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2023-07-18 12:45:08

Yoga for Beginners - Breathing Techniques - Thoracic, Abdominal & Friendly Breathing by Yogi Sandeep

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My name is Sandy .

Friends .

If I challenge you to stay , stay without food for one day or two days , is it possible for you ?

Maybe it will be possible .

What about water ?

Can you say also without water ?

Maybe for a day , maybe that also will be possible .

But what about the bread ?

What about the air ?

Can you stay without that ?

Not even more than a few minutes ?

If you stay away , if you don't breathe , you know what will be the end result if a person doesn't breathe , the person die and that is the reason why the blood continuously keeps on moving inside the body .

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Most of the time , we are not aware of the way the breath is moving right from the day we are born till the day we die , the breath keeps on moving automatically and in most cases because of lifestyle , because of stress , because of so many other factors .

Our bed starts becoming shallow friends .

Do you know that our capacity of breeding is 100% ?

But how much do we breathe ?

We not breed more than 25% of our breeding capacity .

We only use partial breeding .

Our breeding has become quite shallow , quite little .

And if we don't take care , then it can lead to some kind of problems physically .

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And also psychologically , the reason why I'm saying this is when we breathe , we get oxygen and when we deprive ourselves from oxygen , indirectly , the cells gets affected .

Also the breath when it is regulated , well , it can allow you to calm down .

Your mind can become nice , relax , calm .

So if the breath is not moving completely or properly , the mind can also become agitated , the mind can also become restless .

So breathing is very important for us to keep the body in a good condition .

And also to keep the mind in a good condition , even if you are breathing well , sometimes people breed paradoxically .

In fact , researchers says that more than 50% of people breed paradoxically , that means what needs to come out goes inside when we breathe in the chest , in the abdomen is like a balloon .

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So when the air goes inside , it expands and when we breathe out , it falls back , it contrasts few people .

In fact , I would say more than 50% of people when they breed in one expands and one contracts .

So the inside system also gets a little confused .

The diaphragm gets confused where to move .

Should it expand when it should inhale or because one is contracting and one is expanding , it loses its way of moving properly .

So we should understand what is the right way of breathing .

Because if you can breathe rightly automatically sings at the physical level and also the mental level can start falling into place .

We can increase our physical energy and we can start concentrating easily , we can relax the mind easily .

So breath plays a very important role .

And that is the reason why breath is called as a bridge which connects the body and the mind .

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So let's understand what is the right way of breathing .

So there are three parts that we are able to discuss in this video .

The first part is called to acid breeding .

The second is called is abdomen breeding .

And the third is called , is friendly bleeding .

The purpose of doing to acid breeding is to make sure that we are expanding the chest from all sides , keeping £1 on the chest so that we can feel the movement so that we can rectify whether the movement is right or not .

Few people when they breath in the chest collapses and the abdomen comes out .

That is not what we want .

When we inhale , we want the chest to expand .

And when we exhale , we want the chest to contract .

So keeping one palm on the chest now breathe , breathe deeply and slowly and exhale gently and slowly .

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So when you breath in the chest expands , and when you breathe out , the chest collapses a lot of time when we breathe , we usually breathe from the front of the chest .

But actually , if you see the chest is at a 3 60 degree circumference , is it possible for us to expand the chest also from the sides and also from the back , most of the time , the side in the back remains dormant .

So we need to awaken them so that we can use the entire chest area , we can with this particular practice , allow the breath to come more deeply .

So keeping the palm on the chest , front of the chest , take two breaths , feel the movement happening in the front of the chest .

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Inhaling slowly , exhaling how when we exhale , the chest collapses , inhaling slowly and deeply , also exhaling slowly and deeply .

Now , friends , I'm using this word slowly deliberately .

The reason is people when they breathe deeply , they usually lift very fast , they breathe the air inside , they allow the air to come inside very forcefully .

This is not what we want .

We want the bread to come out , come in , let the bread go out gently and slowly expanding gently and deeply .

Exhaling gently and completely .

So this was the front of the chest .

Let's keep the hand by the side of the chest so that we can feel the movement happening also in the side of the chest .

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Inhale , slow and exhale slowly and gently , inhale slowly and deep , exhale slowly and gently .

A lot of people don't feel the movement on the side .

And that's the reason why we keep the hand with practice , you can release the hand and you can still feel the breath moving on the side of the chest .

Now , let's watch the back of the chest .

You can keep one hand behind , allowing the back of the palm to come between the shoulder legs .

Now feel that when you breath in , is there any movement ?

In fact , this is the area which requires a little more attention if you are concentrating there really well , you can start feeling the movement at the back of the chest also .

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So inhaling , exhaling slow in here , exhaling snow , last breath , inhale , feel the back of the chest going away from you when you breathe in .

And when you exhale , feel how it is coming back closer to you closer to the spine .

So we watch the front of the chest , we watch the side of the chest , then we watch the back of the chest .

Is it possible now to club all of them together so that we can do a complete or acid breathing ?

So when we breathe in , we can feel maybe initially the brick moving from the front , then moving to the side and moving to behind that is fine .

