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2023-07-18 12:39:29

40 Minute Ashtanga Yoga (For Beginners) _ Fightmaster Yoga Videos

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Hi , I'm so glad you're here .

I'm Leslie Fightmaster with Fightmaster Yoga .

Today's class is a beginning as strong class as is a certain of postures coupled with breath .

And I also have a course for a strong , if you would like to delve a little bit deeper into it and that information is below .

So what you'll need today is two blocks and a strap and then something to sit up on to get your hips higher than your knees if that is an issue for you .

And if you're kind of tight in the lower back or the hamstrings , something to sit up on is really , really good .

So we roll out your mat and let's get started .

So we'll begin today standing at the front of the mat , big toast together heels , slightly apart to Dana or Mountain pose and then just start to come into your breathing .

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So , breathing in and out through the nose with a little constriction in the back of the throat as you breathe , making the breath both and which means steady and comfortable .

There's a lot of Sanskrit incorporated in our Ashan practice , however , I'll be thrown off by it .

It is just traditional .

This class won't be as traditional as it could be because we're doing a beginner's Ashan class .

But I just wanted to give you the heads up .

So we'll start traditionally with the invocation and our invocation is invoking gratitude for our practice and gratitude for the teachers who brought us our practice and that we're grateful that our practice is healing for our bodies and our minds .

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So I'm gonna do call and response and you'll have a moment to call , respond back with the invocation if you'd like to join .

So first we'll take an together , bring the hands together in front of the heart .

Exhale everything out and in oh oh oh one day , one day um out of a day , Santa Sweet .

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So day I say ha ha um share a some to Pran a mommy tan .

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Oh exhale your hands down , saluting the sun .

Si no mask .

A a come inhale , reach up , do a exhale fold .

Nini and Hale head up .

Chari exhale , stepping back and lower knees can be up or down .

Punch inhale cobra or upward dog and shots exhale back downward facing dog breathing here for one pull in through the belly .

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Exhale two , exhale , three , exhale , four exhale and five step or hop your feet forward .

Inhale a exhale fold .

Now are inhale , reaching up , exhale again , ache I inhale .

Do a exhale , inhale his head up .

Chari , exhale , stepping back up or down inhale or cobra shots .

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Exhale and a down dog breathing one , pull the belly in exhale , arms , shoulders distance feet , hips with two exhale pull in the belly .

Three exhale four a hill and five supped up .

Step or hop the feet .

Inhale a exhale .

Fold .

Noah , inhale .

Rising up .

Exhale .

Must he ?

Let's do one more .

I inhale , reaching up , do a exhale hinge from your hips .

Three inhale his head up , chari , exhale , stab or float back for punch .

Inhale .

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Press up long breath shots , exhale stretch all the way back for one exhale .

Gaze between the knees too .

Exhale , firm the leg muscles .

Three ax hill , four exhale and five step or hop your feet in here a to exhale to fold .

Now , ah inhale .

Press for the feet , rise up .

Exhale B we're going to take the first one modified .

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So a inhale bend the knees do a hill inhale header , Tari exhale stab or float charter under punch , inhale , pressing up and shots , exhale back .

So inhale little modification .

Right leg lifts , exhale , swing it all the way up .

Take the back foot down , inhale via then exhale .

You can always go right to down dog if you want to skip it .

Puncher in here charts here .

Inhale the left foot up , exhale step it all the way through .

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Spin the back heel down , rise up , inhale veroa shot exhale and lower trio inhale up to and exhale back for one .

If you need a break , take it take the knees down .

Push the pause button .

Two , a help .

Pull the belly in and up .

Three , inhale a hill for inhale .

Ask him and five punch at a shaw step or hop your feet up in here showed a shot exhale to fold .

So at a shot bend your knees , inhale , arms reach exhale .

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So we'll do one more this time .

We won't lift the leg first ache and inhale and the knees do a exhale and exhale stab or float back shoulders no lower than the elbows .

Punch , inhale shots a hair right foot steps back , foot is flat .

Inhale warrior .

One just one breath A X hail lower back down or go to down dog puncher in here and shots exhale septa left footsteps back for his flats in hell .

Reaching all the way up .

Do a shot .

Exhale and lower back down elbows in .

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Try take your breath in aha back for one inhale .

