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2023-07-19 14:36:47

1-hour Aerial Yoga Lesson 1 - Hips & Legs _ Beginner-Intermediate Class _ CamiyogAIR

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Hey guys , I'm Camille and welcome to my channel .

So currently I'm in Queenstown and beautiful New Zealand .

But originally I'm from Lithuania and from my channel , we go for classes uh step by step .

So if you will follow them weekly , you will go from the basics up to the more advanced classes .

So you if you are new to AGA , just try to start from the lesson one or two , but you get more detailed poses how to get into them because later on , we will just continue calling them by the name and not concentrating more other details .

So please follow my and subscribe to my channel for more of the AGA classes to improve your skills , to improve your practice , deepening it and let's go to this .

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So in today class , uh we're gonna cover more of our base body .

So concentrating on a hip opening and strengthening our legs , uh This class will be designed more for beginners to intermediate to get that basics .

So now let's get started .

Ok , guys .

So just make sure you always have a map on the vessel but you won't slip and get injured .

So just being safe and always just listen to your body how much you want to do today .

Uh And also if you're not sure if the pose is um clear or how to get into vessel , just maybe recheck that video first and then do it on your own .

Ok .

So , but now we will start from embry our post , which is more concentrating on your mind and getting in that yoga mode .

So just relaxing your mind and relaxing your volume .

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Um And first just grab a by the edge and the silk is behind your back .

So with your uh fingers just grab like seven times , but you end up just in the middle of a silk .

When you do that , go back , go on your toes , push the silk down and sit into it and then you can decide which side you want .

I will take the left one .

So I will turn to the left , wrap the silk with both arms firmly and push the silk forward , then bring the same side leg , which in this case is left over and cross the silk .

But you end up in the semi as we call it horse , right .

And then you just find the edge again on one side and put one heel into it and straighten your leg all away the same side with the other leg .

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So you end up in this uh seated split bows , which is white bows , but the silk would go all the way through the legs if you end up with one leg is like this and the other is in .

So just move your palms under your butt , under your pelvis and your tight , just push the silk towards that side which you need the silk and , and then you end up where you need to be .

So in here you just bend your knees and put your feet together and close in this embryo pose and the note is your back like this .

You shouldn't be lying on it .

You should be sitting .

So just take that silk , your both arms up and just pull up the whole body and push your pelvis , arching back and then you will be sitting in this cozy cocoon embryo pose .

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So just relax in here , your palms can be either on your knees , either on your chest , inside the silk , just lean back over your head or you can push it and lean forward , whichever is more comfortable to you to close your eyes .

And for a minute of you just concentrate of how you feel .

Now how your body is feeling at this moment , just check and scan through from your head , going down through your neck , your spine , arms , your abdominal area , your pelvis and your legs up to your toes .

So relax everything , especially your face muscles and jaw and then bring your awareness to your breathing .

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So a brush should be deep and slow by deep .

I mean that you should notice that you bring more into the belly .

And if you want to feel more of the movement , just put your one of the palm on your belly to feel how the belly pushes into the palm , feel that movement .

So just a few moments , a few more breaths , it's not the sink , how the air goes in and out .

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All your thoughts only on what's happening here and now , so last two breaths , yeah , slowly we will start going to our warm up .

So now we will go out of the embryo o show slide your silk under the knees , inhale and just reach up on your arms and stretch as if in the morning , maybe yawn if you want , just feel how your body awakens and then again , we're going backwards .

So just to grab a silk , pushing it forward and bring your lead leg of whichever side you did back to the front and then from here we're going down on the map .

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So to slowly get out of the silk and we're going on a kneel so you can just slab your arms and the silk should be just around your arms in case you just took your arms out and you don't know how to wrap it around .

So now you just place your arms wide , go in front and then inside and then you just grab the silk and then they end up just on your wrist .

Ok ?

So for now , from here , we go our pelvis all the way on our heads .

And this drop , you adjust for relax and head your neck slowly .

We opening our shoulders , stretching our back .

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And from here just start swinging slowly from side to side by stretching our sides of the body , our rib cage muscles and each time start to rink wider and wider .

Just as if floating there , be more of that energy of each time .

And remember still breathing slowly , then coming back in the middle .

From here , we go more with a spine as a wave .

So we inhale and breath in , just go around back up .

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So the head is the last point that comes up and then you exhale , you're going backwards and arching , inhaling , you're lifting from your arms from your chest .

