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2023-07-18 12:34:50

30 min Beginner Yoga - Flexibility, Strength & Balance

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I've also got the 10 most critical steps I think you need to take in your job search so that you find the right job the fastest , but also a whole a bunch of mistakes that people make in doing those 10 activities .

And I've also included 10 pro tips to make sure that you're doing them correctly .

In addition to that workbook , I also have a webinar that really goes along with it .

It's called How To Find a job you love .

It's about an hour and seven minutes .

I take a deeper dive on those 10 steps that I think you need to take in your job search and exactly what I would do .

I also cover the mistakes and the tips and all that good stuff too .

I just go a lot deeper in the webinar .

It's free take a shot at that also because this is a resume topic .

I have included my collegiate template with instructions and my professional resume template with instructions .

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Those are also in the notes and I'll also make some references throughout the session about where you can find even more on resume writing .

Ok , so that's the intro .

Now , what about the topic ?

How do we write the perfect resume bullets ?

Now , any time I start to talk about a topic , we have to talk about the problem first and we all know what the problem is .

You're not getting your resume noticed or no one , no one seems to notice your resume that can happen for a million reasons , some of which you can control , some of which you can't control .

But you , those of you that know me , we focus on the things you can control .

And speaking of a million in my career , I have looked at more than a half a million resumes , more than 500,000 resumes .

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And one thing I can tell you with a great degree of certainty is that most people and when I say most people , I'm talking 98% do not know how to tell their story in the resume .

They just don't know how to tell it or they don't tell a good one .

And the sad thing about that is you all have great stories to tell .

You have a great story to tell .

I have a great story to tell .

We all have great stories to tell .

I don't care if you're a college student going through internships , you're just about to graduate or you're a 60 year old veteran .

Everybody has a great story and the resume is a vehicle to tell that story .

But what , what usually happens is people don't know how to tell that story .

A lot of the individuals that I coach , whether they're one on one coaching , uh clients of mine or job candidates that we've recruited through Mile Walk that we're looking to , to uh place at an organization .

I coach a lot of individuals on interviewing .

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And one of the things we , I spend a lot of time and my team spent a lot of time doing is teaching people how to say what they wanna say .

There's this expression , I always give these people , let's take a laugh at my expense here .

And if you're any one of these people who I've interacted with at this level , take a chuckle here .

But I always say to them how you say what you say matters as much as what you say .

So how you say what you say matters as much as what you're actually saying .

Think about the resume , most people , they know their , they know their life .

But the , the resume , it's like this sick twisted joke .

You have a double whammy where most people don't even know what to say and they don't know how to say it .

So when you look at the entire resume , the entire resume is a story about you .

And although we're not gonna cover the entire resume today , I do wanna make a couple of mentions here .

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You might be able to go a lot higher up , just see what feels the best for you here .

And once you have your leg at the intensity that works the best for you try to flex your foot as much as you can really as if you're kicking your heel into the ceiling , curling your toes towards you and then switch by pointing your toes up , stretching through the top of your foot .

Keep your leg like this , just bend your left knee .

We're gonna cross the right ankle over the top of the left knee and thigh , push your thigh away and maybe you hold here or maybe you reach through , pulling your left thigh in towards your belly and I like to rock a little bit here , side to side .

So just checking in to see how your outer glute and hip feel .

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If you're really looking for more information on the overall structure of the resume , I've got an entire resume playlist out there .

It's like six or eight videos on the youtube channel .

One of them is even a 20 minute video on how to build the ultimate professional resume .

I take you through the whole thing and I give you the template , all that good stuff template that's in the description for this uh for this session .

And I also have a 52 minute webinar different webinar called Three Secrets to get your resume .

Noticed , I even take you through how somebody looks at your resume .

So I just want to mention that because I I know people are getting a lot of value out of those .

I really would love for you to take a look at that at your leisure .

But we are gonna talk about one extremely important element and that's the bullet points .

