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2023-07-19 14:27:47

Total Body Vinyasa Flow Yoga - 45 Minutes (Strong Beginners and Intermediate)

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If it's available , bringing the chin down to the chin , feel the muscle fiber is growing in opposite direction , rebind the front knee and step back to downward facing dock in hell , left foot forward , I'm lifting up for high lunch .

Back heel is off the ground .

Hips are square , locking your eyes on one spot .

Inhale , straighten the leg , exhale , bend , inhale , straighten , pull the belly in , exhale , bend , lock your eyes on one spot .

Inhale , straighten , exhale , bend fingers to the floor .

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Right hand stays down , left hand on the hip first , roll the chest open and if you'd like reach your hand up toward the ceiling , keep the left knee hugging in toward the right arm for the belly in as you inhale , find the length as you exhale , move into the space .

Look the floor left hand down , drop the right knee on an inhale , shift the hips back and taking a hamstring stretch .

If the hamstrings are really tight , get the hands on the hips .

Otherwise hands come down to the floor but moves back .

Hell moves forward .

Think of growing the leg in opposite directions .

Inhale , lengthening the spine and exhale , folding forward .

Think of the chest coming down to the knee , the chin down to the shin rather than the nose .

The you want the back , more parallel rather than round it on an inhale .

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We bend the front knee and exhale , step back by slow breath and walk your feet forward , separating the feet hip with the part , bend the knees and taking a rag doll .

Bring the weight toward the balls of the feet , holding on the opposite elbows and shaking out the head .

Yes and no .

Keep the knees as comfortably bent as you need them .

You want the spine super relaxed the head , completely heavy , feeling the breath move in and out of the body .

Noticing that as the thoughts come , you can let them go bend the knees and slowly inhale , roll yourself up heads .

The last thing to lift chin stays tucked in to the very end .

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Palms touch overhead , exhale arms alongside the body in hell .

Reaching up palms , touch axel fold from inhale , right .

Put back to a lunge exhale , downward facing dog .

And how all the plan goes .

Exhale , lower down chatter where the toes tuck the tailbone inhale , lift the chest exhale , press back to downward dog inhale right before exhale left .

It follows , bend the knees deeply , inhale , reach up for Keta , awkward chair pose and stay here , dropped the butt down , tuck the T bone and lift the heart arms alongside the ears .

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Put up between the hands , exhale , left , followings bend the knees inhale and stay here .

Arms can come back like football goal posts .

Really feel those shoulders wrap on the side of the back body and the knees a little deeper .

Talks to the chest lifts , exhale , touch the floor , inhale right , right back , downward facing dog .

You know how to blank exhale .

Lower down .

Inhale , lift Cobra A he'll press back and how right foot forward .

Axio left with follows , bend the knees and help with cat axe .

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Touch the floor in town left or back , exhale down .

We do you inhale a plank like it's the first time you're doing it .

Exhale , lower chat , press the legs down and have a cobra exhaled the downward facing dog and how the life would forward .

Exhale .

The right foot follows be in half exhale , touch the floor , inhale right to the back .

Exhale downward dock , inhale , roll forward , pull the belly in exhale , hug the elbows again to side body .

Get the shoulders lifted .

Inhale cobra exhale , press back and now right for forward .

Aha .

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Left foot follows , pull the belly in , be in and again , stay here , sit down , squeeze the thighs together .

Exhale , touch the floor and he left it back then work at chasing dogs .

Inhaled a plank .

Axio lower down and he'll roll his shoulders back with the heart exhale to downward dot And he left it forward .

Exhale right foot falls , bend the knees in him and stand up worms alongside the body .

Feel that pulsation .

So the breath move in and out , nice and steady .

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Turn to the side , feed her out wrists with a part with the left toes ending all the right toe out and he'll arms up the next him .

Bend the knee for warrior .

One hips are square .

So you're facing the front of your mat .

The right hip is pulling back as the left hip is rolling forward .

Hearts , open shoulders , wrap back , inhale straight in the leg , lift the arms and exhale , open chest and hips for warrior , two back toes are angled in and the energy is really rooting down to that back .

Heel fingers are spread wide , right knee is rolling out .

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If you look down , you would see the big toe and second toe try to get that right leg into a 90 degree angle straight in the leg rebind .

It , bring the form on the thigh .

Left hand on the hip , roll the shoulder back and inhale for extended side ankle , the right knee is pushing toward the right side of the mack .

