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2023-07-16 16:01:50

How to Draw Old People (Age Lines)

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Good day .

Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to this week's episode of Draw with Jazz .

I'm Jazz and this is a video tutorial on how to draw old people and age and stuff like that .

And you can see here , I've got a bit of a drawing sketch thing of Brian Cranston from breaking Bad , which is pretty much the coolest show ever .

Um Now , when you draw old people , it's not simply a matter of just drawing lines on the face , it's a matter of where you draw the lines and how you convey the age in the face .

And so we're gonna uh go through the methods that I personally use that might be of help to you um In how I approach drawing age on the face and where to draw the lines , how they group together and things like that .

Um I will preface that these techniques can be used on female faces as well , but generally , they're a bit more subtle because I want to use a , a nice strong uh example .

I'm gonna be using the male face .

So if you can imagine a uh a , a human skull with flesh stuck onto it into the , into the form of a human head .

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When the uh person is aging , I like to kind of imagine that .

Uh , it's just kind of sagging and , and the skin , it's almost like there's more skin but there's no room for it to be anyway .

So it kind of bunches up and , and that's where you get those lines .

That's where you get those shapes .

So , what I wanna do is just kind of approach and this character here and outlined the areas in which the skin would um hang as in , it would be flat and areas in which the skin would group and fold and create those lines .

So the first thing we would do is uh kind of examine where , where the safe zones are where aging won't happen as much .

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Well , I think the first place would be the very top of the head if you could imagine draping cloth over it , that's where there are gonna be the least amount of lines when you fold a cloth , another place is the nose because it protrudes quite out , out quite a bit .

So the material or the skin would just kind of still sit on top of that fairly flat .

The other area is the top of the cheekbones , the cheekbones again are a part of the face that protrude as well as the very edge of the brows here .

And then uh I'd say a partially the bottom lip and the end of the chin .

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So as you can see those areas of which I've , I've highlighted , um it , it's fairly obvious that they stick out quite a bit more than other parts of the face , which is uh which leads us to what we're going to be doing .

Now is examining where these folds would happen and in general , it would happen between these points of solidarity .

So if you look uh between the top of the um head and the , the top of the brow here , this would be an area in which the skin groups because it starts to kind of uh have less hanging space and , and be bunched up between these points here .

So that's an area .

Another area very obvious is underneath the eyes .

It really gets uh pulled in to the head shape into the the cavity of the skull there .

OK .

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Next is this kind of arc area here .

So if you imagine it's like the a bit of an archway that carries over .

Um And that also pulls up into the sides here .

So these red areas or dark brown areas , uh I'd also include the back of the head are um where the skin whoops would bunch would bunch together and create the strange folds and whatnot also in the neck .

OK .

So now that we have uh a rough area references to where things would group and where things would hang .

I'm going to move across now to a an array of these heads that I've laid out now , I'm not going to change the one on the left .

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It's going to be our point of reference , but I'm going to show three variations or stages of aging .

So we can show examples as to how we would signify this aging process .

And I'm going to use red lines .

So that's pretty clear where the lines are going and how thick they are and things like that .

OK .

So this is our first one here and we're not gonna go for too old .

We're gonna go for the , the bare minimum when aging starts to show .

But when it's no way , uh a uh a deprecating thing for that person .

So , uh the most um obvious thing to do would to be do very subtle minimal lines in the areas in which the grouping takes place .

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So I'm gonna go over here , these areas would be first and foremost under the eyes because that is the biggest cavity uh or the probably the biggest size change in the , in the head , like the , the eyes sink in .

There's big holes right behind where the eye is .

OK .

The next thing uh between the nose and the mouth because the skin kind of comes down and there's a big cavity on either side of the jaw here where your teeth go in .

So aside from those lines directly under the uh cavity , I would do simple sort of actually even that's too , too , too much , I'd probably do something like this .

Ok .

I don't want it on the edge on the , um , very edges of the mouth because if I do that , he'll look a bit too old , but something as simple as that .

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And then on the brow , just a line on the top of where that brow is .

So you can see very quickly that that is all it needs to uh , start conveying the age .

Now on the side view , same sort of thing .

So just one line on the top , one on the bottom of the eye and one on the side of the mouth .

So pretty , pretty easy to do there .

Moving along here , we're gonna get like a fairly middle aged uh starting to , to show the signs of age .

