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Beginner Ashtanga, One Hour Modified Primary Series

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When you're ready , you can stretch your legs out and straighten your arms behind you and try to really reach through the entire body .

So I'm trying to stay really long and then take a little bit of a lean over to one side .

So you can stretch out through the armpit through the waist , take a lean over to the other side , come back through the center , let your feet be flat again .

Take your feet as wide as the mat , keep them that wide , start to let both knees fall over to the same side , your head can turn away .

So try this a couple times , you'll bring the knees , the head back through the center knees go one way head goes the other way .

This twist should feel really good .

There shouldn't be any crankiness in your knees or your low back .

If there is , please modify the range of motion .

So it feels good .

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Inhale at the top , are lower , inhale at the bottom .

And then again , exhale , flatten that low back down , roll up , peel up one vertebra at a time .

Stay here for a couple of breaths .

So you're holding the pose but not your breath .

This is extending the spine because we spend so much time in a seated position .

Uh We need more gentle extensions , side stretching , twisting .

So that's my inspiration in this class .

Take another inhale in , take an exhale , roll back down again and then just take a roll over to one side .

It doesn't matter what side it is .

Your bottom arm can be your pillow .

Take your top arm , stretch it to the sky and just circle that wrist a few times , try to draw the head back because we spend so much time in a seated position .

We have this forward head poster circled the other way .

So we end up kind of hunched over all the time .

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So the head drying back will just help you put that in the same line again , bring the fingers to the shoulders , roll your shoulders open a few times and then maybe straighten the arm and roll or circle the arm a few times .

So being stuck in seated all day long , that's called flexion in the spine and it makes our hips and our shoulders really tight .

So we need to open up a little bit more there .

Bend your top knee , reach back and grab your foot .

So taking a quadri stretch , your bottom knee bend will help your balance here .

If you want to increase the stretch , pull the thigh back , rather than pulling the knee up , take another inhale and then excel to release that .

You can just roll yourself over , turn yourself around .

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Remember to pull the head back , top arm extends just circle that wrist both ways .

My elbow , maybe the arm and the quad , keep the breath full and even keep those cells really long .

Release the leg , push the top hand down , bring yourself up into all fours .

Please let your spine move just kind of free form .

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So just important to do different movements to get our body out of that flexion that we're stuck in all day , come back through the center and just a couple of side cats turn back , look to your feet in hi to center .

I check on the other side .

Inhale , exhale in hell .

Excel back through the center and up to downward dog .

So take those hands further up , spread the fingers out .

Pinkies might touch the sides of the mat .

Tuck , the toes , belly drops down , lift the knees , hips , push up and back , let your head hang .

So maybe it's just still and stationary .

But you can move , you can move your knees , you can move your hips , you can stretch a leg to the sky , whatever feels good .

Give your head a little bit of a yes and a no .

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And then walk yourself towards your feet .

So walk into the back end of your mat .

You probably have to bend your knees to help you .

Get there a little bit of space between the feet .

The toes slide the hands to the shins , inhale up halfway .

So you're straightening your legs and lengthening your spine and then exhaling to fold right back down again , head hangs so forward folds feel nice and they're important .

They help us to stretch and breathe into the back of our body , but we're kind of stuck here all day .

So it's not so much of a focus on these forward folds .

Take an inhale , take an excel , push your feet down into the ground and roll yourself up one vertebra at a time .

Head comes up last , walk your feet a little bit wider apart , let your knees be relaxed .

Just let your hips start to sway from side to side and circle the other way .

So this is important too for a healthy spine .

We need our pelvis .

We need our hips to be able to move .

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Try making an eight shape .

Flexibility is one thing , but fluidity is another uh make that eight go the other way , which will be a bit weird for your brain .

And the knees can bend as much as you need to here because we sit so much , our hips get so locked up , they're so rigid .

So we need this movement , this extra space .

Come on up to the top of the mat .

Lift one knee up and then step it back for a warrior .

A variation .

So there's a little bit of a gap in between your heels , your back heel is lifted , you'll bend into your front knee and stretch your arms up to the sky , just double check that you can see the big toe in your front foot .

And then if possible , you're looking forward .

So the ribs are contained .

We're trying to find the opening from the armpits , the shoulders and the hips .

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If you like reach back , draw the hands down , lift the chest , still try to keep the ribs contained .

So the stretch is still through the shoulders and the hips sweep your arms up straight in the legs .

Drop the arms step forward , lift up the other knee , step it back far for a reverse warrior .

So the back toe is turned in just a little bit .

Sweep out through the arms , drop the shoulders , bend into the front knee , make sure at the tip of the big toe , you can see it and the knees moving to the baby toe side , back hand drops to your thigh , front palm turns up , sweep that front arm up and then look down towards your back foot .

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Sink the knees down , chat punch inhale upward , facing long deep breath in soften the glutes , lift the chest chop exhale downward , facing , OK , we stay again , five breaths .

