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2023-07-18 12:31:07

22 Minute Full Body Gentle Yoga Practice for Beginners and Athletes

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Great .

Let's bring the knee into the rib cage , holding it with both hands .

Let's bring the left hand on the right knee and whenever you're ready to see if you can bring your left hand behind you and maybe even look back slowly , come back up , step it back down over to the other side , taking the left foot .

You can keep your toes slightly touching the floor if you're struggling with balance or bring your foot on your calf or into your upper inner thigh , pressing the foot into your thigh and the tie back into your foot , open the knee out and back and the hand alignment here is optional .

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Now we're gonna go back into our white stands open the right foot towards the back of the room .

Left foot in , open the hands out , keeping both sides of your torso lengthening , lower your right hand down towards your right leg , right shin bone , maintaining alignment here .

Uh triangle pose , keep opening your left hip externally rotating your left hip .

Keep lengthening the spine here , lifting the knee caps to come up , make sure you're using your abdominal muscles of legs , switch legs , switch feet alignment .

So the left foot is pointing forward and lower down left hand over the left shin bone .

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Let's come forward into a tabletop for a few rounds of cat cow just to move the spine , feel into the spine , start to lower the belly , look forward , arch your back , inhale , exhale around your back , tuck the chin to the chest for cat posts in her to come exhale to camp three more .

And as we continue to move and you can still see me as you look forward from time to time .

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Keep lengthening here , I'm opening my chest , opening my back , lengthening my spine , lifting my knee caps , lifting the arches of my feet .

Every part of your body is working here aligning the neck with the spine , come back up using your leg muscles .

One more time , we're gonna turn towards the back of the room .

This time we're gonna square the hips so that they're pointing , both hips are squared with the back wall of your room and lower down , left hand is gonna come down towards the floor .

Right arm is gonna reach up .

You can keep your left hand on your leg .

Revolving triangle post .

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Great , slowly come back out of it and we're gonna do the same over to the other side .

Hips are square , reaching right hand reaches forward way ahead of you .

Lower down , grab your leg , shin bone floor opening the left arm all the way up just opens and let's bring both hands on the floor and step back into plan .

Knee is on the floor , sit back , child post .

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One of the biggest flexibility secrets is working with your breath , softening , relaxing and deepening the breath .

Let's bend the right knee and bring the right foot as close to your hip as possible .

Lift your left hand up towards the ceiling .

So right knee , left hand , twist and look back over your right shoulder , flex the foot on the left side , press the left leg down , actively pressing it down into the floor .

Look back over your right shoulder .

Keep lifting to the crown of the head here in hell , coming out of this and over to the other side , left knee bends , bring your left foot as close to you as you can reach right hand up .

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And the elbow comes on the outside of the left knee .

Look back , bray , right foot is flexing , right leg is pressing actively down .

Don't forget about your right leg here .

It's important to have awareness in all body parts .

Inhale , lift , excel both hands on the floor , bring your hands a couple of inches behind you fingers pointing back towards you feet parallel to each other .

And now we're gonna lift the hips up , coming into table top , knees should be over the ankles and not over the toes , wrist underneath the shoulders and sit back down round in your back .

You can lower yourself down all the way on the floor .

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Let's keep the feet parallel to each other hip with apart or even the toes could be pointing just a tiny bit in .

Bring your elbows down on the floor .

Hands are reaching up , palms of the hands facing each other .

This is so that we can activate the shoulders and press the outer edges of the shoulders down into the mat and lift into bridge poles .

When you're in bridge post try to extend the tail bone towards your knees .

In this case , tucking the tail bone down and pressing the hips as high as you can take a break from bridge post and come back to it one more time .

Press your elbows down the shoulders out , ridges of your shoulders are pressing down to keep the chest open here , lift your hips as high as you can .

I'm lifting my toes off the floor as well so that I'm pressing into all four corners of each foot and slowly lower back down onto the floor .

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Relax great knee .

He'll come back up and over to the other side .

Left knee comes into the chest and across from the body all the way on the floor .

Look back over your left shoulder , soften your belly , relax your breath .

He , he'll come back up and let's bend the right knee and bring the right ankle above the left knee , bending both , uh , bending the left knee actually here .

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And you can try your hands on the between your legs to grab the back of your left knee , reclining pigeon post a hip opener .

You should feel it in your hips , no pain in your knees .

This is a good modification of a pigeon pose and you can switch sides , holding the back of the right knee and keeping the left ankle above the right knee , press the left knee away from you and the left foot towards you .

And you can release both knees into the chest .

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Let's bring the forehead into the knees with the breath in and as you exhale , release , lower your body on the floor , close your eyes and either stay in for as long as you need to or you can sit in a post or lockers still with your eyes closed for a few moments , contemplating the present moment .

And whenever you're ready , you can bring your hands over your heart and bow to your heart for its forgiveness , compassion and love .

