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2023-07-18 12:31:12

30 Min Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class for Beginners _ Yoga for A Good Night Sleep

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Here we go , bend the knees generously , drop your hips down in space and start to roll it up nice and slow .

Stacking it up through the spine .

We rise up together , strong , spread the fingertips .

Feel this moment just , just a matter of sharpening your awareness and then let it go .

Cool fingertips go down to come up .

Big inhale the stretch , reach for the sky , exhale rain , the fingers down again .

Bend the knees good this time .

Step the left toes back , first , left toes back , first , lower the left knee down , inhale , sweep the fingertips all the way up and over .

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Grab the left wrist with the right hand and up and over as we lean into the lunge just a bit , squeezing the inner thighs towards the center , could inhale the lift the chin , maybe look up and then exhale to release it down , pull the right hip crease back now straight in the front leg .

So we're trying to make both side body here nice and long , really all four sides of the torso nice and long flex your right toes towards your face .

Big stretch , big breath inhale in and exhale .

Rolling through that right foot .

Lift the left knee up , left hand or fingertips to the earth .

As you take a twist here , right fingertips reach all the way up towards the sky .

Big breath in .

Keep squeezing your right knee back into center .

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So if it's come out , go ahead and squeeze it back in good and then exhale to release the right fingertips down .

And here we go again .

Come on to your fingertips .

Find a little playfulness here .

We're gonna inhale , in exhale , switch the legs lower the right knee to the ear .

And of course , these moments are built to humble us too .

The practice of humility on the yoga mat is one of the most valuable things I think I've found in a practice here we go .

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Sweep the arms up and overhead , grab the right wrist , think up and over , support your low back by turning on those abs , quote Adrian Michler good lift the chin , maybe look up , breathe here , make sure you're breathing and then exhale soft fingers here as you release good straight in the front leg , pull the left hip crease back this time , flex your left tose towards your face , slight bend in the left knee .

So you are obviously in charge .

But if you're all the way back on your right heel , maybe lift that hip up .

So it's right over the right knee breathing deep and Helen exhale the roll through the left foot .

Lift the right knee up .

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Here we go .

Big twist when you're ready , inhale left fingertips up towards the sky , reach , reach , reach and exhale full release .

We bring it back down , plant the palms , step it to a plank , ok .

Now we're gonna step the right toes to touch just off the yoga mat to the right and then bring them back and then the left toes to touch just off to the left your mind's gonna wanna give up first here .

So focus on all of your beautiful muscles that are coming to the party here .

Getting stronger .

You can pick your pace here , nice and slow .

Or if you need a little more , you can turn it into a little hop both toes moving out and then at the same time wherever you are , let's do this one more time to each side and then slowly lower the knees , lower the chest , lower the chin , drag the hands in line with the ribs .

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Inhale for cobra and exhale to release great job , curl the toes under , lift back up to your plank and then send the hips up high and back for downward facing dog .

Inhale in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth again , inhale in through the nose and the release out through the mouth .

Inhale to bend the knees and look forward , exhale to make your way to the top feet together .

Great , bring your thumbs to your hip creases .

Now bend your knees and send your hips back , then release the thumbs down .

Fingertips , reach forward up and back for chair pose , nice and strong inhale and deeply here .

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Exhale to release everything forward , full , bend your knees again , draw your navel up and slow , roll up to mountain , lots of spinal function in this practice .

Take advantage of it .

Good interlace the fingertips behind your tail knuckles draw down as you open up through the chest .

The pegs turn your gaze to one side , any side drill the knuckles down and then through center into the other side and then back to center .

Release the bind .

Inhale .

Catch a wave , reach up , exhale , wiggle the fingertips , melt it all the way down .

Good .

From here , we're gonna bend the knees , drop the hips back , send the fingertips forward .

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And then back up to center one more time over to the right and then bring the legs back up the center over to the left and then inhale and bring the legs back up to center , straighten the legs straight up toward the ceiling .

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Now , here we squeeze the legs together .

We send the hips back , Palms are gonna come together .

And we're gonna think up and over as we bring the outer edge of the right elbow to the outer edge of the left thigh .

So we're in a twist here in chair , squeezing the legs together .

Inhale in exhale .

Listen carefully .

You're gonna shift your weight to your left foot by lifting your right heel .

Stop one , breathe deep , then nice and slow .

We're gonna either drag the right toes or lift the right toes up and step it back into a lunge .

So now you're in a revolved lunge , spiraling the heart up towards the sky .

Breathe deep .

And if you need to do any restitution , anything at all to get here , maybe you even return back to this nice open twist building , making your way toward this shape .

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Then you cross the ankles and just slowly roll up and then just go into an easy cat's breath movement .

You inhale kind of tilt the pelvis open the chest , lift the head , look up and then inhale , raise the head , look up and make the exhale the active part where you tuck the tail bone around the back and squeeze the breath out .

Push the floor with the palms and four more times inhale , ease into opening the spine and exhale .

Push the floor around the back , squeeze the breath out .

Three more inhale , exhale , inhale body opens .

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Another day , everyone really lift the back , knee , pull the left hip crease back , breathe into your belly .

Inhale , stay for the exhale .

Nice from here .

Plant the palms , step the left toes back , lower all the way to the belly or halfway for an upward facing dog or cobra , take a deep breath in wherever you are and exhale , make your way to downward facing dog .

Inhale in through the nose .

Exhale , sigh it out , bend the knees inhale , look forward , exhale to make your way to the top feet together , bend the knees , squeeze the legs inhale for chair fingertips reach forward , shoulder blades , draw together and down towards the waistline .

