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2023-07-18 12:31:05

Power Yoga Vinyasa Flow for Beginners _ Ali Kamenova

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Now , Mr , beautiful Yogi .

This is going to be a beginner's introductory power yoga class .

Let's begin at the front of our mat .

Fit together shoulders down , just open belly in chin , parallel to the floor , lifting through the crown of the head , allow your feet to sink down through your mat , lifting the arches of your feet , lifting the knee caps and again , extending the tailbone down connection in your core , establishing connection with your powerhouse hands over the heart , deepening the breath , begin to focus on your breath , allow everything else around you to disappear and be here .

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And now focused on your breath , focused on the present moment and let held the hands over the head .

Lift P A lift through the fingertips , relax the shoulders .

Feet are grounded .

You can look up into the direction of your hands , looking between the palms of the hands and let's excel the hands behind us , either clasping your fingers or you can have a towel behind you and just hold the towel .

If you can't clasp , let's bend the knees slightly and fold forward in a forward bend .

We're bending the knee to protect the knees when we're doing beginners forward events , especially if there is stiffness in the hamstrings .

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And let's come back up , open the chest over opening the right shoulder up towards the ceiling , back to center and let's open the left shoulder up .

The hands are pressing away from your back .

Eel , folding forward and let's wrap our hands or wrists around the elbows , unwrapping and slowly roll up like a rag doll coming up to standing inhaling the hand over the head .

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Exhale your hands over the heart , big breathing , lifting the hands over the head , reach , exhale flat back all the way , bringing the hands on the floor on your shin bone so that you can reach and take one hand forward in front of you keeping your back straight , knee , slightly bent and then the other hand forward in , he'll look ahead of you , bring the hands on the floor and step back into Plank , spread the fingers wide open , lifting the palms of the hands off the floor .

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You're pressing into the base of your fingers here , knees on the floor for beginners or um , if you're familiar with Plank , you can do the full version and slowly lower yourself down onto your belly , elbows , shoulders back and down the back of the neck is lengthening .

The tail bone is tucked under , lift your chest off the floor and continue elongating your tail bone down so that the tail bone is pointing down towards your heels .

Strong triceps , press yourself all the way back into child's pose , allowing the hands to rest palms of the hands facing each other .

We're gonna be coming back to child's post every time we need to take a break , feel free to take breaks in child's post whenever you need to .

And let's come back into playing knees on the floor .

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Lower down , halfway down Chatur yogic , push up and back up into downward facing dog .

The feet are hip with apart , the hands are shoulder with apart the shoulders are away from the ears so that the back is wide belly in .

You can come onto your tippy toes , lifting the tail bone as high as you can and then lower down as far down as your heels would go .

They don't have to touch the floor .

Just continue stretching your hamstrings and let's step the feet between the hands .

Excel bow down and help them all the way up with the flat back all the way up to standing hands over the heart .

Bare big breath in , lift your hands over the head .

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Eel folding with a straight back into a forward bend as far as you can go in .

Help .

Look ahead of your belly in , step into plank , just open belly in .

Feel free to stay on your knees slowly lower down onto your belly .

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Go propose lengthening the entire back side of the body here and let's press back into child's bows , relax the shoulder , soften your breath , soften your gaze soften your jaw , coming back up underneath Chatur and el that one facing do , pressing the navel in and up and here we're gonna step the right foot between the hands .

I'm demonstrating the step through with the help of your hand .

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If you can't bring your foot between your hands , lowering the left knee on the floor , the part above the knee , not the knee cap itself is on the floor and reaching up towards the sky or feel free to hold your right knee here and stay here .

Let's lower the left hand on the floor .

Right hand ridges up Excell and soften your belly .

As you go a little deeper in this twist , the shoulders are down away from the ears and the chest is open great , coming back up , stepping into plank , lower down all the way onto your belly called Propose Excel .

And let's go back into downward basing doc .

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And let's take the left foot between the hands , either step it through or help with your hand to bring it between your hands .

Once your hair , take a stand that as wide as you can take , pressing the right knee away from you so that the contact with the floor is above your knee cap .

The knee cap itself is not on the floor and come up into a crescent lunch or you can be holding your left knee here with your hands .