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Then this one is a nice one , tuck the chin a bit more to the chest , release the hands down , take a deep breath in , lift up halfway exhale down dog walk the hands forward one more time in the last downward facing dog .

So enjoy .

And let's set the knees down , set the elbows down and we push ourselves forward to come onto the belly .

Very nice .

Move the hands forward , read dust on your mat if you have one and we will bring the feet wide , the part so as wide as the mat untuck , the toes stay on the forearms .

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Four things post nice opener for the front of the body , the superficial frontline , look straight ahead , lowered the shoulders down , broaden the collar bones , think of breathing into the spine to create more length and to open the front .

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If you want to go a bit deeper , you can come into seal post by pressing into the palms , lift the elbows up and engage your glutes a bit more to open the front even more and to distribute the back , bend over the whole superficial front line in a very even way , wrap the triceps and lower the shoulders down and all the way down wherever you were very good .

Let's extend the left arm out to the side .

We now send the left leg straight back , bend your right leg , flex the right foot and we bring the right foot up and over to the left side behind the left knee for a twist , prone twist .

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We're here for about five breaths if you wanna come out early , of course , go ahead .

So the release come back to prone onto the belly .

The other side extend the right arm out away from you , bend your left leg and bring that foot up and over .

You can keep resting the head down and just keep it lifted .

So it sounds better in the audio .

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Take three more deep breaths and release .

Come back to the belly .

She got hips and we now stay with the head facing in this direction , but we're just gonna roll over onto our back as you do .

So try to stay as close to the ground as possible as if the earth is pulling you even more than it already does down to the ground .

And you just roll over .

I recommend to extend one arm forward and then roll onto the back and then you can readjust by moving back onto the mat .

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Are we good Denise for half of and we bring the heels close to the hips , lift the hips up for a final bridge post you can talk to or snuggle the shoulder blades a bit under the body .

If you want , you can also interlace your hands , your fingers underneath your hips behind the back .

Keep a gap between the chin and the chest .

And we're here for five more deep breaths .

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You on your ax , I lower the hips down and simply bring the knees together .

Stay here for a little bit .

Let's keep the left foot on the ground across the right ankle over the left thigh .

And then with your right arm , you reach through the triangle you create for figure four , either grab behind the left thigh or grab the left shin .

Make sure you flex both feet so that the toes are actively reaching towards the knees .

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Relax the head down , pull the legs towards you and breathe into the right outer hip and in all the other areas in your body where you feel this , if there's any pain in the knee and the right knee , then back off a bit , 3d breaths , slowly release the left foot back down that switch sides right foot to the ground , left ankle over right thigh .

Figure four reads through , grab , whatever feels good .

Flex the feet .

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Dorsey flex , reach the toes up towards the knees , pull the legs into the chest , continue with those deep nourishing breaths , close your eyes already if you want and slowly release , let's come into a happy baby .

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So you can either grab behind the knees and pull the knees into the armpits or you grab outside the feet and then pull the knees into the armpits to open up a bit more in the hips , close your eyes first , take three or so deep breaths and then continue to stay here or start to straighten one leg .

If you want as much as you can , it doesn't need to be straight and then the other leg .

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Very good .

Stay here longer if you want or come into plow pose by bringing both legs up and over the head , keep the legs straight or bend them .

I've been working towards straight legs a little bit more of a stretch now , for the upper part of the superficial back line , for the upper back , mid back , just make sure there's a gap between the chin and the chest .

You can gently move the hips forward and back by gripping with the toes .

But if that's too much , just come back to a happy baby .

That's all release .

Hug the N to the chest on your A I release the legs down .

Bring the sword of the feet together for and open the knees up or out like a book .

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We will finish our practice here in this position .

If you want a bit more , then you can bring the feet closer to your hips , otherwise move them away from the hips forward .

And if that's too much at any point , just straighten the legs fully forward to just lay on your back , let's stay for a minute here together before I let you go .

Continue working on that .

5 to 6 seconds inhale and 5 to 6 seconds exhale .

Stand your rhythm .

Just like when you're pouring some oil , let's say some cooking oil .

Also out of the bottle , it's a steady flow .

It's a steady rhythm .

It's not like uh like a dripping faucet with interruptions .

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It's steady , steady , inhale , steady exhale in a flow .

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Come back to the sensations of your body , how it's laying on the surface , start to move the fingers , the toes , bring the knees together if they are still apart and let's roll over to one side , whatever side feels more comfortable for you .

And from there , we push ourselves up to a comfortable seat , bring your hands to the heart and thank yourself for showing up .

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Thank yourself for taking the time today to move , to breathe , to create space within , for the passenger inside and for connecting a bit more to the stillness and shifting into a more relaxed state of the nervous system and the body .

I wish you a fantastic rest of your day and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next video very soon .

Much love and gratitude I must .


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