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2023-07-19 14:36:30

Ashtanga For Beginners with David & Jelena _ 30 Minute Class

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Hi , I'm David .

Welcome to our Ashtanga for beginners .

We're going to start at the front of the mat with a chant .

So come and stand with your feet together .

Ye and I will do the chant and you can respond back .

Inhale .

Take a deep breath in .

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We're going to start with five Surina Mascara a standing in , same standing posture with your feet together and your arms by your side .

Let's start with a couple of deep breaths here .

Inhale through your nose , exhale through the nose again , inhale through your nose , pulling the lower belly in , keep your lower belly in as you exhale .

And now this time as you inhale , slowly lift your arms , bring your palms together .

Look at your thumbs , exhale , fold forward , hands to the floor , bending the knees as much as you need to inhale , slowly lift your chin as you exhale , step back and then keeping the elbows over the wrists slowly lower down .

If you can push up , if you need to just right down onto the knees or on your belly .

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Inhale , pulling into upward facing dog pressing into the hand straighten the arms , lift the chin and then exhale , go back over your toes , hips up , try to bring your heels towards the floor downward , facing dog , relax your neck , let your head hang down .

Breathe one , sounding the breath at the base of your throat .

Two trying to make the breath nice .

And even so the inhalations sound like the exhalations .

Three .

Your hands are just a little bit wider than the shoulders with the index fingers pointed forward four and five on the next inhale .

Stop , you're going to step or walk or hop , you can bring your feet to your hands feet together , bend the knees again if you need to and lift your chin and then exhale slowly fold , dropping the head towards your legs .

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Inhale , press your feet come all the way up , lift the arms by the ears again , look towards your thumbs and then exhale back to where we started again .

Inhale , press through the feet , pull the belly in as you lift your arms up , do a exhale .

Draw the belly in as you fold hands to the floor head down .

Inhale slowly just lifting the chin .

If it's possible , get the hands flat on the floor here and then as you exhale , walk back or hop back and lower down into your version of the push up position .

Inhale the upward dog coming onto the tops of the feet , pulling your chest forward and then exhale shut , go back over your toes .

Hips up feet about hip with the part .

Breathe here .

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One nice easy breathing to try to get the index knuckles of your hands flat on the floor .

Three , reaching from your shoulders for trying to relax the neck , relaxing across the tops of the shoulders .

Five , next inhale , you're going to step or hop your feet together close to the hands and lift your chin .

And then as you exhale , slowly release the head down towards your legs .

Inhale Nava , press your feet come all the way up .

Lift the arms , pull the belly in and then exhale arms back by your side .

Again , inhale your arms , lift up , moving with your breath away .

Exhale , fold hands to the floor , bending the knees .

If you need to clean , inhale , slowly lifting the chin until your arms straighten .

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And then egg hale go back , keep pressing into the hands and slowly lower your chest down .

Punch you inhale , pull forward , relax your bum , let your hips sink down and then shut eggs haling go back over your toes , hips up downward facing dog .

One two , keep trying to bring the heels to the floor , reaching through the heels .

Three , pressing your thighs towards the back for lifting the nave and then five next inhale step or hop sep up feet together .

Chin up out egg hale slowly bring your head down .

Keep your elbows close to the legs .

Nava .

Inhale , come all the way up , arms up , look at your thumbs and exhale back to two more times .

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Inhale arms up , exhale , you fold hands to the floor , creamy inhale , slowly lift your chin eggs , hale go back and lower down into chat .

Punch inhale , pull through upward dog shot eggs .

Hail , press back hips up , downward facing dog breathe here one nice broad upper back .

Two , trying to press your triceps , your upper outer arm down towards the floor .

Three , keep pulling your front ribs into the body .

Four and tuck your tailbone down to the mat .

Five .

Inhaling septa step or hop feet to the hands , feet together .

Head up a exhale , fold , head down , Nava .

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Inhale , strong legs , feel the breath power the movement arms up and then exhale back to inhale .

Lift your arms up palms together .

D way exhale you fold hands to the floor .

Inhale slowly , lift your head up till your arms are straight and then exhale as you go back and lower down into your push up position .