Your resume is made up of a collection of bullet points , all of those bullet points , tell a story about you .

But what most people don't understand is each individual bullet point is a story in and of itself .

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I should be able to look at anybody's resume , peel out any bullet that I want .

And that should be a self contained story that tells me something about them .

So we're gonna go , we're gonna go through that .

I'm gonna tell you exactly how to structure it .

So as I was thinking about the topic and I know this is a big one because this is something people struggle with .

They just lack power in their bullets .

They don't know what to say .

They don't know how to say it .

I thought what's a good way that I could , uh illustrate this for people .

And I thought about when I look at a resume , I have all these questions , I'm looking at a resume and I've got all these questions going through my head as I read every bullet , as I read the whole resume and as I read the bullet and if I could communicate what those questions are to people , they could use them to answer them in advance in their bullet .

So that when I'm reading it , I'm really satiated .

They've got all the information that I need there and I don't have to wonder , that is a comfortable and exciting feeling for somebody who's reading your resume .

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So we're gonna talk about what the seven , questions are .

These are there's seven of them that I think are really good and I'm gonna give you the exact sentence structure .

But before we get into the , here's how I want to take you through the , what's , what's bullet worthy ?

I don't want you to list every single thing you've ever done in your life .

I just want you to pick the bullet worthy bullets to create and I'll show you what those are now much , much like I did .

If you were at yesterday's session , when we talked about why your job search is taking so long .

I took you through a few slides in from one of the sessions of my job search boot camp .

I love this boot camp .

It's a five session program .

Each session is about two hours .

Uh The one that I peeled a few slides from today is the marketing session .

It's , it's the session on resume writing , cover letters in the linkedin profile .

It's like two hours in 15 minutes .

I've peeled out a half a dozen or so slides .

I'm gonna walk you through some of that .

So let me , let me hop over .

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Anybody out there , any of you , I know there's a ton of you out there and you , you are , you have different professions , you work in different industries and different markets , regardless of who you are .

Virtually every single one of you does at least one or many of these eight things .

And you need to think about your history , your activities , your jobs and where you did these eight things because these things , these things are the best points to talk about .

Number one , revenue generation organizations .

Absolutely love people who raise the top line revenue .

Now , revenue generation is very obvious for somebody uh who's in a sales capacity , but you might be inside sales , you might be outside sales , you might be in different capacities , but there's many different people that can contribute to the sale of a product , a service or something of that nature .

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Uh I know support engineers that go on calls when their hardware sales rep is about to sell a piece of equipment to one of uh his or her clients .

So there's many different ways that you can help generate revenue , market awareness .

Maybe you are in the marketing department , there's many different ways .

Uh If you're in the marketing department , there's seven or eight or 10 different ways that you can elevate your company's awareness in the market that those are obvious .

But what if you are an engineer who is optimizing your company's website ?

And you're working on the search engine optimization and you're bringing more eyeballs and more traffic to your site .

And there are more people querying and querying about your products and services .

That's a , that's a great one .

You're , you're still raising market awareness .

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Squeeze , squeeze , squeeze , squeeze for 54321 , curl down with control and a few last breaths here in your reclined butterfly pose .

And now this time , bring your right hand to your low belly and left hand to your chest .

So as you inhale , feel the belly inflate first and then with the lingering fullness of the breath , you also wanna breathe underneath your left palm as you exhale , exhale from the chest first and then from the belly .

So inhale , belly chess , exhale , chest and belly a few more like this .

And Hill exhale two more at your own rhythm .

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You , you also might be um some kind of specialist or technologist or anybody in an organization who wrote a white paper that your company is circulating on its website or on social media and people are , are with interest in that are grabbing it , providing their email saying we'd love to hear more from your organization that's , that's raising awareness in the market .

People are being uh they're able to recognize your organization uh just as a result of the things that you are doing .

Are you , are you attracting customers ?

Now , there's a bridge here between market awareness and actual lead generation , but you might be an inside sales rep .

