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2023-07-19 14:23:18

Yoga Energy Booster Workout- AM - Jane Fonda

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Divers Friday , special 8 p.m. shows Thursday .

Good morning .

This morning's practice will energize your body and awaken your soul .

But first let me introduce you to my friends .

This is Mary and that's Danielle Cathy and Barbara .

And as you will notice , Barbara is going to be doing a , a slightly easier version of this routine in case you want to watch her .

So we're going to begin by standing in mountain pose .

Nice and tall .

Notice your foot placement , your feet are right under your hip bones , feel them connect with the earth , wiggle your toes , relax your feet and now begin to rock forward and back .

That's good .

Feeling your weight shift from the balls of your feet to your heels .

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Don't pick your feet up , just do this a few times until you naturally begin to settle the weight right in the middle of your feet .

And now shift from one side to the other .

Again , don't pick your feet up , just feel your weight back and forth .

And now right center in the middle of your body and spread your toes and feel the energy in your legs , rooting your feet down into the floor feel the active energy in your thighs , draw your belly in and lift through your spine up through the crown of your head .

Keep your head directly over your shoulders .

Don't let it jut forward like that .

That's really important .

Keep your body tall and proud .

Now , let's focus on our breath .

Start by placing your hands on your belly .

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And as you breathe in through the nose , your belly rises and as you exhale through your nose , draw your navel toward your spine , this deep yoga breath will help you stabilize and it's a critical part of the practice .

Let's breathe a few more times .

Breathe in through your nose .

And as you exhale , feel your breath at the back of your throat like a whisper , listen to my breath for a moment .

And now we're going to practice coordinating our breath with our movement .

Breathe in as you stretch your arm , shoulder height , exhale , as you bring your arms towards your heart center , inhale , give that energy out to the world and exhale as you bring your arms back to your side .

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Inhale , exhale , bring your hands into your heart center , inhale out and exhale down .

Now , if you're ready , bring your arms overhead , you don't have to .

If you just want to go shoulder height , exhale down to your heart center , inhale up and exhale down .

Bring your hands to your sides .

Inhale up nice and tall exhale , bring that energy down to your heart .

Inhale up Now this time , bring your hands behind your back , clasp your hands and extend that index finger towards the ground .

Inhale .

And as you exhale , reach your arms away from your body and feel the stretch , deep breath in and hold , feel a comfortable stretch across your chest .

Exhale and lower .

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But now we're gonna do standing cat cow inhale hands on your thighs , bend your knees , as you exhale round your back and as you inhale , arch it up , exhale round really feel it in your spine .

Inhale , tail blown up again .

Arch and up last time , arch and now come to a flat back and will come back up into mountain poles .

Now we're going to repeat the entire sequence again right overhead .

Inhale , exhale to your heart , center , inhale , exhale hands behind the back , clasp your hands together , point your index finger to the floor .

Inhale , exhale and lift your arms away from your body .

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Hold and release hands on thighs .

Inhale , exhale and round .

Inhale , tailbone , lifted , chest lifted and again .

And now come to a flat pack and come back up to Mountain Po Great .

Now , from here in Hale and exhale , as you hinge your hips and arms back to chair , pose inhale and reach your arms up .

Exhale down , inhale up .

Don't bring your arms past your ears and keep your gaze forward , chest lifted and up spine long , keep your arms up when we're over in sun salutation .

Last time up .

Now keep your arms up .

Now , press your right arm into your thigh .

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And as you inhale , reach up and over , gaze forward , lift your heart center , keep your hips level , facing straight front for a few breaths .

As you press the opposite heel into the floor .

Really feel that stretch exhale , use your abs to come back up to mountain pose and now lower the other arm to your thigh as you reach up and over , keep this heel into the floor , feel that stretch take a few breaths .

Your hips and chest are facing straight forward , legs are rooted into the floor .

Exhale and up and now down to your heart center , that's good .

Inhale .

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And as you exhale , twist to the right , keeping your hips facing the TV , set , take a few breaths and now come back to center inhale and now twist to the left .

Feel the movement in your middle back , your hips are still facing the front .

It's kind of like your rib cage is circling around your spine .

