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2023-07-19 14:27:13

Yoga For Beginners At Home 30 Day Challenge (Day 6) 15 min

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Your spine is the very center of your physical being .

As we learn how to open and move it with the breath .

The spine comes to its optimal posture and feeling start on all fours , coming to a back bent on all fours .

Lift your sitting bones , lift your chin and your chest .

Gaze over your nose , tuck your tailbone and round your back .

Howl your belly , press down with your hands and feet broaden the canopy of your back .

Inhale into a back then and exhale into a hunt .

Use your arms and legs inhale into a back bend , open the chest , exhale into a hunch .

Come to a neutral spine .

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Wag your tail to the right .

Look over your right shoulder , wag your tail to the left , look over your left shoulder again to the right , come back to the center on your inhalation and exhale to the left , back to the center one more time to the right .

Come back to center and move to the left and back to center with the neutral spine .

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Inhale , come back to center , tuck your toes under , inhale back , bend your spine , chin and chest and sitting bones , lift , exhale , move to a bent leg downward facing dog , long waist with bent legs , gather your front , lower ribs , spread your back , lower ribs , reach your waist long and cut all your legs out .

Right heel , left heel , feel your breath , feel the rhythm a couple of more times .

Now with your right leg bent , move your right knee all the way over to the left .

Open up the left side of your torso .

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Inhale , come back to center ground to your right heel , bend your left knee and move it to the right side .

Bend the right side of your body one more time , bend your right knee and move it over to the left ground through your left heel .

Look under your left arm pitt , come back to downward facing dog , bend your left knee , take it over to the right side , bend the right side of your body , look under your right arm pit downward , facing dog , straight legs and extended arms .

Gaze at your legs .

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Walk forward between your hands as your feet get between your hands , bend your legs , slide your chin and chest forward , lengthen your waist , bend your legs a little bit more and then slowly straighten your legs and release your head .

Standing forward , bend , bend your legs , slide your chin and chest forward , straighten your legs back to standing forward .

Bend one more time in hell .

As you bend your legs and look forward , lengthen the front of your body , draw your belly out of the tip of the tail bone , ground your tailbone , reach your legs and hollow your belly as you bend forward , bend your legs to chair pose , make it easy , but make your whole spine open up into the reach of your arms .

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Then a side bend with a little bit of a forward bend and then come back to a straight side bend , then move into a little side bend , back bend , Looking under that left arm pit back to a side bend and come up to volcano pose and left arm , right arm , left arm reaches right arm reaches left arm reaches and then reach both arms up feet together , standing back , bend , swan , dive forward all the way into standing forward , bend , bend your legs , slide your chin and chest forward , left foot back to a lunge right foot back to point position , firm your abdominal muscles to support your lower back .

Support the pose with strong arms and legs come to all fours , crush your right chin over your left and roll through , lie down on your back .

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If your hands don't reach the floor , folding over the straight front leg , you're on your heel toes will point up on that left foot , pull the left hip back , rebind it , return to your knees and move the blocks the other way .

If they're there and move the blanket , if it's there , make your way into extended child's pose , extend the arms .

Remember , hips don't have to all the way back to the heels just as far as they can .

So I'm gonna turn and spread out the fingers , press the palms onto the floor , turn the inner elbows forward as you come up into down dog with the knees bent and then start to reach the right heel down .

Keep the left knee bents and switch left heel down , right knee bent and then just bicycle the leg bending one knee and the other at your own pace .

Remember to check in with your breath .

Now , today , I will take the legs as wide as the mat with the legs wider .

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Take your arms off your head , extend the right leg and left leg along the ground lengthen through your waist .

Get a really nice opening to your lower back , elongate more bend your right knee into your chest , then drop it over to the left , feel the entire spiral of your spine , breathe , gathering your arms and legs into the torso and yet widen your torso .

Through the reach of your knees and elbows .

Inhale , return to center , hug your right knee again and then extend it back to pond pose , reaching your legs , arms out to the side , bend your left knee into your chest , lengthen the back body along the ground and then bring your left knee over to the right .

Feel the complete twist from your bottom heel , reaching to the crown of your head .

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Notice your breath brought back easy twist , active body inhale , come out of the twist , hug the left knee into your chest , elongate the back body .

Bend both legs to constructive rest , take your hands and it was them behind your head , curl your head and chest up as you extend your right leg of foot off the ground , bend the right leg back .

Now extend the left leg of foot off the ground .

Reach , bring it back right leg again , reach the back of the leg .

Lift a little higher and then left leg , bend both legs into your chest , hug the legs as your body lowers down .

Now with the head in the chest , holding on to the ankles and the feet rock on your back .

Feel your abdominal muscles being used to round the spine as you rock rhythmically forward and back .

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Dog arms are shoulders , distance the feet , hips with spin the inner thighs back and remember knees can be bent as you inhale , come forward into plank , top of a push up , knees can be down or up but make sure your belly is lifted .

Exhale back into down dock , look forward , step your feet all the way to the hands .

Inhale , lengthen , exhale , fold in hips over heels .

If the legs are straight , press for the feet , rise up on the inhale some exhaling .

And Dana again , I'm gonna do a little balance but first grab a block and put it between your inner thighs .

We did this the other day and then reach your arms forward .

So this is basically , this is Plank pose , ok ?

We're not on our hands , of course , but just this is how the body is .

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Now , cross the right shin over the left and the left shin over the right .

