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2023-07-19 14:18:08

Hip-Hop Hard Core Cardio Dance Workout - Step Up Revolution

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Hi , Misha here and with me are Russell , Jonathan Filippo and Noah .

I've mixed some traditional hip hop sequences with some step up revolution choreography .

I'm gonna break down each sequence at a slower pace .

Work our way up to tempo .

By the time the featured track comes in , we'll be ready to give it a shot .

You guys ready ?

You guys ready ?

All right , we're gonna start with some simple footwork .

This way my feet are gonna go front and back and front and front .

Yeah , let's try that a little bit faster though .

Yeah , here we go .

567 .

You got front , back , front again .

5678 , front back , front , front again .

Five six .

Notice the bounce , bounce , bounce , bounce , bounce good .

From here .

I'm gonna step out that way .

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I'm gonna go step step behind .

I go and cross and open .

Yeah , let's try that same tempo a little bit faster .

Uh 5678 .

Go out back and cross and open good .

Let's try that one more time .

Here we go .

5678 out back and cross and open .

Combine them from the top .

Yeah , from this step here we go 56 .

Let's go front , back , front , front , step out , back and cross and open .

Good .

Let's try that again .

Yeah , here we go .

567 A front back , front , front and cross and open .

Good .

From here .

I'm gonna go down up , pull , pull you guys try that with me .

6 .

7-Up .

Down up .

Pull pull again .

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567 in drop lift pull , pull .

Good .

Notice that my shoulders are using as well drop , lift , pull , pull again .

567 in drop .

Lift pull .

Pull from here , I'm gonna use my feet .

I'm gonna go front back and then back , front .

Yeah , let's try that a little bit faster and 5678 , it's front , back , back , front again .

5678 , front back back , front .

Good .

Let's take it all the way from the drop down .

Yeah , here we go .

6567 .

Drop it down .

Go drop and up and pull and pull and front back back , front again .

Here we go .

567 .

Here we go .

Uh drop and up and pull and pull .

Go front back , back , front .

Good .

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One more time .

Here we go .

5678 .

Drop and up and pull and pull and front and back back , front .

Good .

All the way from the top .

Here we go .

Uh 5678 .

Back , front , front , step out back and cross and open , go down and up .

Pull , pull front back , back , front very good .

Let's do the whole thing again .

Here we go up .

5678 , front back , front , front out , back and cross and up and go down up , pull , pull front back , back , front .

Very good .

We're going on .

Yeah , from here I'm gonna go kick back , front kick , pivot uh round .

Yeah , 567 .

Little faster kick back .

Front kick , turn and a round .

Good .

Let's try that again .

Yeah .

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567 you got kick back , front kick , turn , step around arms , don't worry about them .

Just let them happen naturally .

Yeah , again , 567 kick kick turn and around to the other side , you're gonna basically repeat it , but you're gonna go kick back , front kick , you gonna drop down into a lunge , you're gonna pull your hands up and then pull them in .

Sort of like you're pulling someone in .

Yeah .

56 , let's try this side kick back , front kick , pull them in again .

567 we go kick back kick pull in .

Good .

Combine both sides together the kicks on this side .

Then the kicks on this side .

Yeah , here we go .

567 .

Go .

Kick back , front kick , pivot and step kick back , front kick .

Pull it in .

Good .

Let's do that again .

567 kick back , front kick , pivot and stop kick back , front kick .

Pull it in all the way from the top .

Yeah , here we go .

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567 .

You got front back front , front back and cross and open down up , pull , pull front back .

Come the kicks , kick , ball change kick , turn around , kick , ball change kick , smooth pull , good more time .

A 56 number to free from right .

That a cross going down shoulders , pulling front back here .

Come the kicks , kick back , front kick , turn around , kick back , front , pull it in .

Going on , watch my feet .

You're gonna go out back , step , kick out back step kick .

Let's try that .

Yeah , a little bit faster though .

It's gonna be fast .

So really remember to move your feet .

Yeah , here we go .

5678 out back step kick out back step kick .

