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2023-07-19 14:06:22

How To Draw Quick Caricature Head Shapes Lesson 1

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No .

Hey guys .

And uh welcome to another segment of Rouser World uh Today .

What we're gonna be doing is a quick uh tutorial on uh female head shapes .

Uh For this exercise , I've picked out about uh two different types of hair shapes for you to uh learn about .

Um So we're just gonna start with model number one .

So let's go ahead and draw her face .

Um Basically , she has a very simple face to draw .

We're gonna start with her hair shape first .

So let's just look at the top .

We'll just draw like what we see up here and we'll notice that our hair kind of mushrooms .

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So we wanna make sure that when we draw on it that we mushroom it out and then we make it where it comes , where we wanna see where it's gonna lay on the face first and then we wanna draw the second shape , the third shape and then you'll see here that her hair actually fans in two directions .

So we wanna make sure that we get that first .

So what I'm doing here guys is I'm , I'm uh basically drawing her hair as if I'm not paying attention to anything else in the picture right now .

OK .

Now , what I'm gonna do is I want to bring their hair down .

It's like , so , so it's like a like a little diamond in her face , you know , like the little point right there .

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OK ?

Now , the next thing we're gonna do guys is we're gonna draw her face shape inside of the hair .

So now we're gonna fit everything inside , we're gonna look at it .

We're gonna say , well , her face kind of looks like so , OK ?

And then I'm just gonna draw a neck .

OK ?

Now , what I wanna do here is I'm gonna switch to a smaller gauge and marker and maybe just put like the little part here and you'll see where that goes .

OK ?

Now , uh pretty much guys , all we have to do is from here , draw the rest of our caricature , but we're not here for that part .

We're just doing the face shape today , but here we're gonna put like a cross hair line one , OK ?

And two .

And from here we'll see where our , where our uh the rest of our face goes .

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So if you can draw the eyebrows and stuff like that , but you can look at this face shape and you can tell that we're well on our way to uh being able to draw a pretty cool cartoon of her .

OK ?

So , uh this is a head shape , uh number one and uh her hair , her head .

Excuse me , I guess if we wanted to had to classify this as a shape , I would say she's kind of like a bullet head as well .

She has like a bullet shape head because you can see the bullet , the , the , the front part of the bullet here , the rear part being here , but on the top is gonna be kind of rounded in the oval .

So uh you wanna get , basically get an idea of a shape in your head and then you wanna start drawing from that idea .

OK , guys .

Now , what we're gonna do is I'm gonna um switch pages here and then we're gonna go back .

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Oh We're gonna go to our next drawing and so let me just put this here real quick and then the next shape that we're gonna do guys is we're gonna do , I believe her name is Mila Kunis kclu or whatever , but she's uh got a very unique head shape .

So I believe that you , this is like one that's pretty common that you'll see out there .

Um Let's go ahead and uh start drawing her hair .

Her head is kind of uh it's kind of square .

She has defined features .

So you wanna make sure you capture that .

So let's go ahead and we wanna start at the top of the head .

So we're gonna draw the top of our little oval .

OK ?

And we're gonna bring that over around , OK ?

Now , we're gonna make sure that we have enough on that oval .

So we're gonna go off into it and that looks pretty good .

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And now what we're gonna do is we're going to draw the ear , but we're gonna keep in line with the same shape that we see here on the picture .

OK .

Now we want to draw the bottom of the face .

So I wanna make sure that we immediately kinda curve in from the bottom of the ear here because when you do a caricature , you can't , if you make the top of the picture bigger , that means the bottom of the picture has to be smaller .

So you gotta , you have to follow uh the basic rules of cartooning .

And then what we'll do here is we'll just basically put , you know where her ear rings will be .

So let's just say we wanna do something real quick .

I'll just uh make a shape once again every time I draw something , guys , I look at it as a general shape first .

So like I said , just make something look cool here .

OK ?

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Now I'm just gonna jar her neck here .

Now , what we wanna do is I'm gonna show you how to draw the hair in , in the interface .

How are we gonna get , where do we get this shape from here in the middle of her face ?

Well , first we gotta go ahead and put our hair so we know our hair starts on the far side of her face , right ?

OK .

And then it kind of comes around like , so OK ?

And then we'll just put sideburns on it , you see ?

And then it's the same thing over here comes around like , so , and then we'll put sideburns and then over here it would be like kind of where we'll put the direction lines for our hair , which where our hair will be flowing when we started doing the coloring work or shading work or what have you .

OK ?

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Now , the next thing we're gonna do here guys is I'm gonna just uh I'll put some little hairs back here , so it'll look like , you know , her hair is kind of coming out back there and then we'll just put our her shoulders here .

OK ?

Cool .

Now guys , uh what I wanna do here is I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna draw the cross hairs .

So it will be basically from here to the center of her face and then remember most of your face is gonna sit below your ears , so it'll go here and then all we have to do from here guys is we just look at the picture and we'll see where her eyelashes are eyebrows .

Excuse me .

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And from here guys , you know , we should be able to draw like a pretty cool picture of her and let me just round this shape off a little bit more here .

OK ?

So basically guys , this is what you call your square , you know , or your box kind of face for a woman .

So we'll just put like a box face and though the terms of things don't sound attractive , you don't have to tell people that's what you think in your mind .

You just think that and then you draw , you know , some people that's what their face is shaped like .

That's just what it is , but it's not an insult to them or anything .

It's just that , that's the shape that you need to think about when you're drawing their face .

So once again , guys , shape number two and that's gonna be kind of like the box face .

OK , guys .

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So we went over two different types of faces today .

The first face that we went over would be your uh bullet face .

So we're just gonna uh go back one more once again if you look at how we , well our reference and then you look at how the picture came out .

We're well on our way to making a pretty cool cartoon of her .

OK ?

And then for our next uh shape , we did the box face which would be this face here and what I'm gonna do just let me enlarge that a little bit so you can see where we started at and then what type of , of shape we came out for her face .

OK .

So guys , uh pretty much that's our tutorial for today .

We are .

Thank you for watching our video and tutorial .

We'll be play , uh , doing more videos and tutorials soon .

Uh You guys stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe below .

You guys have a great day .


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