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2023-07-18 12:44:08

1 Hour Hatha Yoga For Beginners At Home

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Are you new to yoga ?

Great .

This is yoga for beginners .

Welcome to Fight Master Yoga .

It's time to give yourself a little love in this class .

We're gonna focus on breath , stretch , the hamstrings and twist to keep your spine nice and healthy .

You will need a pillow or a folded blanket to sit on .

Subscribe to this channel because I want you to start your yoga journey .

Now , my name is Leslie Fightmaster .

I'm a certified yoga teacher trainer .

So don't worry , you're in good hands .

Let's get started , right ?

Welcome to yoga for beginners .

So today we'll start just sitting up with the shins crossed and we're sitting up on the edge of a pillow to just lengthen the spine a little bit , helps to lift the hips and let the knees go lower .

So when we're sitting , most of us , when we sit , you know , the knees are higher than the hips , right ?

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So if we sit on something a little bit , it helps to like I could even benefit from sitting on two pillows so that my hips were a little bit higher , but this is better than no pillows .

So just rest the hands on the legs and close your eyes for a moment and start to take some nice long smooth breaths .

So wherever possible , breathe in and out through your nose .

If you are congested at all , please breathe through your mouth .

But otherwise in and out through the nose and try and keep your inhales and your exhales equal in length .

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And as you're just starting to settle in here , becoming aware of your breath , find the point in your sitting bones that are connecting down to the floor of the pillow and start to bring attention there so that you're very heavy and connected almost as if there's something pulling you down toward the center of the earth because actually there is , it's called gravity .

So working with that gravity to feel very heavy in the hips and the legs and that gives us stability .

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And now from that stable place , start to sit up a little bit taller and widen across the collarbones and gently lift the chest and then bring your hands together in front of your heart .

We'll just set an intention for our practice today .

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So may our intention , may our practice help us to move the energy through the body so that we have energy for whatever the day brings , helping us to achieve whatever comes our way , staying grounded and connected with the breath and then add any intention that you would like and then to release the hands and let your eyes softly blink open and now we're just going to move these pillows off to the side and come onto our backs and either you'll extend your legs out and let your feet flip open if that's comfortable .

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But if it bothers your lower back , then take your knees and , or take your feet to the floor and bend your knees and that'll keep the lower back more comfortable .

And now we're just gonna do a little bit of breathing here because that's really the important part of our yoga practice is making sure that we stay connected with our breath .

And in this kind of yoga , this is the flow yoga .

So we do what's called breathing .

So with breathing , there's a little constriction in the back of the throat .

So we'll practice this together .

So first exhale everything out and then take it , take a long in , inhale through the nose and now exhale out of your mouth as if you're fogging a mirror .

Great .

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And then again , inhale through the nose , aha fog in the mirror and then keep fogging the mirror , but close your mouth and then inhale through the nose , keeping that little constriction in the back of the throat .

Exhale through the nose as if you're foggy in the mirror , but your mouth is closed .

So the breathing is in and out through the nose .

But there's a little bit of constriction that constriction helps to warm the body from the inside .

And it also gives us something for our minds to focus on good .

So just take a couple of long breaths .

Mhm Great .

And now from here just start to engage your leg muscles and take your feet about hips with a part and point your toes right up to the sky .

So flex the ankles good .

Great .

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Now draw your lower belly in and up and then as you inhale , reach your arms up and over in line with your ears and stretch them toward the back of the space .

But have your palms face each other .

Great .

Now , let your shoulder blades relax a little and notice if your rib cage popped up when you reached the arms up .

So if you can soften your lower ribs down a little .

Yes .

Good .

It's up and down , just a little cut and then next inhale , bring the arms back down by your sides and exhale your good .

And let's do that again .

Inhale , reach the arms up and over .

Mhm .

So we're gonna watch for the rib cage to try not to pop it out .

Draw it back in .

Also lengthen the sitting bones toward the heel .

So the lower back doesn't over ach good and then bring the arms back down by your sides .

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Exhaling great .

Now bend your knees , take your feet onto the map and walk your heels in .

So they're right under the knees good and make sure the outer edges of the feet are parallel .

So toes will point in just a little bit toward each other .

So the heels out .

Yeah .