Well , I tell you a little fast right again .

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5678 out back step kick out back step kick good on the first step .

Remember you're pushing through your arms and the same thing on that other step .

Yeah .

Here we go .

Ready and 567 , push it out .

Go push back step kick , push back step kick from here .

Watch my feet , my knees , you're gonna go twist , twist together , twist , twist together and you know it's that timing , twist , twist together , twist , twist together .

Yeah , it's gonna be a little faster .

Let's try that .

Ready and 5678 , twist , twist together , twist , twist together again .

567 , you got twist , twist together , twist , twist together again .

678 , twist , twist together , twist , twist together .

Very good .

We're gonna take it all the way from this step that eight count .

Yeah .

56 , 567 week .

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Go push step and scuff , push step and go twist , twist together , twist , twist together it one more time .

Here we go .

567 week .

Go push step and scuff , push step and scuff twist , twist , hit , twist , twist hit all the way from the top .

Yeah , we're working hard now .

Sit , let's rock and cross and open .

Go down up , pull , pull front back back , go kicks , kick back , front kick , pivot and stop , kick back , front kick , pull and go cross back , cross back , twist , twist , twist , twist , hop .

How'd it go ?

How did it go ?

All right .

Let's try it again just to make sure .

Yeah .

Here we go .

1356 .

It's gonna work .

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Got kits .

Got step .

Scuff step .

Twist good .

From here we're gonna do a little hop , step .

Four hops and you're gonna turn in a circle .

We're gonna turn this way .

Yeah , you're gonna go hop , hop , hop , hop out in out .

Yeah , let's try a little bit faster going this way .

567 .

We have out out , out , out , out in out again .

Six .

Let's go again .

56 .

Remember to breathe .

Then from here I'm gonna use this foot .

I'm gonna go heel , heal back , side front .

Yeah .

Try with me ready .

Just that part .

567 .

Little faster .

Heal .

Heal back side front again .

567 .

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Let's go heal , heal back , side , front .

Good .

Now we're gonna take it all the way from the turn .

So it's gonna look like this turn .

Turn , turn , turn out in out , heal , heal back side front .

Yeah , let's try that .

Here we go .

Sit good one more time .

Connect it .

Here we go .

567 .

Turn turn , turn , turn out in out , go in in backside front .

Now we're gonna reverse the whole thing .

Yeah , we're gonna go to this side .

Let's try it slow .

I'll try it slow one time .

I'm gonna go hop hop , hop , hop out in out and I'm gonna go this way .

Heel heal and this side goes back side front .

Yeah .

So you reverse everything .

Let's try this side a little faster .

567 go hop , hop , hop , hop out in out heel , heel back side , front .

Good again .

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Here we go .

5678 pop , pop , pop , pop out in out , hit pit back side , front one more time .

This way .

Here we go .

567 out out out , out , out in out heal , heal back side front .

Let's work both of those little steps together .

Starting with the turn this way and then the turn this way .

Yeah , both patterns .

Here we go and 6567 of the side go and good .

All right .

Try all the way from the top .

Take a couple deep breaths .

You guys sweating .

It should be sweating right now .

Here we go .

56 , let's go .

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Kick all change week up , kick back , front kick , turn around , kick back , front , pull it in , walk it out , twist , twist here comes a new park .

Go back side , other side .

Very good .

All right , we're gonna go on just a little bit .

Yeah , from here we just finished backside front .

You're gonna kind of go jumping forward , running forward very aggressively .

You're gonna fly through the air .

You're gonna go front , front , double boom .

Like I said , it's sort of like a jump , sort of like a very aggressive move going forward .

67 .

Go front , front , double front .

Good .

Let's back it up .

Try it again .

56567 .

Let's go front two , double front from here .

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My body is gonna go to one corner , corner , corner up other way , corner corner up .

So I go front front , double , double , corner , corner up , corner corner up .

Guess you think you got that ?

Yeah , let's try it .

Here we go .

567 .

Good .

One more time .

Just because I like that one .

Here we go .