01 deep breathing to three .

Remember we're here just to feel the body not to force , try to cultivate an attitude that is appreciative of this practice as it is one more breath .

Keep breathing .

Focus on the length of the breath coming in and out of the body .

That's good pelvic floor .

Nice and engaged .

OK .

Let's look forward up the inhale .

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Really get some breath , some space into the side body into the ribs .

Inhale back into warrior and then straighten up , drop the arms , step forward , try the other side .

So just initially into warrior b checking the knee and then reverse , drop the back hand , flip the front palm up , reach up , lean back a little bit , look towards your back foot .

So combining a lateral stretch as well as an extension is a really good remedy for being stuck in a seat all day .

Find that really long exhale to help you connect a little bit into your core to give you some support in this back bend .

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Bring yourself back into warrior , be straighten up , drop the arms , step forward one more standing pose , triangle .

So one knee comes up , step it back , back , toes are more in a diagonal .

So are the hips sweep out the arm , sink the shoulders , pull the hip back as you lean forward forward forward , gently , come down .

Don't put a lot of weight down onto the leg , roll the torso open .

You can almost imagine that your hips are pushing forward and your head is pulling back slightly with the chin slightly tucked in .

Look down to your front foot .

Take an really push your feet into the ground , bring yourself up , release your arms , step forward .

Other side , pull the hips back , reach forward , come down .

Don't worry about it being low .

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So you might kind of twist over to one side , maybe stretch the arm up .

We don't spend a lot of time in squats in our culture .

Uh This can be a really great way to release your low back .

If it's cranky from standing all day , it's a deep hip opener .

If it's a stretch that's appropriate for you .

If your knees are ok with it , take another inhale in and exhale , come into child's pose , please .

So the knees can be wide or they can be closer together .

It's more about your forehead being able to come down to the mat if it doesn't take your knees wider .

So stay in child's pose and breathe a little bit longer .

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There's lots of reasons for back pain , um and cranky low backs , but sometimes one of the reasons is we don't , we don't breathe very well into our backs .

So this forward fold , this child's pose gives you an opportunity to really flood the back of the body with breath and it needs to be comfortable , right ?

Remember the knees can be wider if it doesn't feel that comfortable .

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Plank Nava inhale that exhale .

Let's try the other side a quarter .

Inhale .

Step forward .

Long , deep breath rise up .

And what if I exhale ?

Come on back .

Inhale , exhale .

All right .

Remember for our five breaths here , step on off your yoga blocks .

Let me take a step back .

Five breaths to settle .

01 to steady breathing .

Three , four , one more long , deep breath .

Five .

Switch your gaze forward .

Right hand , left hand .

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Take three more full breaths here , please and then slide your hands underneath you , push yourself back up again .

If you're ok to stay in hero on your heels , please do .

If not just come to any other comfortable seated position , just a little bit of side stretching .

So take a lean to the side and over to the other side .

So the shoulders need to stay down away from the ears , which might mean that your bottom elbow needs to bend a little bit more .

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Most important .

Relax the neck .

Don't pull with the arms , just rest your chest on the thighs and stay there for a few breaths .

Breathing , feeling it's all good .

Let's go for one more breath .

Here , maybe straighten the legs a little more , a little more .

And here we go , training inhale and here's a hard one pot of has sauce in it .

You're gonna bend the knees , place your hands underneath your feet , keeping the knees a little bent ache , come inhale .

And the way exhale fold slowly , try to straighten the legs .

It could take you maybe , I don't know , 10 years of practice to really get that full straight legs forward fold .

And in the meanwhile , just be happy with where you are happy that you're practicing .

Stay for another couple of breaths .

Super important that you're not like all the way here and pulling with a rounded spine .

So try to soften the spine a little bit down , relax the neck .

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Stay there , breathing , feeling .

OK .

Here we go , training inhale , exhale , inhale .

Come on all the way back up , deep breath in the heat .

Now , we move into Chico and the triangle pose and we're going to use our yoga blocks for triangle pose .

So I'd like you to get those set up relatively on the high side .

And although it's traditional to grab the toes when you're first starting in the triangle pose .

Sometimes the blocks are a little bit better .

Inhale .

Let's step on out to the side , spread your arms , long , deep breath in .

Then let's externally rotate the right hip joint and fold into the right hip joints a little bit .

And you can see that there's a moment when you'll have to kind of like pivot forward .

Well , I don't want you to get to that moment .

Grab your block even at the highest level and just hold it there and you could find maybe a little is better .

It's really up to you .

What do you feel ?

We just hold that for a couple of breaths .

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Looking up at the left hand , steady breathing , feel the pelvic floor and feel the breath .

Make sure you're not putting too much weight on the backs of the knees and that the breath is fluid and deep and long .

Keeping the mind nice and calm .

Hm .

Let's go for one more breath here .

Then inhale .

Come on all the way up .

Let's turn around .