Ask him to inhale three inhale XL four .

Inhale a hell and five punch at a shaw step or hop your feet inhale showed a shot .

Exhale full forward .

Sued at a and the knees and Hale arms reaching up , exhale and step or hop your feet hips with a part .

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Make sure the outer edges of the feet are parallel a come inhale .

Look up lengthen .

Do we exhale hinge from the hips ?

Take your big toes with your first two fingers , wrap them around , bend the knees as needed a come inhale length and look up a hill fold .

One , if your legs are straight , shift forward over the balls of the feet .

Two exhale , lift the shoulders gently .

Three a hill gaze off the tip of the nose for exhale and five inhale his head up .

Exhale , bring the hands to the hips .

Inhale all the way back up and exhale to take a quarter turn to your right step , your feet out wide , right leg out , ache them .

Inhale , heel to arch .

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Arms reach , do a exhale , bring the hand down to the shin or use a block for one looking toward the left hand as long as it's ok with your neck .

Exhale and two , he'll relax the shoulders .

Three hell four exhale and five Trini inhale , come up feet to parallel to the left leg all the way out hill to arch , punch a exhale coming forward again , hand to shin or foot or a block .

One X , they'll press into the big toe mound of your left foot too .

Aha .

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Three lengthen the side body exhale for Aha and punch out inhale to come up .

It , it gets a little tricky .

So we're gonna square up the hips and shoulders to the front of the mat .

Grab a brick .

If you have one , take it to the inside or the outside of the foot inside is a little easier .

Make sure these toes are facing the front left corner of the mat , right hand to low back , inhale a do a exhale length and out and down , inhale to lengthen here , exhale and twist for one try and keep the hips level exhale .

So you can always have the block over on the other side .

Give you a little more room to X here 3.5 ax .

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He'll lift the pelvic floor muscles and the belly for exhale and five Trinny inhale to come up , bring your block along square up the hips and shoulders toward the back of your mat .

Set your block down .

Make sure your right toes face the right corner , left hand to low back , inhale and Shatori exhale the right hand down , twisting or one .

Aha .

Again , keep the hips level .

So we keep pulling the right hip back too .

A I'm sorry , that was your left hip to pull back through a hell four exhale and five punch inhale and come up , exhale back to the front of the mat .

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A inhale another big step to the right and the right leg all the way out .

Do we exhale ?

Make sure you're healed to arch , lean forward , take form to the thigh or the hand to the little toe side of the foot on the floor or a block .

One exhale , pull in the belly too .

A he'll be sure to sneeze right over the ankle .

Three a hell four a hell and five turning inhale .

Come up , take the feet to parallel , turn the left leg all the way out .

Chari exhale , lean out again , take forum to thigh or hand to the block or floor for one .

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I asked him pinky side of the hand is down , thumb up two exhale trying to turn the belly up toward the ceiling .

Three exhale four aha and five punch inhaling up .

So again , we're gonna square up the hips and shoulders to the front of the mat .

Pick up your back foot , make it point the front left corner of the mat .

It to ache .

Inhale .

Do we exhale ?

Make sure this knee is over the ankle , bring your left arm across and twist .

If it's too hard to keep the back foot down , then you can pick up the heel otherwise keep it down one X help pull your right hip back too .

Exhale , lift your left hip .

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Three exhale , press through the outer edge of your back .

Foot four a hell and five Trini in Helena , then square up the hips and shoulders to the back .

Make sure you're heeled to heel or wider .

And Shatori exhale left knee over ankle , right arm across and twist .

Pick up the back heel if you need to .

When exhale left hips , pulling back to exhale .

Why in the chest three aha , four exhale and five puncher inhale to come up , exhale back to the front of the map .

S A A gum inhale .

Step out again to the right feet parallel now , toes in a little bit hands to hips .

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Inhale , lengthen , do a exhale , hands down and help pull the chest forward .

Training ax , how kind of the head is reaching toward the floor ?

Doesn't have to touch for one ax .

He'll shift the way toward the balls of the feet .

A little .

Lift the shoulders too .

Exhale three .

Inhale .

Aha .

For and help a hill and five inhale his head up .

Exhale , bring the hands to hips .

Inhale the long spine , come back to center for c position .

