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2023-07-17 08:43:27

Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class for Beginners

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Start in mountain pose , place your feet together in parallel arms resting alongside your body , draw the shoulders back and away from the ears , relax your neck .

Let the feet root down into the ground .

Tone , the belly drawing it in slightly .

The neck is long .

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The crown of the head rises toward the sky and the shoulder blades slide down the back on an inhale .

Circle your arms overhead , stretch your body upward and elongate the spine .

Exhaling slowly hinge forward at your waist , bending the knees as you go touch the ground with your fingertips or rest your arms on your shins , inhaling , straighten the legs and lift the chest up .

Extend the spine .

Exhale as you bend the knees and step back with your right leg .

Place the knee on the ground foot flat on the mat , bring the hands to your front knee , relax the shoulders and square the hips forward .

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Open your arms to the side , palms facing upward .

Keep breathing here .

Now reach your arms up alongside your ears , palms , facing each other .

Exhale , bring your fingertips to the floor , step your back foot forward , inhale , rise up to a standing position , straighten the legs as you reach high arms over head , exhale , release the arms inhale , circle your arms out and up .

Exhale , bend the knees as you dive forward , fingertips are touching the mat .

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Inhale , lift the chest straight spine and legs exhale , bend the knees again .

Step your left foot back , bringing the knee to the floor .

Inhale , bring your hands to your front knee , turn the hips straight forward .

Keep breathing , open your arms to the side , turn the palms upward .

Now circle the arms up , keeping them parallel exhale , release the arms to the mat and step the back leg toward your arms on an inhale .

Lift the chest , elongate the spine .

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Now he'll tow your feet hip with the part and hug the elbows .

Come to a forward bend with your knees bent .

Adjust yourself shifting from side to side and then try to pull your elbows closer to the earth or simply rest here observing the sensations in your lower back .

Exhaling , release the arms , place them on your hips and raise all the way up .

Moving into a slight back bend to compensate the bend .

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Return to inhaling , bring the arms up over the head .

Exhaling , bend the knees and fold forward at your waist .

Bring your head to your knees .

Inhale , lift the chest straight spine and legs , exhale , step back into high plank position , drop the knees on the mat , then lower your whole upper body down .

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Inhaling gently , rise up to baby cobra press your palms down , elbows under your shoulders , draw the shoulders back , exhale lower to the earth , then push your hips up and back .

While moving into downward facing dog , fully ground through your palms , spread the fingers and walk your legs a few times .

Bend the right knee and sink the left heel toward the ground .

Now , bend your left knee and lower the right heel down .

Repeat this a few times now , straighten your legs elongate your spine and take the last breath and downward dog .

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With the next exhale step or walk your feet to your arms .

Inhale , lift the chest long spine , exhale , fold at your waist , bending the knees a little with the next inhale , reach the arms up and overhead while stretching the whole body upward .

Exhale , returned to mountain bows .

Inhaling , bring the arms overhead exhale , dive forward , holding at the waist , keep the knees straight or bend them .

If that feels more comfortable inhale , lift the chest up .

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Exhale , step back into plank poses , then lower all the way to the mat .

First the knees , then the chest inhale , raise the upper body into cobra straightening the arms as much as possible , but not all the way exhale .

Move to downward dog , root your palms into the ground , push your hips up and back and elongate the spine .

Take an inhale .

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And with the next exhale step , the right foot forward to your right palm , bring the left heel to the earth rise up , moving to warrior one first , bring the arms to your hips , adjusting your torso and hips so that they're pointed forward .

Now , raise the arms up , overhead palms parallel while gazing straight forward as you exhale , release the arms onto the mat .

Moving into downward facing dog , take a few restoring breaths here before you switch sides .

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On the next exhalation step , the left foot forward to your left palm , ground the right heel down , slowly rise up , bringing your arms to the hips , gently , rotate your hips and torso until they point forward .

Then bring the arms overhead exhale , release the arms to the front of the mat and step back into downward dog .

Let's spend a few breaths here .

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Push through your arms straighten the legs and breathe on the next exhalation .

Step your feet together to the front of the mat .

Lift the chest , exhale , bend the knees as you fold at your waist with an inhale , raise the body up with the hands over the head .