Punch inhale , pull through chest forward , chin up upward dog and then shut egg hale press back , come over your toes back to downward facing dog .

Five breaths .

One gently controlling your breast .

Two , feeling your lower belly pull in , pressing the breath higher into the chest .

Three , keep trying to breathe through your nose for just keep your jaw soft , relax your face .

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Five OK .

Next inhale step or hop SEPTA , you're going to bring your feet together close to your hands .

Lift your chin USH out slowly as you exhale , bring your head down to your legs .

Nava inhale , press through the feet .

Come all the way up .

Strong legs , arms up and then exhale back to SOA mascara B the Second Sons .

It starts a little different .

Inhale , bend the knees until the hips come nice and low .

And then lift the arms , palms , touch , exhale , start to fold hands to the floor .

Work towards straight legs , Head down .

Inhale , slowly , lift your head up , straightening your arms .

And then as you exhale , go back just like before into your push up position , punch inhale , come over the toes onto the tops of the feet .

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Feed her hip with the part upward facing dog shut eggs sale , press back into downward facing dog .

And now it's a little different septa inhale , come up onto your tip toes and step your right foot forward to your hands .

You might need to use your right hand to help get it into position .

That's fine .

Once the foot is far enough forward , bending that right knee , bring your left heel down onto the floor and lift the arms up palms together .

Eventually , that's all one inhalation eggs .

Hale hands down , push into the hand , step your right foot back , left heel is up down and then lower down into your push up position .

Inhale , not an upward dog eggs hale go back down .

We do and now left foot forward , come on to the tip toe , step your left foot , big step .

Use the left hand if you need to , to bring that left foot forward .

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Once it's there , turn your right heel down onto the mat and then lift the arms .

Keep inhaling palms , touch .

Look at your thumbs , eggs , hale hands come down , step that left foot back .

Press for your heels as you lower down , chin , forward , inhale upward , dog , full breath in and then exhale downward facing dog breathe here one , these ones are a little bit more difficult than the first version of the Sun citation two .

It's normal to start to feel your breath speeding up .

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Three , just try to keep it under your control nice and relaxed for and five next inhale , punch step or hop or walk your feet together and your chin up to exhale , fold , head down , bend the knees , drop the hips , keep the heels on the mat , lift the arms , palms touch , look at your thumbs and then exhale back where we started .

That's one , two more inhale , bend the knees , arms up wood , chin up eggs hale hands down , head down , fold inhale .

Try to keep your hands down .

Lift your chin eggs .

Hale go back into your push up , position , elbows over the wrists , punch you inhale into upward facing dog , press the toes down , shut eggs .

Hale go back into downward facing dog .

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Inhale , big step with your right foot .

You might need to use your toes to wiggle it forward , good bend the right knee , left heel down , lift the arms , bring your palms to touch and exhale a hands down .

Lift the left heel , step the right leg back , chin forward as your lower Nava inhale , pull through Dasha Eggle , press your hips back , left foot forward .

Come on to your tip toes .

Big step with the left foot , maybe wiggle the toes , get the left foot far enough forward , right heel down , bend the left knee as you lift the arms up , palms touch and then EHA hands down .

Step back , tuck your tailbone , chin forward , lower down , inhale full breath into upward dog exhale hips back up into downward dog .

Breathe here one , press your thighs back , tuck your tailbone down , sits bones down .

Two .

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Keep trying to feel like your lower belly is lifting , hollowing out three easy breathing for and five .

OK .

Next inhale , punch it to come onto the toes , step or hop feet together .

Head up to shy exhale head down , bend the knees , squeeze the legs .

Hips , stay low .

Arms come up .

Look at your thumbs , exhale back to last one .

Inhale , bend the knees .

Try to keep your knees together , arms up , exhale , fold hands to the floor , working towards straightening the legs .

Inhale , slowly lift your chin , press into the hands .

Egg Hale go back into your push up position , lower down , punch , inhale , pull through , gently lift the chinn gaze on the nose .

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Eggs hale go back , hips up into downward dog inhale right foot forward .