We're gonna try for the other side .

Chari exhale fold , find your connection to the block and let's reach the right arm up .

Nice and easy .

01 work the legs activating the pelvic floor to three .

Nice and easy forward .

Don't push the body just be with it almost there .

Five .

Ok .

Inhale .

Come on up .

Now , keeping the blocks in place .

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Come back up again and start to make your way towards your back .

Please take the feet wide again .

Let the arm stretch out , let both knees fall to the same side .

If it's safe , pick that bottom foot up and let it rest on your top leg to pull you down a little bit deeper for some of you .

This is way too much .

It bugs your knees or your low back .

So please , just to go back to where you were , both feet are on the ground rather than 1 ft pulling the leg down .

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Lower , release that tough leg , bring the knees back through the center , let the knees fall in the other direction and this might be enough .

You don't have to do anything else .

Maybe that bottom foot could pick up to drop you down a little bit deeper .

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If you would like a longer , please ignore me and stay here as long as you need to .

Otherwise you'll let your breath get a little bit fuller , a little bit deeper and you'll start to move a little bit gently , waking the body back up again , feeling refreshed and awake , but still calm .

Maybe one big extension with the arms and the legs , then the knees roll to your side and then press yourself up , sitting tall eyes , closed hands to prayer head bowed down .

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Notice how you feel .

Thank your body for all its hard work and thank yourself for practicing today .

Open your eyes , lift your head .

Thank you for joining me and I must stay .

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And if you're unable to fold forward , you're gonna feel like your head is dangling .

It's not a problem .

The head is dangling .

Your hands , don't touch the ground .

Just move your feet wider and open out to the side .

Stay here for a couple of breaths , letting the breath be nice and fluid , keeping the mind calm and steady , keep breathing .

So eventually the top of the head goes to the ground .

But for right now again , just worry about taking your body weight a little more forward , a little more forward .

That's good .

And so it's inhale .

Let's lift the head up .

Exhale there .

Punch that inhale .

Come on all the way up and exhale .

Hey , come in .

He'll spread the arms and the way exhale .

Let's hold the waist again .

Inhale .

And this time you're gonna keep holding on to the waist and just easy folds , just give yourself kind of like an easy fold .

Try to pivot at the hip joints .

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If there's a little bit of fear like you feel like leaving your hands on your waist is a little scary .

Put your head on the yoga block and then leave your hands on the waist .

So we'll just hold that for a couple of breaths .

Nice and easy staying there working the breath , working the pelvic floor and here we go .

Let's pick it up to inhale .

Come on all the way up and exhale now for the c position A come inhale , spread the arms and the way exhale , try to interlock the fingers behind the back .

But you have a hard time interlocking the fingers behind the back .

You can grab a strap , maybe fold it a few times and then you can grab a hold of the strap behind your back and this will just help you a little bit if you are having a hard time interlocking the fingers .

If you feel like your fingers just like pop away from each other .

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Here we go inhale long , deep breath in training exhale fold .

So we place again the top of the head on the block and then just lean a little forward .

So then you wanna find , OK , what's the pivot point where you feel your shoulders released a little bit ?

Keep the internal rotation of the shoulders .

Nice and easy , no force .

So don't squeeze too hard with the fingers or the shoulders .

Just try to soften and relax .

Stay there for one more breath almost there .

Press back into the heels .

Inhale .

Come on all the way up and exhale .

Stop your strap hand to your waist .

Hey , come inhale the way .

Exhale , fold forward .

Hold big toes .

You need to bend the knees a little .

Hold the toes .

Remember that's all right again .

Inhale , drain the exhale .

You can put the head back on the block and we'll stay here breathing one .

Try to keep the back as , as aligned as possible .

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And you do that by activating the pelvic floor and keeping the legs real straight .

If you don't need the block , you can remove it .

Let's go for one more breath here , Trini inhale , lift the head up , chari , inhale , lift the head up and exhale .

Inhale .

Come on all the way up , hands to the waist .

So must eat the heat .

Come on back up to the front .

All right , last standing pose , hands in prayer behind the back .

It is going to be really difficult to reach .

So we just hold on to the elbows , right .

This gives you the same internal rotation of the shoulder .

Anna A come inhale , step out to the side and do away , exhale just easy forward , fold and you want to just stop where your body tells you to stop .

Eventually you're going to pivot all the way down .

But if your body says , stop here , relax the swine , but allow yourself to just drape gently down , stay for a couple more breaths .

If it's too intense on the legs .

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You can take your hands on the ground to lessen the burden , but you'll be missing that internal rotation of the shoulders .

But you have to figure out what works for your body .

One more breath , keeping the pelvis square and aligned forward almost there and press into the legs .

Training inhale , come up , let's turn face the front , trying to hold on to the elbows .

If that's accessible for you , exhale this fold , gentle folds .

OK ?

And again , if you need to take the hands down , you can take the hands down and really work the square position of the legs .