So the head is still the last point that comes up and inhale you folding forward .

So imagining that your spine is like a wave going from the lowest vertebra and coming up through the middle of the back , up back and the neck and uh head .

So a few more times you can close your eyes to feel actual movement through the whole spine .

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And remember that your breath in will be always in the middle of breath out as always when you're folding forward or either arching back and let's all meat folded forward .

One breath in in here , breath out and then inhaling , bringing your hips up and then here we go into cat and cow .

So first of all , you can scooch a little bit back and check that your knees would be just hips apart , not closed .

And then here we go into the table top first .

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So that means your back is straight and in here inhaling and we're dropping belly down and opening the chest , looking up to the ceiling , exhaling , we're doing the opposite and curling into our center by putting , um , have a pelvis under inhaling , opening up an arch , exhale and around your back .

Look to your belly , if you want to also add more into the quads work .

So inhaling , opening up and exhaling , then you curling and leaning a little bit back but not touching your knees .

Then you have to feel the quads working and moving .

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So again , inhaling , opening , exhaling , curling and rounding , activate your glutes your quads by leaning back a few more , inhaling , opening through your chest and the same row day and a little bit back last time in Haley and I sailed back , find your neutral position , table top .

And from here , we will go to the tiger .

So now you're still holding your core active that you want arch and leave the back straight .

We string straightening our right leg behind us .

So when you're straightening your leg , but your heel is going back towards the back door or wall , whichever it is .

And then here inhaling and lifting your leg straight and long through the spine .

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The head , the crown is going for one straight line , holding here and breathing and feel how your roots work .

And more , one more thing , your hip up , your right leg should be down .

So one more breath in and now we go dynamically exhaling and then your knee to work .

No curl into a little ball .

Inhaling and straightening again , the leg , the whole straight line and exhaling again into your center .

Inhaling opening and straightening .

So free more like this .

Exhaling into the ball , inhaling straightening in your back .

Exhale again into your center to your nose .

Inhaling in , heal back and last one , exhale , inhale back and hold here for those who want more challenge .

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Now you can uh hold more with your right arm by the left arm .

Really ?

This is the silk , bend your right left , grab your ankle or toes and push away from your back just forward and opening more of the chest to more the back .

More mobilizing in it , one more breath in .

And as I say , it slowly lower your leg , wrap around and just a little bit relaxing .

And that child pose in with the .

So either in here you can spin if you want or if you feel too much stretch for your shoulders , you can always relax in traditional child po by relaxing your shoulders and arms just on the ground by that side .

So I'm with him .

I don't yourself .

So two more breaths , remember ?

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Slow and deep and then we go to the other side .

So inhale and lift your hips , check that your knees would be hips apart and we go to the tiger post on the left side .

So inhale here and straightening your left leg is still on the ground first , just check that you're feeling that line and strength through your leg .

Heel is going backwards while the crown is going forward .

So one straight line in here and say that and the breath in , lift your heel up , still hold on the line , still stacking your hips .

But it would be a long also straight line .

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So one big breath breath out and we will start dynamically inhale and exhaling , bending your knee towards your nose , inhaling again straight line and holding your core .

So form more like this .

Exhale nose to knee inhale , heal back and always concentrate with your eyes towards one spot , but you won't wobble that much and two more times inhaling , exhaling curl , feel around your back , inhaling , holding the balance .

And last time , exhale , inhale one straight line , hold here breath .

And for those who wanted more challenge , we will do more balancing .

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So grab firmly of silk with their left arm while their right arm releases it and grabs the ankle or toes and open more of the chest .

So pull away with your leg away from your back while the chest is going forward , opposite directions .

11 big breath and slowly exhale release your leg , release your arm and relax in the child's either with a silk again , maybe swinging from side to side either on the map if you feel too much pressure on your shoulders .

So whichever is you prefer more today .

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Two deep breaths and then inhale , come up or just grab a silk and take out your feet in front of you , go backwards until you stand up .

OK ?

From here on , we will uh go towards our legs and hips .

So let's put our right leg into the silk just under the thigh and be sure that the silk would be wider , but it won't squeeze too much .

We go to the warrior poses , standing poses and strength .

So hold your leg a point .

But if you feel cramping , you can always hold it flex , whichever you prefer just it would be active , not released , right ?