Or sometimes we can start breathing where the brick can move from behind to the side to the front .

Anything is fine .

What is more important is , can the chest expand from all the results ?

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Let's do three breath inhale slowly , allow the breath to come in gently and deeply and feeling the expansion of the chest from all sides .

Exhale gently and slowly feel how the chest is collapsing all from all sides .

When we are breathing in , we are not doing any spinal movement .

It is the chest , it is the region that is moving , not movement of the spine .

Two more inhale , slow and deep , feel the front , the side and the back of the chest expanding , exhale last time , breathe gently in , breathe out , gently and completely out .

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I'm so glad you're joining me on this transformational journey .

This is beginner's yoga for weight loss and we'll focus on strengthening your muscles .

Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell because we're making lots of new beginners videos and I want you to practice them all .

When you practice yoga , you feel better , grab two blocks and let's get going .

We'll begin sitting up nice and tall crossing at your shins ground through your sit phones , close your eyes and bring your hands together in front of your hearts .

So we start our practice with the intention of strength , flexibility and acceptance and then release that and make your way onto your back , hug your knees into your chest and gently rock yourself side to side .

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This is how we can correct the movement of the abdomen .

So keeping £1 on the chest to feel the movement of the uh chest .

But more important , keeping the other palm of the abdomen to focus on the abdomen .

Don't worry about the chest .

If you want , you can keep one palm only on the abdomen so that you can feel the movement of the abdomen only chest will move .

Don't worry about the chest .

Just focus on the abdomen .

Inhale , let the abdomen come out slowly .

And when you exhale , bring the abdomen back inside , contracting in the muscles are contracting with the exhalation .

Not only the muscles are moving individually , it's the exhalation and the going of the abdomen inside happening together .

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Inhaling , relaxing the abdomen wall out , exhaling , bringing the abdomen wall in two more breaths , inhale , abdomen comes out , exhale , bring the abdomen wall in last time in here and exceed and then release a hand .

So first we watched the thoracic breathing , then we came to the abdomen breathing , understanding what is the right way of movement of the chest and the abdomen .

Now , let's combine both together in breeding .

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Be sure to flex your right ankle that will help to protect your knee .

Continue steady breath as you draw your right hip gently forward toward the front of the mat and then release back into happy baby again , hold on to your ankles or shins or take the little toe sides of your feet , drawing knees and toward armpits and lengthening your tailbone toward the mat .

Evening up the breath , relax your shoulders and your jaws .

You hold your left leg where it is extending the right leg either straight out onto the mat or bend the knee .

So the foot on the floor again , with the left leg , knee , bend toward armpit , holding little toes out of the foot or you may hold your ankle .

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This will stretch it out a little bit more and then let's all bend the right knee flex in the left ankle place it just past the right knee and you can stay with that or draw the right leg in toward the chest , holding on behind the thigh .

You can even hold on to the right shin if you'd like taking it a little bit deeper , but do draw your left hips gently forward toward the front of the map , releasing that hug both knees into your chest .

This is called a gently rocking side to side , back and forth , giving the low back a little massage , release your feet back down , roll all the way on to your right side .

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Now , carefully using your left hand , press yourself up to seat it and crossing at the shins to roll forward onto your hands and knees , get your yoga blocks and place them toward the front of your mat .

Line up , wrists under shoulders , knees and hips and then step your right foot up by your right hand blocks on either side of the right foot , tuck your back toes under hands on blocks , draw your right hip back as you gently sink forward , I'm gonna have your blocks at any height , but keep your spine nice and long .

So not rounding the back at all , make sure the right knee is over the ankle .

We'll stretch out the hip flexor in this one a bit .

So keep the low belly lifted and then as you exhale , start to straighten the right leg and fold forward over your right leg .

Now will stretch out our hamstrings a bit .

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So we're just gonna warm up the body , getting it ready to create a little more heat in our practice .

So we re bending the front knee over the ankle , pull your right hip back and then let's make our way back into table and then step your left foot up by your hand .

So make sure the blocks are on either side of your left foot , any height with the blocks .

If you happen to not have any blocks , you can rest your hands on your leg .

If they don't reach the floor , pull your left hip back , lift your right hip away from the matt and pin the right hip in gently , squeeze it in towards center as you sink forward here , keep your belly lifted and your spine nice and long and then inhale , straightening through the left leg and fold over the leg or stay up whatever works for you .

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So we stretch out the hamstrings on the left side again , warming up the body preparing for some deeper work and then rebinding the left knee and make your way back into your table .

And then you can move your blocks off to the side and walk your hands in front of your shoulders , turn your inner elbows gently forward and then begin to tuck your toes downward , dog , but keep the knees bent .

So stretch out your spine here and don't worry about straightening both legs , but then straightens just the right leg , keep the left knee bends and switch .

So bicycling the legs back and forth and then bend both knees and will stretch way back the bicycle a couple of times .

And both of these bends , stick your hips way up in the air , stretch back , straighten the legs as much as they will .

If they don't straighten all the way , then keep them bends , but keep some length throughout your spine .


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