You know , a little support for your forward fold or for your back , you can even put the blocks down .

Let's go for one more breath .

Nice and easy .

And again , if you've got the elbows , just keep holding them and drape your chest down , activate the pelvic floor , punch inhale .

Come on all the way up .

Some CB .

He come on back to standing .

OK .

Let's take that out for a moment .

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So now we've completed sun citations and the standing poses .

You should be feeling an inner fire like a nice little toasty heat that's bubbling up from the inside out .

Now we move into the balancing poses .

HASA pot and Saina , which is a single leg lifts , quite challenging .

So we're going to do this modified , take your hands onto your natural waist .

So find that natural waist position nice and easy and then finding your natural waist , take your right arm out .

We're gonna hold on to the right knee .

A come inhale , hold your right knee .

Do I exhale ?

Settle into the posture .

Five breaths .

One , two , nice and easy .

34 almost there .

Five .

Training inhale .

Let's lift the hat stabilize for a moment .

Shatori exhales .

Just move your leg over to the side and you can keep your gaze just straight ahead .

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It's traditional to look over to the side , but sometimes it's a little too much when you're just beginning .

One , two , try not to lift the right hip .

Just keep it down .

34 and five .

Inhale back to the center .

Shut , exhale to squeeze your knee into the chest a little .

So the inhale release .

So if you can hold the leg up there , one , two , nice and easy three , you can train the leg if you want .

Maybe it's a little lower four .

Keep pulling in underneath your hip joints .

Four and five .

Exhale .

Come on down .

Ok .

Let's try the other side .

Left side .

So inhale uh now the exhale stabilize one , keep breathing .

Two , three .

Keep breathing for standing leg is nice and strong .

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Five .

That should I inhale , lift the chest .

A call shall use your external rotations .

Pop the leg over to the side .

What if you got good balance ?

You can look over to the right 23 , keep breathing four almost there .

Five .

Wow .

Inhale back to the center exhale .

Fold .

Chick shot inhale .

Come up .

Keep your hands to the waist and balance .

One .

Nice and easy .

Two , three , keep breathing .

Four , don't give up and maybe you strain the leg for a moment .

Five exhale .

Come on down .

All right .

Now , we're gonna modify a beta pod bono instead of half lotus position .

You're gonna to externally rotate the right hip joint and we're gonna work tree pose , hands in prayer .

You can have the rooted tree , the sprouting tree or the full tree pose .

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And we'll stay five breaths on deep breathing to three .

Nice and easy four .

Just keep feeling your center line almost there .

Five .

Find to exhale .

Some must see the heat through the left side , shut , inhale , find your external rotation , find your version of tree and handsome prayer .

Oh On deep breathing .

Do three steady breaths .

Four , work your balance .

If you fall out , it's all good .

Almost there .

Five Nova exhale .

OK .

Let's come on back to the front of the mat .

Let's grab your yoga blocks , put them up again .

So we're gonna be doing some more of your poses may help you out .

So here we go with straight legs .

Make sure they're straight .

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OK ?

I mean , don't obsess about it but relatively straight .

OK .

So from some sdd , he nice straight legs .

A come in hell .

Raise your hands the way .

Exhale , fold hands on the blocks .

Drainy inhale .

Come on back .

Plan .

You can do cheddar on if you want to inhale upward , facing , shut , exhale , downward , facing .

All right , you got your yoga block .

So give me a little Benne and see if you can just little hop forward up a little hop good .

If not walk forward , bend your knees , squeeze the knees together in how lift the arms ?

One , this is two , squeeze the legs .

Three , you can do the open palms just work the external rotation for almost there .

Five exhale hands down , lean a little forward into the shoulders .

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And the tradition here is to try to lift up for a moment to see if with the the blocks , maybe you could lift for a moment and then step on back to plank exhale , inhale upward , facing , exhale downward , facing .

Now we're gonna go for the warrior pose there and a a a come inhale , step your right leg forward , sink down into the legs and to raise your arms .

Remember get that external rotation .

One , two , eventually you can press the palms together and look up .

That may be too much for right now .

Three , almost there .

Five inhale pivot around ash to exhale down .

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And if it's too difficult for you to go really low , just keep it up a little bit but work the integrity of the posture to three .

Keep breathing , really move the elbows towards the ears for five .

Inhale , another exhale warrior 21 spread the arms too .

If your shoulders feel really sore .

You can just take the hands down here and just keep working for almost there .

Five inhale pivot around the exhale is also a good way to check your hip alignment .

But if you got it , extend the arms one check in with your neck .

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No force two , three , four , almost there .

Five exhale hands down .

Eight quarter shaw , inhale up , lift your knee into your chest , hold it for a moment .

Step on back and the water shall exhale , inhale upward , facing , stick to it shall exhale downward , facing .

All right .

Now , since we got our yoga blocks , let's put them to use .

Ok .

So now press up into the shoulders .