So underneath the eye .

So same thing we , we do the basic lines that we did in our previous example , but we're gonna start adding more .

OK ?

So with the top of the brow , I'd probably add another layer on there because the the folds of skin are starting to uh to kind of stack , you probably add a couple of thin lines there .

Now directly under the eye .

Here , I add an extra bag .

OK ?

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Because this uh the first line on the low part is the is the part of the skin that holds against the , the uh the chin .

And directly under here are the bags that are directly under the eye or where the low , the bottom eyelid is OK .

Now how I would approach the mouth aging differently to the previous example is I would start to separate two areas of line one from the side of the nose that goes beside the mouth and the other that kind of comes up against that , but goes back to the to the jaw , to the uh to the cheek .

OK ?

Because the skin like we uh showed in our page before here hangs on the cheek .

So we're not gonna be adding age lines to the cheeks , but the skin starts to really fold in under here and we can have that happen .

OK ?

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And then same thing here , we have the top line , let's add another layer start showing the aging of the eyes and we have the side of the face happen too and we're gonna kind of add a little , little aging to the back of the neck there .

OK ?

So again , it's not , it's not a huge amount of uh detail and lines that's kind of the medium .

And now over here , we're gonna go into uh an extreme .

OK ?

So where we're gonna really show how we would draw someone really decrepit and aged , OK .

So first things first , you really just outline where those hanging areas are and you let the skin bunch together .

So under the eye was one , OK ?

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Now , the other thing that happens is that it's gonna start to affect the basic shape of the face itself .

So for example , under the eyes , these are quite young eyes and how you would show eyes being more aged is you would let this area here hang down .

So the skin would start to droop over the end of the eyes and creases kind of come out from the edge right here .

OK .

Now , brow same thing , but the difference is it starts to really stack up .

We got lots of age lines happening here .

This sort of dent in the side of the skull can come out a bit .

OK .

So we're , we're really just grouping and uh adding a fold to the skin layers .

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Now , over here , one thing that is uh quite common to do is to do very little lines in the top lip because the top lip no longer has the fullness that it had in its youth and the the skin is grouping together , same thing as before we start off with that .

But now we can kind of add another layer and have this one and the the skin from under the the cheek really group in with that .

OK .

Now , like I said , it's gonna start affecting the shape of the head itself .

The skin is going to wrap much more extremely around the very core shape of the skull .

So if I hired both of these and you see the skull , there are a few areas which there are are are no bone at all , but the skin and fat kind of fill in the gaps in particular in the jaw and the eye .

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So what I'm gonna do to show extreme age is I'm gonna get rid of the sides of the jaw there and I'm gonna get my red and instead the jaw is gonna be kind of sucked in like that .

Ok .

So it's still the chin is in the same sort of area , but this area here instead of being nice and round because of the fat and the skin that filled it out , it's going to really be sucked in here .

OK ?

And we can just start to crease the skin around the edges of the face .

So again , this is a very extreme example of how you would draw aging and that's probably where I'd leave it aside from the neck .

We can do things like have the skin folds wrap around like the Adam's apple and where the tendons of the , the neck join the muscle .

OK ?

And now going down here , we're gonna do the same thing on the side .

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So we have our core aging lines like this and then we start to layer and group , we erase and let the skin fold over the eye , the skin group in the mouth .

Now , I'm not going to uh erase the uh jawline here because this is actually against the bone .

It's this fill air area here that shows here that I filled in .

So to show that we are .

Again , we group the skin and show those nice old gross but delightful lines that add lots of character through our creation .

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We can kind of shape the nose a bit more and then finally have it , follow the contours of the , the neck muscles and have those creepy old guy necklines and he'd probably be a little more hunchback too .

But uh that's something that you can kind of mess around with yourself .

Alright , so here we have the uh basic array that I've made and I'm gonna duplicate that and show you quickly without the behind it and combining all of this into black lines that you can see that it's a very clear depiction of the stages of aging and without having lines where they're not needed , it's uh really putting just simple line work in basic areas that uh communicate very clearly the age that this , that whatever character you're drawing is .

So I hope that uh this tutorial has been helpful to you .

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If you have any questions , make sure to leave it in the comment section below , subscribe rate and uh yeah , have a good one .

I hope you enjoyed this video links are below to download the original files for reference .

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