Toes in and we're gonna do the same thing .

But first pull your belly in and gently lift your hip bones towards your lower ribs .

Yes .

And then press down into the heels and inhale .

Now , lift your hips low back , reach your arms up and over and stretch .

Uh-huh .

Then reach sitting bones toward heels , keep lifting hip bones toward lower ribs and then exhale , bring the arms back down as you lower down a vertebra at a time , get we're gonna do that again .

So as you inhale , you'll reach up and over with the arms as you come up , lifting hips and low back , maybe mid back , stretching through the arms .

But let your shoulder blades relax .

Yes .

Exhale .

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Take the arms down and lower vertebra by vertebra .

Great , press down into the heels again .

Inhale , lift , reaching the arms up and over .

Quit sitting bones toward backs of knees and exhale arms back down and lower .

Great .

Last one .

Inhale .

Press into the heels and lips stretching out the whole front of the body trying to spiral the thighs in toward each other .

Uh-huh .

And then he will take the arms back down and lower .

Good .

Now , hug your knees into your chest , just hug the knees in good rock a little side to side .

Now keep your right knee hugging into your chest , but extend your left leg straight onto the mat good and just give it a little hug .

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Start to circle your right ankle in one direction it , and circle it in the other direction .

Get , and then as you inhale , start to extend the right leg up toward the ceiling and hold on behind the thigh or you can hold closer to the ankle .

Yeah .

And try and flex that ankle .

Uh-huh and press right up into my hand good .

And we'll keep these toes pointed up toward the ceiling .

Good .

Let's go a little bit that way .

Uh-huh .

And breathe here for three breaths .

So stretching out the , the hamstrings is not always the most comfortable thing when they're a little bit stiff too and one release it get so extend that leg all the way out on to the map and hug your left knee into your chest and then start to circle your left ankle in one direction .

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Get my little circles and the other way , it doesn't look like breakfast here , does it ?

And then inhale , start to extend the leg up toward the ceiling .

Great .

Hold on behind the thigh or down with the calf , whatever is comfortable .

I'm gonna try to press it right up into my hand .

Yep .

So straightening out the knee as much as you can without it being too uncomfortable .

Good .

Mhm .

Now , check in with your breath .

See if you can continue that nice breath .

Great with every inhale .

Maybe extend the leg up a little bit more with every exhale , release shoulders , release jaw .

Mhm One more breath here and really sit .

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So extend it back out next to the right leg and then let's hug the right knee again into the chest .

This time , we'll hold it just with the right hand on the shin .

Mhm And then take your left hand on top of your left thigh .

Yes .

So the left hand on top of the left thigh is gonna remind that hip to stay grounded down as you exhale , start to open the right leg to the right .

So we take it out this way .

Uh-huh .

So now we'll start to get into the outer hip , inner thigh a little as we keep the left hip down good and take a few breaths here .

Remember to relax any tension , especially around the neck and shoulders , the jaw , look at take one more long breath here and then inhale , bring the leg through center .

Now switch hands .

So you'll hold it with your left hand on the shin and then exhale , bring it across your body .

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So you'll twist .

So take it across as much as what's comfortable .

Mhm As you're taking it over to the side , look over your right shoulder and as the knee goes over to the left , try and turn your belly up toward the ceiling .

Mhm Yeah .

So the bottom side of the torso is going one direction and then above the waist kind of staying moving toward the other direction .

Good and twisting is great for keeping the spine healthy because after the second decade of life , which I know you guys haven't reached yet .

I haven't either .

But after that , the spine doesn't make its own fluid .

So the only way we can keep it lubricate is we have to move it .

Plus these are good for digestion .

So it goes , well , I'll talk about that on the other side .

So I don't keep you too long and he'll make your way back to center .

Good .

Now , let's extend the leg up one more time toward the ceiling .

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We'll stretch out the hamstrings again because I know those things can get real tight , especially if you sit in chairs a lot .

You guys sit in chairs editing .

Yes .

So when we sit in chairs , the backs of the legs get very tight and the lower back starts to kind of get a little bit cranky .

So these stretches are very good for this too .

Got one more breath here .

Excellent .

And then release this .

So I'll just extend that leg back out and hug the left knee into the chest and I will hold it just with the left hand and place your right hand on top of your right thigh .