Excel right hand on the floor .

Left hand reaches up as if the hands are trying to reach away from each other .

Opening , the chest widening the back , the neck is aligning with your spine .

Hair .

Don't allow your head to hang and let's bring both hands on the floor .

Step it back into plank .

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Feel free to do full planks and chat if you're familiar with it , otherwise just build your upper body strength by keeping your knees on the floor and going through then chat , child's pose , coming back to your breath and coming back to your center and help come back out of it on your knees .

Excel downward facing dog , spread the fingers wide open , keep your feet parallel to each other .

The bone is lifting as high as you can breathe into your hamstrings .

And let's take the right foot between the hands coming one more time into crescent lounge , left knee on the floor .

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This time , we're gonna bring the hands in prayer together and bring the left elbow on the outside of the right knee , using the elbow to open the chest here and widen the back .

Excel , soften your belly .

It will allow you to go a little deep .

Bring this twist , detoxifying twists in .

He come back to center , raise your hands over your head and then on the floor and let's step back into plank lower down onto your belly , lengthening the back of the neck .

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Elbows in cobra excel the Ketose under and sit back , child's post the palms of the hands are facing each other and hell come forward , chat on the knees and up into downward facing dog .

Let's take the left foot between the hands lower down the right knee on the floor .

Pressing the right hip forward here to stretch the hip flexor in .

Help lift your hands over the head and let's bring them in prayer and twist , exhale .

Bring in the right elbow on the outside of the left knee .

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Really try to maintain openness in the chest and back elongation in the spine , softness in your gaze in your jaw .

Looking back over the left shoulder and he come up , lift Excel hands on the floor belly in step to blink , knees on the floor , lower down onto your belly , elbows in hands underneath the shoulders , copper poses length to the crown of your head .

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Excel all the way into child's bows coming back to your breath and hold your hands forward and let's bring them underneath the shoulders .

Chat lift and now we're facing dog chats on the knees are ideal for building upper body strength and working your way towards a full chaa .

Let's take the right foot between the hands come my plunge in hell .

Lift your hands over the head .

Here , your right knee is gonna be pointing directly forward .

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The toes are pointing directly forward , pressing away the left heel is pressing away from you and let's bend the left knee towards the floor and lift back up three times bend and lift stationary lunges lower down .

And let's bring the left hand on the floor .

Right arm ridges up towards the ceiling lift and lengthen .

I excel both hands on the floor plank all the way lowering onto the belly in hell , cobra , lengthening the back of the neck .

Elbows are still bent , chat under the knees and downward facing dog .

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And this is my dog snoring behind me and let's take the left foot between the hands in hell .

Lift your arms all the way up .

Lunge tailbone is extending down and let's bend the right knee towards the floor .

Second time time , great .

Lower down from the right hand on the floor .

Left arm reaches up , shoulders down , chest open belly softens , pressing the back hill away from you , keep your left knee steady above your ankle .

Let's bring both hands on the floor , step back plank knees on the floor .

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Chat around , lower down all the way onto your belly .

Cobra lengthen , extend the tail bone down .

Those are pressing into your mat and let's lift and go back into a child's bo and he come forward chat underneath and Excel downward facing dog .

Feel free to do chat on your feet if you have enough strength to align properly and let's step the feet at the front of the mat .

Excel forward fold , holding your legs extending the top , the crown of your head down towards the floor .

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You afraid to keep a slight bent in your knees here , inhale ahead of you and keep your back straight as you come up to standing hands all the way towards the ceiling and over the heart , big breath in reach over your head .

Eggs are falling forward and he'll look ahead of you flat back .

Step two flak , lower down .

I'm doing a full chat one time for this inter class upward facing dog shoulders back and down .

The knees are off the floor here .

The the elbow is stuck in under and the back of the neck is lengthening .

And again , chat exel downward facing dog .

Give it a go and see where you're at with your upper body strength .

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If you feel you can do a few per class , full chat do so otherwise stay on your knees and you will be build the strength to be able to grow stronger in hell .

We're gonna drop the back hill on the floor and come up into warrior one .

The hips are facing forward here .

You're trying to have both of your hips , facing forward .

