Sunrise .
Yoga .
Number one , good morning .
Let's start in a nice seated position with the legs crossed , fingers and toes are nice and loose .
Bringing the fingertips rib cage , let us breathe in the nose and out the nose .
As you inhale , feel the ribs expanding to the sides as you fill every inch of the lungs with the breath expanding as you breathe in , squeezing the breath gently as you exhale .
As we start with the bread , slowly energizing the cells in the body .
The perfect way to begin our day lifting with the inhale , the shoulders , sink down with the exhale , hands to the knee , shoulders back and down , take the shoulders back a little further .
Inhale , lift the shoulders , exhale , sink them back for shoulder roll slowly waking up the body for the day and the shoulders rolling forward .
Sunrise yoga is a very stimulating yet relaxing workout .
Slowly waking up your body , shoulders back and down arms to the sides .
Feel the weight of the arms , drawing the shoulders down as you breathe .
And with the inhale , bring the arms up and exhale very slowly open the chest as the arms sink back down .
Inhaling fill the lungs and open , feel that beautiful stretch in the shoulders and the chest and reaching shoulders are down and sink them down .
Again , the breath and the movement connected , moving into side , bend to the right , stretching gently up and over .
Don't force it .
Every movement always very natural .
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And see the dog again , cat letting the spine awaken and energize with these gentle but very effective pose , softening the face , shake out the arms and turning to your side scooching forward , using the abdominals to roll down onto your back .
Finding a good position on the mat , the arms dropping to the sides , breath continuing in the nose and out the nose tucking in the shirt fingers to the ribs .
Again , as you feel that breath expanding , expanding with the inhale and gently squeezing the breath out with the exhale , amazing the cells in oxygen and the arms coming to the sides , bringing the knees into the chest , gently wiggle the toes , the feet nice and loose , tucking the chin a little bit .
If this bothers your neck and head to bring the head all the way down , you can always have a towel underneath or a pillow , continuing the breath flowing that breath and then rocking the legs back and forth .
Massaging the back into the mat , feeling the muscles of the spine energizing and back to the center , sliding that left leg down the right knee in towards the chest .
Feel the length as the left leg reaches away .
If that's uncomfortable , you can bring the bottom of your left foot onto the mat , getting a nice resistance in the stretch and breathe and into that stretch , extending right leg up , soften with the inhale , exhale , extend fingers behind the knee very good .
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Once again , bringing the legs up , then again to the right side , extend the legs further out , bring the arms up closer to the head for a deeper stretch in the shoulder and lifting and lower other side .
Find that Bose let it fit , sinking down a little bit more .
The chest is open , big smile in the chest , happy chest and legs coming back up .
Again , the spine should feel much , much looser already rock the legs to you .
And then um a little movement in the spine towards you end up getting a little rolled .
Our goal is to really get that spine moving , getting the nervous system activated and working , rolling to your side and slowly and dramatically pressing up .
Uh yes and bring the legs back .
Classic hands and knees , position , palms under the shoulders , knees under the hips , elbows in cat stretch , inhale tuck the tailbone , lifting , rounding the upper back up towards the sky .
Exhale , reverse into cow cat and cow , a beautiful combination to articulate and stretch the spine .
Inhale tuck and round the shoulder blades drawing part and then in the cow , the shoulders back , head up , arching the back slightly , walking the hands forward , exhale , sinking back into child's pose or modified down dog .
You can bring the glutes all the way down to the heels or pressing the glutes slightly upwards , working the chest to the floor .
Define this pose , reach the fingers forward and draw the shoulders gently back .
You feel that beautiful resistance coming back up to hands and knees position , taking the right leg , extending it back parallel with the ground , scoop the abs shoulders back , the neck is long , breathe into that straight line , pressing the floor away from you , bringing the knee down and there goes our left leg back , adjusting .
You need to modify , you can keep the toes down on the map .
But a lot of things happening in the poems bring in the entire body into this pulse and delivering that knee down , tuck the tailbone again , rounding up into cat , stretch fingers , open wide exhale into cow , sometimes called the fat cow or the pregnant cow .
Such wonderful titles .
We'll just stick to cal for this video and the forearms coming down and sinking back into modified dolphin poses , chest , working towards the floor glutes reaching to the sky .
We get a different view of the proceedings .
Zanes position , right leg goes back .
If you wish left arm goes out balancing the cat , draw the belly button in big smile , knowing that everything we're doing right now is totally healthy , left leg back , right arm , straight line , breathe into the length of the pose .
And again , other side , you just want the breath to define the pose , the breath reaching every inch of your body , connecting the mind , the body and the spirit speech complete Poll and locking the hands forward again .
Let's exhale and sink back into modified down dog also called the puppy pose .
Getting that beautiful natural curve in your spine , chest , working towards the mat , shoulders , drawn back .
So we move around to see that curve in the spine .
The tops the feet are on the map , sinking the chest downward and let's come into full downward facing dog tuck the toes open the fingers wide , working the chest towards the legs .
As we very slowly walk the legs bending one knee , the opposite heel presses down into the man .