You're opening up to the hip as your elo getting out at the right side of your body .

If you have one line of energy from the heel at the fingertips , as you inhale , find the length as you exhale , move into that space , inhaling arms up , hands on the hips and switching sides for warrior one .

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Spending a left knee , the right toes are angled in chest and torso are facing the bath of the man opening up .

Once again , lifting to the chest and coming into war or two , spreading the fingers wide , bend that knee left knee stays nice and bent 90 degrees .

It's rolling outward .

If you look down , you'd see the big toe .

So the feet ground down hug in isometrically .

And once again , bend and straighten the leg in order to come and to send its side ankle , left arm on the thigh , right arm along up alongside the ear , hugging the heels and asymmetrically pulling the belly in inhale , lengthening the spine .

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Exhale , moving into that space , feel how the breath moves the body .

Literally inhale , lengthening the spine and exhale , moving into that space , inhale , coming up to where your two straightening the leg hands on the hips .

And this time pigeon toe their feet for a straddle four even lifting the chest as you inhale and exhale , folding forward , hands come out in front of you for hamstrings are really tight .

Otherwise , if it's available to you walk the hands back , so they're in one line with their feet and bending the elbows and allowing the torso had dropped down toward the floor , plug the shoulders into the back and keeps them lifted away from the ears .

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And when you're ready , lift your left arm up , lift the hips whole body is working here .

The feet are active quads are engaged .

Push the floor away with that right forearm , keep your breath going and carefully release the left hand down .

Switch sides , you can drop the knees to the mat as you set it up .

Left forearm on the mat .

Roll to the outside edge of your left foot stagger or stack the feet .

Feet are energized quads are engaged , lift the hips , push the floor away with that left forearm and the feet right arm up when you are ready , breathe through it and carefully release that right hand down to the floor .

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Find your downward facing dog from here .

Your choice , you can linger in downward facing dog or flow through your visa on your own .

Remember that in your practice , you can skip the when you need to or you can modify it any time .

Let's meet and downward facing dog .

Look forward at the space between the hands .

You can either walk step or lightly hop the feet forward , forward , fold , relax the upper body and here feel free to add your own variations .

You can sway side to side or c the elbows .

Feel the tension melt away from the upper back , the shoulders and the neck .

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Feel the nice lengthening in the back of the legs and the back body .

If you have the elbows , let them go with any soft exhale , slowly roll up , use the strength of your legs and your core to lift you up .

Once you're all the way up , inhale , reach the arms up and go straight to ego pose .

Swing the right arm under the left arm , press the palms and forearms together .

If you can do a double bind with the wrists , go ahead , slide the elbows down .

Now , set up the legs , bend the knees right leg out and over your left thigh .

If you need help with your balance , keep your right toes on the mat , or if you can lift the right foot up , maybe even hook the right foot behind the left leg .

Keep the hips and the chest facing forward .

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Quads are active weights more in the ball of the foot , inhale , lift spine , exhale , hands on the hips and with a flat back inhale , lifting up , turn those right toes forward and step to the front of the mat for ta da running down to the feet .

Inhale , lift up , exhale , fold forward , inhale right for back , downward facing dog and have one plank .

Aha .

And lower down and held to Cobra exhale and press back in hill right foot forward , Back hill down .

Lift up for Warrior one exhale .

Open up for Warrior two in hell .

Cut with the hands down .

Step back to plank axial and lower .

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And how the cobra exhaled a downward facing dog inhale , left foot forward , back , heel down , find your footing .

Lift up for warrior one .

Then that front knee exhale open up for Warrior two in how car with the hands down ?

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Step back to plan exhale , lower down , plug the elbows and the body lift the shoulders , roll the chest forward for comb breath , exhale back to downward facing dog in the house at the right foot forward , exhale left foot falls , bend the knees , inhale , root exhale , touch the floor inhale , left foot back , exhale downward dog , inhale water plank exhale lower down inhale , lift to Cobra exhale , press it back and he left foot forward , back , heel down , left up for Warrior one .

Exhale .

Open up for Warrior two and he'll cut all the hands down .

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Step back to plank exhale lower to the floor inhale .

Lift .

Cobra pressed the legs down , exhaled a downward facing off in hell , right foot forward , back , heel down .

Lived up for warrior one exhale .

Open up for war or two .

Use your breath , pull your belly in and hell car while the hands down set back to plank exhale .

