If you want to get your back bend , then just follow along to these stretches .
We're going to start by stretching out your shoulders by pulling one arm behind your head .
You should be trying to push your hand down your back .
Shoulder flexibility is super important when doing a back bend .
So that's why we are doing this stretch .
You can now switch arms to reach the other one behind your head .
I put , yeah , next , go up onto your hands and knees and we're going to do cat cow stretch to do this stretch , simply arch back as far as you can and then contract .
I am demonstrating these stretches at a more beginner level .
But if you don't feel a stretch , feel free to go further than I'm demonstrating or you can always arch a bit less if this is too far for you just go to the point where you feel a good stretch .
We are going to repeat this motion 10 times .
Yeah .
With you come to oh next go up into a downward dog stretch , pushing your chest towards your legs to feel a good stretch in your shoulders .
Can we stay from your downward dog , push down into a seal stretch , arching back as far as you can .
Once you're in your seal stretch , hold it for a couple of seconds and then push back up into the downward dog .
This will help with back flexibility , shoulder flexibility and also arm strength , which are all important for pushing up into a back bend .
We are going to repeat this 10 times as well .
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Arching back as far as it takes for you to feel a stretch in your back .
You can now come out of your seal stretch to lay on your stomach and then walk your arms to one side and push up into a twisted seal stretch .
We are not going to repeat the last stretch , twisting to the other side , go back down to lay on your stomach and then bend your legs next .
Try to reach your arms back to grab any anywheres between your ankle and knee .
If you can reach all the way back to your legs , try to slightly lift them off the ground until you feel a stretch in your back .
You can now come off of your stomach to stand on your knees , then arch back to try to grab onto your ankles .
You are so close to finishing this routine .
So don't stop now .
Yeah .
Where fi that soon the next stretch lay on your back with your legs bent so that your feet are flat on the ground , then lift up your hips to go into a modified back bend .
Yeah , you can now lower your hips to lay back on the ground and then lift your arms , placing the palms of your hands beside your ears .
Now lift up your hips like we did for the modified back bend while also straightening out your arms to try to push up into a full back bend .
If you can't do this the first time you try this routine , that's totally normal .
Just keep following along to this routine daily or at least 3 to 5 times a week to get your back bent .
If you would like to track your progress , you can take a before and after photo and share it with me on Instagram , tiktok or youtube using the hashtag and mcnulty Challenge for the chance to be featured in my next stretch routine .