Good .

Inhale here , exhale , open it to the left .

So just start to take it out to the side and just take it out any amount so that you feel a stretch .

You don't ever have to go deeply into stretches .

It's not a contest .

Did you guys see the , um , the trophy as you walked into the yoga space today ?

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No , there because you would have won , but there's no trophy because it's not a contest about who can do it .

The best yoga is the latest about your body .

Here you go .

Ok .

Great .

And then come back to center as you inhale and now we'll switch hands so we'll hold it with your right hand and take it across and twist .

So as you take the knee over to the right side , turn to look over the left shoulder unless it bothers the neck and then try and turn your belly up toward the ceiling as best you can get .

So with the digestion , the way that things move through the intestine is goes up the a sending colon on the right , then across the transverse , then down and out to the de sending colon on the left .

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So when you're twisting , if you twist one way , well to the , to the left side first , then that's the ace and in colon and then you twist to the other side and it moves with the digestion pattern .

So that's why twists are good for digestion .

Take one more breath here it and then come back to center , inhale and exhale one more time .

We'll extend the leg up toward the ceiling , holding on behind the thigh or down by the calf .

Yep .

Stretch it out .

We're working on those hamstrings .

Good .

Mhm .

Three breaths and two and one release the leg and then hug both knees into your chest again , I'm gonna show you how to come to seated very safely .

So from this position , roll to your right side .

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Mhm All the way on to your right side .

Now you're gonna use your left hand onto the floor to start to press up but let your head come up last .

So as you press yourself up , it's kind of like you come up , you walk yourself up and then you turn to face front .

So that way a lot of times we'll do things where we're not really being mindful and we just getting up and that , that's when injuries happen .

So everything we wanna be mindful and then let's come on to hands and knees with wrists , under shoulders and knees and hips and we'll still move the spine a little bit here .

So spread out your fingers press into the base of the fingers and oh , ok .

That works for you .

OK .

Good .

Thanks for letting me know .

And then as you inhale , bring your chest forward , lift your chin and tail bone up , draw shoulder blades toward the waist .

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Great exhale round the back , pull your belly in and up to come toward chest .

Good again , inhale to come forward .

So as you're arching your lower back , keep a little lift in the belly .

Yeah .

And then exhale round the back , chin to chest and now pull your ribs and belly in a lot good .

Again , inhale , come forward , bring your chest forward , shoulder blades toward the waist and exhale round in the back , chin to chest good .

And one more time in he forward , lift the chin and tail bone up shoulder blades toward the waist and exhale to around the back good and now come to neutral .

Let's move your knees in just a tiny bit closer to each other .

And then gonna step from here , your right foot forward between your hands .

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So if you want more padding on your left knee , you can put that pillow , the ground isn't too hard .

But if anyone needs more padding , pad it up .

Ok ?

So from here we bring the right foot forward and then if we need padding , we'll put it underneath the left knee and let's tuck the back to his end .

Ok ?

So here we go .

Hands are hip , shoulders , distance apart and step the right foot between the hands .

Yeah .

And tuck your back toes under and just rest your hands on top of your right leg .

So then if you feel like this is too much on the knee , then you can always slide your pillow under .

Good .

So make sure this knee is over the ankle .

Ok ?

So without sinking forward yet , pull your right hip back and start to lift your hip bones up toward your lower ribs .

Imagine you have like a , a nice corset .

It's not like a mean corset , but something that's pulling you into center and then reach arms up , inhale palms facing each other .

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Remember how the ribs like to pop out .

So draw them back in and then as you exhale , as you pull the right hip back , you can start to sink forward any amount .

The more you sink forward , of course , the more you'll feel sensation in that leg .

So let's walk this foot up a little bit .

Maybe it's a here actually .

So as you sink forward , if your knee starts to go past your ankle , then you wanna walk the foot forward .

Good .

So reaching up nice and tall and turn these triceps forward good and take three long breaths .

Great .

And two and then keep in the same position .

Take your arms out to a t inhale , exhale , bring your left arm forward and reach your right arm back the other , the other left .

Yeah , I always get my left and right confused by the way , that's good .

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Whatever works .

I , you know , my left and right .