Ache them .

Inhale your arms out .

Do a exhale , interlace your fingers behind your back or hook your thumbs .

Inhale , open up to the chest .

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Trinny , exhale forward one A I can confirm the legs too .

A help pin the outer hips in three .

Exhale .

Four , exhale five , inhale all the way back up .

Exhale , release the hands and step back to the front of the mat to pars ache , inhale , bring your arms out , bend your elbows , either press your fist together or your palms behind you , step your right foot back .

Now , pivot all the way to face the back of the mat .

Then walk your right foot over to the right , make sure your back toes face the front left corner of the mat .

Inhale length .

Then do a exhale .

Come forward per one .

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Pull the right hip back , press into the big toe mound .

Two , lift the shoulders , exhale , try to avoid rounding the back but lead with the chest three , exhale four a hell and five training inhaling up , turning to face the front .

Now , walk your left foot over to the left back toes , come around , go heel to heel or wider chari .

Exhale forward .

Once a he'll pull in the belly two a hell three .

And him next here .

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Four , asked him and five inhale to come up , exhale back to the front , little balancing posture .

It's a variation of pad .

Hey , come and he'll pick up your right foot .

So Choi says , either take tree poses or take the right heel toward the navel .

Drop the right knee down , wrap your right arm behind you , grab your left arm or hold on to your shirt .

Two exhale , pull the belly in three , exhale .

Find a spot to focus on , helps with balance four next here and five in here and exhale .

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Release shots left foot , either into tree pose a foot above or below the knee or heal toward Naval point .

The knee down , wrap your left arm behind your back .

One ax .

He'll drop the left hip down , pin the right hip in two exhale .

Lift the chest three aha four a hell five inhale and exhale back to we're gonna come through to the floor .

So a inhale , the arms reach do a a full forward and head up chari , exhale stab or float back .

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If you float back , be sure to land with your elbows bent in chatter punch inhaling up shots , exhale back septa step or hop through and sit and we extend the legs in front .

If you're finding you're rounded through the back , then you can sit up on your cushion or blanket , whatever you have .

Drop the chin too .

Three exhale , firm the legs pull the toes back .

Four exhale and five , reaching for your toes .

If you can or use your strap inhale to lengthen and astro exhale to come forward .

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Two here , three aha four X here and five inhale his head up .

Exhale to release Disha cross your ankles , press down , pick up anything at all and then sit back down , extend the legs in front for you're gonna bend your right knee right foot onto the floor right hand behind inhale left arm up .

Exhale either wrap it or take it across for one inhale .

Sit tall ax hell twist to pull your left tose back .

Exhale three inhale .

Ask him for in health .

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A here five , inhale his head to center exhale to unwind .

They shall switch straight in the right leg , bend in the left .

Take the left hand behind inhale .

Sit tall and punch it shall exhale to twist for one inhale .

Sit tall , exhale , twist a little more if you can two , pull your right toes back from that leg .

Three here , four exhale and five inhale , head to center and exhale to unwind , cross the ankles , press down , pick up anything at all hands just in front of the hips and then sit back down for feet flat , sit up nice and tall hands behind the knees , sit back , lift the feet for one , you can stay here or arms by your sides .

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Two exhale , just make sure you're not round in your back .

Keep your chest lifted .

Three exhale , four exhale and five coming down will lie onto our backs for bridge posts .

So taking your feet hips with outer edges of the feet parallel , press down into the heels and lift into bridge and keep the hands flat on the mat or roll the shoulders under an inner lace .

One turn away from the chest to spiral the thighs and like you're holding a block exhale three , I could tell .

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Four a hell and five coming down , press a moment , we'll take one more .

So make sure the heels are under your knees , feed our parallel , press into the heels .

Inhale , lift up either palms stay flat or interlace the fingers roll the shoulders under for one .

Help keep the belly lifting to reach your buns toward the backs of the knees .

Exhale three .

Aha , four exhale and five .

Come on down .

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Hug your knees into your chest , gently make circles on your low back in one direction and then the other way and then if you can roll back and forth to sit up , do that , otherwise roll off to the side and press up your head coming last , extend the legs again and again , if you find that you're rounding in your back , you'll sit up on your cushion or your pillow , whatever you have , reaching for your feet or use the strap inhale lengthen .