Uh You might be an outside sales rep calling out .

You might be an inside sales rep who's fielding phone calls when somebody's calling in to want to buy your product or service , uh you might be attracting them in many ways .

The , the example I just gave you about creating a white paper circulating it via social media .

That's customer attraction .

That's still a lead .

So there's many different ways that the lead can be generated .

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Do you have any involvement in doing that ?

What , what maybe you in a service capacity ?

What about customer happiness ?

Maybe something's broken .

Uh My barbecue grill .

I couldn't figure something out .

I have a brand new grill .

I couldn't figure something out .

I called Weber Grill .

Somebody picked up the phone , made me happy as a clam because she answered my , my question in a few seconds .

So maybe you're a call center rep .

Maybe you are uh a software engineer that fields , um you know , calls when uh your customers , your external customers call because their computer is broken .

Maybe you're somebody who um you know , works the phone system for his organization , who knows there's many different things that can be considered customer happiness , company growth .

Uh For all you senior folks out there .

Uh Maybe you are uh managing director or CEO or Cio or CXO or whoever CMO maybe you're positioning your company for an initial public offering an IP O uh Maybe you're , maybe you're actually uh getting it ready for a merger or an acquisition or a divestiture or anything of that nature .

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Maybe you're an accountant or a CFO who's making sure that the books look , absolutely .

Pristine .

That's what I'm talking about there .

So there's company growth .

Uh What about employee happiness ?

Are you in ?

Hr are you a recruiter ?

Are you a hiring uh official who manages people ?

What are you doing to raise the happiness of the individuals in your organization ?

Are you coaching them so that they're getting promoted ?

There is many , many extensions of employee happiness .

How about these cost reduction ?

I mean , that , that , that's like number two on the list .

If you , if you're generating revenue , awesome .

The next best thing is when you save the company money , there's many ways to save the money .

You could be an accountant who was tasked with reducing the number of days it takes to close the books each month and you dropped it from 10 to 5 that is saving your organization tons of money because it's probably a bunch of people's time , time who are spending five extra business days trying to close the books .

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We're not going to be here for long , use your fingertips behind you to push and lift your chest up .

So we're trying to work on tipping our pelvis forward and you might be able to kind of push into the floor leaning with a flat back .

So we're not going very far in our fold here .

We're just trying to lengthen through the spine , tipping the pelvis forward , getting into our hamstrings and let's come all the way up , tabletop hose on hands and knees , bring your palms underneath your shoulders , knees directly underneath your hips and we'll take cat and cow as you inhale , drop your belly , lift your gaze tailbone up .

Exhale round and contract , push the floor away from you and keep going here in and out of those two poses .

Try not to bend your elbows .

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Maybe you're an internal , maybe you're a project manager trying to optimize or run a project efficiently , that's going to optimize some business processes or implement a technical solution that's gonna save money .

Uh These go hand in hand , any kind of process efficiency leads to cost reductions .

So in my opinion , use these eight components and there's others , but these are , these are kind of the great eight , these are what I call golden .

These are bullet worthy , ok ?

So these are the whats now if you want to get into the questions ?

So every time I look at a resume , I think to myself , as I start to read , there's certain questions that I have about any topic that somebody is sharing with me , any bullet point .

So here's what they are .

What's the benefit ?

This person did something ?

What was the benefit ?

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Did they increase something ?

Decrease something and so forth by how much ?

So what is the magnitude by which you crushed it ?

Did you decrease something so that you save money ?

Did you increase something that created opportunities or revenue or reinvestment dollars or whatever ?

So by how much from what to what ?

So give me a little context .

So was it a percentage ?

Uh if it was a percentage ?

Well , from what number to what number or from , from what group to what group ?

So from what to what ?

From when to when , how long did that actually take you to do that ?

That sounds impressive .

Uh If you took it , if it took you 10 years , that's one thing .

If it took you 10 days , that's a whole another thing by doing what , what did you actually do to achieve that benefit and for whom did it benefit ?