Big step , bend the knee , keep inhaling .

Lift the arms , palms touch us eggs .

Hale hands down .

Step the right foot back , lower down .

Hold Nava inhale .

Take a full breath in the upward dog eggs .

Hale go back downward dog left foot , inhale .

Big step right heel down .

Lift the arms , palms , touch chin up .

Look at the thumbs egg hale hands down , press into the hand .

Step back , lower down , plow , inhale , pull through , exhale navel and hips up and go back downward .

Facing dog .

One calm face , relax your jaw .

Breathe two , release your neck , soften the shoulders .

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Three press into the hands really reach from your arms for keep trying to bring the heels down and five OK .

Inhaling , punch it , shift your weight forward and then step or hop , keep pressing into the hands , your head up and then eggs hale should fold , head down , bend the knees , heal , stay down , lift your arms , palms touch and then exhale back to OK .

Now we start the fundamental .

So bring your feet hip with the parts and inhale , reach forward .

Catch your big toes with the first two fingers .

You can bend the knees as much as you need to lift your chin up .

Good and then exhaled away .

Start to bend your elbows and bring your chest down towards your knees or your shins , relax your neck .

Let your head drop down towards the floor .

Gaze towards your nose , one , wrap the elbows back towards your legs .

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Two , press through the feet and lift through the hips .

Three , feel your legs nice and strong .

Probably a nice deep stretch in the hamstrings four and then five .

Next inhale , slowly lift your head until your arms are straight and then exhale here , don't move .

Just stay here .

Inhale .

Put your hands under your feet .

So you're stepping on your fingers , toes and your palms and then do a again exhale , bend the elbows and try to draw your chest towards your knees .

Let your neck relax and your head drop .

One , focus on those full breaths .

Start to wrap your elbows back towards your calves .

Two , they won't really move much because the feet are trapping the hands three .

But you wanna feel the upper back is nice and strong .

Four , relaxing at the tops of the shoulders right by the sides of the neck and five .

OK .

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Inhale , slowly , lift your head again till your arms are straight .

And now all on your exhale , release your hands , bend your knees slowly , come up to standing , bring your feet together them inhale .

Step to the right for .

So you'll step 3 ft apart .

Toes are pointed , straightforward arms extended and then D A exhale , just turn your right foot and reaching through your right arm .

Come down , catching your right big toe .

You might need to bend your right knee .

That's fine .

If you still can't catch your toe , put your hand on your shin , that's fine too .

Stretching the left arm up , look towards your left fingertips , one to work towards a strong right leg .

Even if it's bent , pressing down through that right foot three .

See if you can tuck your tailbone a little bit more .

Four and press your left hip towards the front of your matt five .

Ok .

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Next inhale , come all the way up .

Turn your right foot in .

So now all your toes are pointed forward .

Now as you exhale , just the left foot turns and same thing on the left side , come down , bending the left knee .

If you need to one day , you'll keep the left leg straight .

Catch the big toe , first two fingers and then chin towards your right shoulder .

Gaze on your right fingertips , one roll that left shoulder down away from your ear .

Two try to tuck your tailbone , pull your navel in three , see if you can straighten the left leg just a little bit more for and five inhale .

Keep the arms extended as you come up and turn your left foot in .

And now exhale , just turn your right foot again .

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If you are brand new to Yin Yoga and you get frustrated with beginner yoga classes that are too difficult , too fast and don't offer modifications .

Then don't worry , this beginner class is actually for beginners and is slow , easy to follow and offers lots of modifications .

Hi , I'm Melissa from yoga with Melissa .

We're real yoga for real people at every Friday at 9 a.m. Pacific time .

When you subscribe and press that little bell , then you'll get some great yoga classes in your youtube subscription feed in the coming weeks , including Yin yoga for your liver and gallbladder , Meridian and beginner yoga classes for men .

Today , you're going to need yoga blocks .

If you don't have them pillows or books will work fine and a folded blanket .

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That's the yin portion of the class in the young portion of the class we'll be doing cat quadruped plank boat gate to Dana chair , pose wide legged , standing forward , fold bridge , pose a reclined twist , knees to chest and , and I will be giving modifications in all of these poses unless those poses are actually modifications already .