You , you've watched , you know how I struggle , who knew that was gonna be such a thing ?

And now lean your torso forward .

So reach , reach , reach toward the front of your map , bend your left elbow and rest it on your leg .

Make a fist with your left hand and wrap it with the right and twist good .

You got it .

So if we bring this arm across , make a fest , wrap it and twist .

Yeah , you got it good .

So the trick here is to try to twist from above your waist and to not fall over .

Take one more breath here .

Great and come back to center release .

Bring your hands down and come to table .

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I know it's the little things you're like , wait , how do , how does that work ?

All right .

And then we'll step the left foot up .

So anyway , you can get it there .

Just make sure you step it all the way to where the hands were and then you can come up and rest hands on leg .

So , if I had yoga blocks today , I might have , you have your hands on the yoga blocks .

That's another way to do it .

But since we don't , we'll do this .

If you tuck your back toes under , sometimes it feels more stable for some and then back out of the pose , a little , lift your hip bones towards your lower ribs , put on your imaginary friendly corset and then inhale , reach up with palms facing each other .

Great .

So the triceps will spin forward and that's good for the shoulders to keep them safe .

Exhales starts to sink in any amount .

Yes .

Good .

Now , make sure as you're sinking in that you can still keep a nice steady breath .

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If you lose your breath , you might be going too deep , you got to take another breath here and then inhale , bring the arms out to a t exhale .

Right arm forward , left arm back .

Yes .

Good .

Keep pressing into the front heel .

Mhm .

Stretch out through the arms as if you're trying to reach both sides of the room .

Good .

So right now it's not so difficult to keep the hips level .

It's a little bit challenging , but in a moment , we're gonna make that more challenging .

So she can you drop in left hip down , pinning right hip in and maybe pulling the left hip back .

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But you guys look good then lean your torso forward over the leg , reach , make a fist with your right hand , bring it across and then wrap it with the left as you inhale , try and lengthen through the spine as you exhale , try and twist but from above the waist .

So the hips wanna go , they're like , hey , we want too , but really we want from above the waist because the lower back , the lumbar spine only has a little bit of rotation , relax their shoulders a little and breathe for three and to and one make your way back to center and then back to table .

Now , Melissa , do you do down dog like this too with your wrist up ?

It doesn't hurt them .

OK ?

If it works .

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So spread the fingers out here and then walk your hands about a handprint in front of where they just were good .

Now , start to turn your inner elbows forward toward the front of the map .

Press a little extra weight into the thumb , first finger side of the hands and then tuck the toes and lift up and back and keep your knees bent for this one .

Good .

So , go ahead and bend the knees even more and try to stick your hips way up into the air so that you're stretching out the back .

Sure .

That's ok .

Here you , have you ever tried it like this ?

You don't like it as much .

Well , the rings get in the way too too .

Yeah .

Doesn't feel .

Ok good .

Take a one more breath here and then let's come on to the knees and take the hips all the way back to the heels of this child's pose .

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So if your head rests on the mat , you can let it , if it doesn't , no worries , you can even rest your head on your hands .

Good .

OK .

We're gonna do the same thing .

So reach your arms forward , stretch them out .

So they're straight , spread your fingers out , start to press into the base of the fingers and then come up onto the knees , gently , turn the inner elbows forward , press more into the thumb , first finger side of the hand and then tuck the toes back into downward , facing down .

And then this time you can start to bi of the legs , so bend one knee and then the other .

So they start to stretch out a little good .

Yes .

Uh , make sure the outer edges of your feet are parallel .

Start to stretch back in your down dog and now pull your ribs and belly in .

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Yes .

Remember this forever .

Yes .

As you inhale , come forward into plank .

Top of a push up .

Yeah .

So all the way forward , try to get your hips and shoulders about in the same line .

Take a breath in , knees down , shift forward , hug the elbows in , exhale to the floor and bring your hands by your low ribs , press all 10 toenails down and he'll peel the chest up for a little cobra , dry your shoulder blades toward the waist .

And then as you exhale , tuck your toes come back to your knees and lift back in the down duck .

So we do down dog a lot because it helps to stretch out the spine .

So all day long , we're sitting , we're standing , we're walking , maybe running all of that compresses , the vertebra or vertebrae .

