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2023-07-19 14:24:48

BeFiT Beginners Yoga - Beginners Yoga for Strength Workout _ Level 2- Kino MacGregor

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Hi , everyone .

It's Keno mcgregor for Beef Fit Beginner's yoga series .

This is the beginner's yoga workout for strength .

This is a great practice to start off with .

If you're looking to develop strength , not just in the body , but also in the mind .

Remember on the journey in yoga , everything physical has a deeper spiritual intention .

So you'll be able to experience the mental benefits of a strong , steady mind , translate to a happier and more peaceful life in order to get started with that come to a seated position and we'll begin to tune in to the seat of power inside of your body .

So you might think that the seat of power exists maybe in your mind , but actually in yoga , the seat of your power is deep inside of the pelvis .

So drop your mind's attention down into your pelvis .

Now , before I ever did yoga , I never knew what was going on inside of my pelvis .

So this might be a little of a wake up call .

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If it is just let it be tune into the deep space inside of your pelvis and then begin to activate your pelvic floor , which is the space between your sitting bones , the space between your tail bone and your pubic bone , draw that inwards and let that naturally straighten your spine .

Then from your navel down to your pubic bone sucks strongly in to activate all of your core muscles and start to feel a little burning sensation like the fire is being kindled deep in the center of your body .

Then from here , control your breath , inhale .

And as you inhale , draw the breath into the power sensor deep in the center of your body .

So inhale , draw that deep inside and then exhale .

And if you want to say the sound hot to yourself as you exhale , but keep your lips sealed .

And again , from your pelvic floor , inhale and exhale one more time .

And we're ready to get started inhale and exhale .

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It's very important when we begin to work on strain that you keep your lower abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor firm and sucked in .

Even when you inhale , don't put your belly out .

Because what that signals is first and foremost , weakness in the physical body , which could predispose you for injury , which we don't want .

And second of all , when you let go of your pelvic floor , the power center of the mind starts to weaken .

So let's go ahead , get started on your hands and knees .

We begin to apply that deep position of strength into your body .

So start off on the hands and knees .

Hands are shoulder with apart knees , hips with a part .

Keep that pelvic floor sucked in .

Lower abs , sucked in your gaze right in between your fingers .

Even though we're , you're watching this , me with me .

Look at your own body and begin to feel the inner space of the body .

Look at the space right between your hands .

Start by pivoting back through the hips .

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Then reach forward , engaging your deltoids , starting from underneath the shoulder blade , press in through your hands , grip your fingertips slightly , then locking the shoulder girdle in place , keeping it nice and firm , tuck your tailbone under lower ribs , squeeze into the center , inhale and exhale freely , nice , steady , even breathing , then inhale and as you exhale , shift your deltoids forward over the palms and press , then exhale , send it back and we're gonna do that a few more times .

And this is an easy warm up for the wrists , press through the arms , sucking in the belly .

Exhale , send it back a few more times .

Send it forward and press and when you press your knee should come a little off the ground and all the way back , elbows super straight .

No Ben in your elbows one more time , send it forward , press protract or push forward your shoulders , squeeze the lower ribs in towards the center line .

Hold it now , lean a little more forward , lean so much forward , so your knees hom or hold it 15 breaths .

Two , you can do it .

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Squeeze in towards the center .

Three , activate your chest by squeezing your elbows towards each other .

Four , you can do it and five sink down .

Ok .

Childs post little rests , not a big rest .

And that was enough rest .

I don't like to rest too much and you should let yourself rest too much .

You gotta keep your mind nice , easy pace .

So we're going to take that up a level and come fully into a plank posture .

Prepare yourself .

Here we go .

Strength is a decision in the mind not to quit .

So don't quit on yourself .

Fingertips , grip tailbone , tucks under .

You can do it .

Find that strength in the mind .

Let it it into the body , lean it forward , protract the shoulders , abs are firm , lower ribs , squeeze in , press knees , hover , hold it , get comfortable , curl your toes under , come into plank , tuck the tailbone forward and lean the shoulders forward .

Hold it .

We're gonna stay for five .

Get comfortable .

One , lock your knees in towards the center line .

So that means engage your quadri three , four .

Ok ?

Now we're gonna dial it up even more .

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Come up onto your toes , call this high plank and lean all the way forward .

One , you can do it steady three .

Remember this is for strength , keep your mind steady .

Four and five , curl your toes , bend your knees , child to post little break .

Now you really earn the break .

Let yourself breathe in complete rest .

Let yourself breathe out .

Ok .

So now that's the foundation we're going to see if we can go from the plank position to a push up position .

This push up position is called Teranga .

Let's do it hands forward , fingertips grip , protract the shoulders , flex the spine under , take the shoulders forward and engage your core to hover the knees from the knees hovering .

Come to low plank in low plank , make sure the tailbone is tucked and you send out everything forward from low plank , press it to high plank .