056 .

Good .

From here we're gonna do four hops to the back .

My arms are gonna go open , close , open , close .

Yeah .

And as I'm hopping it just looks like this back .

234 .

Let's try that .

567 back it up .

Go jump jump , jump jump again .

5678 jump , jump , jump , jump again .

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56 , loose it up , jump , jump , jump , jump from here , follow my feet .

You're gonna go this way .

You're gonna go out in , out , in and double it up .

Yeah .

Five , try that fast .

567 and out and out and double it up again .

567 .

Go out and out and double it up .

Go .

We're gonna take that back from the , the jumps with the arms .

Yeah , here we go .

Back it up .

567 , 34 and five and six .

Good .

And notice how getting into those slides it's a little bit faster .

567 .

The temple goes 123 .

Now .

Rush and , and , and very good .

Very good .

One more time .

567 you go jump , jump , jump , jump good .

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Let's take it back from the runs going forward .

Yeah , here we go .

567 corner corner up .

Take it back .

Go slide .

Huh .

Huh .

Double it up .

Good .

From here .

The last eight count is a series of poses , series of pictures .

Yeah , you're gonna hit the first one pose together out in and in .

Let's try that slowly this time because this one's a little tricky .

567 .

Slow two up down out in one more time like that .

Here we go .

78 you got punch , collapse up down out in from here I go .

Tick tick hit right left kick .

Yeah , let's try that much .

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567 slow tick tick hit right left hit good .

Let's try this .

Holy account .

Still slow though .

Yeah .

Six seven punch collapse up down out in .

You got tick tick down .

Hit , hit , boom good .

One more time .

A little bit faster with the punches .

5678 punch go left up down out in tick tick hit switch switch kick .

Take it back from the runs .

Yeah .

Oh yeah .

56567 .

Let's go .

Here come the poses go punch , collapse up down out in tick tick hit switch switch kick .

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Oh right .

Very good .

All right now we're gonna try it all the way from the top about three times through .

Yeah , you guys ready for that .

All right , here we go .

567 .

Let's go .

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Hi bring it in , bring it in , bring everything .

Let's catch our breath , let's catch our breath .

Let's try that again .

Yeah catch your breath first though .

You get some water .

Take a sip of water right here .

Alright , here here we go .

What ?

Six 56 .

Let's go .

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Oh alright .

One more .

Yeah .

Take a couple of minutes , a couple of seconds .

Here we go .

56567 .

Let's go .

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All right .

All right .

Very nicely done .

I think now you guys are ready to try to our feature track lights out .

Let's give it a shot .

Alright , here it is guys .

Lights out guys ready .

All right , here we go .

So from my post him in the interview , what I'm a man with money .

Your pal did see your mama keep her black dress running hard for these fellas .

I'm gonna take you to walk with it .

If for every gang see that , keep a pistol and talk with it .

Get your money .

How you get it , this it , how you spin it .

I ain't got no problem with it because it's so Chris and I know I'm hot enough , please .

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My kind of cheese man and get you like mother they mother , they big money got me up to some going crazy bra for their but hey , that's when you want to get them .

Keep my enemies state .

So .

All right .

All right .

Let's do it again .

Let's do it again .

The state it not three other rule it out that much about the surprise .

The mother , the cat keys cut the French braid down .

We get for me .

Get loud to go to state talking about this .

All I oh looking in the So my baby girl just wanna roll with that gangster head in her ego .

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You Chris enough , please .

For the cheese man .

I just my so like no motherfucker lay no motherfucker in the summer when risks for you were around the corner state you I like those right one more time to state if they can put it in the pie .

Here we go .

This money gotta , I gotta , I gotta get this money , gotta get this money .

Get , you gotta gotta get this money .

Gotta get this money , gotta , gotta , gotta get this money .

Gotta get this money , man .

I need some the wheel kicking in that city with the balls rolling away soup .

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I see why he always in the system of taking orders from , of saying can't bring the hood up .

You get that money back to somebody state can bring the hood out .

See what that money to somebody here .


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