Take one more breath in , exhale everything out .

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Now look up your hands and start to walk the feet toward the hands .

You need to walk the hands back to the feet as many steps as you like , then bring your hands once you get up there to your shins and look up and lengthen your spine a lot .

Yep .

And now keep that length and fold forward any amount .

Now , press through the feet and with a really long spine come all the way up .

So halfway up , long spine , sweep the arms out around and up , pausing here at the top , making sure the ribs draw in and then exhale , bring the arms down .

So it's important when we're forward folding that we hinge from the hip creases .

So you really have to kind of stick your buns out a little bit to go forward and the hip hinge is not easy for everybody .

And unfortunately , Antonio for men , it's a little bit harder just the way that the pelvises are made between male and female .

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But if you think about so put your hands right here where your hip creases are a little bit lower .

So right about .

Yeah , right at the top of the thighs and then just poke there and see it from this place .

You can stick your buns back and start to come .

Yes .

And then you can reach your arms down toward the floor .

They don't have to touch good .

And then in hill hands to shins , look up and exhale , fall and inhale again , halfway up with a nice long spine and then sweep the arms out around .

Come all the way up and exhale , bring the hands down .

Good .

So come to the front of your map .

We're gonna stand in Dana , either with feet together or hip socket , distance apart .

So a little bit closer unless it doesn't feel stable for you .

Generally speaking , most people walk and stand with the feet turned out and it's you know , we're not paying attention .

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This is just how we do it .

Very few do this way , but it does happen .

But it's very important to keep the outer edges of the feet parallel .

Because if we're turning them out , we're externally rotating the leg .

When we externally rotate the thigh coming around to the back , it affects the lower back and compresses and tightens there .

So over time , if we're always , you know , walking like this , we're tightening our lower back .

So now , you know , when you're standing , when you're walking feet parallel and the outer edges of feet parallel , if I have my feet parallel , my toes are a little bit out , they might look parallel .

So for the outer edges of the feet to be parallel , I need to bring my big toes in just a little so that the pinky toe side of the foot is parallel to the outside of the map .

Does that makes sense ?

Ok .

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Start to press evenly down through the feet , then firm the leg muscles pull in the belly and lift the chest good and then inhale , sweep the arms up and then exhale .

Remember from that place , we're gonna hinge from the hips and fold forward all the way down .

Good .

Then inhale hands to shins come halfway up as you exhale , bend the knees , plant your palms and step 1 ft back and the other to the top of a push up to blink .

Yeah .

There you go take an inhale here .

So knees can be up or down and exhale will lower to the belly .

Yeah , then slide the hands by the low ribs again , uh inhale for cobra .

Now , if your back is ok with it , you can come up higher and then maybe press the thighs off the floor shoulders above the wrist .

Great .

And then you can set them back down a moment .

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Tuck the toes lift up and back to down dog .

And that is a sun citation good .

So we'll spread out the fingers , press into the base of the fingers for three breaths .

Keep stretching back good .

And to , I got , I do have to remember that the rest of my life .

I know when more long breath in exhale everything out , bend the knees , look up past the fingers and lightly step your feet toward your hands , then inhale , bring your hands to your shins and come halfway up length and , and then exhale , fold over the legs and amount , bend the knees as much as you need to press for the feet .

Inhale , come up with a nice long spine .

Look up lengthen and exhale my hands down Excell .

Let's do some standing poses .

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Let's turn and face the window and uh step your feet out nice and wide , probably wider than you think .

So , if you were to reach your fingertips down , they would touch your ankles and now let's turn the right leg all the way out and bring the back toes in a little , yeah , back toes .

Yep .

So if you were to draw a line , your front heel would line up with your back arch and then inhale here , exhale , start to bend your right knee over the ankle .

Good .

Now , with your right hand , take it to the inner thigh and brush it to the inner knee .

Hi and then make sure that that knee is right over your middle toes .

Now , swee your hand behind you to the top of your right hip and draw it under you good .

At the same time with your left hand , take it to your back , inner thigh and lift it up and press that thigh back .

Good zip in through the belly and then return your arms out .

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Gorgeous .

So nice .

Yes .

So this knee will move toward the little toe side of the foot to keep it safe .

Good job .