So who was the beneficiary of what you did ?

Somebody internally , somebody externally , maybe both .

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But you gotta let them know or let me know who did that or who it was , who it was for and then any additional context .

Is there any other color you can add so that I can get a better picture ?

Remember if you answer all seven of those or six or seven of those , depending on how you want to count .

You have given me a complete story .

It is a self contained unit .

It gives me a great mental picture of what you achieved .

Now , those are the questions that most people will have .

I realize you might not be able to answer all of them in every single bullet that you type .

But the more you can , the better off you are .

And here's a sample bullet from somebody that was in my resume program .

I actually think this was an accountant of all things .

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So in his case , he increased the contract sales by 118% .

If he would have left me there and not said from 328 to 7 18 , I would say I would have a question .

Did you raise it from $100 to $218 ?

That's not nearly as impressive as , you know , a $400,000 whatever .

That is .

3 90 uh you know , more than double big numbers .

Lots of zeros .

That is , that is a , that's a , that is magnitude , that's results .

So you , you can't just say I raised it by 100% because I don't know what 100% is , is that $1 to $2 ?

So that , so I love that from when to when over a two year span , it took him two years .

Ok .

That's cool .

If he would have said between 2016 and 2017 , that would have been cool too .

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Uh Sometimes people love to show if they've done something of huge value in down markets .

So when people say , uh you know , I was the top grossing sales person between 2008 and 2010 and I helped double my company's uh revenue .

I'm thinking that is one awesome sales person .

So , you know , it it depends .

But he , he gave me the time frame .

So he was able to grow it by 100 and 18% over a two year period .

That's way better than over a five year period when you're growing at 15% by doing what he had to develop a regional contract program .

Basically , he was standardizing the programs that they were using and it was making it easier for them to market those programs in this field .

He was in the health care space uh for whom .

So the program managers were benefiting because they had a better vehicle to use to sell his company .

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Obviously , this is implied , was benefiting because they're generating more dollars and candidly , the customers are also probably benefiting because they're using this company services and this company knows what they're doing and he gave us additional context .

So he showed the impact internally of just the number of accounts that it took to grow .

But you can see , even though he only grew the number of accounts by 32% the dollars per account were growing substantially .

That is a beautiful bullet .

I mean , it's just he hits them all .

Here's another one , this woman uh she was a business or is a business analyst , uh created the resume and got a job right away .

So we love those success stories .

She reduced the number of custom reports from 100 and 68 to 12 by reevaluating business needs and modernizing technology .

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Maybe your toes stay down on the floor for support .

Maybe they go up to the calf or maybe they go up to the inner thigh .

Just make sure you're not putting direct pressure on your knee here .

Try to avoid your kneecap , either above or below lengthen your tailbone down .

Draw your belly in and think of pushing that left knee open , hug everything in towards the midline hands at your heart .

So moving is totally normal .

Swaying is normal .

It's pretty much impossible to be completely still in a balancing pose .

And if you fall out , it's no big deal .

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This reduced customer uh call center or customer center call times by 33% from 9 to 6 minutes , increasing customer service level , so on and so forth .

So you get the point here .

The benefit is she she led with the benefit , reduced number of custom reports .

Ok , great .

By how much by a ton this , these are call center reps that we're having to fish through many , many reports .

Have you ever been on the phone ?

And you're calling somebody and you're asking them a simple question and they have to look at eight reports to triangulate just the piece of information that you need to get .

That just happened to me the other day .

It's nerve wracking .

So I know exact , I'm living this bullet as I'm reading what she's telling me .

And I'm thinking , ok , well , she didn't put , she didn't put the time frame .

That would have been wonderful .

Although I , I think , you know what I did when I didn't see that was , I looked at , how long was she at the position where she put this bullet ?

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Lift and exhale , tip forward until you're about parallel to the ground .

Keep your hips squared , push into the feet , lift on up .