And so be sure to not let your head drop down , but keep extending too .

So you're looking toward your ankles .

If you're up a little higher , look at your toes .

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Three , exhale , four , exhale , five inhaler , his head up , exhale to release , lie back down .

We're gonna take a shoulder stand variation .

We're not gonna do full shoulder stand today .

We inhale .

Here are your choices .

You can stay right here or you can lift up a little bit higher and just hold your buns off the floor , but we won't stay up all the way till one , a hill to pull in the belly from the legs .

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Three exhale four and five , bend the knees , take the feet down to the floor and then lengthen them out , bring your hands right underneath your hips .

Now , press into your elbows and lift your chest up with your elbows underneath you roll your shoulders back and then look back for one .

If your head can reach the floor , let it reach .

Otherwise any amount , two , I ask how much he asked in a three exhale .

Four and five release hug in the neat again .

Roll off to your right to set up or roll back and forth coming all the way up for headstand variation .

If you practice headstand , go ahead and use the walk to come up .

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Otherwise , interlacing your fingers , take your elbows no wider than the shoulders , place the very crown of your head onto the floor .

Then tuck the toes and lift the knees .

Walk in .

Now , practice pressing your shoulders away from the floor , pressing more weight into your arms .

So there's less weight on your head .

Two belly and you can even practice pressing your head off the floor here .

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Three , lift the shoulders for make sure the elbows haven't gone wider than the shoulders and five back down the child's pose , rest and a couple of breaths here and then looking forward , we'll make our way into chari position or knees can be up or down punch , uh inhaling up shoulders above wrist , shots , exhale back and through to see .

So sitting up nice and tall , some people might have the open hips to take lotus .

So right leg heel and then take it across , left on top or right .

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This could hurt your knees .

So unless you've been doing it a while , chances are , it's much better to just cross at the shins and then taking your elbows behind your back , sealing in the benefits of practice in him and exhale .

One .

Feel free to sit up on your cushion here as well too .

Three tail four and five , inhale to come up for Yana Mudra , first finger and thumb together , connecting with our internal wisdom , our internal teacher one to drop the chin just a little pull in the belly .

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Three , lift the pelvic floor muscles for and five release our last posture is where we pick up our lotus .

So if you are on lotus , it's easier to get everything up .

Otherwise just lift your buns up .

One pull in your belly can round them back a little here if you can get your feet up too .

Go ahead .

Two , three , four and release them .

So our closing chant , it means may administrators rule the world with law and justice .

May all things that are sacred , be protected .

May the people of the world be happy and prosperous peace and we will do common response .

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Oh mhm Swati Praha , dear Parry P and Tom my hair , my hair .

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So now two and then together who and Shanti means peace .

Let's lie back for and rest .

Sometimes it's the hardest posture to take , to do your best to relax .

Let your feet FLP open your arms by your side , your palms faced up , come to natural breathing , quiet , mind and quiet body .

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It start to take a longer breathe in on your exhale , begin to make movements and your fingers and your toes , your hands and your feet take a long stretch to the arms and legs and then bend the knees rolling off to your right side .

Pausing here for gratitude for all of our blessings and then slowly make your way up to see it .

So our quote today is from Shrike Pata Joyce who created the ASA practice with his teacher .

He said , awake my dear , be kind to your sleeping heart .

Take it out into the vast fields of lights and let it breathe .

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Bring your hands together hands to the forehead , reminding us to have clear and loving thoughts , hands to the heart , reminding us to have clear and loving intentions and hands to the mouth .

Reminding us to have clear and loving communications , sending out this positive energy that we created to all beings everywhere .

Now must stay .

Thank you so much for joining me today .

Push the like button and don't forget to subscribe and tell your best friend .

You guys could do it together if you want to delve deeper into the Astana tradition .

It's a beautiful practice .

I have a course that I made with my teacher who studied with Shriek Cape Tubby Joyce many times and I would love for you to join me there .

So the information is below .

Also , I'm planning to do a class in Amsterdam .

Perhaps wanted to see what you thought about that this summer .

So let me know what you think .

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If you can afford a donation of any amount , donations are what help us to keep making these videos and we are so grateful .

Have a great day .

I'll see you later .

Bye .


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