Hens are reaching up towards the ceiling .

The right knee is pointing forward , pressing on the outer edge of the left foot .

The toes on the left foot are slightly in not all the way in and not 90 degrees out .

Somewhere between 45 and 60 degrees in and let's bring the hands over the heart and open into warrior tone .

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The stands here is a little wider than for the previous post .

The knee is still pointing directly forward where the toes are pointed at .

Relax your shoulders , press into the outer edge of your left foot externally rotating the left hip embrace .

Let's lower both hints on the floor and step into plank and then all the way on to your belly .

In cobra , a child's post palms of the hands facing each other so that the shoulders relax in how come forward , chat a downward facing dog .

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Let's take the left foot between the hands right hill on the floor , pressing into the outer edge of the right foot .

Come up .

Warrior one , pressing the right hip forward here in the left leg back in left hip is pressing back so that the hips are evenly squaring forward , lift your hands over your head .

The gaze can be up towards the hands or forward and let's bring hands over the heart and open into warrior to a little wider stands here .

Keep pressing into the outer edge of your back foot , lifting the arch of your right foot off the floor , make sure your left knee is pointing forward and aligning with your toes .

Look ahead of you extend the tailbone down , relax the shoulders .

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Excel hands on the floor , take back blank , lower down all the way on to your belly in he cobra really try to lengthen .

We're not trying to compress the lower back here .

We're trying to lengthen the lower back in Excel child .

Try to make child pose the place where you remind yourself about your breath and about your consciousness , awareness of the present moment and of your breath .

Coming back up , Chatur downward facing dog .

Let's take the left foot between the hands .

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Hello , welcome to class .

My name is Flo .

This is a gentle flow practice ideal for your rest days for days where you just feel like taking it easy and also great for athletes to improve their recovery .

We'll begin today in a on a child's post .

Come to the back of the mat and the knees wide , apart the feet together , walk the hands forward and relax the forehead down to the ground .

I'll keep my head lifted so you can still hear me , ok ?

But fully relax the forehead down , walk the hands even more forward and surrender here .

Take a moment to feel your own body connect to the body and how it's connected to the ground .

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Reversing the warrior , walk your left hand down the left leg , lift the right hand up and over the head , palm of the hand facing down so that you're protecting your shoulder , come back to center and let's bring the feet parallel to each other hands on the hips inhale .

Look up towards the ceiling .

Sky Excel flat back , lower down as far as you can and you can lower your hands on the floor or keep them on your hips , pressing into the outer and inner edges of your feet here , lifting the knee gaps up .

Try not to roll on the outer edges of your feet here .

Try to maintain alignment of your faith .

Great in here .

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We're either gonna hop the fit together , walk the fit together and press up with a flat back all the way up to standing triples .

Right foot is gonna either be on the calf or on the inner thigh .

Um You can be touching the floor here with your toes and once you're in , either your right foot is in your left inner thigh or your calf , you can bring your hands over your heart or open them to the side and just try to maintain balance .

We're also working on our patients looking ahead of you .

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Notice your own breath and how with every inhale , especially in this position , your back is stretching and lengthening and opening a bit more through the breath and also for the breath to make more space , keep those deep breaths going as we start to move .

Recommend a 5 to 6 2nd inhale and a 5 to 6 2nd exhale in general as a good breathing pattern and a good breathing rhythm on and off the mat .

Three more breaths here , connect to your intention for this practice today .

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Have your hands on your hips over your heart opening out to the sides , reaching up towards the ceiling , just follow your breath here and try to stay in the moment balancing on 11 leg , right .

Let's bring the left knee into the rib cage , bring your right hand around your left knee and see if you can open the other hand behind you and maybe even look back .

Don't worry if you lose your balance , just come back to it .

Practice .

If you have , if you find riles to be very challenging , practice it for longer times , don't avoid it and step it back down .

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I want to quickly mention that these shorts that I'm wearing today are our own production in collaboration with Choke and Chill .

So these shorts and many other amazing products are available in our online store .

Just check the the description below and it helps us to provide more free videos in classes like this one more back to cat posts , back to neutral and let's walk to hands a bit forward , downward facing dog , walk your dog , bend one knee and the other , rotate the heels to the left and to the right .

