can stretch shoulder blades , drawing apart , reversing into cow stomach down , head up , shoulders into the ribs , beautiful spinal articulation , tuck the tailbone inhale capped back again into cow .

From the top of the spine to the bottom .

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They are lengthening healthy spine , healthy body chat and once again into cow .

Breathe into the pose , let your breath define the pose and sliding that left arm underneath , pressing the tailbone up into threading the needle .

You can use your right hand to open the chest a little bit more or relax a right arm day eyes to that left .

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Feel that wonderful rotation in the spring and breathe and get on through moving to the other side , right arm underneath , little stretch and shoulder as well .

Holding it here and drawing the art in reverse a hands and knees position , taking your right leg , extending it back , pressing the palms into the floor opposite arm out .

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If you like getting some blood moving in the muscles , balancing the cat straight lines , belly button pulled in head up , slightly lengthening , the hand comes down , the knee comes down , rounding up into cat once again , articulate the spine stretch it and you create health from the inside out .

As you stimulate your nervous system , I can unwinding after a long day and taking this time all for yourself left leg extending back , right arm .

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If you wish , balancing the cap other side , center of balance is in your core stomach , lower back , hips and glutes , engage your abdominal and coming back down , walk the hands forward and exhale , sinking back into child's pose , tops of the feet on the map .

Beautiful pose great in between poses , fingers reaching forward as the shoulders gently draw back .

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Once again , talking the toed downward facing dog , let the inhale , press into the palms with the exhale .

Work the heels down into the map .

Beautiful full body stretch , full body tone , unbinding yourself from the day and the knees coming down again .

X and the face in the front with the arms and legs a little shape , the bottoms of the feet coming together for a butterfly also called bound angle , pose , hands to the feet or the ankle .

You can use your elbows to gently open up the hips but keep your core engaged .

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Don't round your body down , stay lengthened in the spine with the exhales , opening the hips a little further can also move into what we call the turtle pose .

The feet come a little further forward , arms sliding underneath the hands can grab the feet or the hands can be flat .

Imagine your back is the shell and your head poking out of the shell , the top of the head reaching forward .

Breathe into the entirety of this poem .

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Uh Who doesn't love turtles lengthening a little further , bring it back up .

Butterfly your left hand back behind you for a nice little twist , inhale , lift , exhale , twist coming back to the center .

Another hand back , right hand chest always open .

Think of having a smile in your chest , lifting and twisting , invigorating the organs and inside coming back to the center .

Still holding that butterfly stretch , bringing openness into the hips .

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The neck is loose , extending the legs back , sinking back again into modified downward facing dot shifting forward into modified plank , lowering down elbows to the sides , forearms down , lift up into baby cobra .

A modified VSA flow lowering down , pressing back again , modified down dog .

Also called the puppy po puppy .

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Great visual again , forward , modified plank knees are down , lower down , keeping the abs engaged very be very gentle lifting up baby cobra , feel the bones of the chest opening up and squeezing the glutes sinking down again , pressing back , loosening up the back .

So much , loosening up the body unbinding your body forward , Spotify , plan down .

We go bringing some heat into the muscles to stretch them even further , much safer , much more effective .

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A little bit longer shoulders back and lowering down , sinking back to modify down dog or bring the boots all the way down for child's clothes .

Also called a little slice of heaven and walk those knees forward across the ankles , pressing back and the legs a little shake and rolling down onto your back , tucking in the shirt , tuck the chin , the legs coming up , arms out to the sides , palms up , open the chest , breathe into the openness of the chest as you flex the feet and draw the toes away from each other into the stick man homes .

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If you wish to go further , the legs coming together and we lift up into shoulder , stand hands to your lower back , the legs extending to the sky , the eyes up to the feet and do not move the neck in this position .

Breathe , feel your breath opening up the mine called .

If you wish to go further , bend my knees , bring those knees down towards your face .

Moving into the plow .

There's different versions .

You can keep it here .

The weight is in the shoulders or you can extend the legs out the toes perhaps coming down to the mat into the full plow .

But this is sunset yoga .

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So focus more on gentle poses and really pushing yourself and the legs extending back up full shoulder stand .

Or if you're still in the stick man bone , stay with it .

Breathe into it .

And the knees coming down again , bend the legs and rolling down onto your back , knees into the chest and rock the leg slowly back and forth , sending the breath flowing into your lower back .

Arms to the sides , dropping the legs down to the right Lyon's final twist , loosen up the fingers and the toes .

The wrists and the ankles use the abdominals , bring the legs up and sink them down to the other side .

Wonderful rotation for the spine .

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As we prepare ourselves the end of class meditation , the breath slowing down slightly and legs back to center , sliding the legs down onto the mat , one by one , the hips releasing , getting comfortable .

You can also have a towel nearby and put it over your feet .

Arms to the side , palms up , close the eyes softer , focusing in on your breathing , breathing in .

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Life back into the feet .

As the breath continues to move back , fingers beginning to move .

Feel a little bit of energy start to flow back into your body .

Wrists and the ankles moving a calm movement .

And with the next inhale , reach the arms up and over the head , full body stretch , fingers and toes , reaching away from each other , lower back , lifting off the mat , feel energized .

That stretch is and then preparing for embryo pos drawing the knees in , rolling onto your side , face , arms or hands as a pillow , close your eyes and take a few more deep , deep breaths right here .

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Savoring this at least fear in the nose , out the mouth and beginning to lift up off the map .

We shall finish in a seated crosslegged position to take your time coming up .

Everything is released .

There's no reason to upset any of that .

Staying calm and sitting tall shoulders back , shake out the arms , let the blood move out of the head .

Inhale , lift the arms up very slowly side , bend to the right , no tension , no pressure .

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Take it to the center and go to the other side and again over to the right so loose the arms coming up , palm together , hands in front of the heart .

Prayer positioned sun breath inhale , extending tall , exhale , peel the arms away .

Let's finish this off one more time .

Inhale up palms together , exhale hands in front of the heart .

Stay truly beautiful class .

Sunset , yoga .

Number one .

Now go have the best night's sleep of the week .


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