Step your right foot , left foot , try to keep the hips up , straighten the legs .

Exhale , sit down .

Let's keep your yoga blocks handy .

Ok ?

So from here , we'll begin to work , Pasa working pa ma .

We start off with a seated staff pose .

So lift the center of the chest up , keep the breath nice and calm .

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Now , you'll notice if you have a hard time getting that lift through the lower back , you can grab a blanket and this may help you out .

You can actually sit on a blanket and this slight elevation of the sitting bones will might encourage a little pivot forward .

So see if you need that .

If that helps you out , then we'll breathe a couple more times .

Try to straighten the legs as much as you can long deep breaths then switching your gaze to your toes , take your hands down , holding onto the shins .

If you can't hold the shins , let's grab our friend the yoga strap again .

Put it around your big toes and inhale osh though .

Inhale long , deep breath .

No , the exhale hold don't pull so much with the arms , but just let the , let the strap help you get a little bit more ease in the posture and just breathing feeling .

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Let your mind be calm .

No fight no , for just your breath .

Long deep breath and long deep breath .

Let's go for one more good and inhale long , deep breath in exhale .

Ok .

Let's move the strap , put it around your feet this time .

Let's bring you a little further down ash .

So inhale long , deep breath in Nava exhale little fold right on , steady breathing .

So you can try to allow your back to soften down .

But it might again just let it take its time really support the movement from your pelvic floor to three .

Keep breathing for and five inhale .

Exhale .

Ok .

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Let's remove your strap and we're gonna also remove the blankets .

Just take a moment , just move that on over to the side , leave that there .

And now we're going to move into reverse plank and we are doing reverse plank with bent knees , you're going to bend your knees , squeeze the knees together .

So it's almost like a reverse tabletop position as well .

Glide your hands back behind you and then in , I'll send the hips up and forward and we'll hold that for a couple of breaths on .

It's too much to drop the head back .

You can just tuck the chin in and focus on hips up .

Two , squeeze the knees together .

Three , find what works for the body .

Eventually the chest opens for and five Nava exhale down .

Now , let's hide your feet underneath .

You , get your yoga blocks in place .

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And hm , here we go .

The shot inhale .

Step back to plan a , a shot exhale water , shot inhale upward , facing the shot exhale downward , facing .

Now , switch your gaze forward , stop the inhale .

So if you can bring the feet all the way through , exhale , settle down .

Keep one yoga block here .

Now , when you're working half lotus position , it can be very challenging .

So we try to close the knee joints , bring the leg out to the side .

If that doesn't really feel so good for the knee , you're going to bring your knee forward , placing the knee on the yoga block and lifting your foot up .

So the foot comes nice and high and we just stay here almost as though we have a seated version of the pigeon pose where the shin bone is parallel to the front of the mat and the knee is supported by the yoga block .

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Now , I recommend if you're working on this version of the posture that you don't try to fold forward .

Instead , just let the hip joint open release and just stay here breathing .

I have my hand on the knee , but I'm not pushing the knee down .

So you can just stay feeling breathing for a few breaths , keeping the integrity in the pelvic floor .

Super important not to get mad at yourself , mad at your hip .

Instead , just accept where you are practice , being grateful for even the opportunity to practice for this body , which is the only one we have one more brass .

Ok ?

Then let's pull that right knee up into the chest , straighten it out and give me your left knee and your left leg is going to bend up .

So close the knee joint , some people have a hard time even closing the knee joint .

Maybe you can only close it to here .

Then using , supporting the knee and using the external rotation , glide it out , assist the block and get it in place .

All right .

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And then we just stay here feeling breathing .

All right .

Make sure that there's no pressure in the outer band of the knee and we'll just stay with nice deep breaths .

One to keep the mind calm .

Three for just go for one more breath and just feel where you are .

All is well , no fight , no force , no competition .

Good inhale , lift the spaw exhale .

Let's remove the blocks , right .

We're gonna do this without the blocks .

All right , then we did the left side .

So if we did the left side .

Here we go , inhale , cross your feet , pick it up , step back to plank and lower down , inhale upward .

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Facing long , deep breath in sail downward , facing , look forward or into the next posture .

Sup the inhale and step on forward .

Cross your feet straight legs , sit down , grab a yoga block for this one .

Bend your knees and you're going to sit both your sitting bones right on the yoga block , then fold the right knee back and you're going to internally rotate your hip joints and this is pushing me and it's very difficult to say with the block more easy to do .

Now , here you are .

And you have a couple of options .

You can take your fingers to the ground or if you feel that it might be more efficient or more effective to wrap the strap around the foot .

You can hold on to the foot and we'll just stay here breathing on two and you fold forward as much as it feels right for your body .

Two , three , you can explore that for almost there .

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So if you feel the little twins of ego come up that say , I wish I could do better .

I wish my body was more flexible .

I wish I was younger .

Mm Just observe that and go OK .

Those thoughts have arisen , but instead I'm going to choose to breathe and be here .

