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2023-07-18 12:43:28

Miracle Morning Yoga - Manifestation Yoga for Beginners

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Hey guys , it's me and I'm here today for our first day of Manifestation miracle Monday's yoga practice .

And I thought what better way to demonstrate the Nike yoga shoes ?

Because everybody's been asking me , what are those for ?

And why would you even need them ?

Why are they better than being barefoot ?

So I'll just tell you really quick .

First of all , the really cool thing about it is that they have arch support .

So they have this little thing , you can kind of see arch that your little arch up and it gives a little cushion .

Then the second thing actually has cushion under here .

Now they have cushion on the ball of the foot and on the heel and it's grippy .

So that's awesome .

But at the same time , your toes are sticking out .

So you feel the freedom of being barefoot at the same time of having the same support and grip of having a shoe .

And then it has this really cool little , it just more for style , this little ribbon , but hopefully they're going to make these in men's .

But right now they only have women's .

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Basically , I'm going to show you a little sequence that you can do and I'll just show you the power that these have , like , you can kind of see , like right now I have a really pretty good mat and it's nice and grippy .

But when you combine the grip from this with the grip from the shoe , then you really have a better gripping kind of yoga practice .

So if you're the type of person that slips around , especially during hot yoga , this would be perfect for you .

So just starting at the front of the mat and drop the shoulders down and back , tilt your tailbone down long spine , pull the navel to the spine and lift the crown of your head to the sky .

So you have a nice balanced posture and to a mountain pose and just inhale arm , sweep out and up to lace your fingers , arch back and exhale , fold forward , forward , bend .

So take the left foot back to turn the back foot flat and come into side angle pose the right hand to the inside of the foot and inhale the left arm up to the sky .

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If this is too much for you , you could always take the right elbow to the right thigh and that will help you to be able to get into this pose without struggling .

Another option is to put a block on the right hand .

But anyway , so in manifestation miracle Mondays , I want to really emphasize what you're doing here with your mind .

While we stay in the poses a little bit longer , right ?

So the key element to manifesting miracles is having a positive mindset and the letting go of all your doubts and fears .

So for this moment in this beautiful yoga pose , just think about all the positive things you have in your life and you have so much to be grateful for .

But at the same time , what do you really want to create in your life ?

What is it that you are desiring right now in your heart ?

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Maybe it's a relationship , maybe it's something with your career or financially , maybe it has to do with your family , your friends , whatever it is , your health just bring that awareness into your mind and heart that it already exists for you .

So when you believe that the object of your desire is already yours and that it's not separate from you right now , then you actually have the opportunity to experience it as if you already have it and living in that experience of as if you will magnetize it to you .

That's one of the secrets to manifesting miracles .

Ok ?

And how you're gonna come up into warrior too .

So sink the hips , nice and low , drop the shoulders down and back , pull in your belly and broad and through the front of the chest traction in the right knee forward and 90 degrees .

So you feel how Grippy these shoes are really like sinking the hips and I'm not sliding forward , just opening up the back inner thigh .

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This right leg , nice and strong arms open wide , pull the navel to the spine and looking past the right fingertips .

So still , like as the mind wants to wander into some kind of thought about your leg , maybe is burning or whatever your thought is , you know , the the key is to shift your mind from whatever that negative kind of drama that's going through looping around time and again and shift it into a positive reality .

Like thinking instead of my leg is burning .

Think , wow , my leg is getting stronger by virtue of me staying in this pose , I'm getting stronger every breath , every moment and then just inhale , reverse warrior lengthen the right side , right arm over the right ear , left hand down the back leg , open up the right side of the body as you pull your nasal to your spine and just feel the length of the right side .

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So this is another opportunity , feel that that growth , that lengthening , that flexibility , that's becoming more and more a part of your reality and realize that all of your , all of your dreams can come true .

You have to just do the work and back to the center , straighten the right leg .

That leg was really burning , reach your right hand forward and exhale , fold in the triangle .

So you gonna take the right hand , you can take it to the leg , to your foot all the way to the floor , whatever you can reach if you need a block , go for it .

Left arm up just like this and take a few breaths .

So triangle pose really opens up the right hamstring , stability .

His focus on that .

The balance in your life .

You have the back foot rooted into the earth , the right foot grounding down into the wall of the foot and the left are rising up as you connect heavens above you to the earth below you .

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And you are that conduit , that connection point between heaven and earth .