This is contracting and strengthening our hamstrings and spine .

Last one , you're gonna hold this one and maybe you stay where you are or you might want to fold all the way down , maybe by bringing your fingertips to the floor or holding onto your shin , you can absolutely bend a little bit too in your front knee .

If the legs are feeling quite stiff , try to relax your neck into our pyramid pose , still squaring off the hips .

And we're coming from here into our runner's lunch .

So you might need to widen your stance a little bit .

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So I , I knew I could take a guess , but I had a sense but it would have been nice if she would have put the time frame .

What did she do ?

She looked at the business processes , she figured out what those call center reps needed in the way of aggregating the information so that they can respond to the customer's queries and they implemented a different reporting structure to take the data from the database and populate it differently so that the call center rep could see it in substantially fewer reports .

I get that and we know that the call center reps are happy because they're getting to the stuff faster .

They're able to field more calls .

The customers are happy because I'm not hanging on the phone for 10 minutes .

I only need to stay on the phone for a few minutes .

So this is really , really good .

Now , I could go on all day and I , I haven't looked at the chat because I don't , I don't like to do that while I'm , while I'm , uh , I'm going through this .

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But if you've got questions and you just can't seem to figure out well , how am I gonna to articulate it ?

Or here's my role , just throw them in the chat .

We'll have a little talk about this .

That's what it's there for .

All right here .

This is what I get a lot of though .

And I , I always like , you know , and I told you this , uh , I tell you this in all my videos and I told you this yesterday , we always want to talk about what not to do .

And I always want as much as I can wanna to illustrate some bad uh bad bullets that I see .

But I see this a ton , I see this a ton and let me know , you know , raise your hand if you feel like you're guilty , but these are common mistakes .

I'm responsible for sales support .

That's great .

What does that entail ?

I bet that's about 25 activities .

So let me know , give me , paint me a picture , paint me a picture .

Help the sales team .

How did you do that ?

How did you do that ?

So , you might notice a difference here .

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You see how these bullets are really short and the bullets back here are long .

I would rather you have three bullets for your job for five years than to have 10 bullets that look like this .

That tell me nothing .

So when you're talking about and looking at length of bullet versus quality versus brevity , trust me , when I tell you if I see responsible for sales support , I've got a ton of questions and what's likely gonna happen .

Thanks to your short bullet is I'm not gonna return .

I'm not gonna call you .

I'm not gonna call you back .

I'm not gonna email you back or I'm gonna skip it if it's in the A TS system .

Here's another one .

Help sales team .

How did you do that ?

Perform clerical activities ?

Initiated a task force .

We , we did somebody's resume the other day , initiated a task force .

They didn't tell us what the task force did .

They told us how many people were in the task force .

Here's another one .

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Bend your knees , hold onto the elbows and just sway a little and release your hands down towards the mat , bend your knees generously and roll all the way up , inch by inch , pushing into your heels until you're in your mountain pose to Dana and we'll find tree pose on the second side .

So this time you're balancing and standing on your left leg and left foot , bring your right foot somewhere along the inside of that leg .

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Manage 10 people supervise 10 people So what I wanna know how many of those 10 people have been with you for how many years and did they get promoted ?

And uh you , you've got to show evidence of what it is that you're doing from a value added standpoint .

If you are managing people , you are doing a number of things , you are doing a number of things to make sure that your unit is rising and contributing or you're , and you're mentoring those people so that they are rising individually .

So these are , these are things to keep in mind .

Try to answer as many of the seven questions as you can .

If you don't answer all of them , it's not the end of the world , but I want you to know that's what's going through people's heads , that's what's going through people's heads .

So here are , here's kind of a general list of absolutely .

Do Notts a absolutely do not .

This is across the board .

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Do not start your sentence with anything other than an action verb .

With the exception of the career profile , you know , education and all those .

But in the career profile , it's a little more of a storyboard .

So it's OK .

