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2023-07-19 14:05:39

How to make a multivendor food ordering website like zomato&swiggy

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So here are some artists that I follow on Instagram that I really , really like and of course , I will have their information linked in the description .

Definitely go check them out .

Look at that , look at that gorgeous art and you'll see when you look at this , there's many different things that make up an art style , not just the basic drawings of it , but like the of the line are used or the style of coloring or the medium used for coloring .

There are many different things that go into an art style and make it up .

I'm obviously focusing on the basic drawings of it .

So I'm not going to worry about mediums or variations in um the way of line art or coloring your drawing .

You might have heard that saying um good artists borrow great artists steal which I googled it and it's accredited to Pablo Picasso , but no one knows if he actually said it .

But basically it comes down to that .

There's nothing that is completely original and the thing that you think is creative is inspired or stems from something that was created before it .

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So to steal like an artist doesn't mean to plagiarize as it may sound , but it means to study and to transform what you see that was created by someone else and then you transform it into something that is new and your own .

So that's what we're going to do next .

A good way to do .

This is to find an artist that you really , really like .

So I'm just gonna pick one of these .

Let's go with Sophie Scribble and we're going to pinpoint one thing we really like about their art style .

And what I , I like , I like the way that the feet and the hands are really small compared to the head and they sort of like taper down into a point .

I think that's really , really cute .

And I would like to incorporate that into this art style that we've got going on is we're going to look at it , but we're not going to stare at it .

So , what did , what did I say in my head ?

Oh , well , I like the way the hands and the feet are smaller than the body .

I've put that into words .

Now , I can flip it over and I can't see it anymore .

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So as the video till the end , in order to do this first , you have to buy a domain and hosting this domain and hosting I buying from hosting her daughter in and check whether your domain name is available or not and click on search and if your domain is available , click on add to cart and we go and check out , we have to buy a hosting also .

So select your hosting and choose a plant and click on add to cart .

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And now I'm going to try and incorporate those elements into my own art style .

So we've got our head , we've got those shapes that we learned from using a reference , our web Lule .

Actually , it's more like a Trile I'm drawing this way bigger than that because I'm just terrible at drawing things the same size more than once .

But that is fine .

We all have our flaws .

And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to incorporate what I liked about Sophie Scribble's art and that is make the hands and the feet really small .

And every time you draw your art style , something will probably change about it .

And if you like it , you can keep it and if you don't like it , just go back to the way it was .

It's , you're art style and you get to make those decisions .

So you'll see every time you draw them , he's gonna look a little different .

So we want those little tiny hands like so and then we need the little tiny feet as well .

So we'll tape for them down to a little point , some wrinkles .

Oh Forgot his suspenders .

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And again , if we flip this back over , it doesn't look like it's a direct copy of their art style , it's just one little element that we stole and we've made it on our own .

This is Schmo draws and I've always really loved how um fluid and expressive her poses and her characters are .

So I'd like to incorporate that into our art style since it's still looking a little stiff , kind of run out of room on this paper .

So again , we're using those shapes that we learned from the reference and I'm going to use a , I'm going to use a line of action that's a bit more squiggly so that his pose will be more squiggly .

We have to follow that .

Again , those tiny feet that we ripped off Sophie Scribble .

And every time I draw this , I kind of get a little bit lazy about certain things that I really liked and I kind of just draw them softer or quicker and you'll see these faces look very different even though they have the same elements .

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And that's because my own wrist movements are creating different things that are differentiating me from other artists because they're my own little lazy tendencies you may have noticed on the interwebs , you'll see like an art style that looks so similar to another artist that you followed , that it's almost like assuredly copied , you know what I'm saying ?

And I'm not talking about the people who trace that's completely different .

The people who like copy almost directly from one specific other artist .

Um I think that usually happens among newer artists who haven't really been around as long and they only have that one inspiration .

And they think to be an artist , they have to draw exactly like that person to be considered good because that person has so many more followers than them .

And they think if they draw exactly like them , they'll get those followers .

