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2023-07-19 14:25:59

10 minute Yoga for Beginners for FLEXIBILITY & MOBILITY

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Welcome to yoga .

You won't need anything for today's video , but here are some optional props that I recommend .

So pause the video here to grab your things .

Otherwise , if you're ready , let's begin .

Meet me in standing tall with your hands together at heart center and close your eyes .

Take a big breath in through your nose and out through your nose again in hell .

Exhale and blink your eyes open , reach your arms up for a mountain pose , make sure your shoulders are not shrugging up towards your ears , relax your shoulders down , just plugging your fingers into the ceiling .

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Take a big breath in then exhale forward , fold hinge at your hips as you fold all the way down with a soft bend in your knees , so you can fold deeper .

Next is a halfway lift , take your hands to your thighs and press your heart forward , finding a flat back , your shoulder blades are pinching together behind you .

Back of your neck is in line as if there was a plank from your hips to your shoulders to the back of your head .

That is your halfway lift and now forward , fold , soften in your knees .

Fold down towards your mat and let's add breath with movement .

So right here , exhale everything from your lungs .

Then as you inhale , find mountain pose , stand up and reach your arms up as you exhale forward , fold come all the way back down .

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Next is halfway lift as you breathe in , lift up halfway finding your flat back , then forward , fold as you breathe out .

And let's keep that going for this half sun a in hell mountain pose .

Stand up arms up , exhale forward , fold , come all the way down , soft , bending your knees as you inhale , find halfway , lift flat back .

Excel forward , fold from here , step your left foot back into a lunch and prop your hands up on fingertips or use your blocks so that you're not caving your body down towards the mat in this lunge .

You do want to make sure that your right knee is stacked over your right ankle .

So adjust your footing as much as you need and then lower your back , knee down to the mat or onto your folded towel and take your hands to your front thigh .

As you rise up into Crescent moon .

It looks like a proposal position .

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Good morning .

Thank you so much for joining me .

My name is Cassandra and I'm gonna guide you through this 10 minute morning yoga class suitable for beginners .

So this is just a great way to energize in the morning and to get yourself set up to have a wonderful day ahead , no props are required and we are going to begin in a tabletop pose .

So just on hands and knees , this is Lucy .

Sometimes she likes to join .

So you wanna place your palms underneath your shoulders , fingertips spreading wide and your knees underneath your hips .

And we're just going to do cat and cow from here .

So as you inhale , drop your belly , lift your gaze curl tailbone up really broaden through your chest .

And as you exhale , reverse this motion , push the matt away from you and try to put more weight into your fingertips and knuckles .

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So your chest is open , not caving down towards the mat .

This is why blocks or even propping up on fingertips helps a lot .

Now for a forward fold step or hop your back foot forward , take as many hops as you need .

Then from your forward fold , find halfway lift to reset your spine .

Nice long flat back in hell .

Exhale forward , fold and switch sides .

Step your right foot back , continue to breathe smooth and deep as we set up .

Just the movement on this side in this low lunge .

Make sure that your front knee is stacked over your ankle .

Adjust your footing as much as you need and then lower your back knee down onto your mat or on your towel , then place your hands on your front thigh and rise up into your crescent moon .

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And if you're doing this right , you should feel a pretty big stretch in your right hip , flexor right quad area .

It's not about lunging as deep as possible into the pose .

I just want you to find the crescent moon that stretches this area but still gives you a lot of stability .

So back row is curled under or flat , whatever you do on the other side , use your front leg to help you with balance and then reach your arms up for the full expression of crescent moon .

And to add the twist , turn your upper body to the left as you reach your left arm back , right arm forward , stretching between your fingertips .

Good .

Now come back to your crescent moon , reach both arms up and then lower both hands down to your mat .

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For your low lunge , curl your back to under , lift your back , knee up and hold a strong hose as you stretch your body from your back heel through the crown of your head with your weight in your front foot , step or hop your back foot forward for a forward fold at the top of your mat .

Then hold and breathe as you find your deep controlled breath in and out through your nose .

So we can flow that sequence , one breath , one movement and it's ok if you go two breaths , one movement at any point or if you're a half second ahead or behind .

This is a practice .

Not a perfect .

So , exhale everything from your lungs .

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Then inhale , find halfway , lift hands to your thighs , press your heart forward , exhale to forward , fold with a soft bend in your knees .

Then step your left foot back as you breathe out for your low lunge .

Hold this pose for one inhale .

Then exhale to lower your back , knee down for a crescent moon as you inhale , reach your arms up .

Exhale , twist to your right and open your arms in .

He come back , the crescent moon arms up and exhale hands down to the matter on your blocks into your low lunge as you inhale , pick up your back knee and hold , then exhale forward , fold at the top of your mat or halfway lift as you breathe in , then fold , step your right foot back as you breathe out .

Hold the slow lunge as you inhale .

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Then lower your back knee down as you exhale her crescent moon in hell arms up .

Then exhale , twist to your left , open your arms in hell .

Come right back to your crescent moon .

Exhale hands to the mat for your low lunch .

Pick your back knee up and hold for your breath in .

Exhale forward , fold , step your back foot forward and hold here for one big breath in and out , deeply , bend your knees , tuck your chin and slowly unroll all the way up to standing .

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Your head will be the last to arrive , once you rise , bring your hands together at heart center and close your eyes , deepen your breath in and out through your nose .

So with your breath control , smooth and slow , blink your eyes open and reach your arms straight forward , like zombie arms and cross your arms right under left , bend your elbows and hug your shoulders .

So your right elbow is underneath your left , lift your elbows up to shoulder heights And if this feels like plenty for you , then just stay here or if you want to take it further , bring the backs of your wrists together to touch for eagle arms .

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And if you're feeling limber , you can take the full variation of eagle arms by wrapping your right arm around .

So your palms come together to touch , sit back into your hips .

Like you were in chair pose , shift your weight into your left foot and cross your right leg over your left above the knee .

So your toes kick , stand on the floor past your left foot or wrap your foot around for the full variation of eagle pose .

But wherever you are , use your breath to keep you calm and grounded for three , two , one release and shake it out , totally shake it out .

So that eagle pose compresses all of the lymphatic areas of your body .

And then when you shake it out , it helps to get your blood flowing and maybe some of that lymph drainage .

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So let's set up eagle on the other side , reach your arms forward and cross left under , right and grab onto your shoulders .

Find a similar arm variation that you did on the other side , but keep your elbows up to shoulder height and relax your shoulders down your back and sit back into your hips , shift your weight into your right foot and cross your left leg above your right .

So your left toes just kick , stand on the ground , squeeze everything together .

Find a similar variation that you do on the other side and hold and breathe for three , two , one release and shake it out .

Meet me in Samast with your hands together at heart center .

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Stand tall through the crown of your head , close your eyes and take a big breath in through your nose out through your nose .

There is a place inside of you where the entire universe dwells .

This place is of love , light , truth and peace when you are in this place in you and I am in this place in me .

We are one must well done .

Hi , I'm Sarah Beth and I'm here to help you get fit happy and healthy through yoga .

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I created this beginner level yoga video as an easy and fast way to wake up your body and increase your flexibility and strength .

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Have a good day .


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