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So whichever you like and from here also check your hips , they still should be squared , not somewhere out .

And first we do dynamically just warming up our hips , inhale here and with exhalation , just go forward on your tip toes , inhaling again , coming back on your heel , exhaling , going forward , haling , coming back , we'll do more three more times .

Just be sure that you want lean pulled all the way .

It's just go the woman go just from your hip sockets from your pelvis and the last one we will hold him .

OK .

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So make sure that you're still holding the whole leg , firm , feel all the muscles active , concentrate on one spot in front of you feel the line the spine , the lightening through up , then it will be easier to hold your body .

And from here just check that you won't touch your chest with your silk or with your shoulders .

And if you want more challenge , you can always lift your arms and re release from the silk .

So you're not holding , the whole body is held by a one like the base .

So in here , just breathe .

Who feels comfortable in here ?

You can just lift your leg and look up for more challenge or even close your eyes .

So you always have options .

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Feel is still breathing deeply , still holding firmly your whole leg on your tip toes , hold this whole leg is straight .

Feel the glutes , feel the core , the whole body is working one more breath in and when you exhale , grab a silk , bring your weight on your back heel , which is left leg and bring your left leg 45 degrees angle .

So not all the way as in traditional in , it will be 4 to 5 just to make your knee safe .

So inhale here and bring your arms up , exhale and opening through your shoulders , through your hips and a little bit going forward will be a weight .

So giving back direction , worry it too .

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So hold hair and breath , feel that power and that openness from your center all directions through your shoulder line through your hips , but also through the length , feel the space around shoulders down .

And just in case you guys , you feel the pain or something , if you have problems with your knees , you can always bend a little bit in your knee or which helps to me sometimes just keep your feet and flex .

That means to up , that also activates my muscles and holds the knee um in one place , but it won't overstretch .

So two more deep breaths , concentrating , looking forward in the middle of your finger , breath in and when you exhale , go all the way forward into side angle .

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So in here , you just bring your right leg right arm inside of your right thigh while the upper arm or left one side up .

And in here you push yourself a little bit forward that you can bring your upper shoulder , which is left backwards and then you feel more opening through your left side through your red cage .

But also then doing a little bit twist through your shoulders , uh line , looking at the ceiling like head is not drop , you're still holding it also strengthening your neck and the lower um arm , right arm is pushing the leg back .

So we're not just leaning into the , we actually actively pushing both directions opposite directions .

So I'm back , upper arm forward and still pushing from the base of your leg leg from your foot .

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Three breaths in here and if you want more , you can always push from the other side of the silk .

Just remember your elbow is behind the s silic knot somewhere around it or you can touch your arms behind you , it look like it .

So we still have options .

So the last breath in and when you breathe out , just grab the silk inhale , come up and turn you off , left , left forward .

Now we will do a little bit of relaxation and more play unicorn poses .

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So in here , just spread your silk from your knee up to your uh buttocks where your blue and then we go with both arms from a silk for open your arms wide as wings straightening your front leg is semi .

Again , you can hold it flex at the point , whichever you prefer .

And then we push away from a back leg which is left , then the left knee and open through the side that you will open your hips .

So just forward neck is long , gonna close your eyes , just feel the space with wind free of hangers .

And the most important thing that your front line is still strict .

Do you want breaths or if you want , you can do it longer .

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Uh N I thought and then bend your front knee , just you can relax your right arm .

So on your knee , with the left arm , we will grab our left ankle or toes .

And here we go to that pigeon post So pigeon post be opening hips and chest .

So when you're holding your left leg and your left foot just pull away as much as you can , the power from your whole thigh from your lute .

So pulling away just forward , neck is still long .

If you want more , you can grab your foot with both arms behind you .

But note if you do that and the foot starts to be close to your glutes to your , but maybe you should do it just with one arm today because more important is to open , to feel that to leave that gap between your leg and your back and your pelvis .

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So this or this , whichever is suitable today for you two more breaths and then with exhale , just release your leg , stand up and then just slide back , the vessel will be under your knee and then bring back the leg .

You will end up in this kind of swing post .

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Uh So the should be narrow and just under your pelvis bones in here , you can firstly can hold yourself but still think about straight line as if the threat is going through your spine and someone is pulling from your crown , then uh you're not touching your , the silk of your shoulders , try and leave a gap and also don't curl , don't uh make a round back .

Your back is straight and push a little bit chest forward as if sitting on a chair .

