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2023-07-18 12:37:39

Yoga For Beginners At Home (Weight Loss And Flexibility) 20 min

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Welcome to Fight Master yoga .

It's time to feel better .

This is beginner's yoga for strength and weight loss .

Set up nice and tall , close your eyes , begin to come into your breathing and then bring your hands together in front of your hearts .

May our practice give us the strength throughout the practice today and throughout whatever comes our way on and off of the mat , please add your own intention and then we'll roll ourselves forward , making our way into table line up wrists and shoulders and knees and hips .

As you inhale , bring your chest forward , lift your chin , lift your tail bone as you exhale round the back , chin toward chest , pull the belly in and up again .

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Inhale , coming forward , lift chin , lift tailbone , exhale tuck in the tail round in the back , lift the belly inhale , burring your heart forward through the gates of the arms .

Look up length in the front of the body .

Exhale round the back , lengthening the back of the body , chin to our chest .

Inhale again , back to table pose , extending the right leg back , tuck the toes under to begin , drop the outer right hip inhale , lift the right leg .

Exhale , draw the knee in toward the belly inhale , extend it back , drop the outer right hip .

Aha .

Pull it and make your own resistance .

Inhale , reach it back , toes point straight down .

Aha .

Slowly drop to center inhale , reach it back .

Exhale , pull it and pull your belly in and then set it down .

Extend the left leg back .

Now , pull the right knee into the chest .

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Exhale , lift it up , inhale , draw it .

And if you can , you can always take the left knee down as well .

Exhale , lift it and he'll pull it in using belly muscles .

Exhale , extend a backdrop the outer right hip and he'll pull it to center exhale , reach it back , inhale , pull it right down the middle and then set it back down to table good work .

Make sure wrists are under her shoulders again , knees under her hips , pull the belly in , inhale the left leg back , lift it up from the inner thigh .

Drop the outer hip as you exhale , pull it down the center inhale , reach it back , drop the outer hip .

Exhale , pull it down the center as if you're moving through water inhale to extend it ax .

He'll drop right down the middle in hell and reach back and exhale .

Pull it to the center .

Now , set it down , extend the right leg back .

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Draw the left knee in inhale , extend it back .

Aha pull it in knee toward nose inhale , reach it back , you can always take the right knee down .

Aha .

Pull the left knee in inhale , extend , aha pull it in , use your belly muscles , inhale and reach it back axle .

Pull it in , extend into plank poses and then lift the hips for down dog .

But bend your knees , try to touch your belly back to your thighs , spread your fingers , arms , shoulders , distance feet , hips width and then I reach the right heel down , keeping the left knee bent and switch to extend the left leg , right knee bent , inhale right leg straight to left knee , bent .

Next inhale , bend the right knee , extend the left heel .

Now , both knees bend again , stretch , stretch , stretch back and then reach both heels down , straighten the legs as much as they will .

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But keep all of that length you created in your spine , look forward and walk your feet to your hands as you inhale , bring hands to shins or above the knees and lengthen your spine as you exhale , keep that length and fold forward , bend the knees as needed .

Press for the feet .

Inhale , come up with a nice long spine as you stretch tall and exhale , bring the hands down to the heart .

Come to ta da at the front of the map , feed hips with or together outer edges of the feet parallel from the legs and lift the belly inhale , circle the arms up , looking up if it so can your neck RBS in exhale , hinge from the hips and fold forward as you inhale , come halfway up , lengthen the spine .

As you exhale , step your left foot back and then your right foot back for plank poses , knees can be up or down here .

Make sure shoulders are above the wrist , hug your elbows in .

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As you slowly lower to the belly slide , the hands by the low ribs , press all 10 toes down , come to cobra on an inhale .

Exhale , lower back down , tuck the back toes , knees up or down , press up to plank and then lift up and back for down dock and make sure the arms are shoulders , distance and the feet are hips with arms and ears are in line with each other .

Draw the lower belly in and up .

Breathe here and then looking forward , bend the knees and step your feet to your hands .

Many steps as you like inhale , come halfway up , lengthen .

Aha fall forward , press through the feet to rise up on your inhale palms , facing each other .

Exhale , bring the hands to the heart inhale and sue the arms up .

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Exhale hinge from your hips and fold over your legs as you inhale , come halfway up , make a flat back as you exhale , step the right foot way back and then the left for plank post , knees can be up or down again .

Hug the Elsin slowly lower to the belly .

Exhaling hands by low ribs , inhale for cobra , lift the shoulder head to keep the belly pulled in maybe into updo .

If you're an updo , thighs and knees are off the floor , only if it's ok with your body .

Exhale , lower back down , tuck , the toes under knees can be up or down , press up to plank and then lift the hips back into downward facing dog stretch back here .

