Hello and welcome to this tutorial on how to write a cover letter for a scholarship application in this youtube video .
I'll write an example letter for those who apply for a scholarship .
Now , once you are done writing your own version , I would advise you to download matching and professional looking resume and cover letter templates .
Click on the link in the description for more information .
All right .
Now , before I start writing the example letter , let me first give you some important writing tips .
First off in a form of cover letter , we use a standard phone type of F size Galib aerial or times New Roman with a 10 to 12 point F size will do and don't use novelty style phones like comic sense , script , cell or handwriting phones .
Also keep a word count of around 300 to 400 words and divide the cover letter into four paragraphs .
Secondly , personalize your and use the appropriate Kalata greeting .
So dear Mr Young , dear doctor Young or dear Miss Young .
And if you don't know to whom you need to address a letter to and send it to the scholarship committee , write something like dear scholarship committee .
You can also include the name of the chairperson and a committee .
For example , Dear Mr Young and scholarship committee .
Thirdly emphasize on important skills and personal traits .
But remember , you don't simply list these qualifications like you do in your resume , you need to give some context , create your own narrative , using personal stories or statements , facts and evidence of your hard work and determination .
I relate these to your career and educational goals you wish to pursue .
Fourthly maintain a tone of voice that is confident , gorgeous , sincere and polite .
I don't use an overly formal tone .
Students often use long complicated words and sentences because they believe it's the way to communicate with influential and educated people .
But there's no need to brag make sure to express yourself assertively .
At last , pay extra attention to your spelling and grammar , especially when it comes to names and titles of the chairperson , department or organization committees .
Notice we took the time to address them properly .
All right , that's it for the most important writing tips .
Next up .
I want to start writing the example letter first , we start off by listing our contact information on the left side in between white lines underneath .
We put the date and then the chairman or coordinator's name and job title followed by the organization's information .
As for the salit we write dear Mr Young for American usage .
We include adult .
After the abbreviation for Rich English , you can leave it out in the first paragraph , also called the introduction .
You refer to the financial aid program or scholarship you are applying for , followed by your educational ambitions at the University of Preference .
Express your excitement about the possibility of getting financial support and introduce the reader to your cover letter .
In the second paragraph , you shortly introduce yourself , followed by your motivation .
Refer to the mutual connection .
If you have one .
In addition , you need to explain why you are applying and make sure your answer relates to the omission statement or about page and even consider contacting previous students who were entitled in scholarships .
In the third paragraph .
You need to emphasize your skills and personal traits , but remember , don't restate your resume .
You need to provide some context , create your own narrative using personal stories , facts and evidence of your hard work and determination to relate these to your career and educational goals you wish to pursue .
In the last paragraph , you inform the reader about your interest to further discuss a certain topic , try to be as specific as possible .
After that , you refer to the attached resume and include a phone number and email address .
So they can easily reach out to you at last .
You thank the reader for reviewing your cover letter and she close in a compelling way .
So kind regards or best regards followed by your name and surname .
All right .
So we touched upon important writing tips for scholarship application and we actually made an example letter of around 350 words and four paragraphs .
Now keep your cover letter short , concise and to the point don't exceed the one page document .
Now , if you want to see this example and all of my other examples in text format , then check out the link in the description .
I want to thank you for watching .
And if you have any questions , leave a comment down below , I will respond as soon as possible .
If this video was helpful , then like and subscribe is greatly appreciated for more introduction and closing paragraph examples , then check out my other videos other than that .
Thanks again for watching and see you next time .
Bye .