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2023-07-16 15:47:18

Create a full website in 14 minutes with Webador

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How's it going ?

Everyone .

I'm Ken and I do videography and photography in Boston , Massachusetts .

And today I'm gonna walk you through how to build a website using wead do dot com .

You can do this effectively and easily through , we do and you can do it in just a matter of minutes .

You don't need prior coding experience , prior experience building out websites or anything wild like that , you can just jump on and start building it right away and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that .

For the example site .

Today , we're going to do it through the lens of a photographer , a freelance photographer in the Boston area .

And the website we make is going to have a web shop function where you could sell various products .

So we'll go over all of that right now .

So let's jump to the computer .

We'll go to web door and we'll start walking through building out this website .

So if you head to the web a door home page , this is what you're gonna see and getting started is as easy as clicking , getting started and we'll just type in the name of our website .

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I'll say Ken's photo site type in my email and password and get started and here I can go in and choose a template to get started with .

So let's see what we've got here that we like the look of seems like there's already a temple here called photography .

So we're gonna go with this and start building it out .

Now , when you go to choose your plan , we're gonna go with the pro plan .

The reason we want this is that we get a domain name with it so that we can type exactly what we want in the URL to take us to our website .

We're also going to get a web shop where we can host up to 10 products and start selling right away .

So we'll go with the pro plan here .

So now that our pro plan is activated , our website is ready to get started on it .

So you could either choose your domain name now , which I'll walk you through very quickly .

You would just type in the domain name , you want photography website and you'll see if it's available .

If it is , you can go ahead and register if it's not , you can choose a different one and you can also choose a domain name at a different time .

So we're gonna click choose domain later for now and we'll jump back a bit later on .

Great .

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So now we can go in and we can start using the editor to really build out what our website is gonna look like .

So if I jump in here's our template , this is what we start with .

Now .

The first thing I want to do is I want to change out this banner image in the background .

Really start to make this look like my website .

This is just a stock photo .

So if I click on edit , I can go to new image and you can see I have a lot of stock images to choose from , but I can also upload my own photo .

So I'm gonna use something , an image that I took back in the day and add it so that it's my own photography on the website .

And I'm from Boston , Massachusetts .

So I'm gonna use a photo that I took of the city and really give it some flair .

When you go to the website , you see the image and you say , wow , that looks awesome .

Let's get it started .

Great .

So once the banner is uploaded , I can scale where exactly it is .

I can make the banner just a little bit bigger .

So we see exactly what we want in this photo and then I'm just gonna hit save .

Now , the next thing I do is I don't really want this to be called photography website on the website .

That was just my name and convention .

So I know what my website was here .

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So I am actually gonna click on this at the top and what you can do is you can change it from a text to a logo .

So I'm gonna go with actually logo and text .

Now , if I double tap on this , I can go in and upload my own logo , which I do have already built .

So I'm just gonna go in and add my Kreck logo and I'm gonna change this website name to Kellen re Photography .

Great .

So that's all built out and we can get into some coloring and changes of that a little bit later on , but that's ready to go .

Now we can start to add some additional elements to the website .

So the first thing that I want to do is add some text .

I want to talk about who I am a little bio of myself .

So all I have to go is to this left panel here and drag the text onto the website and I already have a bio .

So I'm just gonna copy and paste that in and that's looking great right there .

Now , next to this , I think it would be nice to show a photo of myself , show what I look like .

So people who come to this website can see .

Oh , that's keen .

That's what he looks like .

This is the guy that we're going to be dealing with .

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This is the person who's taking the photos .

So in order to do that , I can grab an image and drag this where I want , it could be above .

It could be to the side , it could be below .

I'm gonna put it just to the side here and I am going to add a photo of myself and we've got that .

So it's already starting to look really nice .

We've got our text .

We've got this .

I almost want there to be a little bit of a title between my banner and myself .

So I'm gonna drag a banner or a title in here .

Add it above um about me and that's what I'll add .

Great .

So now we have an About Me page .

We've got our banner .

Things are starting to come together and really make this website look nice .