But you should be increase , decrease , supported , added what , whatever action verbs , action verbs , never , ever , ever , ever use vague terms .

Don't tell me you did it and there were several of them or you increased it many or you did various activities or anything of that nature .

As soon as you tell me various , I'm gonna say how many , how many take your best guess if you cannot remember if you cannot remember .

By the way , I just so I don't forget this point .

There is some of you might be saying , Annie , man , that's really hard .

I don't have all that information .

It's hard to remember .

I understand that .

I understand that .

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But there is a uh a journal , a checklist that I have that you can have for free .

It's called the Career Achievement Journal .

There are 14 pieces of information that you should collect for every project that you do .

Every single project .

The project could be a day long or it could be a month or a year .

But each time you have a major activity or project , you should jot this down kind of in my journal format .

It's a PDF that you can just , just go and Google Career Achievements Journal .

Uh We , we discovered yesterday and I think this happened to us a few times before we can't put links , youtube for some reason , doesn't let us put links in the live .

Can't uh maybe I'll add it to the description afterwards but grab the Career Achievements Journal so you can keep track of this stuff going forward and you can use it to think back but don't use vague terms .

Never same as many nevers don't include an opinion .

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So if you think you're a good leader , no one cares , you think that uh I read , read a resume the other day .

I'm considered one of the best .

I'm considered one of the top in the industry by whom .

So you have to be very specific and what you want to do is show evidence of why you are a great leader or why you're considered one of the best .

But don't make that statement in your resume .

You want factual data or at least statements that can be substantiated with the words you're using on the paper , you're not there to explain it .

Don't cite awards alone .

I can't tell you how many resumes I see that say President's Award top seller , it doesn't tell anything .

Well , uh the President's Award out of how many people were you the top sales person out of 100 or two ?

So you know , what did you , what I wanna know is what did you do to win that award ?

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If you wanna tell me , you want an award , throw it at the very end of the sentence because that's not the lead .

The fact that you won the award is not the lead .

People think that that's what makes the resume look impressive .

No , that's great that you won that award .

I don't have any context of what that award means while I'm sitting reviewing your resume .

So just make sure context is king .

Don't use numbers without context .

If you tell me you grew up by 100 and 50% .

We talked about this .

A few slides back .

I don't know what 100 and 50% is .

So , I don't know if I should be impressed or not .

Do you know anything ?

Just , just try to stay away from generalities or anything that requires additional context under no circumstances .

Should you ever use first or third person pronouns or anything ?

Like I my , we in a resume , you don't need it .

You can structure the sentences without it .

It looks terrible .

Save it .

Save it for your bio .

Uh Don't use acronyms .

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I don't care if everybody in the health care space knows what a CD IE is or cied or whatever it is , you know , make sure that you spell out the words and you can use the little parentheses and create the acronym so you can save some real estate going forward .

But don't assume that the person who's reading it knows what you're talking about knows what you're talking about .

I couldn't tell you how many times , you know , I've , I've reached to go to Google to look at the acronym and then thought to myself .

No , I'm , I'm not gonna go out with this resume because they're making me Google every other sentence .

And so , and , and I'm , and I work , I've recruited for over 200 companies and consulted for a lot and I , I have a pretty good vocabulary .

Just don't do that and you might be wanting to change careers or shift um industries and the people on the other end , on the receiving end won't know what you're talking about .

So you just want to be really careful .

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And obviously we're gonna have a healthy Q and A just like we did yesterday .

But as I mentioned , this is part of my boot camp .

So one thing that I wanna do uh before we hop over is I just want to show you the boot camp for about quick two minutes .

And because you guys are special guests and you were here on you and only you and it was a real hit yesterday .

Uh And I've got two special uh special offers for you , but I wanna show you this uh this boot camp .

Now on , on this page , this is the program overview I mentioned it's a five session program .

The sessions are live and there's a schedule but there's also an on demand version which is already recorded for you and the live sessions , your live sessions will also be recorded for you .

