Welcome .
This is a beginner friendly yoga for hip flexibility sequence .
Feel free to have some pillows or blocks nearby in case you'd like to modify .
Let's begin laying on our backs soles of the feet to touch , allowing the knees to fall open for a supine butterfly pose .
Option here to place pillows under the knees for a little added height , added support .
I'm taking a moment here to work through the body , softening the shoulders and the upper back softening the spine , utilizing your inhales to create space and using your ax heels toy out any of that tension softening the legs and the feet .
69.01 --> 299.47
We'll grab the outer edges of the feet , bottoms of feet to touch , option to rock side to side .
Release one last tug .
Good squeeze and we'll come to our seat , straightening the right leg , flexing the right toes up towards the sky .
Pressing into that right heel , allow the left knee to fall open , sitting tall .
We're gonna go ahead and take a side stretch towards the right .
Will inhale back to center as you exhale , sides stretch towards your left and he'll back to center as you exhale , begin to fold forward , stopping wherever you feel that stretch release .
422.73 --> 485.22
485.899 --> 549.849
Perfect .
We'll come to see it and healing the hands up overhead .
Exhale heart center .
Thank you for joining .
Must stay .
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