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Exhale released to Ted Docia inhale , raise the arms up , lengthen the whole body upward , exhale as you hinge forward , bring your fingertips to the floor .

Inhaling , lift your chest halfway .

Exhaling , step back into high plank and lower yourself to the earth .

Look slightly ahead of your palms .

So your neck is aligned with your spine .

Inhale upward facing dog .

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Notice an upward facing dog , the thighs are lifted .

While in cobra , the body rests on the mat , exhale , push your hips up and back into downward facing dog straighten the legs , take an inhale .

And as you exhale , step your right foot forward , square your hips and raise your arms overhead to war your one pose .

No exhaling , stretch your arms out to the sides and rotate your hips .

Warrior two , drop your shoulders and reach your arms in opposite directions .

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Breathe , exhaling .

Reverse the warrior , lower the left arm to your thigh while stretching the other up and overhead , turn your right palm toward the earth and try to gaze up at it from underneath , gently , rotate the torso upward and sink lower if possible breathe .

Um On your next exhalation , come back to Warrior two , circle your hands down , step back into plank poses , then lower the whole body to chatter .

Keeping it off the ground .

Pull the abdominal muscles in keeping your body in a straight line from your heels to the top of your head .

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Inhale upward , facing dog or cobra exhale , press the hips back downward , dog .

Let's take a few restoring breaths here .

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Now the other side step the left foot forward , turn the back heel down , line up your heels , reach the arms up front , knee bent warrior one exhale , extend your arms to the sides , drop the shoulders down , turn the hips to the side of the mat and tuck your pelvis in warrior two .

Exhale .

Reverse Warrior , lower your right arm to your thigh and stretch your left arm up and overhead gaze up at your left palm .

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Yeah .

Exhaling .

Returned to Warrior two .

Now circle the arms down to the mat and take from high plank .

Lower your body down with inhale .

Lift your chest up into upward facing dog .

Exhale , press your palms deeply into the mat while moving into downward dog .

Let's take a few restoring breaths and downward dog .

Yeah .

With the next exhale , bring your gaze forward and step your feet to your arms .

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Inhale , lift the chest flat back , exhale , standing forward , bend , ok .

On an inhale , rise up with a flat back and reach the arms up toward the sky .

Exhale .

Release to mountain poses inhaling , reach the arms up , exhaling , keep the spine straight and bring the palms down to your feet , folding at your waist .

Inhaling open the chest up .

Exhale , step back to high plank lower to chat .

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Keep your body straight and come down in one piece .

The whole body stays off the ground .

On an inhale , shift your upper body slightly up and forward into upward facing dog exhale , curl your toes under as you move to downward dog , take an inhale and as you exhale , step the right foot forward , raise the arms overhead into warrior .

One bombs are parallel and facing each other .

Exhale , extend your arms out to the sides and Warrior two pull the shoulders away from the ears , stretching the arms in opposite directions .

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Gaze through your extended right arm on the next exhalation , bring your right elbow to your thigh and stretch the left arm out and overhead gently try to rotate your torso outward while keeping the breathing even and steady .

Look down to your front foot and rise up to warrior 21 more time from there , circle your arms to the front of the mat and take exhaling step back into high plank and lower yourself to the earth .

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Inhale upward , facing dog exhale downward , facing dog with the next exhalation step , the left foot forward to your left palm and rise up to warrior .

One arms are extended in parallel gaze forward .

Breathe on an exhale , stretch the arms wide , coming into Warrior two , bring your gaze through the left arm , tuck your pelvis in and if your body allows sink a little lower breathe , now , lower your left elbow to the thigh and extend the right arm up and overhead and extended side angle poses .

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Keep bending your front knee , rise up , return to Warrior two , then take him in , circle your arms to the front of the mat .

Plan to chat inhale upward .

Facing dog exhaled downward , dog spend a few breaths here making your breathing slow and even elongate the spine .

Keep the legs straight with an exhale .

Step forward to your hands .

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Inhale , lift the chest halfway up on an exhale , fold at your waist with your palms down beside your feet forward , fold , inhaling , rise up and lift the arms toward the sky lengthen up through the fingertips and the crown of the head exhaling return to mountain pose .


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