Lower inhaling , lifting the cobra exhale the downward facing dog and how life it forward , exhale right foot fallings , bend the knees and how old exhale touched the floor in this time , separate your feet hit this apart or wire .

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And once again , take rag doll holding on to the elbows , bringing the weight toward the balls to the feet , a line the spine to be long in the head to be completely relaxed , bring your hands down and come to a seated position .

We take a diamond shape with the legs taro and , and pull the flesh back from the bombs .

And as you ask him , we'll go ahead and bring the forehead down toward the heels .

This is a passive post .

Just allow the body to relax .

The spine is really tight .

Keep the arm straight out in front of you .

Otherwise go ahead and fold forward , the forehead touches the heels and that's a great spot for it to be .

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Get ready to come up , bring your hands to the hips , use the strength of your legs to lift you all the way up or your two , turn your right foot out .

Bend the right knee , sink the hips low and stretch the arms out to the sides .

And a two , we'll add some movement .

Inhale arms up straight in the right leg .

Exhale , bend the knee arms out three more times .

Inhale arms up , exhale back to warrior 22 more .

Inhale , exhale , last one , inhale , exhale , pause the legs here for side angle , rest your right elbow , very lightly on the right thigh .

Reach the left arm up , left fingertips , reach up towards the ceiling , keep the length in your upper body .

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Otherwise you can stack the fist and place the forehead on top of that or just rest the forms on the legs .

So all the breath moves in out of the body , either stay there or if you'd like to take a more active pose , come to Bono , bringing the heels toward the grind , lifting the chest as you inhale and exhale , folding forward again , you want more of a straight spine rather than a rounded one , even if it means you don't fold as far forward .

So feel the shoulder blades lifted onto the back as you inhale , find that length as you exhale , move into that space , close your eyes and slowly lifting up , right , moving into Janos .

She Saina stretching the right leg out , pressing the left foot against the right inner thigh , place the hands down alongside the leg .

Inhale , lift the chest and exhale , fold forward , adding a little twist .

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Keep that lunge in the right leg on your next inhale .

Come back to your warrior .

Two exhale , bring the hands down to the floor .

Step back to your downward facing dog up here .

You can try one legged .

Keep your right leg floating up as you come to plank .

Exhale , lower down one legged , both feet down , inhale .

Come up for your back band and exhale back to downward facing dog .

Pause a few moments here .

We'll do everything on the other side .

Inhale your left leg up , exhale lightly , step the left foot forward .

Keep your back heel lifted for your high lunch , crescent pose .

Find your balance and reach the arms up .

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Finding the length you need the exhale moving into that space again , hands can come on the floor , hold the shin , press the foot or hold on to the outside edge .

Feel the thigh muscle , hugging the bone , the butt , moving back , the healer moving forward , using the breath and feeling how it wounds the body .

Inhaling , finding that length , exhale , moving into that space , inhale , lifting up , bringing both feet flat and floor for tabletop hands behind you heart lifts up , shoulders wrapped back , pull the belly in , lift the tabone up , left the hips up and either chin to chest or if it feels ok , drop the head back , press the hands and feet down and lift the hips up .

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Keep a long line from the crown of the head to your right heel and very carefully come back to your high lunch .

Release the arms , reach them up , then bring the hands down to the floor .

Turn to face the right side of your mat .

This time with your toes turned in fold from your hips , relax the upper body , the head , the arms you can stay here or walk your hands back as far as they can go and let the upper body sink .

Let the upper body melt towards the mat .

Stay a few more deep breaths here .

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So the breath move in and out of the body .

We'll take this one more time .

Palms stay rolled open and you lift the hips up as you in him try to push the knees forward , the thighs up and the chest toward the chin .

See how the shoulders are wrapping on the back body , pressing the whole form and back of the hand out of the thumb .

The legs are in by a block's width and slowly rolling down and bringing the knees , the chest and gently rocking from side to side to give yourself a little massage .

Moving into a twist , arms out to the side and the tee dropping the knee to the left .

Look over the right shoulder as you stretch your right arm out to the side , allow the legs to be heavy .

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So keep length through the table , your belly fills up as you inhale and empties out as you exhale .

Look to the ceiling and engage that strong air abdominal area and inhale come centered , bring their feet down , you stretch your legs out leather ankles through out the sos lengthen out through the neck in the crown of the head , arms alongside the body .

While I was facing them , moving into relaxation , as you inhale , feeling the abdomen rise as you exhale , feeling you fall , allowing the breath to relax you even deeper because every exhalation sinking , relaxing deeper into the soil .