All right , let's remove , inhale , slowly , come up , exhale , stabilize all right .

Let's release , stretch out your right leg .

Let's bend the left knee back , stabilize here .

Then again , get everything in position , wrapping the strap in place .

Inhale , prepare button , exhale fold and just be here with your breath .

One , two , steady breathing , three , four .

Uh almost there .

Five .

Inhale , exhale .

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Let's remove your strap , bend your knee , move your block on over to the side , come on back to see it .

So inhale , pick it up all the way back through chat then said that he exhale .

Now , let's continue looking forwards , stop the inhale .

Cross your feet straighten out your legs and all the way forward , bend your right knee , closing the knee joint , grab your yoga block , put it on over to the side .

You're going to close the knee as much as you can drop it out to the side .

So this time , keep your foot on the floor and let the knee be as supported as possible , then orient your body forward .

And this time we're not gonna use the strap , but instead just sit here folding and pivoting from the hips .

One , keep walking your hands more and more forward to deep breaths .

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Three for uh almost there .

Five .

No inhale , exhale , stabilize here for a moment .

Drop your right knee up , straighten the leg and just stabilize .

We're gonna pop on over to the other side .

So gently bend the left knee , drop it out to the side , you're gonna settle it on the yoga block for a little extra support .

Then square the square , the pelvis and the chest forward .

Inhale , prepare pot .

Try the shot exhale fold , draw the navel in , maybe walk the hands a little bit down .

One to steady breathing .

Three , four .

Keep breathing almost .

There .

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Just be here with your breath and your body for a moment .

Five inhale , lift the chest up , exhale there , stabilize , then bring your block on over to the side .

Cross your feet , stop inhales .

Pick it up , plank down to chat , inhale upward , facing , then set the heat exhale downward , facing , look forward , stop the inhale , come on forward and slowly sit down .

So for today , we're going to complete the in a series .

So there's two more , there's B and C and not many people really understand how to modify them .

So , sauce and A B normally bring your leg out to the side and then you're gonna sit on the foot .

But if you have a knee issue , it's going to be extremely difficult .

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So we're gonna grab a yoga block , placing the hips up on the block like this , then drop your knee out to the side , point the foot and then bring it a little forward .

And so what this does is it keeps the knee joint more closed and allows you to fold from here , grab your strap , place it around the foot .

And I recommend that you don't try to fold too much of forward here just instead stabilize and breathe .

Mind is calm , deep breaths .

One to the trust that even though you might not feel like you're going so deeply , the posture is still working for almost there .

Five .

No , the inhale exhale stabilize , remove .

Let's switch the sides .

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Stretch out your right leg , fold , the left one under using the extra height of the block to just give a little bit of support for the knee , reaching around with your strap .

Inhale , prepare long deep breath in exhale , fold one deep breaths to you just got to find a way to work the posture that's best for your body .

Three steady breaths for , oh , I was there five .

Inhale , exhale .

Let move your strap and your block on over to the side .

Cross your feet , stop inhale , pick it up , come on back through plank , down , inhale , shut up to exhale .

All right .

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Last one looking forward , stop the inhale .

Let's cross the ankles , sit down , straighten the legs now .

And ac this is one of these posture where number one , even if you're flexible and you can do lotus position .

This is like extremely challenging , you think ?

Wow .

I don't even know what to do .

How can I modify this posture ?

Well , I've got a couple of different options for you .

First option , fold your right knee .

This works well .

If you can close your knee joint , fold the knee under and then if you're familiar with the Yin yoga pose where we do during the weekdays , then we're gonna fold primarily and I'm pointing at my toes where we're gonna fold over the toes and the ankle to keep the knee joint closed .

And then you're just going to roll through your toe joints and come on up balancing here .

And this kind of achieves the same purpose and intention as John Sauce and you're going to pick your hips up a little and we'll just stay there .

One , two steady breaths .

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Three .

For what ?

Five , almost there , activate your pelvic floor .

Nava inhale , exhale , roll back through your foot and sit down .

That was a lot .

All right , John , I see it is difficult , stretch out the leg and try the same thing on the other side and I'm gonna show you one other option , close the knee joint , right ?

And normally we externally rotate , but then that creates a little twist in the knee .

So I'm having you target the ankle .

We're aiming the foot , not straight ahead , but about 45 degrees out , maybe less than 45 degrees like 35 degrees out from the center line , you know , don't , you know , nitpick my geometry here , it wasn't my best subject .

So then when you come forward , there's a slight external rotation , but we're tracking the knee in line with the foot and the hip and it's super important .

So then we roll through .

So it's just a little ouch .

All right .

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And then we prepare long , deep breath in B shot exhale , take your weight a little forward .

One , two .

If you're comfortable , you can sit down .

But this is just a little less of an intense stretch .

Three for almost there .

Five , roll through the ankle and exhale .

Sit down the other way .

