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2023-07-18 12:26:26

How to Write a GREAT Software Tester RESUME 🔥 _ QA Resume for Freshers & Experienced

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Hey guys , welcome to Sc Academy .

My name is Promo that in this video we are going to discuss about a very interesting topic , which is how to write a great software testing resume .

And I'm going in the end , I'm gonna review two of the resumes .

I'm gonna talk about a few of the points that I feel personally that can help you to write a better software testing resume .

All right .

So let's get started .

All right guys , first of all , let me tell you a very , very interesting point .

We're going to start with this , which is if you see this article especially , you have only less than seven seconds , it basically means whenever we look for whenever a person who is taking your interview gets your resume , right ?

They only basically see it for seven seconds .

And if you have not written some interesting things or the points that they or the keyword they had looking into your resume , your resume will get not get highlighted , I will not get selected , right ?

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Most of the time that people are asking me .

So if you see in 2018 eye tracking studies , they say that it's most of the hr or they just , or the people who are basically selecting your resume , they will just skim the resume for seven seconds .

It's less than seven seconds .

Nowadays , it's 2018 study .

But recently it's less than six seconds now .

So my point is you have to pay attention and the trust me don't make these mistakes that I'm going to talk to you .

I'm going to discuss .

Ok , so some of the points that you have to take here .

So let's go one by one .

Always , always , always go with the one page resume guys , which is very , very helpful .

Don't go with 234 .

If I'm saying resume is basically means uh curriculum with time , right ?

I hope we call it CV , right ?

Both are same most of the time uh for me means most of the time people are whenever I say resume or CV , they are nearly same uh go with a standard resume pattern with a twist hook .

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It basically means you can add , you can highlight if you have worked somewhere in very big companies , right ?

You can highlight them , but go with the standard template because if you are making it more funky , I've seen people just bolding everything and making it with green color , yellow , color highlighting and all .

Trust me .

That makes very weird .

Uh Whenever I look into , it's very weird .

I just move to the next one , right ?

So that's what you can do that humble bragging about qualities .

This is one of the important things which you are lacking right now is that whenever you have created your resume , make sure you uh whatever the big things that you have done or the project that you have recently worked on and if they are matching it with the job description , make sure you highlight those things , right ?

You can brag humble bragging .

We call it humble bragging about your qualities , right ?

If you have a blog which nearly have 5000 visitors per month , you can talk about them .

You have youtube channel , you can talk about them .

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You have done some automation work , you can talk about them .

If you have reduced some of your manual testing efforts by creating some video or creating subscripts , you can talk about them so you can do humble bragging .

OK ?

Makes sense .

All right .

So let's move on to the expert , which is no claiming for experts .

It basically means I've seen people are saying that they have written especially this point , like for example , Java nine out of 10 , they have given some numbers to themselves in the resume , right ?

Uh Automation nine out of 10 .

If you want a Selenium 10 , 9 out of 10 .

So don't do that guys .

There's no one , no one is expert .

Uh even we are learning .

I don't say that I'm an expert in Selenium .

I'm expert in uh automation .

Nobody is expert , right ?

Just tell them that , you know , with this experience you have worked on this project .

That's it .

OK ?

Don't write if you don't know no lies .

This is one of the important point .

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People I have seen people are mentioning API testing and they don't know how to do API testing .

They don't know what a different STP method .

They don't know if they have tested ASAP I or a soap .

So these kind of things don't write it up if you don't know .

No .

Right .

So that's what I'm talking about guys .

I'm totally paying attention .

I have been into university for more than nine plus years and I have , they can test me two plus 200 plus interviews and I've seen these mistakes .

So these are uh one of the important uh if uh means I will you , if I know these things before uh jumping into this career before applying , trust me , it would have , would have , it would have helped me a lot .

OK .

So pay attention .

No copy paste of job description .

I have seen people right now doing especially uh in , in India , people are just copy pasting the same job description .

Don't do that .

This is very , very , very a big mistake .

Don't do that .

OK .

Discuss number , I am always talk about that .

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You can discuss numbers because numbers are something which will get highlighted whenever we see in your resume .

For example , increase auto geography 5% right ?

I want to know more about you , right ?

You have introduced with AC CD container with something to reduce your time .

I want to know about it , talk about numbers .

What are the actions that you have done ?

Right .

So this is one of the important things .

So important things should be highlighted , you can highlight them , but don't make it weird clearly .

I can clearly see what you are doing right now .

So this is one of the important things right now .

If you are working in accenture with seven years experience , you can mention that right now , I'm working in seven years experience , your recently projects .

Uh You can mention them .

I have seen some resume where people don't mention the current , where they are working on .

What are the recently projects that they have done ?

They don't mention it clearly mentioned your language tools framework and the company that you have worked on previously .

I want to know more about it .

Sometimes we look for college info as well as some gps .

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So that's again a point , right ?

Review for the resumer .

This is one of the important things .

So let's jump into it .