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Know he works here to fall , begin to wave all the fingers and the tones and wrap the head from side to side and slowly bend the knees , bringing them to the chest , roll over onto your side , you impress yourself up .

Well , they had to be the last thing to come up and come back again into a cross like position and sitting in a comfortable cross like position , bringing awareness to the breath , moving in and out of the nose .

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Bring your knees down to the mat .

Set up for a forearm plank .

Bring your forearms on the floor parallel to each other .

Shoulders are stacked directly over your elbows , spread the fingers , tuck the toes under and walk the feet back .

Create a nice long line from your heels to the crown of the head .

And any time you need to take a break , you can drop your knees to the mat .

If you can stay up , stay up .

Whole body is working here , press your heels towards the back of your mat .

Firm up your quads , point your tail bone towards your heels .

Pull the lower belly in , push the floor away with the forearms and the palms .

Keep your neck long and release knees down hips down untuck , the toes , keep the forearms where they are for Sphinx pose , press the hips and the pubic bone down to the mat .

Slide your elbows back , press the heart forward , soften your shoulders away from the ears .

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We'll do another set .

Come back up to your forearm plank really strong pose .

You can stay here or if you want to add on step your feet together and lift the right leg up .

Hold it for 543 , 21 , switch sides lift it up for 54321 and release second set of your Sphinx .

Stay here as long as you like or if you're ready to rest lower all the way down to the chest and rest your right cheek to the mat .

Arms by your sides with the palms facing up .

Pause here and enjoy the breath .

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Bring your chin back to the center for some back bends , locust arms by your sides with the palms facing up , press the hips and the pubic bone down to lift everything else up , chest , up , arms up , legs up , keep your neck long .

Stay here or interlace the fingers behind you , press the shoulders back , maybe lift a little bit higher .

Keep your breath going and softly release , rest your left cheek to the mat .

This time , relaxed arms come back to the center for our last set , press the hips and the pubic bone down to lift you up .

Squeeze the shoulder blades towards each other .

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If you want to interlace your fingers behind you soften the face .

Keep the breath going if possible lift even higher for three , two , one and slowly release .

Find child's post , slide your palms under the shoulders , sit your hips back towards the heels .

Let the upper body melt towards the mat .

Notice the quality of your breath soften any tension that might be in the face , the neck or the shoulders .

Enjoy your child's pose .

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Take one last full breath here and will start to come up , come up to hands and knees will stretch your upper back and shoulders , slide your right arm through the left , rest your head on the mat .

Actively press your right arm and your left palm down to the mat to help you twist , you can stay here or lift your left arm up , reach it back .

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Maybe a rabbit behind you choose the version of the pose that feels best and stay there and on your next breath , release your left hand down to the mat .

Push the floor away to lift yourself up , switch sides , slide your left arm through the right head on the mat .

Actively press your left arm and your right palm down .

Stay here and keep pressing or lift your right arm up , reach it back , maybe wrap it behind you .

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Stay here a few more seconds on your next breath , release that right hand to the floor .

Push the floor away to lift yourself up .

Get ready for a hero pose .

Bring the knees together , sit on your heels .

You can stay here or if you can tuck your toes under and sit on the heels .

Like this take breaks .

If it's too much for you , make sure there's no pain in your knees .

You can also slide a blanket under your thighs or your knees .

If that feels better , we add a side stretch , rest your right fingertips on the floor .

Reach the left arm up , fold to the right .

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Enjoy the lengthening of the left side of the upper body and the left arm and release back to the center .

Switch left fingertips on the floor , reach the right arm up , lengthen and move into your side stretch .

Breathe into that right side of the upper body and release , came back to the center , come up to hands and knees for a few seconds to tap the feet , especially if you had the toe stucked under .

Prepare for both pose .

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Nana bring the legs in front of you hands behind your thighs for now .

Keep that length in your spine .

Keep your chest lifted , start with your toes on the mat or lift them up .

If you can bring your legs parallel to the floor .

Paul inhale , extend the legs .

Lean back any amount .

Exhale back to boat again .

Inhale and exhale .

If you can release the arms and reach them forward , if it's too much on your low back , bring your hands back behind the thighs four more times .

Inhale , lean back , exhale .

Come back to boat .

Three more .

Inhale , exhale .

Last two .

Inhale , exhale , last one .

Inhale , exhale .

Stay here .

Keep the chest lifted .

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Pull the belly in and release plant the feet hip distance apart .