Hold it , hold it your gaze down at your mat .

Sink back down to low plank .

Exhale , bend your elbows on and hold it .

Don't go down , hold it .

You can do it .

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Find that core , use your ribs then inhale upward , facing , oh upward facing is a nice release .

Exhale downward facing from downward facing , come down onto your knees .

Child's pose fully rest nice , easy rest .

So this is a combination of strength , not just in the arms , but in yoga , strength is articulated through the whole body .

So it's arms to the abs to the legs in one harmonious union .

Let's see if you can put that union to a little bit more test slide all the way forward .

Again , this time , we're gonna stay on the knees , your knees are going to hover off of the ground .

When your body is strong , it is light and free hands right in alignment with your knees .

Now lean the shoulders forward same position .

So you want to find yourself protracted with the shoulders , tucking the tailbone under , then lean forward , float your knees or stay here for 512 .

Add it up a little more .

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Welcome to yoga for today's video .

Grab a yoga bolster or a couple of pillows off of your bed .

Pause the video here to collect your things .

Otherwise , if you're ready , let's begin .

Let's begin in a prop shabaa .

So first , just lay your pillows wide across your mat and then take your legs above your pillows that your knees are supported by the pillows .

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We're gonna give the wrists a break but keep working on the shoulders and the core come on to your right side and then you gonna take your right forearm on the ground and stack your whole body in alignment .

So look down at your feet , make sure your feet , your knees , your hips , your ribs all in one line .

Don't make a V position .

Don't bend your back all the way down .

Now , from here , easy , align the elbow with the shoulder .

Pull the lower ribs in towards the center line .

Take your hand on your thigh .

Inhale , lift it up , hold it here .

Look down at your , at your fingers and then exhale hips down from your abdominal muscles .

Inhale , take it up .

We're gonna do that four more times .

Exhale down , inhale , take it up , exhale down and he'll take it up two more times .

Exhale down , inhale , take it up , exhale down , inhale , take it up , hold it one , you can do it two shoulder three , keep everything strong , talk to yourself steady and strong .

Four .

We got one more .

Don't quit yet .

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And five all the way down .

So you feel the side body working , we're going to swap the sides .

Move over to the other side , your left forearm , place it down .

The body is nice and long .

So again , stacking the feet , your feet , your knees , your hips all in one line .

So don't be in a V position .

All right .

All the way around .

Now , switch your gaze .

Look down lower ribs in .

If you lose your balance , you can leave your fingers forward but try to keep the hand right in alignment with your thigh .

Then lower ribs in inhale , take it up , hold it nice and steady .

Use your whole body .

Exhale down in hell .

Take it up , exhale down .

We're gonna do four more inhale .

Take it up .

Exhale .

Take it down .

Inhale up .

Don't go all the way down .

Just touch the floor .

Don't collapse into the floor .

Inhale up to more exhale down .

You can do it and he'll take it up one more .

Exhale down .

Inhale .

Take it up , hold it .

12 .

Look down at your thumb .

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And add cactus arms , reach your arms out from your sides , bend to your elbows , the tops of your hands rest on the ground , bring your fingers together to touch so that your arms are more like a diamond instead of like cactus arms three , two , one , first , bring your fingers towards your shoulders , nice and slow and then draw your elbows in towards each other , towards your ribs , draw your navel in and slowly pull your knees together and place your feet flat on your pillow .

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Find that place where you can relax your shoulders down , soften the muscles in your face and focus on your d belly breast .

This belly breath serves multiple purposes .

One is that it's calming to your nervous system , your body and mind , it tells your body that you're in control .

It can relax .

It also serves as a massage , massaging your body from the inside out with each deep rest and then slowly release , lowering your left foot back down onto your pillow and then your right foot back down onto your pillow .

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Notice if your eyelids are tense , let that go soften your jaw and your tongue feel your breath as it passes in and out through your nose and then slowly release right foot comes down onto your pillow .

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Then your left foot comes down onto your pillow and take a moment to reset , notice how you feel and then take your right foot off of the side of your pillow and reach your hand between your knees between your thighs to grab onto the pillow and pull it up between your legs .

So it's going lengthwise with your shins , pinch the pillow between your knees , roll your body onto your left side into a fetal position with the pillow between your knees .

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Then reach your right arm up to the ceiling and lean back as you open up into a twist with your arms out to your sides like a T and you can look up to the ceiling or twist even through your neck by turning your chin to the right breeze .

Relax .

What you don't need the muscles in your face , shoulders and hips .

If you're feeling more limber today , you can pitch the bolster wherever you are .

Focus on your belly , breath , the rise of your belly as you inhale the fall , softening the stretching as you exhale twists are so good for your body .

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And now lift your left arm , one , two , steady three , you can do it four , connect the shoulders into your core and five .

