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how to start affiliate marketing for beginners _ $0 to $15,000 in 2 Months _ free traffic method

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In today's video .

I'm gonna show you exactly how we went from 0 to $15,000 in just two months without spending a dime on ads .

So this is all from free traffic .

But before I get into the video , if you're new here , make sure you subscribe and turn on the notifications because we're gonna be showing you many different ways to make money online and you're not gonna want to miss any of our upcoming videos in this training .

I'm gonna show you exactly how we were able to get these results right here on this screen .

We did this with 100% free traffic and we didn't spend a dime on ads .

I'm also gonna share with you the exact affiliate product that we use and are promoting right now and how you can do the same .

Also , if you stay till the end of this video , I'm gonna give you two bonuses that are the key to making thousands of dollars online .

So you're definitely gonna wanna make sure you stay to the end of this video .

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Ok ?

So let's dive in .

So the first thing I want to talk about is what is affiliate marketing .

I know many people have no idea what affiliate marketing is and you may be wondering the same thing .

So I'm gonna break it down for you right now .

Affiliate marketing is literally just promoting a business products or services and getting a commission of the sales when someone purchases through your link .

So you don't have to worry about creating a product .

You don't have to worry about customer service and you don't have to worry about shipping anything .

Your only job as an affiliate marketer is driving traffic to that businesses sales page .

The great thing about affiliate marketing is it's not your job to do the selling .

And that's actually what a lot of people think and it's a big misconception .

It's not our job to do the selling .

It's actually the other business's job to do the selling .

All we do is provide the traffic .

I truly believe that affiliate marketing is one of the easiest businesses that beginners can use to start making money online .

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Ok .

So let's talk about what you actually need to go from 0 to $15,000 a month with affiliate marketing .

It's actually super simple .

So the first thing you need is a good high ticket front end affiliate offer .

You can get that by working with a company that offers a good high ticket offer .

Now , I'm gonna share with you the one that we used to get the results that you saw on the previous page and you don't have to worry about finding one on your own unless you have one in mind already .

But we'll get to that in a bit .

The second thing you need is a good back end offer that complements the front end offer .

And I'm gonna show you the one that we use later on in this video .

The last thing and what I believe is the most important thing is step number three , and that is providing value to your audience .

It's very important to always provide value and good quality content .

This is the key to creating a successful full affiliate marketing business with 100% free traffic .

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Now , there are many ways to provide value to your audience .

I'm gonna share with you the way that we did it and how you can do it too without having to spend any money on ads .

Ok ?

So enough background information , I'm sure you're wondering how to go from 0 to $15,000 in just two months and I'm gonna get into that right now .

Ok ?

So what I'm showing you here , it's called a sales funnel .

Now , what is a funnel ?

A funnel is the journey through a series of web pages that your potential customer will take to go through and purchase your product .

You can create a sales funnel by using an online funnel builder website and I'm gonna show you the one that we use and it also has an email auto responder built right into it and I'll share more about that in a bit .

So let's break down what I have on this screen right now .

Step one is always to drive traffic , the free traffic source that we use and started with is tiktok .

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So in the beginning , we created a brand new tiktok account and we created content that we knew our audience would love and find value in .

After they saw the content , we would give them a very clear call to action on what to do next .

And usually that would be to click the link in our bio .

After they click the link , they will be brought to our opt-in page .

This is the first step in the actual sales funnel .

Now , the best part about this sales funnel is that you don't have to do any of this manually .

This all will be automatic and all you have to do is drive traffic to the front end offer .

So on the opt in page , this is where you're gonna have a little bit of information about the affiliate offer and then it'll ask your customer or your potential customer for their email and name to move forward in the process .

After providing their email , they will receive the information that they were looking for .

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The purpose of the opt in page is to collect emails and give a bit more information about the affiliate offer with tiktok .

You're only able to create about a 60 minute video , a 62nd video that piques the interest of your customer and gets them interested in what you're talking about .

Once they opt in , they'll be entered into your email , auto responder and they'll begin to receive a series of emails .

Now , I'll talk about this step a little bit later .

So after they enter their email , the next step in the sequence is being taken to your bridge page .

This page provides even more information about the affiliate product that you are promoting .

This page really seals the deal and warms your traffic to the idea of the affiliate product .

They will be able to learn more about you and learn more about this product that can potentially solve a problem in their life .

This page is the last step before sending your customer to the affiliate sales page .

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This is also where you will attach your affiliate link that you'll get from your affiliate partner .

So from the bridge page , your traffic will go on to the affiliate product page .

And once they get to this page , your job as the affiliate marketer is done from there .

It is now that business's job to convert your traffic into actual sales , the affiliate product that we use , and we'll share this toward the end of the video , but it has a very high conversion rate and that is something that you will need to think about and um make sure that whatever product you choose has a high conversion rate .

It'll be very important for your sales because you don't wanna be wasting time sending traffic to an offer that doesn't even convert .

So again , we're gonna share with you the exact product that we used and promote .