Next , I wanna show some examples of my photography .

So if we look over here , there's a bunch of options of what we can add , we can add a product gallery where we'll get into different products that we can sell .

We could add video , we could add audio , a whole bunch of different things .

I will add a photo album beneath so that people can see what it is .

I'm doing what it is .

I'm working on .

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And if we go to manage photos , we can add a whole bunch of different images that I've taken .

So I'm gonna find some images and I'm just gonna add a bunch of different photos that I've taken over the years so that I can start to build at a gallery .

So anyone coming into the website and say there's Kellen , that's a little info about him .

And hey , there's some of the photos you take he's taken that's giving me some credibility .

It's making the website look nice and it's giving some visuals to look at .

So really easy to go in here and add these different elements .

So as these upload , I'm gonna give them just a moment of time , I'm gonna call this album , Ken's photography .

So I'm gonna save this and I'm just adding a few photos here , for example , but you can see how they look looks great underneath here and a few other things we can add , we can even add some social icons on the left side .

So at the bottom , I want to have different connections to my Facebook , my Instagram , everything like that .

So now that I'm starting to get my website looking the way I want with the information and links that I want and everything like that .

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I want to go over to my design tab up at the top and I want to change some of these colors .

These colors don't really go with my brand .

I like to use the red and white and more of a navy blue .

This maroon was just from the template .

So we want to change that .

So that's really easy to do in the design tab , I can change my header and I'm gonna go with more of a darker blue color that fits my brand .

I want to change the accent color on this to be a white .

I'm gonna change the footer to match the blue .

And I'm slowly starting to get this to look the way that I want it to look .

We can change our text formatting .

We can change the actual type of font that we're using .

We wanted to make this look a certain way .

So we're making fun changes here , things are looking good and the website is coming together .

So I'm gonna hit save .

Remember that while you're doing any of this design , you can pop over and see the mobile view , make sure it looks OK , looking good to me .

Great .

We're just gonna make sure we're saved all the time .

So that's how you go in .

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Remember you're using the editor to build out the look , you're using the design to change your coloring , your fonts , everything like that .

Then there's something called pages at the top here and this is where we can add additional pages to the look of our website .

So I want to add a contact page so somebody could reach out and find me .

So I'm gonna say contact me , we'll go without banner .

And if you go to page content , there's actually a contact build out .

So we can do all that .

It should be nice and easy .

We hit save .

So if you go to your contact me page , you can add a bunch of different things .

You can add a photo change your address details .

You could even bring over a Google Maps uh interactive feature here to drag over the map and you can have that here .

Oops , I add in a second one and then you have your name , email address and messages you can what this form looks like and it all looks great there at different forms .

So somebody can send you their name , their email , get on an email list , send you a message , reach out to you about business or anything like that .

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And then if they want , they can go back to the home page here at the top .

And obviously you have your contact page there to go back and edit you , go to your pages .

So we'll head back to the home page .

Now , there is one great option that you can do with your banner image here .

I want to have a button there , something that's drawing people in .

So if I click on edit , I can actually choose to add a title , a title with a subheading or a title with a button .

Now , in my title , I'm just gonna write a little bit of a catchphrase that I use telling your story through images .

And I'm gonna change my button to direct people to the contact me page .

So if I hit save and I can actually click on the button and write , contact me and I'll just save that .

And now we have a catch phrase over my image in the banner and a contact me button .

Now , if we test to make sure this works by click on contact me , brings me right to the contact me page .

So really , really nice set up there , a nice easy button layout .

And of course at any point , you could go back and change any of this where the button takes you .

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What the button says , what the phrase says , anything like that always customizable .

So after this is all built out , we want to add some products to the website .

We're gonna use the web shop tool to do so .

So within the web shop , you can see you've got a lot of information on your incoming orders , get all the information on your customers and what exactly your products are .

And then if you go into settings , you can see a lot more , you can see you can choose which currency you're using , you can fill out the order form that would be going to the people who are purchasing your products .

There's also some payment methods you can use .