Take it down , look down , take your hands down , come forward to plank , hold it , exhale , chat on , on , inhale upward , facing , exhale downward , facing .

That was good .

Bend your knees , give yourself a little break .

Not a full break .

Just child to post for a moment .

Roll the spine all the way up .

We wouldn't want to forget about the left side .

So we better do that right now .

Turn around and now align yourself forward .

Take that journey into your body .

Take that journey into your strength .

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Just find the place where you can be totally relaxed .

If you did on the other side , remove the bolster and soften and relax as your belly breath massages your body from the inside out to come out first , draw your chin back to center , looking up towards the ceiling , curl your arms in towards your body and then roll onto your right side into a fetal position and keeping your body as one unit roll onto your back nice and slow and then release your bolster down onto your mat , laying it wide across your mat underneath your knees .

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Then from here , lift your feet up and pull your knees in towards your body , holding onto your thighs or your shins , open your knees up wide towards your shoulders .

And when you're ready , release into your final Shabana , extend your legs out , long knees supported by the pillow underneath and let your feet fall open .

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It's as if you were melting through the floor beneath you , slowly wiggle your fingers and toes and deepen your breath .

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Draw your arms in and slowly pull your knees in , curl up into a tiny little ball and then roll on to your left side into a fetal position and use your hands to press yourself up to seated , finding the seated position that serves you on the mat or on your pillows and bring your hands together at heart center in a prayer position and close your eyes and find gratitude for showing up today for being open to trying something new or different and for being here , mind and body in this moment .

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Now , flex your feet , we're going make it a little bit harder but not too hard .

Squeeze your thighs in towards each other .

Take your hands forward of your hips , not next to your hips , or it'll make it unnecessarily hard forward of your hips , then engage your core round your upper back a little bit , bend your shoulders forward .

So lean the del to its little bend in the elbows to start and then inhale , lift your hips off the ground .

Hold that for 51 , squeeze it into your core , 23 , four and exhale down .

Let's try that one more time .

So we did it once once , isn't enough .

You need to repeat these motions every day so that you can slowly slowly start to feel stronger when you're working with strength .

Don't look for miraculous changes to celebrate one or 2% changes in your levels of strength , both in the body and the mind every day .

Hands forward of your hips , shoulders a little forward , strong , firm core .

Then in how straighten the arms and lift the hips and hold it for 51 23 .

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Use the core of the body four and five .

Exhale all the way down , fold your legs all the way inside .

Step back , inhale , exhale downward , facing dog .

Gaze at your toes , reach forward , relax the neck .

Inhale , big exhale , look forward , step your right foot forward , step your left foot forward .

Sit all the way down , roll your spine down , coming to the front of your mat .

Roll over your safe room .

Nice and down .

Pause here for a moment .

Relax .

Breathe that your sacred beyond the ground .

Now to release the shoulders .

We work a lot with the shoulders .

Take your feet up , then inhale all the way over your head .

Interlock your fingers on the floor and roll onto your shoulders .

This posture is called plow posture .

If your feet aren't on the floor , keep holding on to your lower back .

But if your feet are on the floor , keep those fingers interlocked and pressing .

Stay here for five breaths .

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One , two , three , suck your belly in or , and five .

Now keep your shoulders as your foundation , your neck is off the ground round your back and squeeze your ears with your knees .

One two , the three , four and five , straighten out your legs , open your hands slowly roll down , bending your knees , touching your feet to the ground and then back , pivoting on to the top of your head and arching the side .

Squeeze your thighs .

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We're gonna stay here for 51 , two , steady breathing , three , four and now inhale , lift your legs .

One , these closing postures are going to integrate the strength into the mind .

So it becomes more than just a physical practice .

Remember , yoga is more than just fitness .

It's about that inner journey .

Every activity you do to strengthen the body , strengthens the mind , making it a calm and steady flow .

Stay , don't go down , inhale , exhale now , go down , relax everything , close your eyes , let everything be completely relaxed in hail , exhale , soft smile on your lips , let the energy travel .

Keep your mind focused on the inner experience , the subtle flow throughout your body .

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Let the sound of your breath , your heart beats to still your mind , creating a calm and meditating .

Focus with a few moments of peace .

You'll feel recharged for your whole day .

Wiggle your fingers and toes begin to open your eyes , bend the knees and your elbows drawing inward , pull your knees all the way into your chest .

Take a moment .

Thanks to yourself for the practice .

Thanks to the lineage of yoga that we receive this practice from like a treasured gift .

Roll over onto your right side and inhale .

Come all the way back up to a comfortable seated position .

From this comfortable seated position .

Take your hands gently in prayer , have faith in yourself every day that you practice and let the humble experience of yoga build true spiritual strength .

Every day that you practice .

One sound old together to close our space .

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Inhale , exhale , let yoga show you the inner body and let that experience of the inner body .

Open your life to new levels of peace and happiness .

I hope you're inspired to practice every day .


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