And then let's reverse .

We'll drop the left arm , reverse exhale , bend into the right knee .

Keep reversing , but straighten the leg , inhale , exhale here and then come on up .

Both legs are straight .

Now , we're gonna take triangle post from here .

We're gonna hinge again from that hip crease , but sideways .

So hinging from that hip crease , start to reach , reach , reach out as far as you can when you can't anymore .

Take the hand down wherever it falls and then stir it up through the top arm .

Good , beautiful .

You've got this press into the big toe mound of your right foot , press the calf toward the shin .

Mhm .

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Now , see if you can bring your bottom ribs forward , top ribs back .

Uh , if your neck is ok with it , you'll extend the crow of the head forward and then look up toward your top hand if that doesn't work for your neck .

No worries .

God .

Take one more breath here .

Mhm .

And now look down at your front foot and as if someone's pulling you from the top arm in hell to come up .

Good .

Release the arms in a moment , we'll give them a break and bring your feet to parallel .

And then we'll do the other leg , left leg from the hip all the way out , back toes in a little .

Yes .

Any way you like line up your front heel with your back arch .

Good .

Then in hell , we'll take the arms up , exhale , bend the knee over the ankle .

Good .

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Let's do maybe just a little bit longer stance .

So the deeper you go , you just want to make sure that the foot stays under the knee .

Yeah .

Then with your left hand , let's brush from the inner thigh to the inner knee .

So we're moving this knee toward the little toe side of the foot because it wants to go this way and we don't want it to , then we'll wrap it around to the top of the hip and draw that front hip under you good .

Now , with the other hand , we'll take the inner thigh , lift it up , bring it in front , press it back .

Yep .

Zip in the belly shoulders above hips and re add your arms .

Good .

So the gaze , a lot of all of our yoga poses have a gazing point or Arish .

It's over the front , fingertips , press that thigh back .

Yes .

Really good .

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And then I'm just gonna have you lean your shoulders back a little but do everything the same below the waist .

Yes .

Then rebind you got it .

And then holding here with the knee , drop the right arm , reverse exhale , bend into the front knee and then inhale it straighten it .

Stay for the exhale and come on up inhale , then triangle pose .

So again , both legs will be straight .

We're gonna hinge from this hip crease here .

So straight in the front leg and then lean , lean , lean , lean , lean when you can't lean anymore .

Take the hand down wherever it lands stretching up through the top arm , press down into the big toe mound of the left foot .

Press half to shin .

Say what you're gonna do .

Yeah , you'll keep just a little bit of softness , but I want you to work on the muscles .

Yeah .

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So it's almost like you're taking your leg to straight and then I'm like , I'm gonna bend my leg , but I'm not gonna let it bend and you kind of fight with yourself a little to get those muscles to engage .

Yeah , my head reaching forward , looking toward the top hand , if it's ok with the neck and then bottom ribs forward , top ribs back one more breath .

And now looking down to the foot as if someone's pulling you up , inhale , come on up .

Great .

Now I'll bring the feet to parallel , point your toes in just a little bit toward each other .

Yeah .

Bring your hands to the hips .

Inhale , open the chest and look up from the legs .

Exhale hinge from the hip .

So those hip creases going back from there and take fingertips down .

Mhm Good .

Then inhale come halfway up length in the spine .

Let's put this right here .

So you have something to rest them on .

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Now , keep your right hand where it is on the ground and lift your left arm and twist .

There you go .

So as you inhale , create length through the spine as you exhale .

Remember from above the waist , see if you can twist .

So you'll need to lift your right hip up a little and drop your left hip down usually and then shift the weight toward the balls of the feet very carefully .

So hips are directly over the heels , take one more breath and then bring it back down .

Exhale , keep the spine really long .

Inhale , left hand stays down and right arm lifts to twist the other way .

So remember we're gonna keep our hips level .

Good job , Melissa Good and then shift the weight toward the balls of the feet just slightly here .

Let me do it like this .

So you won't fall there .

Mhm .

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Take another long breath and then bring it back down .

Inhale halfway up length and exhale hands to hips .

Inhale all the way up .

Then either step your feet or you can inhale arms up , hold the breath and hop or step either way .

Yes .

Good .

And then come back to the front of the bench back to Tara .