Let's begin with our centering .

If you have any back issues , it's a good idea to lie with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor .

Ok ?

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Our first in pose is keyhole stretch .

So you're going to keep your right knee bent , cross your left ankle over your left thigh , open your left knee out to the side .

If you're already feeling sensation in the outside of your left thigh and into your glutes , you can leave your leg there .

Otherwise you can start to draw your right leg in and you're going to stop when you feel sensation in the outside of your thigh and into your glutes , you can hold on behind your right leg .

And in a Yin pose , there are three principles .

We find our appropriate edge .

You want to feel sensation but not have it be sensational .

We stay for a while .

So we're gonna stay in these posts for two minutes and we resolve to be still .

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And chances are , if you're a beginner to this , you're going to have to lift your left heel as well and come down onto your left knee .

Ok ?

And that bring your left arm to the outside of your right leg and reach your left hand down towards the mat .

Stretch your right arm over your ear and breathe here one .

You're welcome to stay here .

If you feel it can go a little bit deeper , push back for your left heel and try to lift your left knee to keep breathing here .

If you're ready to go deeper towards the full version , rotate your left thigh out and bring your left heel down .

Three , wherever you go , calm breathing .

Four .

Remember it's yoga five .

Ok .

Next inhale , clean you come back up , arms out , feet , point forward , exhale just the left foot turns come down on the right knee .

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You can keep your left leg bent , your right knee out to the side , take your arms out to the side and the soft tee , press your left foot into the ground , lift your hips , take them over to the right side and then lower your right foot to the ground .

So you come into a keyhole twist here .

So in the Yin postures , we want to soften our muscles so that we embody the qualities of which are passive and receptive , not just to embody the qualities of .

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But also to allow us to bypass the muscles and to get into the part of our body , the connective tissues , the joints , the ligaments , the bones which are less pliant and uh more dense than muscles , they're cooler , which is why we work them at the beginning of a class when our muscles are still cool .

And so then we can access those deeper layers .

Thank you .

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And then you're going to draw your legs back , center untuck your hips , we switch sides so that your right foot is on the ground .

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If you have back issues or you can lengthen out your legs long if you don't and just feel the effects of those postures , and then you're going to roll over onto your stomach .

You may want to have a block for this posture , especially if you have any neck issues , ok ?

On your belly , roll your hips from side to side just to release your low back .

And then we're going to walk your elbows back underneath your shoulders , that feels too intense .

You can walk your elbows forward a little bit more .

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And if it's too much for your neck .

You can always put a block underneath your forehead .

If it , if your low back feels tender , you can draw up through your pelvic floor and draw your Nabel back through your spine .

So , in the yin portion of our yoga class , we're going to embrace , embrace the yin qualities of being .

So , instead of striving in yoga , we'll soften our muscles turn inward and be quiet rather than rushing into the next pose , we passively hold the poses for two minutes and then we take time afterwards to feel the energy of the pose , to feel the rebound .

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When it comes to practicing yoga , there's Yin and Yang yoga and in this particular yoga class , we're going to bring Yin and Yang together , Yin is the feminine , dark passive receptive , cool , introspective .

And in Yin yoga classes , we keep the muscles relaxed and cool so that we can access the deeper Yin connective tissues of our body , including the joints , the ligaments and the bones .

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You going to slowly lower down and feel the effects of this pose in your body .

From here , you're gonna push up onto all fours .

We're gonna come into our next uh Yin pose , which is going to be lunch pose .

I'm gonna suggest you have a blanket underneath your knees for some extra padding and you're going to walk your left leg through you .

An alternative to this is to do it on your back .

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And then let's feel the effect of the posture by taking a moment to lie on your back from here , going to bend your knees , roll to your side and come up onto all fours .

We're going to move into the young portion of our class .

So the young portion of our class is lighter , masculine , more active , you're probably going to want to put this , pull a blanket underneath your knees .

Again , if you want extra padding underneath your knees , we're going to do some cap pose , spread your fingers wide , place them underneath your shoulders .


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