You even out the breath .

So inhales and exhales are equal .

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Exhale everything out on the knees and step your feet to your hands .

Inhale , come halfway up length , then exhale , fold all the way in and inhale .

Come up with a nice long spine stretch tall .

Keep the ribs and belly in .

Exhale , bring hands to heart , turn and face the long side of your mat and step your feet out nice and wide , turn your right leg all the way out and your back toes in slightly line up front heel with back arch , inhale , bring your arms to shoulder height .

Exhale , bend your right knee warrior too .

Make sure your right knee is over your ankle .

Press it toward the little toe side of the foot .

So it lines up with the middle toes , press your back thigh back and lift your back , inner thigh up .

Check to see your back arm is as high as your front arm .

Make sure the shoulders are above the hips .

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Gaze over your fingertips , then drop your left arm , reverse your warrior side , stretch , bend into your right knee and he'll come up lean forward , take your right form to the right thigh , reach your left arm up and over .

Spin the left tricep down .

If you'd like , you can slide your right hand down to the floor or hold your ankle or use a block .

Try to bring your bottom ribs forward , spin your top ribs back , press to the outer to the back foot , press the front heel to come up for warrior two and then exhale straight in the leg and now turn your left leg all the way out .

Back toes in slightly .

Make sure you're still healed to arch , inhale the arms up and exhale , bend the knee over the ankle , make sure it's right over the ankle .

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It's not in front of or behind , press the left knee toward the little toe side of the foot , press your back thighs straight back and lift your back , inner thigh up , lengthen through all four sides of the waist , wind the collar bones and just gaze over your left fingertips , drop the right arm , reverse your warrior side stretch , bend and to the left knee .

Inhale up , lean your torso .

Four , take the left form to left thigh , right arm up and over gently press that left forum to open the chest toward the ceiling .

And then if you'd like to go deeper , slide it down to hold the ankle or you can put it on a block , keep breathing hair lengthening the sides of the body .

Press for the outer edge of the back foot , lifting back , inner thigh , press front heel , come up to warrior two .

Inhale , exhale , straighten the leg , take the feet to parallel toes in a little toward each other .

Hands to hips .

Look up inhale hinge from the hips fold .

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Exhale , look up one more time with a nice long spine .

As you inhale , exhale , fold in any amount kind of , the head is lengthening toward the floor .

Lift your shoulders up toward your waist and now start to pin your outer hips .

So squeeze your outer hips and your inner thighs towards center and come halfway up in hell .

Exhale , bring your hands to the hips and inhale all the way up .

They can inhale , take the arms up , hold the breath , bend the knees , step or hop the feet together .

Exhale and turn back to the front of the mat , back to our feet together .

Our hips distance apart .

Inhale , bend the knees , drop the hips , come to Chepo Wade into the heels , exhale belly to thighs and then straighten the legs .

Inhale , lengthen the spine .

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Look up , exhale the left foot back , right knee over the ankle , bend the left knee a little come into high lung , rest your hands on your right thigh , then straighten the back leg and inhale arms reach arrow straight arms pull the right hip back , lengthen the tailbone toward the floor .

Lift the belly .

Now bring your hands back to your front thigh .

If you have any knee problems .

Stay , otherwise tap the back , knee down and straighten it or just bend it a little inhale , bend the knee a little bit .

A exhale , straighten it .

Try and keep your hips as low as they are and help band slowly .

Aha straighten the leg .

Then bring the hands to the mat and make your way to plank .

Knees can be up or down here , hug the elbows in Teranga all the way down to the floor .

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Then inhale little cobra or upward facing dog .

If you like that one , if it doesn't bother your back , make sure thighs and knees are off the floor .

If you're on in it and then tuck the toes for a down dog , stretch back for just a breath and then look forward and step your feet to your hands .

Take an inhale , lengthen the spine .

Look up as you exhale , keep that length fold over the legs , press for the feet .

Inhale to rise all the way up and exhale hands down to the sides again to the front of the mats .

Inhale , bend the knees again , come to chair posts , sink the weight into the heels , inner thighs , spinning down , exhale belly to thighs and then straighten the knees as you inhale , look up to lengthen .

Now , bend the knees , step your left foot back .

Is that your left foot ?

The other foot ?

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Shoot , I can't tell ya your left foot back , the left knee is in front right foot is back .

I believe the other leg inhale , reach the arms up .

So pull the left hip back , lift the belly , drop the tailbone down ribs in lengthen through the back , body stretch up through arrow straight arms , spin your triceps forward .

Now , bring your hands onto your front leg , bend the back knee unless you have knee problems and then straighten it .

So if you can inhale , bend it , exhale and straighten it , try to keep your hips as low as they are in hell band .