But please , I just , I'm just telling you a disclaimer guys , I'm not an expert .

I have just taken up for some of the interviews I would say and I will review two resumes that I got and I have seen the data , you can download the resume also .

Uh They have nearly three years or two years of experience .

And uh let's see , let's jump into it .

I'm not an expert .

I'm just giving you some genuine advice that I think will be helpful .

All right .

And so , right .

So let's do , let's do this target .

First of all , let's jump into this one .

This is just dummy number , dummy name guys .

There's no Priya .

OK .

Let me make so little uh like this only .

OK .

OK .

First of all , see the objective doesn't make sense , right ?

Aiming to become a dynamic , do not professional providing impeccable solution for any .

Don't write .

This means nobody has a time .

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If we are skimming interviews , we don't want your objective , right ?

Just make it very simple that I am a software professional looking forward for to do some automation work or a manual testing and want to add value to your company in a very simple manner .

Don't write whatever I said , but very simple managers , right ?

Your very one or two liner object and that will be enough if you want to remove it .

Also , I'm not sure about it , but I have not seen people are still using objectives moto .

OK .

Professional summary .

See this uh well worked with S DC Agile Scrum technology , good understanding of C process .

This is about do test framework again uh mistakes right recently where you are working on they haven't mentioned , I think uh that is not highlighted , it's there , but it's uh it's a two page first of all the biggest mistake , right ?

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Uh two , two pages , don't do that .

No two page resumes .

OK .

Project details .

This should be according to me will be because I want to see your recent work right now and where you are working , what are the project project that you have worked on ?

Show me that .

OK , education , you can make a grade , something like so that easy to understand .

For example , you can make a three grade like in your 10 , 12 and your uh tech , how many percentage , how , what C GP or percentage that you have got ?

That's it .

Which college you have attended in a very simple line .

Just tell them , tell me what uh technical details , defect tool only .

The only probably she has us , it only Jira Java very basic resume .

Of course , some of the key word they have mentioned .

So that's good project description , very long product , uh project and roads and responsibility , see roads , roles and responsibility .

This is according to me , it's very uh important point and it should be very clear and clear and very short .

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Uh For example , it can be I was uh handling this project uh with this uh this much number of test cases and I was responsible for uh adding into test plan , creating test for following a particular TLC .

I can say that right ?

Don't make it very clumsy .

See , I don't want to read all of them because uh this is all the things I'm gonna ask you in your real interview .

OK .

Right .

Personal information .

OK .

Uh That's fine .

OK .

Uh All right .

So that was one reason I hope you have got some mistakes , mistakes are uh let's make it one page uh scripts objective .

Show me your recent work , your keyword , keywords , what you are recently working on your C GPA , right ?

And what other technology that you have worked on ?

So I hope that is clear .

Let's move on to the second one which is very straightforward .

I think its just a Kumar , Kumar .

Don't curse me on that .

OK ?

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Your number .

OK , ac email get profiles .

That's good because you are showing me your data profiles .

I'm not going to click .

OK .

Uh linkedin , of course , you can uh show me your linkedin , right ?

33 experience and four .

OK .

That's fine .


Uh OK .

Uh javascript .

OK .

OK .

OK .

Uh I would say professional summary .

Uh This is where I got the point that you have worked on some of the testing things , right ?

And I really like this one , especially where you are just telling that virtual technology that you have worked on language framework , the fact projects and all really crips to the clear point where what you know what you don't know .

OK .

Uh OK .

And now discussing all the projects you are telling everything about what you have done .

Uh You're saying that I have created frameworks hybrid framework .

It was a hybrid framework .

Uh OK .

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And OK , we have done smoke testing some of the other projects , blah , blah , blah .

OK .

After that , your percentage and uh this is your some details uh right .

This makes sense .

Little VVER again , two page resume , you can decrease the length of your uh projects .

Uh just uh to the point crips and clear , right ?

Uh Highlight what are different technologies framework that you have worked on , right ?

Uh How you have helpful talking numbers which are missing again .

Uh That's see , there's no number I don't look for for it if you have said that , OK , I have increased automatic 10% .

I would have seen it right ?

For example , having three years experience , OK ?

And clear .

Three years experience .

That's it .

If you see no idea how many years of experience , right ?

Mistake .

OK .

So , so these are two resumes guys .

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I have quickly done a skimming of these and I hope you have caught some of the points , some of the important points to take care link in the description .

You can check it out one part two , one , part two of this video , part time , part two in the comment .

I'll be doing it if you if you want your resumer to be get a uh reviewed .

Let me know in the comment .

Also , I'll be really happy to do that .

OK ?

Thanks a lot .

I hope you have great some new from the how to write a great software testing .

Resume some of the important point that I think that can help you .

All right .

Thanks a lot as your host .

Promote that .

Uh Welcome to Testing Academy .

If you haven't subscribed , make sure to do that bell icon .

Please click on it and see you in the next video .

Bye .


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