Hey guys , we're going to do a little bit of yo yo styling .
So the yo yo is a move that you can do .
You can use it in salsa , use it in any of your Latin dances really ?
And as a yo-yo , you have the arm extended out there and then I really twist her and she yo yos into me and then she goes right back .
Cool .
So now let's talk about how to do that and just a few different things that are going to make it look really nice .
So as a guy , I want to take the hand here and I make ac so I go see .
So if you look at that , it goes see , OK .
And instead of just pulling her straight to me , that's going to feel like a yank on the lady .
We don't want to yank her .
So with that c there , I pull her to me , then I go in a little circle and she reads that .
Now as a lady what you want to do once you get right here , take a deep breath in and that deep breath in is going to make you feel really close to the guy I breathe in too .
And now to pull her back , if you see my hand here , we aren't using her thumbs at all .
She has her shoulders down .
I have my shoulders down .
I don't throw her out there .
I do a backwards , see this time .
So I take the hand over at first and then I pull it back to me , it's her job to go out there .
Now , what I like to do with a beginner is take them out there , get to the end of the sea and nudge them over there because I don't like them to stand on this foot here and she's doing a great job with that .
She's not standing on this foot .
So let's do it the wrong way .
She's coming in , she's here and as she goes out , I'm not going to nudge her over .
She still stands on this foot .
So at the end I want to push and thg it that nice line all the way up to the end of her .
Cool .
Let's do that again if we pull in and we go out .
Ok .
Now , I like to see at the very end of it , we take the ribs as the guy out to the side , we point that inside leg down , we take the hip and we pull up .
Now the lady is going to do the same thing .
She's gonna have her right hip pulled up .
Look up as we do this she's gonna have her right hip pulled up , pointing on that right toe and then she's going to take the ribs over to the left .
So whenever I push her , it should push her out into this line here .
So this is definitely exaggerated .
And if you don't want to have it exaggerated , come back over to me and you can just stand up even taller .
So we get up really tall and then we go there .
Cool .
Let's do it again .
We're here and we're there .
Nice .
So adding on to that , I like the lady to have a little bit of arm styling .
So as she spins into me , let's not get your left arm stuck in this , take your left arm over top of this arm .
So go ahead and bring that left arm over top .
There we go and keep on coming .
Keep on coming .
Now here at the end um that frees this arm up to do all kinds of cool stuff .
You can place it on my cheek here all the way up to me or she can place it on her own head .
So go and place it on your head .
Nice and there's all kinds of stuff you can do there , your normal arm styling that you know , you can do right there .
You can also place it on your hip .
So over on your other hip , that one over there and kind of take it up your leg .
I didn't see it , but I assume it looked good .
Cool .
And now let's go ahead and spinner back out and once you're out there , throw the arm out , but then bring it back into yourself .
Yes .
So let's do that one again .
You're going to bring the arm over , top , over top and do one of your arm stylings and then go back out , back to the head .
Nice .
So I like how she's throwing it out , but I don't want it to come back .
Now .
This time , I'm also going to have her look out that way as you take the arm out , look out over there .
So let's practice that , look out but then look back at me and bring the hand .
Yeah .
OK .
You ready know that's the Yeah , cool .
Let's go again .
That's good .
So if we stand up a lot taller , it will really help out to make sure that we just have our balance really well and you can go slower too when we first learn it .
So keep the arm down .
We go 123 and 456 .
Nice .
That's some great yo , yo arms selling for you .
This is a very common move in all your Latin dances .
OK .
You ready ?
We go boom , boom , boom , cool .
OK .
I like that didn't happen .
OK .
You ready one ?
OK .
The arm has to go on top .
OK .
You ready ?
Yeah .
Oh Let's go again .