So now concentrate on one spot and then here first maybe try to bring your arms in front of you just in case you won't grab the silk , right .

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If you are more comfortable in pose and mis balancing , you can always just open up your arms wide or once more challenge , you can add more like swinging with your legs going backwards and forwards .

But you will start to actually swing .

Another challenge would be closing your eyes and still holding that whole line and not touching the silk with your shoulders .

So just a few moments is more like relaxation pose , but also concentrating and being here and now and then we will take a silk slide back and now we will go to the other side .

So bring your right leg on the ground .

Ok .

So let's start from the start .

Um So the silk should be wider for your thigh that it one hips remember squared .

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So looking forward , both of the hip and right foot is also straight .

And then here looking forward , inhaling and exhaling , just bring your weight forward on , ended up on your tip toes of your right foot , inhaling , coming back on your heel .

So just again , warming up the hips , a socket and that it will be more mobile .

So three more times each time try to push your pelvis more .

But the lower uh leg which is right is still firm , still straight .

So the whole muscles are active , feel how your knee cap is going up .

So last time and we hold it here on your tip toes .

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Try to go as much as you can to feel the ankle length , the heel going up , how the whole neck is strong and active .

Feel the loots .

The hippo still inside may not open , they closed , feel the corm and that's straight line .

We're not pushing forward , we're not dripping .

We're still holding a post as warriors .

This is warrior one pose .

Inhaling .

You can either keep your arms away ahead and holding either going all the way up and perhaps taking your arms away from the silk .

For more balancing , for more challenge , for more challenge for your core .

And once more , they can always just look up to the ceiling .

Just remember .

Don't drop your head like this .

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You're holding it from your neck muscles or close your eyes .

So two more bras in here and when you exhale , let's take your silk , bring your way back onto the hill and now you turn right foot 45 degrees .

So they are going out in some corner , inhaling , lifting your arms up , exhaling , opening for your shoulders and your hips and leaning , bringing your weight forward .

So remember my shoulders , down neck is long .

You're looking in the front arm , which is your left , look in the middle of a finger and hold your pelvis with the center .

So the pelvis under that it won the arch right ?

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So you put it under like a strong active still breathing deeply .

Just feel the bows , feel the strength , the power of warrior two , two more breaths , last breath then and when exhaled fall forward into side the angle .

Ok .

So in here , the left arm , the left shoulder is pushing a leg back .

You should feel the stretch through your hips , through your groin muscles .

And our right arm is sliding up and pushing vessel forward .

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So we can open more of the shoulder , the upper shoulder or you can take the other side of the silk for more intense stretch , an opening for your shoulders and side muscles , which is right side , the opening .

Now , as I said , more , more , one more challenge , you can always try to clap your arms behind your back but don't rush if you feel that you're clashing , but you curling into maybe it's too early to do that and maybe it's enough just to straighten your arms .

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So here feel a strong long line through your side , look up and still pushing from your base leg , which is left one more breath in and out and uh take the silk and he'll come up and from here we go to the unicorn post .

So now people will uh spread the silk from arm and up to the butt over it .

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So from the side and now arms going from inside forward , opening up chest and the whole front body straightening your front leg , left leg left knee and then we just a little bit push away from the ground and then your right knee and open to the side and back through the hips and neck is lock .

You can close your eyes , you can leave them open , whichever you prepare .

Just note that the most important , but to keep your front leg straight .

Not then that's where we strengthening the whole still um front of the leg muscles also stretching hamstrings .

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So a few more breaths in here , my last one and then you can just bend your front knee .

So now we go to pigeon post .

So right arm grabs that right ankle or foot .

And with the leg , you pull away , pull away from on your back to create a circle .

In this way , we not only opening our hips , we opening our chest shoulders , our collar bones .

And uh if you want more of the bos depending it .

So just grab that like with both arms , but check that the heel won't touch your buttocks .

That would be a gap between it .

So a few more breaths in this active pigeon post .

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Yeah , last breath there and like relax your arms , your leg .

And this time we go on balance in a swing , we will go into down a dog through the hip , a hip hand coat position .

So now we will go this time in a simple way .

There's other way to go into it through a flip .

But this time we will do it a sporadic way .

So take the silk hips with go on your toes , the cell for your arms that your elbows would be straight and you're kind of going into your shoulders just sinking into it .

Yes .