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And I think that's a very immature mindset and you can look at this artist's work and you can see that each element of their drawing is almost completely copied from another artist .

But even though they've copied every single element , it's obvious that this drawing wasn't made by the original artist that they're copying it from .

And I think there's a lesson in that because it means no matter how much we try to copy someone , there's still gonna be those little spins on it and that are something specific to the artist's hands .

So even when you're copying someone , it's gonna have a little spin out of it .

That's yours .

And that is inherently your own .

And I'm mentioning this because I want to tell you to not just copy one person , you need to research , you need to look into all these different artists and keep your eye open to different artists and inspirations that can influence you in their own way .

The more art we expose ourselves to the better our own art style is going to get .

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Click on , install and wait for the installation and you have to import the demo content .

There are various demos are available .

You can choose one demo and click on import and wait for some time to get importing the demo .

Once you finished that we can check our website , click on view our website , see all the demos has been successfully imported and everything works fine .

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Because even if we're not directly looking at another art style and trying to pinpoint what we like about theirs and applying it to our own , the people that we're following is still going to influence our art in little subconscious ways .

And that's never gonna be a bad thing .

Even though you're copying elements of their art style .

Again , it doesn't look exactly like their art style .

It's still inherently your own because you're not just tracing it , you know , I'm also not copying every single element of their art style .

I'm just taking little bits of it and applying it to our own .

And when you mismatch a bunch of different artists together like an element or two from each of them , you can create something that's entirely new and it avoids you looking like you're just a clear and shelf version of Jackson Pollock .

So even though I copied from Sophie Scribble , it doesn't look like their art And even though we took elements from Anna Cad's style , it doesn't look exactly the same .

It looks like something specifically our own .

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Once you finish that about your payment settings and turn on the cash on delivery option and click on save changes and remaining all other settings you can be changed .

I'm leaving as it is because it's a demo site , you can change according to your choice and click on advance and check all the settings has been correct or not by default .

Everything is ok .

You can be changed according to your choice .

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And then when it came to Shimo draws , we didn't really take any element from it .

It , we more took inspiration from the softness and the fluidity of her poses and we were able to come up with that .

But again , it doesn't look like exactly like their art style .

It's our own .

Does that make sense ?

I'm not telling you to copy , I'm telling you to steal but not play DRS .

It's different .

And I'll even mention that you can do the same thing you did in number three .

If you're having a really hard time recreating an element from one of your favorite artists , you can always print it out at 30% opacity and trace it out .

I definitely recommend printing out at 30% opacity instead of just tracing it with another piece of paper on top of it because if you trace it really well and it looks good and there's like no trace of the old artist there and you trace it and it looks really good .

You might be tempted to post it online , which don't do .

OK .

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So , and then you can get that muscle memory and learn those shapes that this specific artist uses .

Again , trace it out .

What are the shapes you see in this artist's style ?

And you can study this and figure out the shapes and pay attention to .

How does this differ from when we traced real life references ?

Look how big those pupils are .

Isn't that cute ?

You can even try to put your own spin on it .

Like their eyebrows are way up here .

What if we drew the eyebrows we've been growing ?

How does that look on this style ?

They're kind of funny .

Had some of your own elements to it .

It's definitely just a fun exercise .

It's not , we're not going to be posting these online .

It's just for study .

There you go .

And because I printed it out at 30% opacity , you can still see the original drawing there .

And now I can't really post this online because it'll look like I traced it because I did because I remember back when I was like six or seven and I was tracing Little Pokemon drawings out of my Pokemon books .

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Once the plugins are activated , you can go to your WCFM plugging settings and you can change all the settings as you are seeing the video and you can also change according to your choice , all the settings you can be changed according to your choice .

And WCFM after that , click on save and geolocation by default , open street map is available so you can enable and disable all the options .

Enable .

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There's a little too many lines in there , color in the hair , make it look separate from the body .

And it's always good to experiment with different things .

It'll definitely influence your art style as well .