Ok .

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So right at the front of the mats , we'll find our and again , remembering that the feet are parallel either together or hips diss apart from the legs , lift the belly , lift the chest , inhale , sweep the arms up and exhale , folding forward , hinging at the hips in how look up to lengthen as you exhale , bend the knees , plant the palms and come to plant poses good knees up or down , we're gonna lower again to the belly hugging elbows in and this time reach your arms forward in line with your ears .

So as you inhale , lift your right arm and left leg .

Yeah .

Random look like it good .

So you're lifting up , press down on the arm and the leg that is on the floor and pull your ribs and belly in and maybe lift up a little bit higher from that place of stability .

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One more breath , let shoulder blades relax a little good and then really sit down and keep the belly pulled away from the map in her right leg .

Left arm as you lift your leg .

Yep , you got it .

Drop your outer right hip down .

So you're lifting the leg from the inner thigh .

Good one more breath .

Keep pressing down on the arm and leg that's on the floor .

Lift up just one more breath and set it down .

Nice down side , your hands next to your body .

So the arms are straight and then pull the belly away from the map .

Lift your shoulder heads away .

Mhm And then inhale , lift the chest and add the legs good .

Reach your fingertips toward the heels .

Pull your belly away from the map .

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Lift your inner thighs up toward the ceiling and breathe into the chest .

Good .

You want more breath and then release , you can take one ear down or you can rest your forehead down .

Great .

Come back to your steady breathing .

Mhm .

And then we'll do this one more time .

So reaching the arms again by your sides .

Uh-huh , pull your belly away from the floor and he lift the shoulder heads away from the floor wide in the chest and add the legs good .

Keep the back of the neck long .

God .

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Keep breathing here for three and you and one release it down and take the other ear down or the forehead a good time and then slide the hands again by the low ribs , elbows straight out , inhale for cobra or if you want to come up higher or a thigh and he's off the floor , then tuck your toes one more time to down up good , stretch out your spine , one last down dog .

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And now bring your knees down into child's posts and extend the arms forward .

Or you can make a fist with your hands and rest your head on your hands .

If that's more comfortable , knees can be as wide as you like .

If you have a blanket , a folded blanket , you can also put it behind your knees to give you a little more support .

Good .

And from here , just bring yourself up on to the knees and then take your hips off to the right side of your mat so you can swing your legs around to the front good and then we'll grab this pillow or folded blanket , whatever you have handy .

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Oh , Melissa , I can't even reach her pillow .

Got so far away and just sit right on the edge of it .

Mhm .

And there you go .

Good and bringing your hands just right next to your hips , extend the legs , pull the toes back so that you're flexing your ankles and you can just rest your hands right here next to your hips .

Doesn't seem like much at first .

But see if you can from this nice stable place of the hips and sitting bones down , lift up out of the waist , roll the shoulders back , lift the chest .

Yes .

Pulling in the belly So , if you could sit here in this position for say 15 , 20 minutes , you would know that your spine was very strong .

It's not , it's , it looks a lot easier than it is .

All right .

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So we won't make you stay for 20 minutes .

But I'm just saying we're gonna bend the right knee and put the right .

So the foot toward the inner left eye , good , keep pointing these toes up to the ceiling and then reach both arms up .

Inhale .

Turn a little toward the straight leg hinging from the hip creases .

Again , you'll come forward , you can hold the leg anywhere you like then lengthen from your chest .

So instead of thinking head down to knee , think belly to thigh .

Yes .

And just go as far as you need to go to feel stretch .

Because if you feel a stretch , then the blood is moving in circulation and it's all good one more breath here and then inhale .

If the heads exhale , let it go with the same leg , we're just gonna put the sole of the foot on the floor .

Now , bring your right hand behind your back , either on the pillow or on the floor and then reach your left arm up on your inhale .

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Now , we're gonna bring it across , either hug the leg or if you can get the elbow to the outside of the knee , then you can do it that way .

Either way is good .

Now as you inhale , try and lengthen up through the spine .

Good .

And then as you exhale , see if you can twist in maybe a little bit deeper but never forcing .

So the breath moves us deeper into postures .

It's never sheer will or strength .