You can modify your , yourself in the sea .

You might maybe , maybe like this one better if you are able to externally rotate , but it's the ankle .

That's the problem .

Then you can sit the hips up on the block and actually roll through the external rotation .

And then instead of the toes , we end up targeting more the achilles tendon .

But if your external rotation is not yet established , this won't be accessible and may put a little too much stress on the knee .

So the first option we did was more accessible , but let's go ahead and just stay here just for a moment and we breathe again .

Good .

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Try the other side straighten out the right leg , bend , the left knee and the roll through the external rotation , get the foot as close to the block as you can .

And then we're really pushing through the ankle and you just want to feel again the achilles tendon working and I have old ankle injuries .

So I'm very familiar with uh what the intricacies are of working through healing through the ankles and the feet .

And we'll hold that for just one more moment .

Feel the breath if you're doing this .

Don't pull forward , you're just working and targeting the muscles and tendons in the foot .

Ok .

Let's go for one more breath and that's good .

Ok .

Come on off your yoga block .

Drop that over to the side .

So to the shot inhale , pick it up , jump back , lower down , inhale , exhale .

Now let's switch the gaze forward .

Stop the inhale .

Come on forward .

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Exhale gently , lie down .

We're not done , but we're going to move into just some really , really gentle back bends .

OK .

So exhale , gently , lie down .

Stay there for a moment and we'll start off with simple bridge .

Everybody wants to pop up into word for DAO .

But really what we want to begin with is just a nice simple bridge .

So track your knees in line with the feet and then so make sure they're not too much in and definitely not too much out .

Then you find the pelvic floor leaving the hands down and then inhale just easy to lift the hips .

All right .

So here we go .

Roll the shoulders under one to three , steady breathing , four or fine .

The shot exhale down .

Ok .

Let's do it again .

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Prepare Nava inhale , lift the hips up , roll the shoulders under one to track the knees in line with the feet .

Three almost there .

Four , five .

And that , that exhale down .

I sign that we do three back bends .

You got one more .

All right , here we go , I'll give you another option with your hands this time .

So we prepare right then Nava inhale as you roll forward to the inhale , maybe this time you can grab your ankles and come up one track the knees forward to three .

Again , if it's too much , just relax down , hands down or even you could hold on to the pelvis for and five the shot .

Exhale down .

Shake that out for a moment .

Squeeze your knees into your chest .

Roll on up and inhale .

Pick it up .

Exhale .

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Come on back .

Plank .

Sink the knees .

Chat around .

Inhale upward , facing long , deep breath in exhale , downward , facing , switch your gaze forwards up the inhale across the feet .

Exhale , sit down , we're back to Shi Mao .

So if you want to grab your blanket , sit on the blanket , that was better for you .

Let's get that in place .

Lift the hips up , place them there , grab your yoga strap and let's prepare to inhale Nava exhale fold .

Hold on .

If you wrap the elbows in , this helps set the shoulders up to keep the legs active .

Three , four steady breathing .

Five , we stay extra breaths this time .

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Six , some keep breathing eight steady breaths .

Mm And and we can walk forward .

If you're near your feet , you can hold them , then brush , inhale , exhale , remove your strap and then exhale , lie down and we're gonna use the blanket when we lie down .

Make sure that it like the soft side .

The flat side is near the shoulders .

And when you lie down , let's place the shoulders just on the very edge of the blanket , stretch out your legs and we'll just stay here lying down for a couple of breaths .

Feel the spine nice and equal a lot of space in the back of the neck .

Now we prepare for shoulder stand so we're gonna do it nice and slow first .

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If you have any neck issues , you're on your cycle or you want to avoid inversions for any other reason , legs up .

And we just say Vita Karan and you can just stay there the whole time if you want to go for shoulder stand .

So we're using the blankets to give a little extra space to the back of the neck .

Super good .

If you're just beginning , you're gonna fold your thighs into the body , maybe bend the knees a little , trying to touch the toes down , roll the shoulders under , find your lower back and then slowly fold your legs up and let's go for one leg and the other leg and we have shoulder stand .

You can keep it in a slight V shape .

It makes it a little easier to hold .

Eventually you're going to work to a full straight line might be too much for the neck .

So you can just take a little bit of the weight off by moving in a slight D shape .

We'll just hold this .

Give me just 10 breaths here .

I know it sounds like a lot .

Let's say we've already been doing about three .

So let's start from 44 .

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Keep breathing .

Keep lifting up .

You might surprise yourself .

56 , seven .

If it's too much , remember just come back to the V eight .

Keep breathing .

Nine and 10 .

Halo .

Just drop the legs down .

If your legs do not touch the ground , you're gonna keep holding your low back .

One to three .

We're gonna be here for 54 straight legs .

Five .

Ok .

Let's bend the knees and this is Carpio .

So then you can roll under and again , keep touching the lower back .

Eventually you can keep the hands out here , but keep holding the low back .