And then , and just go forward on your tiptoes as if you want to go more .

But the silk stops you and in here still giving the weight two words to the silk , you're bending forward and then taking your arms on the ground .

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So the silk should be just under hip bones , not on your belly .

If it's on the belly , try again , it shouldn't be pushing you , it should be on a bone .

Remember that ?

And if you are here then going backwards and you're putting the weight opposite from your foot to the eye and don't be afraid the silk will hold you just again , make sure if it's under that hip bones where the groins are .

And if you still feel that it's too much squeezing or something on your hips , you can always take just the blanket and put it under here , then it won't be so squeezy .

OK .

So from here , we will stretch our back .

So just go with your palms as further as you can just walk your fingers , uh your arms are shoulders , we relax your head , relax your neck .

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So the arms are not relaxed .

We hear them active .

So the upper body is kind of strong , but the legs are bent , they cross the a relax like first and just start swinging .

So feel how the whole spine is stretching , how your front body is opening and relaxed .

And just for a moment , enjoy this , suppose , enjoy the small movement , relaxing movement and just breathe deeply .

Remember the breath is the one that leads us through our poses , through the exercise .

OK ?

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And then we gonna meet up just in the middle , neutral position and in here , bring your arms just under your shoulders .

Now , we will go to more active posts and here we stretch the back .

Now we're going to strengthen it more .

So scorpion pose from here , we open our legs wide , bend your knees and them wrap around with your foot with your feet around the cell .

So just note that you won't do it from inside , which is not the right way .

The right way is always going from the outside to inside as most of the poses in , in real yard .

So now as we are here , keep your knees wide when you always feel the contact .

So with your , but with your hips and you will feel more safe right here , we go in one step backwards , palms wide .

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Remember because um , otherwise your wrist might get tired and they get hurt or something .

So try to push from your whole five fingers from your full palm , from the ground is pushing them that forward .

And from here we're pushing not only from our palm through the shoulders , relax your head and neck .

But other than that , everything is active .

If your elbows are hippo , try to dump a little bit then but like uh a little bit and pushing here and the pelvis is under .

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So try not to arch in here , not leaving it uh relaxed , try to put the pelvis just under as if we go towards the handstand in this way , we're strengthening our shoulder line , the whole back arms and still like opening the hips and strengthening our glutes .

So three more breaths in here , last breath in and out .

And now we do dynamically uh more ex uh going strengthening through your shoulder line .

So inhaling , bring your weight forward , your arms are straight looking up , exhaling , pushing away back into the Scorpio .

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And again , inhaling , coming forward , bring your weight as forward as you can maybe towards the fingers and exhaling back three more times .

If you don't feel any strength for your upper arm muscles or shoulders , just go backwards more or just bring your weight more forward to your tip to the tips of the fingers , the last two and last one .

And from here , we're going to relax .

So just step forward with your arms in the front of the net and relax on your elbows , relax your head , just let your shoulders drip down .

If you want , you can just close your knees or you can take your bit out and cross them or if you want , you can just go back into downward dog but relax downward dog .

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So , whichever way you prefer ?

Two brows in here .

Yeah , the arms would go more into deep stretch through our legs .

They have worked a lot today .

So now we stretch our hamstrings more , er , semis clip .

So , just take your right leg out of the silk and go as much as you can forward that you , uh , you can reach your leg , uh , the front of the map and that leg should be just under your hip .

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And , uh , if you feel that either silk is too high , you can always , you can always take the block and just put it under that , you can put the whole foot on the ground with your heel down .

But sometimes , uh , if the height is ok , but you're still feeling that the leg is , uh , too much bending and so on , it's ok .

Maybe it just needs more stretching .

So that's what , what we doing now .

So if it's some tiptoes , it's ok .

Just leave it there .

So , first step , we're trying to concentrate on strengthening our knee .

If your knee is straight , then try to push from your palms from your fingers .

Uh , the way towards your heel , your head , which you are , wherever you are on your toes , relax your shoulders and let them drop .

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And if your heel is on the ground and my knee is still straight .

Then you can slide with the over the upper leg up into the full split or whichever it is just the most important important thing .

Just relax your upper body and that the whole weight , which should be on your front leg , it's holding your weight .

So breathe deeply and exaggerate the exhalation .

The exhalation is longer than the inhalation .

Just imagine how you're breathing out all the tension and the body each time releases and relaxes and you can lengthening and open more .