Take one more breath here and then inhale , bring the head to center , exhale , unwind and straighten the right leg and then we will take the left leg first sole , the foot to the inner right thigh .

So if your knee is way up , I forgot to mention on the other side , you can always put a block or a blanket underneath that leg to support it .

Or if you have knee issues , men reach up nice and tall .

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Inhale , you're pulling these toes back , turn toward the straight leg hinging from the hips as you come forward .

So inhale , create length through the spine .

So we're trying to avoid rounding the back because we do that a lot anyway , don't we ?

We're like on our phones or we're driving or we're on our computers and we round .

So we wanna try to lead with the chest .

Yes , that's better .

Uh-huh .

And just hold it anywhere .

And as long as you feel a stretch , you're good .

Ok ?

And we keep the toes pulling back so that we keep the leg muscles firm because if we're stretching without stability , then that's not so good for us .

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I'll take another long breath here and then inhale , head up , exhale and release it with the same leg , we'll put the left foot on the floor , bring your left arm behind your back , reach your right arm up as you inhale and then as you exhale , bring it across or hug the leg .

Either way I remember as you inhale , sitting up nice and tall , lengthening through the spine .

And then as you exhale , maybe twisting in a little bit deeper , good , you remembering to keep the right toes pointed up .

Very good .

Very advanced .

Yes .

Look at like another breath here and then bring your head around the center inhale and release .

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Then we'll come off of our pillows and just slide it to the , the back of your mat because you might want to rest your head on it in a moment .

And yeah .

So with your hands here , we're just gonna roll ourselves down onto the mat and then bring your right ankle just past your left knee and flex that ankle .

Yeah .

Both knees bent .

Mhm .

And then draw the legs in .

Hold on behind the left thigh or hold on to the shin .

Now , if that doesn't work for you , you don't have to draw the legs in .

Yeah .

In fact , I might as well use it while it's here licked up .

That'll be better and then relax .

Yeah .

Good .

Flexing the ankles will protect the knees .

Take three breaths here .

So this one stretches out the hip a little bit .

Take two more nice long breaths .

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Good .

And let's release that and now we'll bring the left ankle just past the right knee , flex that ankle and draw the legs in .

If you can , you can also stay here or hold on behind the right thigh or hold to the shin .

And as you're drawing the legs in , try and keep the left hip moving toward the front of the map there .

Good .

Just flex that a little bit more .

Yes .

Yeah .

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Take nice long breaths as you stretch out the hip like two long breaths , right and slowly release , then hug both knees into your chest and just rock a little here side to side .

Mhm And now we'll extend the legs all the way out and let the feet flop open and bring your arms by your sides with your palms , facing up arms a little bit away from the body .

This is our final resting pose .

This is , this is where we just relax for some .

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This is so great and not difficult for others .

It's hard to just relax .

So do your best , depending on how it is .

And I'm just gonna give you a little little adjustments .

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All right , where you are .

Take a long breath in as you exhale .

Just make little movements in your fingers and your toes and then circle your hands and your feet , her ankles and wrists and then inhale , stretch your arms overhead one long stretch .

You got that good and then bringing the arms back down by your sides , bend your knees , taking your feet onto the mat and then roll off to your right side and pause there a moment .

So take this opportunity to thank yourself for getting up early and taking your practice , keeping your body and your mind and your spirit strong and flexible .

And then remember using the left hand to come up .

So your head comes up last and we come up safely and then a comfortable seat .

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You can just close your eyes a moment , let your hands rest on your legs .

I always like to end with a quote .

And today I have a quote from Martin Luther King junior .

He said , if you can't fly , then run .

If you can't run , then walk if you can't walk than crawl .

But by all means , keep moving , put your hands together in front of the heart , hands to the forehead , to remind us to have clear and loving thoughts , our hands to the heart center , to remind us to have clear and loving intentions and our hands to the mouth , to remind us to have clear and loving communications , sending out this energy , this wonderful energy we created this morning to all beings everywhere .

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Now must means the light in me , recognizes and honors the light in .

You must good work , great job .

Yogi feels good when you give yourself a little love , right ?

I want you to continue your yoga journey because you deserve to feel good .

That's why I've created a 30 day yoga for beginners program .

I put a link below and I'd love to see you there tomorrow .


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