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2023-07-17 08:03:09

Start your tutoring career online with this website _ Make money online _ MyFavTutor

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Hi , everyone .

This is Lena .

You've been with me on my journey of youtube for over a year now .

And you're aware that I am a teacher and I earn my money from teaching .

So this is one of those videos where I will tell you how you can make your money by becoming one of our fraternity by becoming a teacher .

Promise me if you like the video , you're going to share this video with somebody so that you can help spread the message and probably it may become a life changing message for someone .

So let's talk about being a teacher .

See , first of all , it's a lesser stressful job as compared to other jobs .

And this is me talking with a lot of experience .

I have been into other jobs and I'm telling you teaching is stressful because teaching self satisfaction that you are helping somebody , you are helping a child .

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You are in a way nurturing a child , the voice satisfaction in it's rewarding in that way .

You feel good about yourself .

When you teach , talking about money , money is also good .

It's good .

It is good .

I know there is this notion that teachers don't earn a lot .

It's not really true up privately poaching institute .

I'm telling you there is pretty good money involved .

So if you are planning on becoming a tutor or a teacher , uh you can have my word .

It is a good idea .

So there is this uh portal by the name of my fave tutor .

Ok .

So my fave of fav I don't know how to pronounce that , but that is how it is .

And I am writing the name here .

You can see the spelling this portal .

What does it do ?

It helps you .

It is like a mediator between the tutor .

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Let me um take myself for an example and let me take a student , let's say um Sonia , Sonia let Sonia be a student .

Ok .

I am a teacher and Sonia is a student now , I am in my home .

I want to teach someone .

Ok .

And Sonia is at her place and she wants to study from somebody .

She wants a tutor .

So she doesn't know me .

I don't know her .

How will she know me ?

I mean either I advertise myself .

Ok , which is a difficult job .

It involves a lot of money .

So probably in the beginning of my career or if I'm beginning to teach , I don't think I would be able to afford that .

So how can I get to know Sonia ?

So that that is where this portal will help you ?

How will it help you ?

Is somewhere where Sonia will also log in and Alina will also log in Alina as a teacher .

OK .

And Sonia as a student .

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Now this portal is going to figure out Sonia or Alina , a locality may hang in to vote basically same locality kor school , same locality students .

And of course there's going to be a proper profile which will be maintained to buy the portal for me the job as a teacher log in Kagi details , the profile will process screen recording .

So first I will create an account for myself .

After creation of the account , what will happen is I have to create a proper profile for myself .

OK .

Just like a G dot com profile .

No , no , no , just kidding .

Not like that .

But yeah , basic details came education , kidney may mention documents upload home , documents , verification and documents , educational documents home .

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Once your document are verified , that is when you become a tutor and you'll get a batch and you'll be a verified tutor .

And after becoming the verified tutor , now you have a profile , a valid account on the portal and several students can approach you and you can also approach several students in your locality and that is how it works .

It's I think it's pretty much explained .

Now , next question that might pop into your head is how much am I going to earn ?

It's completely up to you .

You how much time are you ready to devote ?

Are you , are you planning it as a side income .

Are you just going to give it two hours or three hours of your day ?

Or you want to be a full fledge teacher , full fledge tutor .

It's completely up to you the more time you give the more you earn .

Now , another thing is , is this free or not ?

Yes , it's completely free .

All right .

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But then there is a paid version also again up to you , if you want to use the paid version , you can , you can pay the fee of 2500 for a year .

That is how you become the premium member .

All right .

And then you have the access to unlimited leads and all go into it .

Do your research on your own .

I'm just here to give you a brief idea as to how things work here .

I found it interesting and I wanted to share it with you .

So the next question that I would want to cover up here is what is the benefit of enrolling yourself as a tutor on the portal ?

The benefit is , first of all , it's free of cost .

Another thing is that you will have a rating from the students .

So , of course , in the beginning , you're not going to be rated once you start taking lectures and you start teaching for some hours , probably in a matter of a month or so , maybe two months , you will be able to gather a proper decent rating for yourself .

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And once you have the rating things really smooth out students will trust you more .

You will have an authenticity to vouch for you .

Another thing is that it's not just for private people , I mean private tutors , private tuitions or private teachers , it is also for the coaching centers .

So if you are a coaching center or you are planning on starting a coaching center , then also you can enroll yourself over there and you can generate leads from there .

You can contact the students and you can start your journey of becoming a teacher or running yourself a proper successful career as a teacher .

So let's get into what I have to show you on the laptop .

All right .

So first , I'll go to Google and I've already typed my free tutor for you .

This is the first link that you have to click right on the top and then the website opens up , I'll scroll a little down and show you around .

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So these are the achievements , the various teachers and students and reviews .

Ok .

Why am I favorite tutors ?

So there is something for the students , there's something for the tutors since I'm making this particular video from the perspective of tutors .

So I would rather go to register now , which I'm going to take you to in a while .

Then there are these testimonials , there are these various cities where this website is working .

There is this uh name of the company , right at the bottom blue web media so they own this website and it's comparatively a newer portal .

It's a newer website .

So if you register now , it may actually add up to an advantage for you because you will be like the early birds .

Ok ?

That's what I'm gonna do is I , I'm gonna take you to the link , how it works .

Please just read through it .

It's very informative .

I've already done my research .

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So I'm telling you from my experience , it is very , very well written and quite informative .

Definitely read it .

They've explained how exactly you have to complete your profile .

I've already read this .

They're going to take your address , they're going to take your qualification , your experience and um they're going to offer you a verified badge .

Once they are done checking your documents , then you have the option of uploading your pictures and you basically you have to present yourself well , so that more and more students trust you and they want to study from you .

Then another thing that I want to show you is tutor registration .

So that is where I'm actually taking you right now .

I'm going to and before I get into it , I want to show you this uh two types of plans that they've talked about .

The standard plan and the premium plan .

This is what I was referring to .

Standard Plan is free as of now till April 6th as it says .

And uh after which it's going to be 2500 per year .

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Ok , fine .

Then .

Then there is this premium plan which is for 2500 till uh sixth of April .

And then it's gonna be 5000 per year .

And under the premium plan , what you get is you get the verified badge , which is important .

And then there is this unlimited number of leads that you can get .

Please do your research .

I'll create my account and show it to you .

They are going to send you a verification code .

So there is this form that you have to fill .

Ok .

And then you have to verify your ID by 7 April .

They are saying and today we are sitting at 31st of March .

So they are providing you with a week's time to fill in your profile and to get it verified .

So there is this early bird offer which is going on till sixth of April .

You should enroll yourself if you are interested by then because it's free .

Till then I've already created my account .

This is my profile .

This is how my dashboard looks like .

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So there is this profile section .

You have messages , contacts , reviews and ratings , affiliates , ok ?

Another thing is this messages tab messages tab would mean that if a person wants to be a student , he or she is going to send you a message and it's going to be reflected on the messages tab over here .

And that is when you will be able to contact the person back .

All right .

So messages tab is very important , you have to keep your eye over there .

Uh I think more or less I'm done .

Please fill in your details , provide your educational background , your um experience and everything .

I am not filling in everything since obviously .

Um I'm sure you must have got the idea by now .

If you like what I shared with you today , please write me a comment .

It will really make me happy .

Plus I think this is a brilliant idea .

It's going to really help a lot of you becoming proper full time tutors and it will really help you in making good enough income for yourself .

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So this is me signing off for today and I'll see you again on a video soon .

Please subscribe if you liked it .

And um you can also follow me on Instagram and I'll see you again .

Take care of yourself , stay home , stay safe .

Bye bye .


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