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So , last three breaths deep and long right here , right here .

And the last exhalation just wrap around with your right leg and just a little bit .

Relax again , all your elbows up , take your legs down .

I really want to relax , relax your ankles and going to the other side .

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So wrap around your uh legs , we out and this time we're gonna take our left foot onto the ground , go forward , work your arms forward , check if your silk is in the right place just under your hip ho and remember your left leg should be just under your lip or if it's too far away , you just don't , won't get that much stretch .

So either use a block as I showed you before just putting it perhaps under your foot and you will be higher or just try to work more forward .

So first we try to straighten in our knee .

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And second step would be pushing from your tips of fingers and going to bringing a weight towards the heel so that relax your head , relax your shoulders and concentrate only on your leg , your left leg , the whole a hamstring stretching lengthy .

And the note that you have to hold the whole body exactly .

With your left leg , not the strength from your arms , arms are more , less and relaxed .

Even if you are here somewhere , try to just keep the balance with them , not just strength .

So , and if you want more , you can always slide with your right leg up .

You can wrap your ankle with one arm .

You , you need more stretch , but relax the upper body and breathe deeply .

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So breathing out longer and slower than inhaling , just spreading out the tension .

Just feeling how a body , even if it's just a little bit teeny tiny , it releases more each time you breath out .

So three more deep breaths .

I have the full split I half split job works for you today .

Don't pressure yourself .

Just ignore the , just feel the stretch .

So the last breath in must not take care of them .

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Yeah , in here .

Just bring your both pumps on your shins , inhale and look forward just a little bit stretching and straightening your back .

Exhaling , relax and then we slowly come up .

So then your knees pull , bring your pelvis under and both the prevent are coming up around back and then open your arms , exhaling down and just a little bit , let's concentrated .

Around ourselves for mountain and post because it was a long time , we went upside down .

So that's our body again , balance all the blood pressure to stabilize .

So bring your feet together , legs active , pulling towards another more going and lengthening through your spine .

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Shoulders a little bit back , opening your chest , a feel of space , fingers going down towards the crowd .

I'm gonna feel the body , feel the breath , last breath and out and then just open your eyes .

And from here we go to the final post , which is the best post or relaxation .

So what you can always get into the silk into this cocoon .

And simply by taking as we did in the beginning , I will pass seven times the silk and just sit into it and pull it down , which is cocoon pose or if we now will do in Coco .

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So just here or you can also do the flip .

So if you do a flip , just bring yourself over your shoulders as a scarf or jacket , your pumps up , just holding the edges and bringing one elbow backwards , full circle , the one san just backing them in , uh going in between your yourself , fall forward that you feel your shoulders into the cell , straighten your arms up , still holding the edges , bending your knees and just jump it up and pulling your arms into the silk .

If you're not sure if you did that right or it's not going for , for you into a cell , just check another out our videos when we're concentrating on more details .

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So now that you are in the silk and just put your head in your toes inside your legs and you can put your arms .

If you lay down , you can put your arms crossing your chest .

If it's not comfortable , just make your own way how you want to hold them either straight , either over your head in here .

But traditionally , we hold them cross over we chest , just close your eyes and just check your whole body if it's not tensed .

And in here we let our body to just absorb all information what we did during the class .

Just let it sink in .

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So just check if your feet relaxed your shins , sneeze your thighs , just relax your pelvis and navel , your chest , relax the whole back , your shoulders and neck , drop your arms , your fingers , release your jaw and all facial muscles .

So the whole body is completely relaxed .

Just let your mind go with the flow , your thoughts as if clouds is going drifting .

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You don't give any energy to your thoughts , let them go .

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Will your toes and fingers , maybe more your head from side to side .

Inhaling , reaching up of your arms over your head just in my straight line and you be bending from side to side and stretching you can always do the no longer .

And from here , we're just stapling the edges of the cell , taking your feet out .

And if you want it , I will always advise you to just go down on the map and just run yourself .

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So even , even if it's just for a few breaths , just you can leave your arms on your knees or either just bringing in your prayer this again , feel how we are legs and Pelvis are connecting to the ground to the mat .

My next sail , the body just sinks the roots and in here we're gonna finish our class .

So thank you guys for being here and practicing with me .

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I hope you enjoy it and uh feel free just to comment and share your experience in comments below and uh see you together with for the next video .

So thank you and


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