Don't be afraid to just try something even though it might look bad , little hands , some wrinkles here we have it .

Does that look like improvement to you ?

Not too shabby and you can do this for any element of your drawing , like hands or legs or ears like you can go follow all these steps for just one specific element as well , not just the whole overarching art style .

So there we have our new art style .

Um We've mixed elements from our favorite artists or inspirations .

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We've also increased our skill level and our knowledge of anatomy and shapes and we've learned and as well as our little lazy tendencies have been applied and our like little inaccuracies , they're all enveloped in this specific art style and it's created something that's original and new and belongs to us .

Look at that it's not a direct copy of the new one , it's ours and whatever you've drawn is yours .

So , there's my five steps to uh finding your art style .

If you've made it all the way through to the end , guess what , go back to step one and go again .

Like that's how an art style is .

It's ever changing and constantly evolving .

And if you want to just take some steps to improve it , you can start back at step one or just continue drawing and let it evolve naturally .

Yeah .

So rinse and repeat until you die anyway .

I wish you all best of luck with your art styles .

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I know you can do it and don't ever feel ashamed for where your art style is at this point in time , it's going to evolve and where it is now is exactly where it needs to be .

But if you want to take it the next step and begin to improve , you can follow some of these steps and just enjoy the process .

You don't have to constantly be improving to be an artist .

Art can also just be a little hobby when you come home from your job at the nuclear power plant .

You know , it's just art will always be there .

And that's what I like about it .

All you need is a pencil and a paper and you've got hours of enjoyment .

But if improvement is what you're looking for , I gave you some uh steps to do that as well .

Anyway , thank you guys for watching .

Best of luck with your art styles and I hope you all have a delicious evening full of waffles .

Bye .

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So the password , the login user name and password will be sent to their real estate email address .

You can add a store name , a store name , you cannot be added and you can add a store logo , banner , etcetera .

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Just add a logo and a banner for the the store and do and you can also add a banner mobile banner , just selecting a banner for the website did select and you can give the short description , store list banner and all other settings can be changed here for the restoration .

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The store location , store address , country , et cetera , just type the state or country and you can find the location of your restaurant over here and choose the right place and just drag and drop the icon or to the right place .

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So the customers can find our store easily and all of the settings you can be changed and click on submit or save .

Once you finish that , you can add as much customer store owner is there .

And now we can be seen our website .

Just click on edit with WP Bakery .

You can change all the Descents and patterns over here .

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Just click on that any layout you have to change , just click on there and select the category and click on save changes like this .

You can change all the categories , change all the categories according to your choice .

And after finishing that , click on save changes and click on update , we can change the bar also here .

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Please make sure that all the sizes are correct for the replacing image .

Just upload the new images over there and click on select and set image for the new banner and click on save changes like this .

You can change all the banner over here and you can change all the countdown timer and all other options here , you can add title , subtitle , et cetera .

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Once you finish that you can refresh and your site has been fully changed to the new theme and we can change the logo here on custom , click on that customize option and here you can change your header footer , etcetera , click on header configuration and you can upload the logo over here .

Make sure the logo size is correct as on the demo , just select the demo over there and click on select and change all the settings according to your choice .

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Type a name for your website , a tagline for the website .

Once you finished that , you can also add an image for the site title , just upload an image and click on select the scraping the image and click on publish .

Once you finish that , you can add new posters , you can edit all the posters on the post section .

Now come to the G photos and select the photo to edit our first website for photo over there .

You can edit all the photo settings over here .

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You can change that to the custom fond image , et cetera .

You can change the demo contents over here .

Once you finish all the settings , make sure to save the changes , you can change the log image for the lower image and I'm adding the previously added image over there and we can save changes , you can change the photo credits and click on save changes .

Click on update .

Now , our filter layout has been changed and you can check it now everything works fine .

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You can change everything on the photo section on the D bay photo .

Now you can add testimonials , brands , et cetera , et cetera .

And to do add a new product , click on the product section , click on add new product , just add a product .

I'm just adding a product .