Instead of thinking , going up and down , think bend and then straight in the leg , bring the hands down , then make your way back into plank .

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Knees can be up or down here , lower down all the way to the floor , untuck , the toes , inhale , peel the chest up for cobra or come into up dog thighs and knees up , shoulders above wrists and then exhale , tuck your toes , lift up and back for downward facing dog .

Spread your fingers press into the base of your fingers and lift up through your forearms .

Gaze between your knees or your feet .

So arms and ears are in line , look up past the fingertips , step or hop and cross the shins to sit down and grab a block .

Keep it handy next to you and then take your feet onto the floor .

Use your hands to lie down , protect your back and then walk your heels under your knees for bridge post , press down into the hills , lift your hips low back and mid back .

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Try to spiral the thighs in toward each other .

Lengthening your sitting bones toward the backs of the knees .

You can roll your shoulders under if possible .

Keep your chin away from the chest to lengthen your neck and then lower down and rest .

So the feet together , knees up , heart , a hand on the belly , hand on the heart center , think of two things that you're grateful today for grateful for today and then release that .

Take your feet back to the floor .

Heels under knees , outer edges of feet , parallel toes point in a little press into the heels .

Lift up , lift your hip bones towards your lower ribs .

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Now extend your right leg forward , keeping the right knee in line with the left knee , press into the left heel , holding here building strength and set it down and he'll extend the left leg out , knees in line with each other , keep lifting through the hips .

Keep pressing into the right here , building lots of strength and then release that lower down slowly against soles .

If you together knees apart , take a moment here to thank yourself for taking such good care of yourself and doing yoga , point the knees back up , heels , under knees , grab that block and slide it underneath the base of your spine just above your hips .

There's a bone there called the sa rum .

You want the , the block to rest right there .

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It should feel good .

So if it bothers your lower back , try to scoot it down a little bit toward the backs of your knees .

Breathe here and inhale right knee and to chest extend it up and then left knee and to chest extend it up .

So both legs up we'll hold here .

This is a variation of a pretty and it's really good .

It's a nice variation too for shoulder stand .

It's a way to go into an inversion that's safe and then bend the knees .

Release your feet to the floor .

Lift off your block and lower back down .

Hug the knees into the chest , gently rock yourself back and forth .

Give your low back a little massage , probably return your feet to the floor .

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Then bring right ankle , just pass left knee , dry your right hip forward as you draw the left leg in toward the belly , you can hold onto the shin .

You can hold behind the thigh .

If bringing the leg in toward the belly doesn't work .

The hips are tight , then keep the left foot on the floor .

As long as you feel a stretch , never matters how deep you go in and then release it and now inhale , bring the left ankle just past the right knee , flex it and draw the right leg in .

If you can or leave the foot on the floor , you're gonna hold on behind the thigh or hold the shin and breathe here .

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Drawing the left hip gently forward , make sure to keep flexing the left ankle and slowly release , bending the knees , feet onto the floor , shift your hips to the left and drop your knees over to the right .

Look over the left shoulder for a little twist , try and turn the belly up toward the ceiling as you breathe here .

Now , if it bothers your neck to look over the left shoulder , then just look straight up , inhale knees to center , pick up the hips , take them to your right , dropping the knees over to the left and if your neck is good with it , look over the right shoulder , ok ?

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Bring the head to center and bring the knees to center .

Hug your knees into your chest one more time , lengthen your sitting bones toward the floor and then extend out into your final resting pose , quiet mind and quiet body .

Our quote comes from Max Strom from a life worth breathing as you leave your mat , keep your peace as long as possible at the end of class .

Refrain from jumping up and preparing for a sudden impact with the outside world .

Do not brace for collision with the stress of the outside world .

Instead keep your heart as open as possible as you go back into the world rather than letting others affect you with their stress .

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You can affect them with your calm , loving peace for as long as possible .

I'll be back in a moment .

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Rest and making movements and your fingers and your toes , take a long breath as you stretch your arms overhead , bend the knees , roll yourself on to your right and just pausing there moments again .

Thanking yourself .

Good work today .

This was a , a challenging one , especially if you're a beginner .

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Press yourself up to see it crossing at the shins , bring the hands together , bring our hands to the forehead to remind us to have clear and loving thoughts , our hands to the heart center reminding us to have clear and loving intentions and our hands to the mouth .

Reminding us to have clear and loving communication , sending out this positive energy that we created together to all beings everywhere .

No , must stay .

Thank you so much for joining me today .

I hope you have a wonderful day .

Visit me at fightmaster yoga dot com for daily classes .

You can follow the beginner section or the other classes if you want to deepen your practice .

Go to Fightmaster Yoga forward slash Y TT for yoga teacher training information .

I have one in September coming up .

Thanks again .

Bye .


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