Here we go .

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Go one more time into cat's breath , inhaling and exhaling , inhaling and exhaling , inhaling and opening , exhaling , inhale , exhale again and then come to center where the body where the spine is parallel to the floor .

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Palms come together , inhale in exhale to the other side , left elbow to the outer edge of the right thigh , press the palms together , drop the hips , low breathe , spiral your heart up towards the heavens .

You got this nice and slow , meet your appropriate edge .

We begin to lift the left foot , the left heel , excuse me , as you press your weight evenly throughout the right foot , then you can drag the left toes or lift the left toes up and step it back for your revolved twist .

So a reset does not happen overnight .

It is a process .

It is a practice just like awakening to your true nature .

It's all a process .

It doesn't happen overnight .

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Wherever you are , breathe into your belly , breathe into your chest and then stay for the exhale .

Good .

Then slowly unravel come back .

We'll plant the palm step the right toes back .

Inhale , look forward , shift forward , exhale , squeeze the elbows in , slowly , lower down to the belly or halfway inhale upward , facing dog or cobra exhale downward facing dog .

Nice cleansing breath here , inhaling deeply through the nose and exhale out through the mouth one more on your own .

You guide it and then slowly allow the knees to kiss the mat , press into the tops of your feet .

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Left leg comes down , then both walk the feet forward now into open and fold easy forward , bend and then , and a chair pose , bend the knees , raise the arms up , paws and exhale .

Come all the way standing , cut us in the arms of the chest , relax the arms down beside .

And then we'll go into a balancing sequence tree pose for and the first pose , right foot comes up center of the left thigh , palms to the chest and then take the arms over the head as you reach and lift long through the torso .

Pause there and breathe .

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Now , close your eyes and really feel your breath here , that expansion as you breathe in and that contraction as you let go inhale , create space , exhale , make space more space , make room for the next to beautiful release .

We'll switch to the other side , hug the right knee up , hook the left elbow , right fingertips behind and inhale to lengthen through the crown and exhale to journey into the twist .

Now , I'm not gonna queue your breaths here .

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So you can really take , take the wheel and on your next exhale , your next release will bring it back to center and come to lie down on our backs , hug the knees into the chest .

Now , stir up posture on both sides .

So grab the outer edge , edges of your feet or the inner arches or the ankles , kick the feet up towards the sky .

Happy baby pose .

And you really want to lengthen your tailbone here .

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So you feel that connection , the sacred on the earth , lift your the soles of your feet up towards the sky as you draw your shoulders and the elbows down , find any soft , easy movement here that feels good and then slowly release the feet to the ground and come to lie with your limbs extended out long , turn the palms face up as we symbolize kind of this uh open hand , this open mind , this open and awakened heart for whatever reveals itself .

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So making some space for the new wave , but also being brave and curious and aware enough to be able to see and to look and to see to find the things that are kind of agitating us or keeping us from being aligned with our true nature .

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The things that might be distracting us are holding us back , agitating us from embodying our best , close your eyes if you haven't already and just allow your body to relax completely and fully into the earth .

Oftentimes with the video especially , we're ready to jump to the next thing , but just give yourself one more quiet moment here .

Allow your body to get heavy in your breath to just be nice and easy present .

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Yeah .

Notice where the earth or your yoga mat rise up to meet you to hold you and see if in this last tender moment here you can just relax a little more .

Ok .

And begin to gently deepen your breath .

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Allow that to spark a little movement , a little joy in the fingers and the toes , maybe the tongue and the mouth , turn your toes in and out tiktok with the legs and then hug your knees up into your chest and turn to one side , maybe the side that's facing Benji .

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And I , and we just press up here to a nice comfortable seat and we'll draw the hands together and just seal this practice with one last breath and a connection first to ourselves and second to each other right in Helen and exhale invitation to bow the head to the heart here and whisper any sentiment that resonates with you maybe and I love you or , or something else like I am strong .

We got this , I choose , fill in the blank or I must stay .

Thanks everyone .

Take good care .

We'll see you next time .

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Take the left arm out to the left side and turn your left chest up toward the ceiling and then untwist step the right foot forward and inhale , come all the way up standing xao palms that ads and now we step the left leg back warrior .

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One , raise the arms on the in breath , bring the palms to the chest , left elbow outside the right thigh , pressurize the palms , make the spine long , make the back leg , firm breathe and twist .

Then come back into a warrior palm straight to the chest straight in the front leg and fold forward .

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And then in closing , we lie on the stomach , take the arms wide out to the side , forehead on the ground and then three times on the in bread , raise the arms , raise the legs .

Everything comes up off the floor , pause and breathe and exhale .

Lower down , release the forehead to the ground .

Palms come down , rest and again on the inhale , everything raises up and on the exhale .

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So the release and come all the way down , come up as high as you can raise the arms , raise the legs and slowly release , come all the way down , bring the hands under the shoulders , press back toward child's pose and then cross the ankles and roll the hips behind the ankles .

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Bring the legs around to the front into a seated , the right knee bends , sit up straight and tall and twist , turn and then released back to center .

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Straightening the left leg be and opposite arm outside the bent leg , thigh , sit up straight and tall and then you release back to center , right leg , straightening , lie back and go up into bridge , poses feet about hip distance apart , roll your shoulders open and up .

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You go the bridge and then slowly release , come all the way down one leg at a time , straighten the legs out arms beside the body , palms up and shove us on a final rest where you let go of all the tensions in the body , in the mind , in the breath to allow yourself to center into the , let him go on the exhale breath .


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