So definitely stay to the end of this video .

So you don't miss it .

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So the last step in the funnel is where your traffic will actually purchase when they do , you will get a commission of the sale .

And that is why it is very important to choose an affiliate product that has high conversions so that you will get more sales and that is the whole purpose of affiliate marketing .

So now let's go back to this part right over here .

This is the email sequence .

This is very important because this is the difference between making a few sales and making a thousands and thousands of sales with your affiliate product .

This email sequence is super important because not everyone purchases right away when they get to this sales page , some people need a few days to think it over or they might just need some more information before they make their decision with this email sequence .

You are ensuring that your potential customer does not forget about your product .

The email sequence will keep emailing them to remind them about your product .

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And again , the great thing about a sales funnel is this will happen automatically .

So you don't have to do any of this manually .

The email sequence is also where you want to talk about your back end offer .

This is what top affiliates are doing to promote different products to their list .

And that is what's making them thousands of dollars each month since we're in the making money niche .

We have a back end offer that complements our front end offer .

So it helps people make money online .

The email sequence is what allows you to offer multiple products instead of just one and that this is great because it's all with the same traffic .

So that's pretty much everything you need to know about sales funnels .

So now I'm gonna share with you a live example of our tiktok account and I'll take you through our sales sequence .

So I told you before that I will show you our exact high ticket affiliate product that we used to make $15,000 last month .

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And I also told you that I would share with you our funnel builder that we use to build our funnel .

So I'm gonna take you through that right now .

So step one is taking you through our tiktok account and I know you're probably thinking this is all only working because you have over 200,000 followers .

But when we started , we actually had nothing .

We didn't have a social media following and we actually didn't know anything about how to use tiktok .

We had no social media presence at all .

We started this account October 7th of this year .

What we did to make this work is post consistently every single day .

And with that content , we gave as much value as we possibly could through posting consistently and providing value , we were able to build this account pretty quickly .

It doesn't take any special skill or expertise to do this .

All it takes is posting consistently and posting valuable content .

You just need to know what your audience is looking for and how you can help them solve that problem .

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So in these videos , I usually create something eye catching something trendy and give a strong claw to action .

And that's usually to click the link in our bio and that's right here .

So when you click the link , you'll be brought to our website , which is right here .

This is the first step in our sales funnel .

We tell a little bit about the offer , but we don't give it away right away .

We touch on the pain points of our audience .

Most people in our tiktok account would be very interested in learning how to start a profitable business without knowing where to start .

So when they click this link right here , they'll get a little pop up and it'll prompt them to enter their name and email .

And when they do that , they'll get access to what's on the next page .

And I'll just put in some fake information here and go to the next page to show you after filling out the information they'll be brought to this page right here and this would be the bridge page .

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This is the last step before the potential customer goes to the sales page here .

You want to give the customer information about what they will see on the next page .

This is a very important part of the sales funnel and now I can actually show you what our actual affiliate product is .

And that is the 15 day business builder challenge with Dave Sharp from legendary marketer .

Here , you can see a bit about the product and some testimonials .

This product is , this product is very hot right now and it converts very well .

The 15 day challenge is a full step by step guide , teaching people how to start an affiliate marketing business online .

We actually took the training ourselves and it is a very high quality program to really help people learn how to make money online .

It really solves the problem of helping people know exactly where to start because that's something that most people have no idea about .

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It takes people through a 15 day process learning exactly how to build a profitable high ticket affiliate marketing business online .

On this bridge page .

I created a video that talks a little bit about how this product personally changed our lives and how it can do the same for them .

It's important to draw from your own life so that you can be relatable and people can feel really connected to you .

That's how you gain trust .

And then they will be more likely to click the button and go to the next page .

This is where you'll have your affiliate link .

So it's very important to tell them to click the link on this page to get there .

Once they watch this video , they'll click the link and be taken to this page .

And this is the sales page from the affiliate partner .

Now , remember from before when they get to this page , your job as the affiliate marketer is done .

It is now legendary marketer's job to convert our traffic .

And that is the beauty of affiliate marketing .

You don't have to worry about products to ship .

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You don't have to worry about creation the product and you definitely don't have to worry about customer service .

All you have to do is drive traffic to this page .

You've done your job , you've created the content , you've warmed up the traffic and now here they are and it's time to make their decision .

Now , I wanna say the 15 day business builder challenge sells very , very well .

Now , here is why we chose this product .

The great thing about legendary marketer and the 15 Day challenge is that this is not the only product that they offer .

There are a series of other products and this is where the high ticket sales comes in .

Legendary marketer will offer a sequence of high ticket products to your traffic .

The 15 day challenge only costs $7 .

And you may be wondering now , how in the world am I gonna generate thousands of dollars from a $7 product ?

They have a sequence of up sales that they offer to your traffic .

And these range from $7 to 200 excuse me to $2500 .

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Legendary marketer pays up to 40% commissions on any product that your traffic decides to purchase .