And now we come back to center and begin warrior series .

Keep your hands in heart position , step forward , bend that forward , knee come nice and deep head up , chest lifted .

Now , that's right .

Keep your hips and chest , facing forward , back leg , the energy is going right down into the floor , turn that back leg out the back toe out just a little bit .

That's right .

Make sure the knee doesn't roll in .

Now , inhale and lift up and now open your arms into Warrior two .

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That's great .

Turn your hips and your shoulders facing to the side , turn that back foot out a little bit more .

That's great .

Gazes out over your hand , beautiful , a few deep breaths here .

And as you exhale your elbow or forearm down on that thigh and your arm reaching overhead , feel that long energy down the leg into the back foot .

That's great .

You can look up at that hand if you feel stable enough , take a few breaths and now inhale and come up into Warrior Two .

And now the other way , reach over with your other arm overhead .

Don't let that back foot roll in my strong thigh .

Feel the reach , that's great .

And now come up hands on hips , turn your toes to the side and walk your feet together and we'll do it on the other side .

Barbara , I'll come over to you this time .

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All right .

Step back with your other leg .

That's right .

Ben , the front knee .

Now turn that back foot out just a little bit .

Not too much .

And now lift your arms up and swing into Warrior Two .

Now .

Great .

Gaze out over that hand , feel the strong thigh and the energy going down your back leg right into outside of that back foot .

Gaze over that , that hand that's just beautiful few breaths here and now come down onto that thigh with your forearm or your hand .

Either way arm over head , reach up tall .

Look at that hand , feel the energy down the back leg right into that foot .

Don't let that back foot roll in and inhale .

Come up again to Warrior two and go the other way .

That's great .

Overhead gaze up at your palm .

Strong thigh .

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Good .

And now come up hands on hips , feet facing the side and walk your feet together back into mountain pose .

Good going Barbara .

And now let's focus on releasing tightness on our shoulders .

Standing in mountain poses upright , spine , lift up out of your hips , steady your breath and give yourself a big hug , right arm of the left arm , lift your elbows to shoulder height .

Now , for some of you , this may be just about all you want to do .

But if you can let go of the hug and put the backs of your hands together , lifting your elbows , shoulder height , feel the stretch .

If you can go even further , try wrapping your hands around a little more until your palms are touching and keep those elbows lifted .

Listen to your body .

Pay attention to which level is right for your body .

Can you feel the stretch in your shoulders ?

Good .

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Now , slowly unwind your arms and let's stretch on the other side , the other arm , the right arm is over the left .

Give yourself a hug first .

Now , if you feel comfortable , this could be just fine to stay here .

But if you feel comfortable .

Try to bring the backs of your hands together with your elbows lifted to shoulder height .

And if you want to go further , try putting the palms together as you keep your elbows lifted and breathe , feel the stretch and now gently unwind your arms and we will go into a next stretch as you stand tall behind your back , grab a hold of your right wrist with your left hand , pull gently , pull that arm down and drop your chin to your chest and gently drop that ear to the opposite shoulder .

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Breathe , feel the stretch and come back up and now grab the other wrist and gently nudge that wrist down to the floor , drop your chin to your chest and gently let your ear drop to the other side .

So you're pulling in one direction and you're dropping your ear to the other side and you're feeling the stretch in the neck great and now come back up and now let's place the back of your open hands against your , your lower back like this , you're going to turn your head to the right and you're going to gently nudge this elbow forward and your shoulder back .

It's a very subtle movement .

You can hardly see it .

You can feel the stretch though .

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It's great for your rotator cuffs and now release and we're going to go to the other side , turn your head to the left gently nudge the elbow forward and your shoulder back and feel that stretch deep in your shoulder in your back and now release and we're going to finish with a chest stretch , place your hands and fists at the small of your lower back .

You can find out where it's most comfortable for you .

Right .

Right .

Inhale .

Stand tall and as you exhale gently open your lifted chest , take a few deep breaths in , nudge your elbows back , feel the rhythm of your breath filling you with energy , positive energy and drop your arms and now big inhale .

Thank you for doing this with me .

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You're ready to start a new day .

Thank you .


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