We'll try your reverse table top hands behind you fingertips , face the hips , press the feet and the hands down to lift the hips up .

Aim to stack your shoulders directly over the wrists and your knees directly over your ankles , keep the breath going and carefully release your hips down .

We'll try another set of boat .

We'll add a twist .

So feel as if you're balancing on your sitting bones area , lift the feet up any amount that you can reach the arms forward .

Palms together .

Inhale here .

Axle twists to the right inhale back to center exhale .

Twist to the left two more inhale , center exhale , twist right .

Inhaled center .

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Aha .

Twist left last one .

Inhale center aha .

Twist right .

Stay for three , two , one back to center and twist left for three 21 back .

The center release the feet .

You can do your reverse tabletop again or try a reverse plank .

Bring the hands behind your fingertips , face forward .

If you're trying reverse planks straighten the legs point the toes , press the hands down to the mat and lift the hips up .

Press the feet down to the floor .

Keep the neck long , keep the breath going almost there and slowly release your hips down .

We begin our cool down .

Now , slowly roll all the way down to your back .

Take your time .

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Once you're all the way down , hug your knees into your chest , wrap your arms over the legs .

Feel the play of opposites here as you hug your kneece into the chest , press your tailbone down towards the mat .

Relax the face .

Now loosen your grip and start to add some movements .

You can sway side to side or move in circles to massage your lower back .

Pause your movement .

Get ready for a pigeon on your back .

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Cross your right ankle over your left thigh .

Keep the feet active , slide your right arm through that space .

You've made , your hands can be over your shin or behind your thigh .

Hug your left thigh in towards your chest .

At the same time , press your tailbone down towards the floor .

Feel the play of opposites .

Notice the sensations in the lower body .

The glutes , outer right hip , outer right thigh , relax the face and keep the breath going on your next breath .

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Release , plant your left foot close to the left edge of your mat and drop your legs to the right , let your right foot way down that left thigh .

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Feel the stretch in the front of the left thigh , left hip , relaxed arms anywhere last few seconds here and release him back to the center pigeon on your back on the other side , cross your left ankle over the right thigh , slide your left arm through that space as you hug your right thigh in towards your chest , press your tailbone down your hips down towards the mat .

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Keep doing those small actions and breathe last few seconds in your stretch and release your hands .

Plant your right foot down , close to the right edge of your mat , allow your legs to drop to the left .

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Last few seconds here and released back to the center and cross the legs .

Bring both knees into the chest .

Pause a few moments .

We'll end with our reclaiming twist , drop your knees to the left , slide your hips to the right to line up the head , the spine and the hips or you can do eagle twist , wrap your right thigh tightly over the left thigh .

Press the right shoulder down towards the mat .

Enjoy the twist .

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Enjoy the breath on your next breath .

Come back to the center and switch sides .

Drop your knees to the right simple reclining twist or eagle twist with your left thigh wrapped tightly over the right thigh .

Press your left shoulder down towards the mat .

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On your next breath .

Come back to the center .

Let's end with a happy baby .

Bring the knees in , keep them wide and lift both feet up .

Press your tailbone down towards the mat .

Hands can be on your thighs , your legs or your feet linger a few more moments here or if you want to add any movements .

Go ahead .

Release from your happy baby and prepare for feet are more than hip distance apart .

Relax the legs arms by your sides with the palms facing up .

Let the fingers naturally curl in .

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Close the eyes , feel the eyes become heavy in their sockets , relax your tongue and let it fall away from the roof of the mouth , soften the entire face .

Let go of any tension or gripping that still remains in parts of the body .

Shawana is a time for complete surrender .

We'll stay here a few more minutes .

Keep still and rest .

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If you need more time in Shabana , feel free to stay longer when you're ready to reawaken .

Still .

Keep your eyes closed and start with small movements .

Wiggle your toes , your fingers move ahead side to side .

Take your time to stretch , move around slowly , bend your knees , roll over to one side .

Pause when you get there , rest your head on your arms .

Enjoy a few more moments of peace and quiet .

When you feel ready , press away from the floor .

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Come up to any seated pose , sit with your spine .

Nice and tall .

Observe how you feel after our practice , bring your palms together in front of the heart , bow the head down , be grateful for everything that we're able to do today .

Take a last deep in hill exhale .

Let everything go .

Take this peaceful energy and mindfulness with you as you go through the rest of your day .

Thank you for sharing your practice with me .

I must stay .


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