One , squeeze your ears together .

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Two , if it's too much , you can even hold on to your feet , hold on to your thighs and just let yourself kind of give a little extra support for this round position almost there and good .

Release your hands .

Exhale all the way down .

I hope you guys can hear me there when I was all folded under .

All right now , stretch your legs out .

Lift the center of the chest up and then just hang the head back .

We hold for a couple of breaths .

One , you can stay on your elbows and just drape the head back to .

So if it's too much for the neck , you can grab a block and put your head on a block for almost there .

But exhale come on down and we're gonna modify , you're gonna straighten the spine and then lift the legs and the arms just do this with a flat spine .

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One , a little arch if you want .

But really keep your pelvic floor activated too .

Three , nice and easy four , almost there .

Five .

Ok .

Let's cross the feet slowly .

Roll your spine up .

Let's move your blanket on over to the side .

Cross your feet and he'll pick it up .

Exhale .

Come on back , blank knees down , inhale upward , facing long , deep breath in , exhale , downward , facing , come on forward .

Look forward up the inhale across your feet .

Come all the way through to seated .

Now , stretch out your legs .

Let's grab your blanket again this time , fold it up .

So it's double .

They give you a little extra height , especially if your hips feel a little tight , pick it up and we're going to sit on it and then cross your feet and let's grab your yoga blocks to support the knees .

So here we are .

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And now we're working , what is traditionally butter pod in ?

You're gonna hold the elbows behind the back , inhale long , deep breath in .

And now yoga Mora exhale folds .

And if you feel that there's too much pressure on the neck to take your hands forward and we stay here one to drop through the chrome three almost there .

Don't give up for five .

We got five more breaths .

Six seven , eight , keep breathing .

No , 10 and that's why I inhale come up .

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I'm not in a position but your index fingers and thumbs together , chin down on 10 reps to turn your attention deeper and inward .

Three , four or keep breathing .

Keep working five , six , steady , deep breath .

So then mhm .

Eight .

Keep breathing .

Keep feeling nine .

You can gaze towards the nose , you can close the eyes .

We got one more breath .

10 .

Ok .

Are you ready ?

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Let's take your hands on these little yoga blocks here and then you're gonna try to lift at least the butt gonna come off the ground .

I believe your butt is coming off the ground .

All right .

So here we go , shoulders forward , your hips back and up and we stay for 10 .

1 two .

Keep breathing .

Three for really press with your arms for five , six .

OK .

Let's try your feet .

Try , just try six seven .

Just try eight , nine almost there .

Don't you give up ?

Don't you give up 10 ?

OK .

Come on down .

All right .

Watch those negative thoughts .

Choose positive ones .

Instead .

Move your yoga blocks over , move your blanket .

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If you're cold , you can lie under the blanket and then the jump that back you can be the K come on down in exhale .

We're gonna jump through the lie down .

So suck the inhale across your feet .

Exhale lie all the way down , open your feet , open the hands , take rest and as you're lying down , just let your nervous system move into coherence .

Let your nervous system move into a space of calm and connect .

Feel your breath at the heart center , feel your body at the heart center , fill your mind at the heart center and begin planting the seeds of meta .

May I be happy ?

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May I be peaceful ?

May I be filled with love ?

May I be successful ?

May my body be healthy ?

May I live in harmony with myself and with all being open your heart outward now feel the presence of love emanating outward from your heart .

May all beings be happy ?

May all being be peaceful ?

May all beings be filled with love ?

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Male beings live in harmony , live as friends live in peace ?

Then allow yourself a long deep breath in as you exhale , let's move your fingers , toes , hands and feet , bend the knees , bend the elbows , take a moment , feel your body and just say to your body , hey , my body , I love you .

You're good .

Hey , my body did a good job today .

Thank you so much .

My body , I love you .

This stuff is hard even when you modify and you did a good job .

I love you .

I appreciate you .

You're good , good body .

Bring the knees into your chest , your little squeeze , roll over , keeping your eyes closed .

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So let's come out and back up to seated and now for the traditional closing prayer .

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Mhm Allow yourself a long deep breath in as you exhale , open the eyes Thank you so much for joining me on this modified Tango practice .

May you be happy ?

May be peaceful , may be filled with love .

No mistake .

They are .

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Thanks for joining everyone .

I appreciate it .

I hope you enjoy the modified practice .

Everyone has asked me for modified practices .

So here it is .

Last time I was here .

Uh last week we did a traditional accounted full primary series .

I hope you enjoyed this modified version .

Maybe one day we will go further in the series and do more modify .

You may need to kind of skip around a little .

So just remember everyone , the schedule is gonna be a little different next week .

So be sure to just stay tuned .

I will be scheduling all of the lives .

Otherwise , if you have any questions about the practice or anything like that , leave me that in the comments of the video once it uploads , otherwise keep practicing , keep practicing , keep practicing .

Thanks everyone .

Bye .

Mhm .


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