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2023-07-18 12:28:01

10 Minute Yoga Workout for Beginners - Improve Flexibility

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Hi , welcome .

My name is Golden .

I'm going to lead you through a basic yoga routine .

It's gonna get you more flexible , lean and that sexy body you want .

Are you ready ?

Ok .

We're gonna start with sun A .

So begin with your feet hip with distance apart .

You're just gonna roll down and relax their hands down towards the ground .

So we're just warming up our legs here .

You can grab opposite elbows , maybe sway side to side .

This is called rag doll post .

Then place your hands down and step your feet just a little wider .

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If you have a map just right outside of your map , place your left palm down and open your right arm up to the sky as though you have something on your shoulder and you want to show it to someone above you .

Exhale down opposite hand , right hand down , bring your left hand up to the sky .

Beautiful now to cool your feet back together .

So your big toes touch and your heels are slightly apart .

Inhale to a halfway lift .

So place your palms on your shins or if you're very flexible , you can place your fingers on the ground and inhale .

Look forward , creating a nice flat back , reaching the crown of your head towards the wall in front of you .

Exhale , bring your nose to your knees .

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Inhale all the way up to mountain pose , reach your fingertips up towards the sky and relax your shoulder blades down and back .

Beautiful inhale here .

Now , I'm gonna do a little back bend , bending right at your bra strap with cactus arms and lift your chest towards the ceiling .

Just a little one because it's your first one .

Inhale .

Backup , not I post and then falls forward in him halfway lift .

Now , for this one , you're gonna place your hands down the ground about shoulder width apart .

Step your feet back into a plat position , bring your body forward about two inches and then chat around when you chat around .

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When you wanna bring your elbows into your sides , squeeze in your rib cage , create a 90 degree angle .

Try not to go below that .

Stop at your 90 degree angle .

Turn your feet over and then inhale to upward facing do .

Now this is the more advanced position .

If this is a little challenging for you , just place your legs down on the ground .

This is perfect too .

Pull your shoulders back , lift your chest , chuck your toes and exhale to download clog .

Let's take a few breaths here .

Since this is our first down we're facing .

Do you want to pull your weight back and up and relax your heels down towards the ground , know that if your heels don't touch the ground , that's totally fine .

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Inhale , look up to the top of your mouth and take a step up between your fingers , press your toes together .

Inhale halfway lift , exhale , fold forward , knees to nose or nose to knees .

Inhale , rise up to mountain post , exhale small back then maybe get a little more here than last time .

Inhale straight up .

Exhale , die forward .

Inhale halfway lift , find length in your spine .

Exhale , plant your hands down , step back .

Let's go through that chatter , Raga again , pull your weight forward , bend at the elbows .

We're getting those nice firm arms here .

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Lift your chest , exhale downward facing dog again , take a few breaths here .

Settle into your down dock , pull your weight out of your shoulders so you can dump your weight into your shoulders like this and over time you're gonna start to feel achy shoulders .

So consciously pull your weight back and up so that most of your weight is in your feet instead of in your hands and your shoulders .

Beautiful inhale .

Look up to the top of your map between your hands and step up between your hands .

The last one inhale halfway lift , ask how fold your nose towards your knees in help all the way up .

Find a bigger back than this time .

So you using all of your lumbar and thoracic spine .

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Look back behind you in how exhale fold or ranging from your hips in a halfway leg .

Last chatter manga for this sequence , open your chest uphill downward facing dog .

Nice job .

We're gonna move into our warrior one and Warrior two .

Inhale your right leg up to the sky toes facing the ground .

So I'm not turning my leg out and splaying open , keeping my hips in line .

Exhale , step through to a low lunch when you have to use your core to get and put that foot down , silently , turn your back foot down .

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So it's at a 45 degree angle .

So this would be parallel to the back of your map .

We're gonna do a 45 degree angle and we're gonna keep our hips facing forward , rise up .

This is your warrior one .

So to open up here from warrior one to warrior two , we're just gonna open up to the side , bringing your foot parallel to the back of your map and see nice and low into your warrior .

Too beautiful .

So you're creating a 90 degree angle with your front knee , your back leg is nice and straight and you're reaching with energy in opposite directions .

Inhale forward , exhale your right elbow to your right knee .

This is the extended side angle , reach your left arm up over head or maybe past your ear , then inhale , reverse your warrior .

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Keep your knee sent , reach back , avoiding your knee joints , stretch , feel a stretch in your side body , make sure it's not a stretch in your back .

Oh , that hurts and come up , try to run back .

I know he said it was last and now we're facing that and then back to downward , facing down .

I'm gonna do that on the other side and then you're gonna have a little breather .

Ok ?

Inhale your left leg .

Hot , exhale .

Set through low lunch , turn your back foot , foot to a 45 degree angle .

Keep your hips facing forward , get nice and low work .

Those legs open up where you're too inhale here , exhale extended side angle .

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Now that if this is like totally a breeze for you , you can let that arm go and reach all the way down to the ground .

The last option is to take that arm up off the ground , really using your core to reach .

So now you know the different models in how beautiful and when your arms down frame your foot , step back , chat around , inhale up , dark , exhale , downward facing dock , take a few breaths here , inhale it up to the top of your mat .

Take a step up .

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Inhale Mountain Popes , bring your hands into your heart , feel your heartbeat .

See you got your heart rate up a little bit , little bit dead .

Help you lose weight .

OK ?

Now , stay , thanks for joining me today and I'll see you for the next segment .

Make sure to like and subscribe .


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