So newly implemented stripe is part of the payment methods for the web shop .

Very easy for credit card purchases and things of that nature .

Sure .

You can have a whole bunch of different options for payment methods here by choosing these selections , you can use things like paypal as well to submit orders and deal with that .

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And a bunch of other options here for emails order confirmations , shipping confirmations , coupon settings , everything of the like and that's all within the settings option here on your web shop .

So really , really good details .

A lot that you can use to customize the way your customers are coming in and purchasing products through your website .

So let's build out some products .

The first thing we wanna do is a Kreck t-shirt .

So we'll call it Kreck t-shirt and I'm gonna upload an image so we could have a shipping cost or no shipping cost .

We're gonna price this at 17 97 .

Our inventory is going to be 10 .

You can just add various information about this and we'll add some variants .

So we'll go with size and we will have , we will have large , medium and small sizes .

So that way people can choose which size they want .

You can see it makes a nice drop down here .

So we'll save that .

Um We'll actually do , let's say there's a discount price on the large right now .

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So we'll say that's 15 97 .

Great .

And if we want to add another product , we could add photo prints and we'll just copy that description for now and we'll upload an image of one of my photos , a nice print of that photo .

So you can get this photo printed and we will say that's at a price of 24 97 unlimited .

Uh We'll have this be at 25 for inventory .

Great .

So now we have a number of different products .

We have photo prints and we have t-shirts .

So once we have our products built , the next move you want to do is add a web shop page .

So if we go to the pages tab up here , you'll see that we can add a new page .

And one of these is going to be our web shop and we will do it without a banner for , for this .

Great .

We're just gonna leave it like so save , we have our web shop now below the web shop , we wanna have two different options because we wanna have sub pages off of this .

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So we wanna have our t-shirts and we also want to have our prints .

That way you can go from the web shop to choose your options .

All you have to do to make these sub pages is drag them to the right underneath whichever category they're under .

So t-shirts and prints are now sub pages of web shop .

So if we head to our web shop page , we can start working on the edit .

So what we want to do here is we want to add some images and add some buttons .

So I'm going to create a column and I will add two images to this column .

We'll have one image that is of merch and one image that is of stock photos and we're gonna make them circular in shape .

So we just go to the settings and change it from square to circle .

And then we'll add an image and we're just gonna scale them up a little bit .

And then all we have to do is add a little bit of a button underneath them .

So the first one will have a button that goes to t-shirts .

And if we click on to change our link , we can select the page it goes to and that will go to the t-shirt page .

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And the next one will have a button that goes to Prince and we will direct that to the prints page .

Great .

And now we have our web shop all built and ready to go .

So if we head back to the pages tab , we can actually add our products to these pages .

So it's a matter of going to t-shirts dragging the product over from the web shop item over here and we just choose our product .

It's the product we set up before K here on our t-shirt page .

You can see we have our different options to choose from the large ones .

Got that discount price being on sale and we can go to our other page .

We'll head over to the prints page and we can add a product here .

And when we add our product to this page , you can see we have a lovely looking image here .

You can make your purchase , you can add it to cart , you can do all of that one final thing .

I like to do before concluding all of this is if you go to the mobile view , you can actually add a mobile bar to the bottom of your website .

Now , this is a nice quick , easy tool and you can see you can choose from accent light .

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You can have a dark bar at the bottom and it's gonna let you have easy access to you .

So that's either your phone number , your email address , your location , find it on the map .

You can choose various things , various social networks to add to the bottom and it's quick , easy access for mobile users .

And then once you're finished , all you have to do is go to the top and click publish .

And you can actually choose again .

This is where we were before the domain name you want .

So I'll just call it Kreck photography dot com .

You can change your back end here and you'd register that domain and just like that .

If we go to kr photography dot com , we have our website all built out .

We've got the various photos in our gallery .

We've got our shop , it's all ready to go and it looks great .

So I hope this made things clear on how we do works and how it can be so easy to build a website in 12 to 15 minutes .

If you have any questions , please let us know over here at Wead do and enjoy your time building your website .


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