So the first session is all about your headline , your elevator pitch , your why your needs and getting clarity around the questions .

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You need to ask the employers to know whether the employer will satisfy your needs .

This is a huge , huge effort .

Actually , in that first session , I give the boot campers an Excel spreadsheet with something like 90 rows in it as a starting point for them to use to develop their needs and their questions .

It's gold .

They can chisel out whatever they don't want .

But it is an awesome jump starter .

It's really , really a great session .

The second session you got a little taste of what's in there .

That was a , it's a two hour and 15 minute session .

That's all on marketing .

So it's not just the resume .

I go into all the cover letters you need , I show you exactly how to use them what to do , what to say , how to write them for different occasion .

Whether you're just job changing , whether you're applying for an opportunity that is not publicly advertised , whether you're switching queers , any of that stuff .

I do a great linkedin demo .

I show you all the backdoor stuff .

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I show you how to elevate your uh self in the search engine results .

It's really fun .

And then if you attended yesterday's session about why your job search has taken so long .

This third boot camp session is all about the job hunt , all the activities you should be doing the planning .

What those specific activities are , everything from how to research companies , how to look for publicized and non publicized opportunities , how to network , how to target , how to build network maps , how to apply , how to submit your resume .

We go into the applicant tracking system and all that good stuff .

And then the fourth session is on interviewing a lot of , you know , me from interview intervention .

I literally literally wrote the book on interviewing .

More than 100,000 people have that book .

It's a , it , this is like interview intervention on steroids all in one session .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

It's a couple of hours on everything you need to do from prepping for the interview , getting ready , analyzing the company , getting ready for all the questions you're gonna be asked how you tell your stories and how you interrogate the employer , how you , how you sell yourself how you close and all that good stuff .

And then I have a whole session on negotiating .

I have negotiated more than $90 million in salaries in my life .

And most of , and , and I think of across , across all the people , nearly 600 people , there's been almost a $10,000 pay increase from , from our negotiating efforts on average .

So I give you all the tactics , all the techniques , the psych , the psychology behind it .

We talk about not just the negotiation itself but how you position yourself along the way , how you , how you handle all the questions along the way and what to do .

And so you can also take a dive in to see what the program looks like .

You got a bunch of enrollment perks .

I give you , I , I mail you a book .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

It's really kind of neat stuff .

This here starting uh next Wednesday .

There's a live session that runs two weeks between the 17th and the 31st of January .

You can see all those sessions are at six o'clock if you can attend them .

Great .

They're live .

They're kind of like this .

They're just for a much more private group and we go into much , much more detail .

Those are all recorded as soon as it's done .

I put it in your portal .

The program is $497 .

And for that , you not only get the sessions and all the templates and all the techniques and all that good stuff .

But you get access to all the mile walk academy programs .

That's the ultimate professional resume , the interview intervention course , the ultimate career course , those courses have bite size videos .

So if you want to watch little individual lessons that encapsulate a lot of the boot camp teaching , you can leverage the course is to do that .

Plus you get some ongoing coaching , you get uh three more months of coaching for me .

Plus you get access to all of the coach tests .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

That's my monthly coaching membership .

All the archives for that are in there and you can go and watch those .

All .

You want .

Every thing I offer , every single thing I offer is 100% guaranteed .

You can try it out for 30 days if you don't like it for whatever reason , whether it's sane or crazy , it doesn't matter .

I don't ask any questions .

I give your money back .

If you're an existing student , I have a trade up program .

So if you've paid , you know , 100 and $47 or 100 and $97 for a program , you just pay the difference .

So if you paid 100 and $97 for something , you now pay $300 for this to get yourself up to 4 97 because I , I wanna make sure that I'm making this as easy as possible for you to enroll , but here's something else .

And I had a , um , I wanna , but I wanna , I wanna look in , in the baby blues to , uh , to tell you this .

So here you go .

Here , I'm back .

So I have two other two other things I want to throw at you .


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