So if you get someone to purchase the $7 product , which is very easy to convert later on , if they decide to purchase the $25 product , you will also get a commission from that sale .

And with legendary marketer , that's $1000 and that is the key to making thousands online , picking a high quality high ticket affiliate offer to work with , that gets your traffic in the door with low ticket offer and then up sells them on the back end .

And that is how we were able to make $15,000 in just our second month of starting .

When you are getting paid $1000 for each high ticket commission , you only need to make a few sales each month to make really great money .

So for example , 10 sales with legendary marketers , high ticket product is $10,000 .

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And that's really not that hard with legendary marketer as your affiliate partner because they do a really great job .

Of getting sales and providing value to your traffic .

Dave Sharp , who is the founder of the 15 day business builder challenge with Legendary Marketer is an eight figure affiliate marketer himself .

So he knows how to sell really well .

So if you're just getting started and you don't know which high ticket product to go with , I highly suggest going with legendary marketer because they have many different products that you can promote and make commissions off of .

They are a really great affiliate partner to work with .

So if you're interested in using legendary marketer as your high ticket affiliate product , we will put a link below .

Now , the only prerequisite to becoming an affiliate with Legendary Marketer is completing the 15 day business builder challenge .

It's only $7 to get started with it .

But even if you're new , this product will teach you everything you need to know to get started with making money online as an affiliate marketer .

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It truly is a really great training and it provides a ton of value .

This is exactly how we learned how to create the funnel and everything that we just showed you .

So if you want to take the challenge and promote the product or if you just want to see what the training is all about , we have a link below so you can get started .

Now , the other piece of the puzzle is talking about the funnel builder and I told you at the beginning of the video that I will show you the exact funnel builder that we use to create .

The funnel that you just saw .

Now , the funnel builder that we use and I'm gonna show you in a little bit is awesome because it has an emo auto responder already built into it on my click funnels , what we use is called high level and that is what I have on the screen for you right now .

When compared to click funnels , both high level and click funnels cost $97 a month .

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But with high level , you don't have to pay extra for the email or the responder because it's already built in with click funnel , you only get the funnel builder , both are awesome , but high level will save you some money .

We also really like high level because we find it really easy to use .

Now , I also want to tell you that high level is actually our back end offer and we promote this alongside of the business 15 day business builder challenge .

This is because when someone decides to join the 15 day business builder challenge , they will also need a funnel builder and email all the responder .

So in our emails , we share about this product as well .

Now when you decide to use high level , you can also apply to be an affiliate with them .

If you decide that you would like to go with high level , you can get a free 14 day trial when you go through our affiliate link , if you want to use high level or even become an affiliate with them , we have our affiliate link in the description box of this video .

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And the great thing about having high level as our affiliate back and offer is that unlike with legendary marketer , where you get a one time commission with high level , you get reoccurring commissions and that is super helpful and important when you are trying to maximize your income potential as an affiliate marketer .

OK .

So that brings us to the end of this entire process .

We went through how you can get free traffic by using tiktok .

And I showed you our exact funnel and our back end offer and front end offer that we use to generate $15,000 in our first two months of starting this business .

Now , you still may be a little bit confused as to how you can put all of this together .

So since you stay to the end of this video , we have something very special for you .

If you are really interested in getting started with this whole process and using legendary marketer and high level as your product , we did something very special and we created prebuilt funnels just for you .

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All you have to do is take the funnel that we built and upload it into your high level account .

And then from there you start driving traffic to it .

Everything is prebuilt and you can have the exact funnel that we showed you in this video and you can start using it right away to start bringing in affiliate sales for yourself .

Now , you don't have to use the exact same affiliate products that we use in this video and you can use any product that you'd like .

But I highly suggest using the 15 day business builder challenge because from our experience , it's a really great product , very high quality and legendary marketer is a really great affiliate partner to work with .

So if you're serious and you want to use the exact same funnel that we use to generate thousands of dollars per month , you can find it linked below under clone our funnel .

But wait , there's more .

We're also gonna give you our exact email sequence .

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The only thing you're gonna need to do is go through the funnel to switch out your affiliate links and go through the 15 day business builder challenge .

If that is the product you decide to go with .

So if you're interested in that , then go ahead and go to the description box and find the link under clone our funnel .

It will be a very quick and simple training showing you exactly how you can implement the funnel and email sequence that we use to generate thousands in sales today .

It will be the fastest way that you can start seeing commissions in your own business as soon as possible .

And now that brings us to the end of this video .

I hope this video was very helpful so that you can see exactly how you can do this too and start generating commissions and bringing in thousands of dollars of sales into your own affiliate marketing business .

If you got anything out of this video , please like and subscribe so that I know that these videos are actually helping you out .

Also comment below and let us know what type of videos you would like to see next .

We want to provide as much value as we possibly can for our subscribers .

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So your comments really mean a lot .

Let us know what you want to see and we will create that content and try to help you as much as we possibly can .

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video .


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