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Just some gentle movement here to fully arrive , connect to your body to the breath to this pulse and start to slow down the movements and establish and arrive more in a aesthetic looking downward facing dog .

But the breath is still moving .

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You , of course , within you can bend the knees if you want , but let's reach the heels a bit more down towards the ground , wrap the triceps in press into the inside of your hands , lift your right leg up and back , three legged dog and bend your right knee open , stack the hips , draw the heel more towards your hips .

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You can bring your hands by your heels , palms facing up towards the ceiling and slowly come up to see it , bring your legs in front of you into a seated pose .

You can grab the flesh on the back of your leg and open it out so that you're sitting on your seating bones , reach up straight back , lower down forward , bent flex , your feet lengthened to the ground of the head .

So the spine is lengthening .

Breathe into your hamstrings .

Try to soften your breath when you're stretching .

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Lower the right shoulder down , square off the shoulders , you inhale , come high into your left toes , exhale right knee outside the right arm , flex the foot , land the foot outside the right hand .

These are lunch , move around if you feel like it or just stay static .

If you wish , you can move the hips forward back , make make circles bounce up and down , whatever feels good .

Just be gentle and kind to yourself and continue to move with the breath .

Let's come on to the fingertips and we now start to send the hips back straight in both legs as you exhale in , uh brings you back forward to lizard lamps .

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Let's do two more back to both hands down , back to dock on the side , left leg , up and back , bend the left knee , open , stack the hips come high into the right toes .

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Inhale , exhale left knee forward outside the left arm , start to flex the left foot , land the foot outside the handful lizard lunch again , move around .

If you feel like it , this is the practice to connect to your body to move in a way that feels good .

So that means if you want to leave something out , leave it out .

If you want to add something in , please add it in and the whole purpose is to , of course , move in all directions .

But we're doing so to create more space in the body for the breath , for some good deep breaths .

And we're also making more space for the passenger inside your body .

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Let's hug the knees into the chest and take a break .

Extend the right foot a few inches off the floor and bring your forehead in towards one knee and then alternate the other again , bring your forehead to your knee switch .

If they don't touch , not a big deal , just continue with the movement a few more times .

A few more switches , moving , consciously , breathing , consciously .

And here we're gonna bring the hands of your inches off the floor , bounce of the hands facing down , inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth .

Five inhalations through the nose , five exhalations through the mouth .

This is a Pilate is 100 .

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We're not gonna go all the way to 100 because we're gonna go ahead and go into bicycles , bringing opposite elbow to knee and switching opposite elbow to knee .

Keep your chest open and your elbows back , try not to pull on your neck here .

Continue with the movement , switching sides , left elbow , right near right elbow , left knee , keep pressing the lower back into your mouth , come out of it and you can stretch your legs towards your chest with the knees bent .

If you need to , you're gonna go into the spine , twist , bend your right knee , bring it across from your body and look back over your right shoulder .

Keep the right shoulder down on the floor .

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Come on to your fingertips on your exhale , center hips back and up straight in both legs .

Nice and slow in her back to lizard .

Exhale back straight in the legs and how come forward .

So I'll send it back .

Last one forward to lizard .

Both palms down , stepped the left foot back to down .

Dog .

Walk the hands back towards the feet , grab opposite elbows , keep the legs straight , let the upper body relax down , let the head be heavy .

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Do your best to keep the leg straight of your lengthening the entire superficial back line .

Because if you bend the knees , then you're breaking it in two pieces from the knees down and from the knees up and by keeping the knees straight , it's more connected as one full meridian interlace your hands behind the back or just stay in the forward fold as you were and bring their arms up and over the head for a nice shoulder stretch , especially if you were sitting a lot or working out a lot .

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Then this one is a nice one , tuck the chin a bit more to the chest , release the hands down , take a deep breath in , lift up halfway exhale down dog walk the hands forward one more time in the last downward facing dog .

So enjoy .

And let's set the knees down , set the elbows down and we push ourselves forward to come onto the belly .

Very nice .

Move the hands forward , read dust on your mat if you have one and we will bring the feet wide , the part so as wide as the mat untuck , the toes stay on the forearms .


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