If you need to modify , just hold the pose or soften the knees or take it back to the modified down dog flow to your level , it needs workout .
And with the pose , inhale , pressing into the palms , exhale the heels , working into the mat , shoulders , releasing and stretching and let the knees slowly come down and back again into modified downward facing dog energizing that spine once again , sinking the chest down into the mat , the neck is long and the shoulders are sinking , sinking back and rising up again down dog with a little different view .
You can see the shoulders activating , they stretch as they tone .
The totality of down dog is quite amazing .
The entire body is involved .
There were stretching , strengthening and toning all happening at the same time and your breath is connecting everything together and getting ready to walk or jump the feet to the hands forward , fold position , shake out the arms , little clothing adjustment .
Very important .
Of course , scratching the head equally as important and sinking down into that stretch .
The spine should feel so soft right now , so loose and so limber sinking down with the exhales , hold this pose as long as you like can always come back to the other poses so healthy for your entire body .
And with the inhale , scoop , the abs slowly rolling up , stacking the spine , shoulders are back and down , give everything an nice shake .
Turning to the front and breathing into mountain poses shoulders back and down , chest open , top of the head lifting , tall legs are long .
We find our center , bring the arms up over the head , palms together and then bring the hands to heart center , prayer position .
The right hip is going to open root the left foot into the mat for tree balance pose , keeping it here or you can bring the bottom of your foot up the inside of the leg , just not next to the knee , above or below the hip is open .
Find fuck softness behind the eyes as you activate the core and lift with the inhale can also close the eyes if you want to .
That's really true to me .
Trusting in your body .
There we go .
Bring the foot down , the arms coming up and forward forward .
Let's get some more length in the spine .
Squeeze out the breath and then rising back up mountain pose for just a moment , palms together hands again in front of the heart , prayer position , tree balance , pose other side , open the left hip .
You can keep the tips of the toes down or begin that journey .
Bringing the foot up there .
We are practice .
Balance is always earned .
It is never given simply put the more you practice , the better , you will get more growth and more improvement and the healthier finding balance .
First thing in the morning , beautiful , bring the foot down the arms reaching triumphantly .
Let's stretch those sides side , bend , inhale to the middle exhale , reaching to the other side and again , standing long lines in the body and the arms coming up , pull them halfway down , stepping out at least a couple feet , right foot turns to the right left foot in slightly and let's hinge to the right and then pin wheeling down into the triangle .
The left arm is lifting the chest is open eyes up to the sky .
If you wish to modify .
You can walk your right hand further up your leg and find your triangle , squeeze the thighs .
It is an amazing pose , bringing the entire body together , opening up the breast and rising up , turning that foot in , going to the other side .
So prepare for the hinge pin wheel down .
Find the tribe between ease and effort lies your pose beautiful long lines .
Every side of the pose should look just gorgeous and arms out to the sides and sliding down into wide legged forward , fold , put the weight into your toes and draw the breath into this part sinking down as you reach the arms up and back , lace the fingers wide legged yoga Mudra , drawing the arms towards the back of the head .
Find that point where it's tight where the edge is , keep breathing , bringing the arms just a little bit closer and we never force it .
Let it be natural as a gentle rain begins to fall , the arms coming down toe , he'll walk the feet hip with the part coming down , seated position and shoot those legs back and child's pose sinking down .
You always have the option to do the puppy .
Now take your left arm , slide it underneath , threading the needle , the eyes to the left hand , stretching the shoulder as you rotate the spot , draw the arm through and other side , extending the tailbone back and bringing the arm through .
You should feel very released , very stretched at this point slicing the hair back must look presentable for a day , which now is going to be extraordinary from our sunrise yoga bottoms of the feet together .
Butterfly pose also called bound angle or cobblers pose .
You can use the elbows on the inner thighs to open the hips a little further hinging forward .
Keep the engagement in your abdominals .
If you want , you can walk the hands even further into that cos breathe into your hips .
Hips become tight .
It affects so many other areas of your body , walking the hands up and bring hand back behind you into a nice twist .
Chest is open and the shoulders are down .
Big smile in the chest to the center .
We go going to the other side nice rotation in the spine .
Refreshing rain continues to fall and come back to the center with the arms and legs , a good shake and seated cross like a position , shoulders back and down just as we began swaying the head to the right center and to the left , softening the face , releasing all the tension in your body .
This class is designed to get you ready for your day and rolling the chin across the chest to the other side and reverse back and forth .
Think about undoing rather than adding on undoing stress as we go all the way around .
Face is soft .
The mind is clear as we circle the other direction and oh there we are arms to the sides chest is open .
Inhale with the arms lift side , bend to the right side should feel so much looser , releasing the tension , bringing in all the good stuff , all the good stuff kicking out the bat and once again to the left graceful , your strength and calm this , the arms come down .
Big smile in the chest .
Inhale , arms up again , open , sinking down , squeezing out the breath one more time , arms up , palms together .
Exhale , hands to heart center .
I must stay now .
Go have a great day .