Keep rocking and changing legs with each rock breathing rock up to sitting

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So instead of letting the hip open , drop the outer hip down , now that's level hips look forward , we're gonna step it all the way through by the right hand , it may not make it if it doesn't , makes it halfway , pick it up and step it forward .

Stand on the ball of your back foot .

Blocks are hands on the blocks .

If you have blocks or you can rest your hands on your front leg , then reach your right arm up for a little twist , but pull the right hip back .

So we want to keep the hips level and then we'll release that and step the right foot all the way back to plank from here , gonna hold it and then shift back to down dog .

I remember arms and ears in line , left leg up .

Don't let the hip open today .

Sometimes we do it .

But a lot of times if we just want to practice level hips , it's better for the lower back , then look forward .

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And if it doesn't make it there , when you step it up , just pick it up and put it forward , knee over ankle , hands on blocks , or you can rest your hands on your thigh .

Pull the left hip back .

Now , if you do have blocks , you'll add the twist right hand down , left arm up .

Otherwise you could hold your left hand .

I'm sorry , you could hold your right hand on your left leg released and then back to plank .

Top of a push up .

Knees can be down , remember or up and then lift the hips coming to down dog .

Good .

Press the weight up to the hips down to the heels , arms and ears are in line , pull the ribs and belly in , then look up and step your feet to your hands .

Take an inhale , look up to lengthen , exhale to fold , press down to rise up on the inhale .

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As you exhale , turn to the long side of the map and stop your feet out nice and wide .

But you know , if you could throw those really long fingers , they'd be right , touching your ankles .

If you have a block , bring it to the center , point your toes in toward each other just a little then inhale , open up the chest exhale hinge from the hips to come forward .

So notice the spine is long .

We're not rounding the back hands on block , inhale , lengthen .

Or if your hands reach the floor , you can have your hands on the floor , then you're gonna have your left hand right below your forehead and reach the right arm up for a twist .

Try and keep your hips level .

So drop your right hip down a little .

Now , you could take it deeper if you have the flexibility , left hand to right foot or just moving a little bit or grabbing that foot , whatever works , remember , create length and then twist and back to center length .

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Then again , on the inhale , the right hand will stay down under the forehead and left arm lifts and then as you inhale , create length , aha .

If you want to go deep or you can take that right hand over to the left foot or over to the floor , wherever you would like on inhale creates length .

Aha , twists and then back to center .

Now create some length here on your inhale , walk your feet in a little so you're stable , grab your hip bones and come all the way up with a long spine .

Gonna take a breath here .

We gonna keep the feet as they are pointing in a little from the legs .

Inhale , lengthen , exhale fold .

This is called pro a lengthen as you inhale .

Try and keep your spine as long as you can on the exhale , crown of the head eventually reaches toward the floor .

If you have a block , you may be able to rest it on the block .

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Maybe you won't , it doesn't really matter again .

Never matters how deep but make sure you try to lengthen the spine instead of rounding thinking you got to get your head done .

That's not important .

Inhale , lengthen , exhale hands to hips , come on up as you inhale , step or hop together and back to the front of the mat as you win him , sweep the arms out around and up ribs in exhale , fold forward , keep those ribs in and the belly lifted .

Inhale , come halfway up length and through the spine .

Exhale , step back into plank post , top of a push up chest forward , tailbone toward heels .

Pull the belly in a lot this time .

Let's take the knees to the floor , shift forward a little bit .

Hug your elbows in and lower all the way down .

Try to touch everything down at once .

Inhale cobra , peel the chest up .

Hands are by the low ribs .

Toes point straight back .

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You can come up higher if it's ok on your back and then come back to the knees , tuck the toes downward .

Dog stretching back , arms and ears in line .

And then I'm gonna come through and sit and then on to the back and hug your knees into your chest and gently rock yourself side to side your low back , little massage .

Now we'll take happy baby pinky toe side of the feet .

Draw the knees toward the armpits .

Remember if you can't reach your feet , hold on to the legs like that .

You can also rock gently side to side if that feels good .

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And then I'll take your arms to a tee and drop the knees off to the left , turn your head to look right , unless it bothers the neck and then center on the inhale , exhale , knees to the right and look over the left shoulder and then back to center , we'll make our way into our final resting post and let the feed flop open arms by your side , palms up .

If you've got a blanket handy , you can always rest your head on a blanket if that feels comfortable .

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And especially if your chin is higher than your forehead And it's good to rest your head .

I'm sorry , your forehead is higher than your chin .

No chin , iron forehead .

So anyway , relax rest .

I'll be back in a moment .

Today's quote is also from the , another quote about yoga .

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Yoga is deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow .

Yoga is deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow .

Start to make movements and your fingers and your toes stretch out through your arms and your legs and now bend your knees , roll yourself off to your right side and pause a moment for gratitude .

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Think of something you're grateful for today and then let's press up to see it sitting on the edge of the blanket if you wish , bring the hands together in front of the heart , hands to our forehead are reminding us to have clear and loving thoughts and hands to heart center , reminding us to have clear and loving intentions and the hands to our mouth .

Reminding us to have clear and loving communications .

Let's send out positive energy to all beings everywhere and I must stay .

Thank you for joining .

Don't forget to subscribe .

So we have these yoga classes because it is our belief .

My husband and I work together , we believe that the more people practicing yoga , the better the world will be .

So , help us spread the word and share the videos , leave us comments .

If you'd like to support us financially , we can , you can donate .

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There's a link below or go to Fightmaster yoga dot com .

There's a donate button there .

Also an Amazon banner .

If you shop at Amazon , it doesn't cost you more to go through it .

Bye bye .

See you around .


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