So if you think about that , you think about the miracle that your life is , you were born , that was a miracle and then everything since then has been pretty miraculous .

So if you think about that and there's nothing that you cannot achieve , there's nothing that you cannot , you cannot have .

So draw that energy into your heart into your mind and then left hand down , drop the left knee down , you're gonna step the right foot back , come into plank position and exhale lower halfway or all the way to your belly , inhale upward dog or cobra and exhale downward up .

Grounding into the palms .

Neck is long spine is long .

You can bend your left knee , a little ground through the right heel , bend your right knee , ground to the left heel , inhale the right leg up all the way up .

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If you can lengthen the hamstrings , open up the back of your body , exhale right foot down , inhale left leg up and we're going to do the other side .

So the left foot forward between the hands and turn your right foot flat .

Same thing on this side , I'm just going to have to turn away from you , but you'll be able to see me from the back .

Inhale the right arm , up side angle .

So you can do the side angle like this or you can do the hand down to the floor , whatever works better for you .

But basically the same practice here , we want to really open up the mind as we open the body .

So that's the key to the miracle manifestation is that your mind becomes in line with the spirit .

And the spirit is the source of all creation and that is the source that provides the nourishment and the support for you to manifest your miracles .

So align with that , you can extend the right arm over the right ear .

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If you want , you can bind your right hand behind your back .

If you feel , draw the right shoulder open to the sky and just take a few breaths like this .

So when you're breathing , you're inhaling all of that openness that positivity into your heart , into your mind .

And as you're exhaling , you're letting go of any doubt , any fear , any negativity inhaling all the way up into war or two , drop the shoulders down and back , brought into the front of the body , sink the hips , low traction , the left knee forward and really feel the strength , strength of the spine , strength of the left leg and feel that strength in your soul , knowing that willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals and dreams and that you have what it takes inside of you .

It's already in there .

You don't need anything else .

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Just a matter of tapping into your inner power and connecting and aligning with the higher self and reaching forward and exhale , reverse warrior length and back , the left arm over the left ear and feel the left side body long .

Same thing here really want to feel that length and at the same time , the openness , the receptivity to whatever it is that your heart desires just allowing it to come .

Sometimes the only thing blocking us from the manifestation of our miracles is that we are not allowing it to come , we're blocking it , come back to the center , open the arms wide , reach forward and excel fold in the triangle , right arm up .

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So just taking a few moments to allow as you reach up to the heavens , that's like your receptive receptive palm open to the sky and just kind of embracing the receiving mode of your life , right ?

So the feminine energy is receptivity and as you open your heart and mind to receive , you align with the frequency that allows the dreams and goals to manifest with effortless ease and slowly lower the right hand down the left foot , back , lower to the knees .

And if you want , it can end in a child's post .

So just a resting position , palms facing up by your sides or extending out in front of your head and just resting your forehead down into the earth .

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Take a moment coming all the way up to , we'll just end with a little manifestation , miracle meditation for a second .

So close your eyes , find a nice seated position .

You could also continue the child's pose for this or you could go into if you choose but palms facing up .

That's the receiver position .

Another really good one is the lotus mood .

So the thumbs are at the sternum and the fingers are splayed out like this .

So that's a receptacle you think about like you got to create some way for the receiving of whatever your heart is desiring .

So here you go , pour it in , right .

That's the idea .

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Arms are relaxed , shoulders are down and away from the ears , crown of the head lifted and just allow , allow whatever it is that your heart desires to come in freely , openly miraculously , with no judgment and no constraints .

You don't want to put pressure on the universe .

The universe delivers in divine time .

So divine time is not within our scope of understanding .

Sometimes we want it now or we wanted it yesterday already .

But the truth is that it comes when the timing is right and the timing is only right in the big picture reality .

So we have to let go of our desires and our pressure that we put on ourselves and our time table and just allow divine time to unfold in its miraculous way .

Take a deep breath into your heart .

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Exhale completely .

Now , this time in deep , excel out of the mouth , one more breath in house , breathe it in and call it in and welcome it in and exhale palms down by your knees , open your eyes .

Just know that your miracle is on its way .

Stay tuned for more videos every day .

Call me here on TV and leave a comment in the comments below or contact me on any other social media , Facebook , youtube , Twitter , Instagram , Pinterest , or youtube and leave any messages that you want .

I'd love to hear from you and stay tuned for the next video coming soon .

Have a beautiful blessed day .

Not my day .


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