You can add the price of the product description , etcetera , etcetera and just adding a variable product .

Click on attributes and click on add and type .

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The name of the product is size and click on the variations over here and you select the use differ variation and select save attributes .

Once you finished that , click on variations and create variation from all attributes and click on go .

OK ?

Going OK .

Now two variations which have been added has been came to here .

Just add the product image or you can leave for the default image and you can add the regular price , sale price , etcetera .

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For each variations here , you can change the next variation here and click on save changes and you can type a short description for the product , just type any description for your product and you can add a product image for the food .

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I'm just adding a image for our product and set product image and select the category for the products .

Click on add new category and type a category for the products .

Once you finish that , add the product tag over here .

And once you finish everything , just click on publish .

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Once the pro work is published , you can check the product and you can check everything works .

Yes , everything works fine .

Place are working .

And he asked a question means uh to the vendor , the customer can ask about the product .

No , we can add a simple product .

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Just click on add new and type a product name over here , just type a product name and the the system is loading and you can add the regular price over here .

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You can add sale price for the product and you can schedule the sale price , date and type , uh select the category tag , etcetera as we did it for the variable product and set product image .

Also there just type a short description and the thing you like and set the product image for the product or the food .

Just click on upload files and upload the product image .

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Once you finish that , just click on publish our product has been published and checked the product you have ordered .

No , go to the user section and here you can change the user password and all of the details here , just edit on there .

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If a user needs to change the password and contact you , you can change by here for the user section , you can change the user role also here and click or generate password and you can change your password according to your choice and click on update user .

Now , the user information has been updated now here on the page section , you can create a new page for your website .

You can add restaurant list .

The spelling is encouraged just clear the spelling and type the short code or the short code .

I will be insert in the description box below .

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You can add your short code here and click on publish like this .

You can change all other pages and go to your menu settings and click on create a new menu .

And you can add a new menu here and you can display this menu , all these sections .

Once you create a menu , just select the menu sections , just selecting a few pages for the menu .

Click on add to menu .

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Once you finish that , you can select where the menus has been shown , just select the menus and once you finish that , click on save menu , now go to your website and just refresh and all other menus , the settings has been changed and menu is in our new menu .

Now , we can change the menu label , navigation label here .

Just say change to your deceit navigation label .

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Once you finish that click on save changes , say a menu , click on save a menu and you can refresh your website and see the texture has been changed .

If you click on restore and registration , the customer can at their website and their a store run on your website .

Click on , let's go .

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This is for the customers or the restaurant and donors and they can do what we have done on our we trust back and they can do on their front and website .

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1943.01 --> 2018.41

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And here they can add the policy show policies over here .

Just click on continue after that .

They can add the support set up and click on continue .

I can add sco options , Facebook , set up Twitter setup , et cetera .

Just click on continue after that .

They can have their social media accounts over here and just click on continue .

Once you finish the restaurant and donor , you see like this a menu on their wordpress dashboard and they can add a new product over here , just click on add new and we have done this on our very first back end .

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The same thing the customer or restaurant owners can do here , just click on finishing that , just click on submit and the product has been published and the customer can go to their subs settings and they , they can change all the settings here on the settings , page , store , our location , etcetera .

Once you finish that , the customer can also add products from the store catalog , which we have added , they can select and add their product .

Just click on that and bulk add to my store .

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Once you finish that come to the product section and they can edit all the products which they have bulk added and click on edit and they can change all the details and click on submit .

Once the product has been published , they can change all other products like this .

You know , go to your place and click on restore on the list .

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No , we can't see a lot of websites here and we can order the product from there .

If you enable the auto filter option , it will be DP enabled and it will show only the store near to the user like Sui and Toma tomato and select a product and they can order their food .

Once the customer order a product , a notification will come to the admin and same notification will go to the restaurant and donor so they can prepare the food for the delivery .

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So it's easy and the delivery app and the vendor app video will be on the next section .

So thank you for watching the video .

And if you have any doubt you can ask in the comment box below .


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